Fans of Death Note are complaining about "whitewashing."

In the upcoming Netflix original Death Note movie, Light is being played by a fucking white male and fans are pissed.

They seem to have no problem with a black guy being cast as L. Why is blackwashing ok?

White man's burden.

Netflix: literally Nazis.
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Stop bullying us genetically superior white males or the president will say something mean about you on social media!

No such thing exists.


What the fuck, that doesn't make any fucking sense. If you cared about diversity then characters Asian characters white? Oh I see, you want to do a story where an "intelligent," "ingenious," "Good looking," nigger plays a cat and mouse game where he hunts down a white, psychotic, sociopathic, murderous freak.
L was half Asian, yet they cast him black because diversity. What fucking cucks at Netflix.

Anything that will cuck anime is good in my book.


Top kek. I wasn't sure if they'd complain because of the nigger but the madmen are actually doing it!

t. Cuckold

Remember when anime live action adaptations were done in Japan by Japanese in Japanese?

I loved Death Note (inb4 raging fags) but I'd never ever even bother pirating a movie that aims to BLACK me through my screen. They should go fuck themselves, I have plenty of movies and anime to watch and I'm not gonna waste my time on one with a nigger as L, lol.

Remember when only a tiny minority of films were pozzed?

I remember 2017.


Wow, I know how I could finish Anime once for all! Just ship in a few millions of niggers, they will destroy any whole on the island, and their stupid work policies in the process to!

Death note sucked tbh fam

If you hated most people on earth you probably would've liked it.

Jews invented film you retard.

Jews invented masturbating, movies, the air we're breathing, electricity, the internet, and being lazy.

It would have been a more fun story if he had used the book to false flag political assassinations and start WWIII tbh. Japs have little creativity.

Jews are based, what do you have against them inventing so much? Maybe it's because you pale virgin NEETs have never done anything of note.


White people are finished goy, accept it. And once we get rid of you we'll kill the rest of the goyim.

Do Japanese-American actors even exist?

They want faggot Sulu playing Light?

We get it jewboy, you have an inferiority complex. You dont need to keep reminding us.


Who gives a fuck. Light is some sweaty zukerberg and L is some fucking BLM faggot

So they've move on from complaining about whitewashing of Major from Ghost in the Shell to whitewashing of Yagami, yet I didn't hear much them complaining about making L black. Or are they afraid of being called racist just like people who complained about the black gunslinger for the Dark Tower movie.

It was going to be shit regardless of who they cast.

Yeah and they already had their live action japanese death note movie already. Didn't watch it myself but I heard it wasn't good. If these death note fans were complaining about whitewashing, they can't because they've already got a live action death note with a japanese cast.