Deep Underground Military bases, Walmart tunnels and FEMA camps, wtf?

I just came across this the other day while randomly looking through videos on YT. I'll post some of the vids I saw:

There are a shitload more of them if you search "walmart tunnels" on YT….

I know this isn't new but has anyone been keeping up with it? A lot of the vids seem like blatant fear mongering but some of them seem pretty legitimate. I always thought the sudden closure of the 100+ walmarts was kind of strange. Then I found out DHS/NSA was involved with their closures, and how they lied about plumbing problems and then gutted the stores. Somehow the "tunnel theory" passed by me and I just heard about it the other day.

I'm just creating this thread to hopefully gather some more info on it and was wondering if anyone can debunk or confirm anything about this whole thing.

I'm not, I honestly think this is plausible and interesting. If you can prove it's 100% fake, please cite your sources. Thanks in advance.

Not OP, this was copied from a thread on /n/ that was so heavily pelted by shills it seemed oddly suspicious.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm glad our infrastructure and readiness is better than I expected.
gas yourself kike

I like how your sources are youtube and you dare say "cite your sources". lol

Are these the videos that show pictures of the Channel Tunnel and call them the "Walmart tunnels"?

I think the myth of the thousand-mile Walmart tunnel network comes from this one video where some guy talks to a truck driver at the entrance to Springfield Underground in Missouri (a former mine turned into warehouses where food can be refrigerated for a fraction of the cost of above-ground warehouses) and the truck driver talks about driving thousands of miles and the guy with the camera interprets it as meaning "thousands of miles underground" but I think he was just referring to how long his mundane above-ground trip was.

The Walmart/jade helm/FEMA shit is like 2 years old. Don't get me wrong, I love me some tinfoil but it ended up being fucking nothing.

It's cute that you just found this.

kys op

Sure are a lot of tinfoil i mean that in a good way threads today.

You forget yourself, user. Nothing ends up being nothing.

Remind me how nobody notices the metric megatons of soil that would need to be excavated for this to work?

I mean at least the user last year going around subway stations with his water bottle seismo had the point of the trains just running on the same tracks.
As shitty and stupid as that was given he can just build an actual force gauge with an Arduino now…

Still, why is nobody walking around with a portable ground penetrating RADAR and showing that?
Its frankly rather easy to do, and would go quite far to answer the question.



Makes sense



They also voted for Lyin' Ted Cruz during the primaries. They have it coming.

Fuck off kike, your shitty ass forced meme isn't gonna catch on.

There was a Walmart in my hometown that got converted to a noname bioresearch facility about 5 years ago. Nobody is ever parked in that enormous lot…

Not even me, guys. I copied this from the OP of this thread.


I was interested in the topic but the board just shits itself.

Yeah the FEMA shit and Denver Airport bunker shit got old fast, but this is the first I've heard of a Wal-Mart link.

how dare you let walmart fail in your hometown, you unamerican commie

walmarts and malls/shopping outlets have been perfect for fema for years, you summertrash piece of fag.

It's just, I try to ignore the whole FEMA camps thing. Too close to home, so I never heard of it involving shopping centers before.

I'd much rather keep track of more pressing global events like the Rape of the West and David Paulides.

It could also be that the Walmart didn't fail, they just built a bigger one on a bigger lot nearby.

So you want this to be a Phil Schneider thread without saying it?

RIP Big Philly Style. Ban Assault zip-ties.

no, it was last year and it was real training for military personnel in a first world, civilized nation in conflict.

jade helm was a tongue in cheek play by the kikes due to the bundy ranch thing being over a particular tortoise's land, according to the feds. remember, they were going on around the same time.

Nobody including the people who presumably work there?

Live in NW Arkansas (Home of Wal-Mart)

Knew a friend in my teens whose dad was very high up in Wal-mart. Friend was 15 and had an H1 (popular and expensive at the time.)

Anyway, driving one day we passed an unmarked building with fencing all around it. His dad told us it was where all the Wal-Mart data was stored (transactions, accounts, etc) but it had a large underground portion to the building that served as a place for the higher ups in Wal-Mart to go to if shit hit the fan. Said there were generators and food stores that would last years for many people.

Looked it up on google maps and found it.

Walmart North Data Facility, Hanover Drive, Pineville, MO


Buy American buy local.


Well Wal-Mart is heavily linked to the Militiary Industrial Complex.

Many walmarts are placed in strategic locations around the country and some have huge underground resources.

In the near future they are going to be used as military depots.

I can't find the exact video but there are videos of people trying to see what's going on in walmart and why there are metal fences around it, but the soldiers inside are threatening to shoot them.

Spooky shit.

The Fema camps are not for the bad goyim but the good. They're planning to purge us with a virus and WW3.

The Phil Schneider interview is a legit source, whether you believe him or not…

Those enormous sounds in Dubai at 10:00 are incredible. Huge distant sounds always evoke something strange in me. Anyone recognize that feel?

11:48 makes my heart stop. BLOWOUT SOON type of thing

Does anyone know the tune from 13:06?

Sounds like a vuvuzela.


Sounds like a train with a locked up wheel.

alright m8 let me have my fun

We have IDs, Chaim.

Time for some urban exploring, user.

There's also shopping malls designed to become prisons/detention centers, with guard towers, etc.

its a train stopping

They built a walmart in my hometown last year.
It was doing really well and making more money than it was expected to.
They suddenly shut it down along with several others in nearby towns for no apparent reason.
The brand new building was closed down after being operational for only a few months.
It was really weird.

Who are the good goyim?

It could have been Union activity. Walmart shuts down stores where unions are active.


Holy shit, I remembered this. Wasn't that thread about train tunnels beneath some university?

I work in some industry where I have seen many important and not so important buildings go from foundation to complete.

This started in the 90's

These modern buildings are being built not only as stores but as shelters and command and control structures.

Its part of a low cost low impact program to ensure continuity of command and control of military forces. This decentralizes command and control. This is what the internet was originally implemented in the US government for.

Standards in building codes have been enforced to the level where these building are standard in the following.

Generator cut-over power capable
Fuel storage
Air filtration units built in
Double door entrance areas for contamination scrub areas bio/chem
Copper banding in roof
Roof and walls encased in sheet steel. (these buildings are faraday cages)
location location location. almost all stores are along Main Supply Routes

Its a pretty good idea.

They're building vaults. It's like Fallout, for God's sake. The US government is not giving the impression of a bright future!


where can we search what keywords can we use maglev? subterranes come on dammit;

Reminds me what that CIA civil engineer said about the nuclear-powered drillers making underground railways very deep underground in the U.S. that connected a lot of cities
Strange guy, he had some cool narratives that were highly contrasting with his ayyliums stories

Sounds interdasting. Got more on that?

