My cat is the Supreme Gentleman


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And this is how, me the Supreme Gentleman, defeated a semen demon and prevented her from taking my virginity

My cat went bat shit berzerk on a female cat that had been bothering him, but he only hit a little pine that was between him and her, didn't really accomplish anything, didn't even hit her once

little pine?

OP means a baby tree

One of the better greentexts I've seen good job OP you aren't a faggot.

Can you screencap it so I can save it?

OP, you should take you cat to a cat brothel, or get a female cat for him.

Is your cat castrated?

Reminded me of this.

how do I embeed?

Embedding was removed because pedoshits refuse to stop posting CP embeds.

Please don't turn this thread into pedophile drama

I'm just stating the truth as far as I know, pedos make plenty of threads where they get into arguments over it and I'm sure another will be made in response to this, it can stay there hopefully.

OP answer please.

Nope, his balls are intact

We're most probably going to, we just can't do it yet

It was pretty much like that, just that the female didn't retaliate and my cat missed all his hits except for one or two, still, kek

Thank you user

I saved the story on word, I spent way too much effort to just abandon it

Trips confirm, kitty is going to a brothel


As in CP on YouTube? You're fucking retarded, it was taken away because of the anime spammer and Holla Forums

Cat pornography?

How quickly the tide turns!

Do you see the square around the volunteer tag? That means it's an impersonator.


Jim did it, not me.

color: #F00000;

Fuck turns out I was the retard after all.

Yeah. Basically you get trolled by the BO though people pretending to be BO