Anything destroyed cunt/ass female
Anything destroyed cunt/ass female
Nice of OP to share all these pics of his mom.
No problem
that 3rd one is pretty hot
the only hot thing in this entire thread, who fucking wants to look at wrecked cunts?
Why would someone go out of their way to condition their body to the point that they can't have regular relationships?
There's a point where no man except the hungest of the hung will be able to pleasure you or a fucking horse will be the only living things you'll orgasm from??
Are these people training their bodies to be only pleasured by the largest and thickest dragon dildos or some shit???
At what point will they stop expanding their vagina, until it rips apart????
Being a 'cumbucket' or having a 'broken gaping vagina' is actually a huge fetish among women.
I guess its part humiliation, part 'self harming' to make yourself undesirable for men. Many women gets off to that.
Your bepsi means nothing to those women.
absolutely disgusting
the feeling of 'tightness' comes from pelvic floor muscles, these people just need to do their exercise and they'll have tight meat curtains
babies make cunny floppy
What is this ?
hopefully she don't get infection due to microtears in her fascia
Self-harmers should be killed, right after all women
Chasing the dragon