Reading OP's sources i realize it is the same guy, Phil "i killed fitty greys" Schneider
It's been a very long time i don't hear about him, i though he was rather obscure in Holla Forums due to his far-off stories

But beneath all his fluff he said some interesting stories, very obvious today but kinda enigmatic back then (mid 90's), about the black/military projects getting absurd budgets to redirect it to shit that would otherwise cause mass scare if known
One of those being the nuclear-powered drillers, long seen as unicorns, but my pop, an engineer specialized in oil drilling, said he heard many rumours from higher ups (CEO's, executive suits) about absurd machines that could work on massive amounts of pressure and heat, but rumour as in mouth-to-mouth jokes. He said he heard some very-high placed Schlomberger guy pulling banter about them in a party, so i guess it can one of those inside-jokes in the industry that may or may not be true

Checking in Zoggle it seems that it's a kind of popular topic among loonies

Reminds me of the Tunnels series by Roderick Gordon

Hollow earth

Are you even trying NWO shills? :^)

that's not how proof works

neither is that

Waaayyyyyy too many people work at Walmart for massive underground tunnel systems to fly under the radar.
Also Walmart as a company is run like shit, all of the employees hate Walmart so they work super half-assed.
If Walmart was pulling some shit like this there would be thousands of people blowing the lid off it just to spite the company.

Only merchants post cuck porn, Schlomo.

Maybe OP should suck a little less cock then

Pretend this is real for a second, do you think they would be telling their minimum wage dindoos what they're doing?

They would just close down the store to "fix the pipes" or some shit any nobody would be allowed in.

The US military is preparing for a domestic war against the US citizens. Really the globalists, the military is likely to revolt and they will bring in foreign mercenaries.

To keep the banker oligarchy in power. They own the media, government, oil companies, GE, general electric, three corporation controlling 70% of global grain supply and so on.

The military and special forces equipment is being back doored, so that the oligarchy can pull the plug if they revolt.

At the end of the empire, the ruling families always descend into depositism and tyranny and torturing their own citizens to stay in power.

Both China AND Russia AND the globalists are tying to balkanize the US and EU. While the globalists are trying to balkanize Russia and China. While China is trying to balkanize the US and India.

The underground tunnels were build in the cold war. They are underground railways. They are because in the event of a nuclear war, that the rail and highway infrastructure would be destroyed (or from bombing), cutting off logistics.

Therefore you have to build underground logistics and transport, that cannot be bombed or nuked.

In the civil war, it will allow the government to blow up the highway system, to monopolize control of food, movement of people and resources. While allowing the corrupt, pedophile, banker elite controlled government to move its troops and supplies around.

Deny logistics to enemy (the US public) while keeping your logistics intact.

We are ruled by a banker oligarchy, that sees the population as human cattle that exist to serve them. The whole government and society is structured that way. Its a human slaughter house and the United States is a plantation.

They issue the money, charge the government interest on it and then the government taxes the interest back from the people. Every dollar in taxes you pay, goes to pay the "debt" owned to the bankers who print the currency at interest. Every dollar the government spends is "deficient" and more debt to the bankers.

Your a slave.

Democracy was created to stop slave rebellions, because the feudal peasants were starting to revolt every four to six years. So they just give them figure heads, but control both sides.

Always remember you are living in a slave system. As the legitimacy of the rulers declines, they will go from soft propaganda and brain washing, to violence to stay in power.

Anyone who opposes the oligarchy is a "terrorist" and will be tortured or executed. Protest is "low level terrorism", supporting Ron Paul or opposing the government is terrorism.

Eventually they will just flood the country with immigrants, gang members, muslim brotherhood members and then just start paying the gangs to execute lists of people they dont like (environmental activists, journalists, whistle-blowers, politicians).

They will herd people into cities with violence, so they can better control you. Better tax you. Extract more labor out of you.

Nothing has changed in thousands of years. It is the same plan. Read Plato's republic.

Michael Duke, current CEO of Walmart
Born: 07 December 1949

16 Pinnacle Drive, Rogers, AR 72758
35 Champions Boulevard, Rogers, AR 72758
Phone numbers:
(314) 434-9262
(479) 271-0793

SSN: 253-84-7021

Samuel Robson Walton, chairman of the board of directors
Born: 28 October 1944
101 Sky View Dr Nederland, CO 80466
774 Mays Blvd # 10325 Incline Village, NV 89451
101 Skyview Dr Nederland, CO 80466
402 NE F St Bentonville, AR 72712
SSN: 431-76-8327



Its not underground truck routes.

Its underground trains. They built most of the infrastructure in the 80s. They probably have automated logistics by now.

Russia and China have the same thing. China built an underground railroad, through the mountains, all the way to the border of India, into the contested muslim separatist region, to move troops and supplies.

The reason you build underground, is that everything above ground can be bombed or nuked.

Israel has underground hospitals.

Beijing, Shanghai, all major Chinese cities have massive underground infrastructure and bunker/storage space.

Russia, the US and China all have their military bases and command and control centers inside of mountains, under miles of rock.

Google has data centers on the bedrock.

The banks in NY store the gold on the bedrock.

The tunneling machines, melt the rock. They are powered by a nuclear reactor, that was designed for aircraft usage. They are operated by a company called EG&G out of Nevada.

The federal government is not monolithic. All of the wealthy families have their own infrastructure and even own factions in CIA and own military bases. They have their own regional strong holds.

Some of the mansions in city of London, have +50,000 sq-ft of space underground, going down 15 stories.

Dick Cheney's house, had people blasting and blowing up rock under his house 24/7 for two years. The neighbors were complaining and they said "utility upgrades".

These governments have UNLIMITED MONEY. They are a mafia. If the bankers go against them, they will end up "commuting suicide" by shooting themselves in the chest in their garage by "shooting themselves" with a nail gun 60 times.

You do not even know. The top level of government is death squads, assassination, mafia, plausible deniability and just lying. The congress and military are not even allowed to know about the NRO, NSA and SAP programs.

No one in the congress or government is even allowed to know they exist or what they are doing. You have no idea how fucked up it is.

When the two senators opposed the patriot act, they received anthrax letters from a CIA bioweapons lab.

You can go on amazon and buy a telescope and it is computer controlled and you can look at the some of the satellites they put in orbit that do not officially exist. Some of them are the size of a school bus.

Once these people get robots, once they do not need us anymore. They are just going to kill us. If you protest, they will just spray you with a biological.

Humanity is sort of pathetic. Letting these people rule over you. Being so passive, disorganized, so easily distracted and confused. Having such a difficult time accomplishing your goals or making real change. So easily accepting of the lies and the system that was given to you.

The only thing stopping them, from bring in full tyranny and a slave state, where they just execute anyone who disagrees or complains. The only reason they are keeping the facade of democracy and the big lie up. Is that they fear a revolt in the military and they still cannot keep the population under control, although they could easily genocide most of the people on the earth if they had to.

Once they have robots and drones and do not need to depend on national loyalties, you will see the reality come out.
This video brings up some pretty unsettling facts about Walmart.

What happens when there's no need for 1337 loyalties either? Just as easy it is to betray their nation, these people can and will betray each other. If the future is going to be people squatting in tombs while sending out drones to shoot at other people's drones which are operated from similar tombs then it doesn't sound very fun for anyone involved.

Yes. I researched this heavily.

I talked to both sides and people high up in China. I talked to Mossad people. I read the books the whistle blowers published and spent years sorting through the PSYOPs and bullshit.

The all empires are run by elite blood lines. The rise and fall of the empire is the rise and fall of particular dynasties.

As the empire begins to fall apart (and it does like clockwork, lasting about 250 years), the blood lines and top level groups will begin to murder each other and devastating civil wars will break out.

The Chinese call this "The Warring States Period". That is what they are preparing for. A multipolar world, where everything is balkanizing and where it may take a hundred years for a dominant global power to reemerge.

The US oligarchy knew it would be in decline and fall, as soon as the 1920s. They knew they would decline in power and fall, around the current time. So they have always been preparing to build a new empire in the ashes of the previous world order.

As the world order and dominant hegemon (the "wu") falls, the elite will begin to go at each others throats and grab local territorial power.

The last thing the western powers, will do is an act of mass destruction, to set the stage for the next hundred years. They are going to position the pieces on the board and rearrange the demographics, to define the playing board for the next stage of the game.

Plagues, famines, bioweapons, mass immigration, civil war.

Then a hundred year war.

And what are you doing here when you could be getting drunk with your elite china guys


I'm saying any truly organized conflict won't be like any organized conflict of the past, just like how WW2 was nothing like WW1 and WW1 was nothing like any previous war and so on. Instead it's going to be people sitting in bunkers for a very long period of time. I don't know why someone would do this to themselves.


It will be a missile war.

At the on-set of the conflict, everyone will dial in their targets and all the infrastructure (power plants, communication, water sanitation) will be destroyed.

Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam are missile bases to be used against Chinese naval vessels and to level the infrastructure in the mainland.

Israel is also a target of the globalist anglo saxon faction. Kissinger announced, that in ten years, that Israel wont exist.

I think Holla Forums has reached maximum shilling and is just in denial of reality. It has become a bubble, like the SJWs and just a circle jerk with predetermined conclusions.

Divide and conquer, lower the signal to noise ratio. Attack anyone contributing anything of value. Flood with bots.

The top 5% of users, who contribute all of the content worth reading at systematically attacked and alienated and driven out.

Another graveyard.

I agree with this statement.

However, you are a jude, so you only said something useful unintentionally.

I do think this is an excellent topic for all patriotic citizens of the USA to study. The ability for a well regulated militia to militarize their infrastructure to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic is vital in this era of evolving threats and combat scenarios.


Holla Forums needs to get together, put in $10 a month, from 10,000 people. Get land, green houses, CNC machines, water, etc opens source infrastructure.

However, Holla Forums and whole internet is so cucked, that it cannot organize or do anything.

While the people in power can do this at a whim and get large infrastructure projects going.

The peasants are peasants for a reason. No amount of memeing or posting gifs to the internet will save you or change your life.

Unless what you do, has an effect on reality, then its meaningless. Ineffective. You need to find effective actions, for achieving goals, then need to execute them. The people here are not prepared to do that.

Right, but have you factored in the Targzissians or the Biaviians?


That Phil Schneider guy is making me want to play some X-com. The guys a pretty good story teller.

I'm curious if these people are just really good liars or actually believe the stuff they say?

He was killed for what he was talking about so there's something truthful about it.

Fuck. I want to live in an abandoned walmart base with underground tunnel access.

who knows, maybe he was mixing his work with a bit of sci-fi, maybe it was some crazy guy who believed he was an alien and Phil was outing him… or maybe it was just suicide.

I doubt it.

I'm just now watching the guy, was there proof there was an attempted assassination?

Henry Kissinger said that Israel wont exist in ten years.

They do what they say.

They tell you what they are going to do (like immigration), then you slaves and sheep and children, ignore it. Then you passively accept it. Then you start to furiously tweet and bitch about it and then they finally give you a new leader, who promises to solve the problem they created.

I am embarrassed for humanity.


Aliens dont exist. There is no evidence for it.

Aliens were created as a CIA PSYOP. Look at report from Iron Mountain and Operation Blue Beam.

We have government leaks and whistleblowers saying that UFOs were experimental aircraft, to be used as a government PSYOP (psychological operation).

The CIA runs the alternative media. If you see UFOs or anything about aliens, that is not backed up or which is stated definitely, then its CIA. They want to make reality unknowable.

There are however radio signals that were received, from other star systems and many star systems had television and radio signals, but that was covered up.

Look up Pine Gap and Tavistock and the radio antenna array that Rockefeller funded in Australia. There are whistleblowers about that, in the local Australian news papers.

They found artificial radio sources from other star systems, that were modulated so that the radio waves were shifted to correct for the Earths motion and Doppler shift. Also integer dispersion metrics.

The only thing in the underground bases, is inhuman experimentation and Rockefeller bullshit. Mass surveillance experiments. Nazi type medical experiments. Chemical and biological weapons testing. Human animal breeding experiments. Everything massively illegal and disgusting, done by the oligarchs.

"oh ya, thats the UFO base! The aliens". The started publishing that shit and pushing that out there, after people began to talk about what they were doing there.

Its CIA PSYOPs. They mix in real information, with fake information. To discredit information that is true, that was leaked from other sources.

They want to associate real things, with UFOs and bullshit that is unverifiable. That is how you cover up and deny things by association.

Whistleblowers at SETI also leaked, that SETI was setup by Tavistock, to intentionally NOT FIND any signals. So they could pretend they were looking.

The name SETI is even occult and reveals the intent.

Tavistock determined that if people were interested in the signals coming from other worlds, it would limit the ability of the oligarchy to control the information inputs to people's minds and destabilize and undermine the control of the oligarchy.

They want you watching television, smoking marijuana and masturbating into your oculus rift. They do not want you learning about real history or the history of parasitic oligarchies, slavery, war and parasitic banking cartels.

China has built several, very large radio arrays and I have the feeling that they will make the announcement first. It will be massively destabilizing in the long term and undermine the authority and legitimacy of existing power structures.

Jesus fucking Christ. Everyone does "ebil" experiments you infowars fuck.

Who even writes like that? The guy's a moron.


The enigmatic thing about Schneider, regarding the stuff i saw in a program in a old paranormal channel, is about how batshit insane his stories were, but out of nowhere the guy pulled evidence which partially proved some stuff or other
A piece of metal he had was analysed by some canuckolds in a geo lab, in which they gave the certification they didnt knew what the fuck was that thing
His story about the Great Dulce War, in which some spook shoot him with a Dragon Ball-esque ray and cooked his shit up, sounds silly. But the guy had a VERY rare form of bone cancer which acts very slowly, his left side was partially disabled and had a bunch of fucked up burn scars, apart from actually not having fingers in his left hand and foot, along with no nails
There was 2 testified attempts, one was a drive-by shooting incident in a freeway that got in newspapers, i think he got shot in the leg or something but i dont remember (memory-holed due to newspaper cuts but no digital record) and some guys saying he wrestled some dudes when a convention was over
His suicide is also sketchy as fuck, not because he said if he pulled suicide it was because they killed him, but because the guy was in a wheelchair due to cancer in the last month, and he pulled some outrageous act to hang himself from the ceiling fan, even when he couldnt walk nor use his left hand, and did it with a tie or something instead of using rope he had in his tool shed, plus his shit disappeared

Even if his tales were fake, he was an interesting guy indeed with all the stuff he found and suffered from, along with persistent topics and inside jokes (in quotes "haha", aliens smell like shit and sulfur, "no penis either", "sadly no casinos there")

You get the point. The sort of human testing the Chinese and the Japs were notorious for. Seeing how many mosquitoes it took to kill a person, studying people closely as they die of hypothermia, injecting people with various diseases to observe and study them, etc.

Obviously he says that because he knows damn well in ten years it'll be greater Israel.

What advantage does a nuclear-powered drill have over a conventionally-powered one? The drill will either way have to use materials to withstand the same heat.

This. Are we talking about machines that melt train sized channels thousands of miles through deep earth or what?

why are submarines nuclear powered?

they never need to refuel and can go basically forever

Wait a fucking second remember the blue collar comedy tour wasent that sponsered by walmart? Larry the cable guy Had that catch phrase "get it over with". He even made a bit about the strange monty python people that apparently walk around zomnified like we have seen. What gets me is the blue collor comedy show that was on comedy central had a bit where they had a bigredneck robot that would pump his shotgun if told Hillary Clinton was gonna be president. That hadd to have been a good 10 years ago are you still telling me there is nothing to this

Targets have targets on their roofs they are gonna be the regional wardens (masonic invention) facility

Merged about a years worth of didding and little snippits of info into o 1300 pages on DUMBS and martial law

Also OP I copied your thread and put it on endchan because I am so Into this and figuring it out so if this 404's gthere will probibly still be the thread there


I think the subterrena is masonic.

Also has anyone else noticed more of these conspiracy slide threads popping up recently?


these people are not from here.

It's easy to fall into the trap of believing every conspiracy you see after finding out about the JQ.


Lets put it tthis way considering I may be used to spy for the illuminati or something after this happens because I have been on them like a jackrabbit I still would not want to be in these places its a shady civil war of old money and we have only our sorrow to live for if they somehow actually tighten the thumbscrews and impose this on people. It would be like living in a cartoon world and just having the animation slayed away from you by a live action axeman. there is nothing in this for you dupes you know who you are those who posture this shit postulate how much effort your life would really be now everything is hell and no one will ever leave you alone you are like daddy you need to cut this shit out and let your frustration on the upper middle class to keep your cronies on their toes. Next time they are sucking up to you you ask yourself is it the starving or these people who are parisites,

I agree every city has at least one cold food storage facilty,there usually big and tall warehouses,do people really beleave diary and meat items travel from point A to the store?

where do you think they get all the dirt for landfills.

meant for

It must be a secret fema base. There is literally no other reason why there would razor wire around the top of a mall or cops patrolling.

I remember going on a school trip to inner harbor in baltimore. we went to a nearby mall. it had legit prison style guard towers inside the mall. the kind they watch and control cell blocks from/retreat to in case of riots.

fucking niggers man.

Russia reactivated some weird autonomous drill project (essentially to build hardened shelters quickly and on the spot or possibly rapidly rescue miners) these last couple of years. It popped up a couple of months ago.

To be honest. All of the secret military project, stuff is on the internet.

The nuclear powdered tunnel drilling machines, were built in the 80s. For the cold war. The papers and documents and initial design document, temperature, pressure, power requirements, testing and so on, is public and you can just google the papers and download them.

These people have unlimited budgets and everything that can be built, has been built. Not everything however has been reduced to production.

They were talking about machines, with tungsten hydraulically actuated tungsten flanges, that were heated by liquid metal. That would melt the rock with pressure and heat. The machine inches forward like a worm, with two rings. The back ring grips the rock and the the other ring pushes the apparatus forward.

It leaves a perfect, glass like tunnel. Does not have trailings or blasted rock that needs to be removed. Or can melt the rock and extrude it behind the device for removal.

Some of the engineers who worked at EG&G, posted information about the devices and said that the engineers would not go near the machines and that many of the workers who operated them, died of radiation sickness. The airforce nuclear reactors, were designed for planes and were not shielded completely.

The people at the top of the govt and the BIS people and people who run these programs are not stupid. They are extremely powerful, dangerous and completely unaccountable. They have unlimited budgets.

They have yearly meetings with science fiction writers to dream up new devices and then have them built. Some of the things that they had built, were dreamed up by people on DMT and were impossible to build with existing technology and methods, but they did it anyways.

The base humans, the peasants and human cattle do not have to think about these things. They just need to watch their televisions, pay their taxes and go to work to get the money your masters created for you.

There is a whole realm of technology that the public does not know about and that is jealously hoarded by the elite. Knowledge is what keep these people at the top of the crab basket.

Interesting… any good, reliable sources to learn more? When searching for I immediately get bombed by aliens and subterranean cannibals and stuff.

Never heard of Phil Schneider, his stories sound like absolute BS, but they are fun to read
Phil Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosive expert. Of the 129 deep underground facilities Schneider believed the U.S. government had constructed since World War II, he claimed to have worked on 13. Two of these bases were major, including the much rumored bioengineering facility at Dulce, N.M. At Dulce. Schneider maintained, "grey" - humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians. In 1979, a misunderstanding arose. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified nurnber of "greys. It was here he received a beam-weapon blast to the chest which caused his later cancer.

What do you hope to accomplish by planting these seeds in our heads?

"The Happening"
"End of the World"

These were all Tavistock PSYOPs. Keep people in fear, passive, uncertainty. Uncertainty delays action.

If you think Jesus is going to return to the earth or that the "Happening" is going to happen tomorrow, then you wont fight for improving your life, becoming more educated or getting your rights back or taking power back from those who will rule over you.

It is called "The Long Crisis".

Humanity is pathetic. Once you know what is going on, you can only look down on the rest of the humanity. You are forced to acknowledge that the elite are right.

You can tell the peasants the truth, about how they are controlled. The truth about reality.

They do not care. They just do not care. They will event attack you for telling them. The truth is no threat to the elite, because the population has been dumbed down so much.

You cannot understand what is happening and go back to live with the sheep. Its a one way street. You either join the power structure or you are alone, isolated. Watching helplessly as the lemmings march over the cliff.

They put rat poison into the water and the sheep say "MMMMM Its good for my teeth!". You wreath in agony, watching the stupidity of everyday life and the magnitude of each deception.

You realize that this has been going on forever. That for society to change, human nature would need to change.

Just to fit into society without being ostracized, you have to don the sheep skin.

The elite are fundamentally right. Most of the human population are cattle. They are children. They are missing parts of the brain required to understand social reality. They are a population that has been bred for slavery for thousands of years.

There will not be a general salvation of 'man'. Small, elite groups, may conspire together and achieve common goals and seize power, wealth and prosperity, for themselves. However, there is no salvation for the mass.

You realize that Holla Forums and the libertarian movement is pointless. That no salvation can come from mass politics. Only through choosing goals and then taking action towards achieving those goals, collectively and with others of the same disposition.

Why do you bother telling us these things? Are you hoping that one day the cattle will prove your assumptions about them wrong?

All of the empires are the same too. Israel, China, Russia, the Anglo Saxons. At the top, the psychology is the same. The people are the same. The ideology is the same. The people who ruled Nazi Germany were at ease coming and instantly integrating into the US power structure at the end of WWII and when the Soviet Union collapsed, the rulers just moved to the US and instantly integrated. The top Chinese and US families are identical in goals, objective and psychology and have built identical power structures.

The Chinese may be complicit in a "war" or even being provoked into attacking the US, or enabling the invasion of Iran. On the understanding that Russia will be back stabbed and destroyed, with the Anglo group getting their "World Government" and China receiving the territory gains in South East Asia.

The level of conspiracy and backstabbing and insanity at the top levels of "government" are so insane, that they are impossible for a normal human to imagine.

Israel says they wont attack Iran, until after Syria is gone. The Anglos are threatening Israel because they are not starting the war with Iran fast enough.

Turkey (NATO ally) is getting constant coup attempts, because they are taking Russia/Chinese money and sabotaging invasion of Syria. They wanted to overthrow Turkish government, then have them invade Syria, to cause crisis.

They need to take out Syria, because they can go into Iran. They need to go into Iran, to cut China off from oil, to draw them into the war. (they did the same thing to draw Japan into attacking the US in WWII). The US needs to draw Russia or China into attacking the US, so that the US military can be destroyed and so they have a pretense for their "global government' to fight China and Russia.

The Anglo group NEEDS a war. They wont be able to ban encryption, disappear dissidents, censor the internet and remain in power, without a war. They NEED a war. They NEED to get China or Russia to attack them. They will provoke China/Russia into attacking them and even bribe the Chinese leadership into attacking them and offer them Japan and the Philippines and Vietnam for cooperating.

They NEED to get rid of China and Russia and destabilize them. They need to wipe out the remaining empires and crush any country or region that aspires to challenge their hegemony.

After they wipe out the competing powers, then they will turn to murder their own population and getting rid of anyone who opposes their tyrannical dictatorship.

They NEED a famine, plague and to induce massive crisis, to get people to do what they say. They need people to be hungry and poor, so they can hold out benefits for those who submit to oppressing the rest of the population and maintaining conditions of permanent poverty and desperation. They NEED new technologies of social control and distraction. They NEED new ways to keep the public fragmented and diving them against each other, to destroy the possibility of a unified attack on the oligarchy.

The people with power, will NEVER give it up voluntarily. They WILL do anything, necessary to keep it going.

Ignore the "kill all jews" and focus on improving your life, your health, getting clean food/water and building a community of people who have similar aspirations. Stop looking for messiahs and saviors or waiting for the happening. Stop waiting for Trumps or Ron Pauls to save you. Do not try to save slaves, that are happy with their enslavement.

Set your goal and march forward. The news, porn, media, Trumps, politics, marijuana, video games. All of this is a distraction from reality.

I think there are less than 150,000 people globally, that have escaped the control matrix or who even care. I think a very large percentage of the population will go down with the ship. They wont make it to the next stage.

Its important that the public is unaware, that they are not prepared for the crisis. The public needs to be disorganized and needs to continue maladaptive responses to the stimulus imposed upon them. If the public is prepared or the crisis is not severe enough or the public is organized instead of fragmented, there is risk that the public adapts to the crisis or go in a different direction, instead of accepting the solution the elite have provided for them.

The elite are getting very desperate.

slide thread.












Thank you for taking the time to write your posts. Do you have anything else to add?








Bump, to annoy the shill. (Probably a mod)

Nothing. I know that it wont change anything.

I know why society is structured the way it is and that it is unlikely to change. That it has not changed and that changing it, would require a change in human nature.

You mix in true, with untrue information. You mix in real military programs, with cannibals and aliens. To discredit the truth.

That is a classical PSYOPs technique. That is how they control rumors. They know people will leak information, when you have thousands of people on a project. So they salt the earth with "aliens" and bullshit.

Now they have microphones in the street lamps, microphones on all the buses, microphones in your car (OnStar), microphones in your work (IoT), microphones in the airports, microphones in your television (voice commands, uploads to remote server).

So soon maybe, they will be able to trace all the leakers and whistleblowers in real time and eliminate them. Or threaten them into silence. You wont be able to say anything, to anyone, without it being picked up.

The internet today is under complete lock down too.

In the 80s and 60s and 40s and so on, the leaks were the same, but they didnt have the infrastructure and tracking/surveillance stuff they have today.

They would put people on projects, then "disappear" them, in a staged theater. To create an atmosphere of fear, to keep the other workers silent.

Read Plato's Republic. The whole media and the alternative media is completely controlled.

The internet introduced cracks in the control grid, where information could exist that was not controlled. Those cracks are being patched.





Okay. So you're saying they basically put it in a hole, turn it on, then come back a year later? Or is this some peak oil -tier shit about not having resources later? Nuclear subs' power lasts about 20-40yrs (depending on design). So if we have a drill that lasts that long, or even 100yrs, then what?

We really need to get into space before we waste this planet's resources on subhumans.

Will do.


Yeah, he's a clown box, but his personae grew because he had the actual bizarre injuries, his strange cancer and that he died in a very, very hard way to believe it was all by himself
And the thing about his stories is that today one of them, a certain base under a Mount, is confirmed, there's an underground base there, DUMB or simple bunker, when back then it was still unknown
Not Dulce, i meant a random one, that being Chocolate or something, i dont remember the name

I don't believe him but he reminds me of the batshit insane UFO guys from the mid-90's that talked crazy stuff but out of nowhere talked outlandish but actually very beliable stuff, very contrasting
Good ol' Bobby-O Lazar was another one, crazy bluff but then said coherent things, and even at some points named the jew/spoopy cabals (science is funded by private groups of the same people too, and they keep some of the stuff for themselves, tax money can't pay all of this)

Why don't you just take a hike bud

Why do you think so many people are willing to believe in Aliens, and other PSYOPs?

The sheer amount of spam and sliding in this thread is proof that someone is posting information that is valuable.

The internet was give to you (to track and control you, not to liberate you) and It can be taken away.

All of the hardware for the last two decades (the CPUs, firmware) has kill switches at level of CPU and bios level remote firmware updates, to brick the computer.

The internet (all AMD/Intel, Windows/oSX) computers, globally can be bricked at the push of a button.

This would presumably be used at the onset of a war, to cripple the enemy. Or could be blamed upon foreign hackers, as a pretense for war and introducing martial law.

The internet backfired and is the primarily threat to the control of the oligarchy. They are likely to destroy the internet.

You MUST invest in hardened linux operating systems.

You MUST archive files and information you want to survive. Do not assume that the web-severs or cloud storage will exist or be available in the future.

You MUST invest in open source hardware.

You MUST invest in new, secure networking protocols, that do not rely upon the existing internet.

Find a book called "Treason: The New World Order", by Gurudas. Find the section of the book about the books being destroyed in the Library of Congress.

Will do, I'm saving your posts for when the mods inevitably nuke this thread.


I will personally hang you on day of the rope by your entrails.

That, or the resident nihilist schizo got triggered hard.

Asses and Elbows is different than the sodomite spammer. Someone get his dox and we'll sort his fate out.






How does it feel to know you're gonna be eating shit in less than a hundred days?

No one is reading your posts, mate. You're filtered. Get a vpn for more effective spamming.

i will fuck you in the ass



I bet you can't even taint these pepes with your poz loads you gay fuck

Is it safe to click these?

Of course. They are premium pepes after all, thoroughly cleaned, washed, and inspected by me.

t.Pepe Investor

get over here neg let me show you how a real bug chaser operates

Here's another good pepe. Take solace in the fact that N5RGY2LUMVZGC5DFMQ can't poz anything remotely pepe related because it'd kill them.

You have 96 days until you get gassed.

i will fuck you in the ass hard emo trash


I have reported you to the cyberpolice and they will now backtrace all your shit. Even a few other reports, too. Have fun being assraped in jail for CP.


i don't post chicken neg

my thoughts exactly. Especially the part about the CNC machines. The American government is trying to take the guns away because the know an armed populace is hard to rule over. I think that's a clue to why learning how to create guns - and any other goods, really, is a good idea. Add 3D printers to that lists and think about putting together a database for 3D printed items.





No. The human cattle have been studied exhaustively. Thousands of studies, down to diet, genetics, population, demographic level. The elite know exactly how the public will react.

There will be a crisis and a problem (that they create), then the public will demand a dictator/leader/messiah (which they will provide).

They did studies, showing that they could starve the population to death and the peasants would only riot or revolt sporadically and basically accept it.

The majority of the population is so cucked, do dumbed down, so drugged up, that they do not even have the capacity for survival. They are completely domesticated humans. They are completely codependent upon the aggressor and will beg and plead with their master, even as they are beaten to death. They will not stand up.

In fact, the more they are abused, the more they will love the oppressor and create rationalizations. That is what the vaccine check points, getting police to shoot/beat random people and drawing blood at the side of the road and TSA is about. They did studies, showing that the more they physically abuse the population, the more the population will create rationalizations justifying their abuse. The public will begin to love and defend their abuser. The public will ATTACK anyone who tries to fight the people sticking a rod up their ass at a TSA checkpoint. To remove cognitive dissonance.

The elite are not worried that the public will revolt, from being under physical assault. They are worried that the abuse is not being ramped up fast enough, to cause the trauma and cognitive dissonance they need.

I am saying this, not because I expect human nature to change.

In fact, they tell you everything they are going to do, publicly. The public does not even believe it. They are REQUIRED, to tell you. Everything they do REQUIRES the passive consent of the human cattle, or they are unable to do it.

Do you really think 4000 people have the ability to directly control hundreds of millions, billions of people. To control their actions, their aspirations, their focus and behavior. If even 2% of the population pooled money and resources together and turned in a different direction, the whole system would fall apart in a year.

The herd of human cattle is only kept under control, through controlling their aspirations and focus and what they pay attention to.

There is a book "Why Things Are The Way They Are", by Erica Carle. That explains the control system.

People today are so screwed up, with so many weaponized beliefs designed to level and destroy them, that I do not even know where to start with deprograming them.

If you took out their current programming, someone else would just reprogram them into something else. They are human biocomputers, the Golem. If this elite was not programming them, then another elite would be.

You could program them to eat their own shit, if you studied them enough and controlled the media. At least 90% of the population would do it.

The elite know this. They are in power, because they are more ruthless, organized, intelligent and cunning. They have a better model of reality. They make no apologies for nature. They do not fall for the delusions they produce in the masses.

Immoral, focused, intelligent, organized, effective. They have an iron will to bend society and reality to their desires. They have an unconquerable energy, will to power and a unwavering focus.

The same personality flaws that drove them build the existing empire, is what drove them towards over expansion, surplus oppression and eventually collapse.

Even as the empire falls, they plot to build a new empire from the ashes of the old.

I am sure, that no matter what happens, no matter the state of civilization. No matter nationalism, or globalism or anarchy or empire, the same people will come out on top, regardless of the situation you put them in. The same people will be at the bottom and the same people will be at the top.



project blue beam was based off of an old star trek script that was never used.

i agree with you that there is an e.t. agenda to get the public to believe in aliens and that we do have ufo technolgy. but phil schneider's case is legit. he could have been subjected to mind programming techniques to hide the real truth about what he worked on in that underground bases.

I'm enjoying your posts.

I already filtered that spam faggot.





Same. Post more.

Any opinions on Trump? Wild card or controlled opposition?

Even the elites can't draw swastikas right.

The Chinese recently invested 300 billion in the U.S. real estate market. It's rumored to be part of a money laundering operation. Perhaps related?

It kinda sorta looks vaguely like a Swastika if you ignore the other runway and taxiways and draw one red line (bottom left) where there's pretty much nothing to draw over.

People who work on classified projects, in the top level SAP projects. They tell them that UFOs exists or that they are working for aliens.

It is better than telling them that they are working for pedophile bankers, who are trying to nuke China/Russia and establish a global slave state.

They tell them "Its for attacking objects coming in from outside of the solar system" and hint at aliens. Instead of saying "its for destroying Chinese satellites and ICBMs, so we can nuke them off the earth, without them being able to even fight back."

Each person and unit gets a separate UFO story fed to them.
- It makes them easier to control and filters for people who will believe lies easily
- The different alien stories make it easy to identify which project or person is leaking or spreading rumors
- The alien information, helps discredit the whistle-blower, if they go public

The CIA would dress up like aliens and have a ray gun battle, or they would breed hairless midgets and keep them underground to freak out the contractors and people who have to work on the underground base.

They would use the same PSYOP on the government officials.

"Aliens demand XYZ" sounds a lot better than "pedophile bankers are demanding XYZ".

They would play the same PSYOP on the government leaders. These people are some of the best liars on earth. They setup elaborate theaters like the 9/11 attacks and it is unbelievable how good they are at scamming people.

There is however, evidence and whistle-blowers showing that radio signals from other star systems were detected and are being covered up. That was leaked in 1994.

The Hubble Telescope also found that there were planets around most of the star systems. They took the telescope offline for two years, to figure out how to cover up, whatever they found.

If real aliens have visited earth and attempted contact with humans, it explains why they would be building systems to blow up any object approaching Earth. Expose to information they do not control, is fatal to the oligarchy.

If other species had anything to say to us, the only thing they would say, is that if we do not get rid of the oligarchy, our species will face annihilation. The earliest alien contacts (before being popularized in media), reported said that is what was told to them.

Then it was hushed up and the PSYOPs stuff started and the whole thing was muddled. If there was real contact, they would hide it, while creating fake aliens that they controlled, to be used as a PSYOP.

Nothing coming out of media or government can be trusted. You need to be deeply cynical, while enumerating all possibilities.

Also, the pentagon had people taking DMT. They wanted to determine if the entities were real. They had people memorize large numbers, to take to the DMT entities, to have them factor the large numbers into primes. They were trying to figure out if the entities were real.

DMT artificially induces experiences very similar to alien abduction. However, people have come back from these experiences with technology and source code.

There are bio-electric and magnetic effects in the human body and a lot of classified things. Things you can only know from experience and that wont be public for a century.

They gave people boxes with objects in them and then had them draw pictures of what was in the boxes, using some kind of remote sensing. They trained them to do that and studied the effect.

It is also possible, that memes, thoughts and behaviors can be transmitted electromagnetically. That they have studied that and are weaponizing it, in order to control the population.

You have to develop experiments and test it yourself.

If the results were good, they hid it and tried to discredit it publicly. If the results were bad, they promoted it everywhere (like remote viewing) as part of the "New Age".

We are completely in the dark about reality. We only receive technology or information, if they think it makes us easier to control. Otherwise, progress is discouraged or attention misdirected.

Until humanity becomes self-directing, we will never escape the slave system.

Honestly, I personally believe, that the only thing that has stopped them from starting a war of annihilation and preemptively destroying Russia and China and killing four or six billion people, is that there are competing factions. We are all lucky to be alive.



anybody have a link to PDFs of Erica Carles books

There are multiple factions in the government.

See Graph

Trump is faction #2. Faction #1 is fighting with faction #2 and #3 for control of the US government and bureaucracy.

Then there are some misc groups like the Mars family and billionaires and people going off in other directions.

The first faction will likely be removed. However, Rothschilds are always on both sides. They ALWAYS win, no matter what happens. They are incredibly well hedged.

So at one level, the opposition is real. Trump is breaking the political correctness barrier, that is being used to brainwash the public. They are losing a major tool of control and brainwashing.

So at one level, Trump is real opposition and represents two factions fighting for dominance.

At another level of game however, Clinton and Trump may be controlled opposition and hegelian dialectic.

Pence ran the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), which is faction #2.

These people in the background, will create both the FBI and CIA and then have them as rivals, so they can balance them against each other. They create and control all opposition, to keep them in balance.

This is part of the Tavistock methodology. Tavistock created techniques for controlling the Soviet Union and controlling extremely large organizations and even countries, at the start of World War I.

They use "techniques" of power and group dynamics.

Tavistock and the Royal Society may even control China and the top Chinese group does not even know it.

The people at the top, are friends with everyone. They smile at everyone, while backstabbing them through an unrelated cutout or intermediary.

Their control system is incredible. It is absolutely amazing to study.

The New World Order, itself and the slave state they are bringing in, may just be so they get people to rebel and then they will create the leaders that people will get behind, to liberate themselves from the NWO. Then everyone will wave their plastic flags and get behind them and thing they are free.

They are playing inception level mind fucks. Using mathematics and psychology and now artificial intelligence and machine learning, with real time feedback and analytics. Soon their manipulation and shilling capacity will be transhuman.

Another thing, is that there is a hierarchy of cognitive ability. The people at each level, cannot even understand the levels above them. They cannot resist or even fight back against them.

Everyone who understand the system, or who is a threat, is going to get recruited and showered with money, women or power or whatever they want. If they reject it, they can do whatever they want, and the elite do not care, because the masses cognitively are not even able to understand the level of the game they are operating at.

It just goes right over their head. It takes a decade or two decades, of study, to develop the systematic thinking ability to plot at this level and control people's narratives.

It is like computer programming. Biologically, only a small fraction of the population is biologically able to do it.

People like Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger and the people in the shadows, are operating at a level that most people cannot see. Or even understand if they could see it.

The alternative media is only bringing people up one level. To the next level. However, there are cognitive levels and tactics that are arranged at a higher level, that the majority of the population is unable to even understand or perceive, let along defend themselves against.

Also, these levels are being automated, with bots and narrative comprehension software. The public is going to be completely mind raped soon. The people who survive the mind rape and can operate in this environment, are going to be gods ruling over the mind raped slaves.

My fucking sides. But really, tax dollars well spent!

Is it a coincidence that the supposed places with "alien" bases are old desertic native american hubs, who were also very heavy on DMT-use? Sounds hilarious
Also where do you get all this info/argument, bud



Long time since I read such a great post, thank you!
What do you think about electricity in case of war? Will it take years or months before it return?

In what way? Do you mean they are going to be psychologically damaged or that their perception of reality will be so warped that they have no idea what is going on in the world?

A cave is a grave.

While we're on the topic, any anons been to kiev's or moscow's subway? Shit goes down stupid deep into the bedrock. They look nice, and they made for excellent nuke shelters built during the cold war.

They shit allover nyc subway thats for sure

mineshaft gap fam

phil schnieder

I am imagining toxic weaponized memes like we have not yet seen. Like BBC cuck posting on radioactive steroids.

yeah but thats just what they want you to think

I've seen a lot flying around about old Philly Schneider but sadly no mention of Willy 'Phillidelphia experiment' Cooper.

This was a guy that always intrigued me in this area, his story, his history, his death.
I think there is disinfo in there but not coming directly from him, more that he was fed compartmentalized bullshit.

His book 'Behold a pale horse' is a decent read if you are interested in this kind of stuff.

supposedly he "strangled himself with his catheter" while only having use of one hand and being near death

No man, you got it all wrong. They have elevators that go strait to china. That's why their prices are so low.


He gave his sources. He's talked to the higher ups in China. He's talked to Mossad people. He spent years sorting through the PSYOPs and bullshit.

He's basically the next Snowedin.

you realize we have ID's right?

Aliens are real. They're pulling the psyop.

you do realize

that it's easy to see

when someone changes their ID but types

the same way

yes Dainty yes

stop derailing and bickering like faggots
go suck each other off somewhere else.

Took me 5 years. Why don't you tell them about the religious stuff that is blatant? The worshipping and blood sacrifices to entities that are all the same, controlled by a specific power. The fact that any noob can know everything and more by doing simple, basic research.

A lot of redpill being dropped here. The most important red pill is that all information is freely available to anyone with access to the internet. That's right! Any boozo who wants to know something can spend an hour on google and become an expert on a topic, depending on its size. The biggest redpill of all is that the vast majority of people refuse to do basic research unless it is mandatory (such as a school research paper where students are forced to read and insert their sources). The majority of people refuse to do basic research. It is that simple. It might sound retarded af but it is true. They just don't do it for whatever reason. The majority of people have succesfully outsourced their critical thinking skills to someone else (whether it be youtube, news, celebs, or anyone they value). They take their word upon face value and do not bother to fact check or even go into detail on things. A blatant example of this is lefties who go around saying buzzwords such as "racism" and the "gov is corrupt" (while both are true in ways, these people cannot explain in detail what they mean by it and cannot be bothered to look for reasons other than the reasons already given to them by their trusted group). Another example is blm which has police shootings of criminals that were justified. These people just say "police are corrupt" and leave it at that. No explanation in detail. Just simple (less than 140 characters) messages that they themselves do not know and cannot be bothered to explain. This behavior is seen in the majority of people (99%), some blatant as fuck and other requires more indepth research like Holla Forums type posts. People have the choice to either fact check and go into detail or take their word at face value. The vast majority go for the later because it's easier and ppl cannot fathom that there could be much more than meets the eye. They are children who are led all the time.

It's over man. The war was lost a long time ago because it is a war againts the mind, not a physical war. Ya'll niggas having even scratched the surface and never will (at a group level). The best that can be done is prolonging but you cannot stop the inevitable. The same shit that has been happening for thousands of years. It's even worse now than before so the idea that things could get better at this point is beyond retarded. It's been over for years and only a fraction of ppl will even notice it when the job is done. Everyone else will be going about their day as if nothing happened.


If this is what you believe, what's stopped you from killing yourself?

Alex Jones pls go the nazi power structure was hung at the end of the war

If you've ever worked at Walmart you will now that tunnels are used for easy fast track transport of goods and are also used for refrigeration. To be honest I've seen a lot of non-Walmart people go down there in official looking cars and have glanced at strange doors while passing in the delivery truck, but i'm sure it's electrical stuff and other things.

This we have been invaded by half chan retards

yep we're done for, just enjoy your consumerism goy, nationalism is forever dead


It is a sin.

Defeatist cunt. Keep your cancerous arrogant attitude to yourself.

The attitude is irrelevant. If only you bothered to do basic research. Go on and explain how a win scenario could occur and do it in detail with sources to back it up. Otherwise, stfu and do basic research for a change.
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.


Knowing what I know about McKenna and Huxley, I know you're not full of shit.

Any good info on those two? I know who they and that they studied psychedelics but did anything come out of that?

Prepare your anus:

According to whom?

God. Too much evidence to support that there is something out there that is divine as well as something out there that is extremely satanic (based on its actions). Every major religion advises againts suicide. I'm not about to throw it all away, especially from what I have learned throughout the years. Suicide is a one way trip. There is no turning back after that. I'd like a chance to learn more before I go. It's the only thing left in this world (knowledge) that they can never take from me. You should look into subjects that are beyond your level of acceptable information. You'll be suprised how many jew-tier "coincidences" you find. Holla Forums tier coincidences aren't even remotely close to scratching the surface. It's all just an illusion to keep us blinded and distracted from reality. God is a very difficult thing/person/entity to see in this world but the satanic entity is extremely obvious. You'd have to be someone who refuses to research (for whatever reason) to even fail to see it for what it is. Once you see it, there is no unseeing it. It is there, everywhere, mimicing god in this false world, filled with illusions. The virgin sacrifices (abortion) and the "fake" moloc rituals aren't a joke. They do these things for a reason. And that reason is not for shits and giggles. These whole system runs on secrecy. Nobody ever knows the whole truth and never will. They only know what they need to know (their job purpose). You can't fight an enemy you can't see.

Majority of people feel it but they can't fathom its existence. They just look at the insane amount of satanic/masonic symbols on the back of their $ bill and blow it off as "mere coincidence" like the sheep they are. Imagine your friend shows up one day, wearing a shirt with a drawing of a penis on it. You tell him why he has a penis and he says he doesn't see it. It is obviously there (you see it clearly; it is what it is) yet nobody sees it as you go through your day. You go back home and wonder wtf just happened. How could they not see that he obviously had a penis drawn on his shirt? Why were you the only one who saw it? Are they that stupid? They are asleep. This is how blatant it is. They are consciously asleep. They don't see it because they don't know any better. If your friend bothered to spend 5 minutes fact checking how dicks look like, he would quickly come to the realization. A lack of willingness to find for the truth is what is missing here. Without will power, we have nothing. We are slaves, programmed to do what we were made to do not because we want to, but because we are required to do so. This is why god gave us will power and we dun goofed.
Ask and you shall receive. Go around being an ignorant fool, and you get nothing. Your actions will define you. Not your words. Nobody gives a shit about your false words. If people actually stood by them, they would act on them. That is what matters here.

There is an abundance of evidence to go through. Take this route and you'll never run out of stuff to research. As a matter of fact, you'll only get more questions than answers.

Right, so just kill yourself then. Your life is pathetic enough that you come in here with a wall of text adding hardly any pertinent information, in a transparent attempt to lord yourself as some enlightened guru.

I sometimes wish there was a secret organization of humans, a hidden civilization that has developed space flight technology and is willing to give humans a ticket off this shit-show if they are able to find them or demonstrate a distinct understanding of the control structure of the human race at this time…

I just want to live in peace and true freedom, even if that means I have to join a small community off-world hidden inside of an asteroid or on a moon of a gas giant…. I just to be liberated of this system, be given genuine spiritual and emotional and mental freedom from all the games, tricks, and fears that are projected into my subconciousness by society on a daily basis.

Nothing enlightened about that. Anybody with a willingness to learn can figure it out. It is as simple as answering a question for a school research essay. Do you (a) pull the answer out your ass? Or (b) do proper research and cite?

(B) is correct. That's it. It is that simple. No rocket science.

Simple and basic research is what is lacking in humanity. They refuse to do this which is why they are being led to their death on so many levels. Nobody denies this reality, even on Holla Forums. Shit is obvious.

Let me give you an example: we are playing a board game of monopoly with millions of people, a small group controls the bank, resources, property, land, propaganda and government. Do you truly believe any change will come about using the tools I stated above?
If yes: who brings about the change? The only people that control it or the others?

How can change come about using resources and tools that are in complete control of an enemy? Do they freely hand it to you and allow you to wreak havoc?
Explain in detail…

Tua Ashemu

So you want to study a false world, filled with illusions. What exactly is there to find if anything of importance has been adulterated?

Though I don't know what you mean by Satantic. All that means is enemy in Hebrew terms.

It's called a recession, and a massive one to boot.

I don't think you know what evidence is.

Don't worry friend, we'll find our place among the stars.

the excessive use of 'research' is giving me a complex, 12 uses, 5 posts

You have to discern truth from lies. I just want to know as much as I can to try to piece together what is happening. That may seem like a waste of time to you but it isn't to me. It's a hobby.

Why are you here on Holla Forums? To shit post or to do the same as I am with your version of reality? We do it because we want truth. No matter how fucked up it may be. I want to know who, what, when, where, why, etc…

It goes by many names. Pretty much all of the past gods (by their actions). It mimics the real one in an opposite manner. A duality of worlds.

Jesus has been telling you about the jews for over 2k years. Is it really that much of a coincidence that Holla Forums's #1 public enemy for doing some of the most evil shit anybody can do are the jews??? "Mere coincidence" lmao. What a joke. Coincidences are wearing the same shirt to work one day, not over 2k years of consistent jewing and satanic worship by the elite…

Anyways, do your own research. As always. I'm going to bed

Reminds of that pic with the rabbi wearing the black cube on his head. Coincidence?

ya know, nikola tesla was the master of electromagnetism and all that, and when he died, the government confiscated his notes

guess who was in charge of that?
trumps uncle


What if you happen to know that you're related to one of these dynasties, and they don't know you exist?

What difference, at this point, would that make? The CPU and BIOS/UEFI are already dead through hardware kill switches. You have to have hardware that is immune first, before that is relevant.

This one would likely be more complicated than getting hardware. Frankly, I'd need to have already set up a tribe somewhere and it would only be useful for internal communication.

When you say things like that, it makes me wonder how many eugenicist works you have read.

Wait, what? Why are you mentioning this as a separate topic?

What is that gif from? That is awesome.

Sure, but on the other hand google controls that, so…

Like I was saying before, the eugenicist stuff is seriously important. People are still willfully denying that what we need are more intelligent people existing. Even if the dynasties have full control, it won't matter anymore if their game is so perfect that they are the only smart people left. They will only have
It worked too well

I live on Northwest Arkansas, my dad has worked for Walmart for over 25 years. My school was funded by Walmart and my friends parents play poker with their VPs. My dad may or may not hold an executive position and I've been a fly on the wall for many conversations throughout my life, even after moving out.

The closures due to water pipe issues were real, and caused a fuck ton of problems within the company. Walmart employs a lot of undesirables so their stores in areas like Little Rock are absolute shit. The people are incompetent and fuck up everything always.

According to my red pilled as fuck dad, there is no evidence that Walmart isn't one of the good ones yet. Business wise they make some questionable decisions, but at least in 2010-2013 or so, they were not aligned with the powers that be. That being said, we aren't as confident nowadays, but that is mostly fueled by annoyance and anxiety caused by media shilling.

Walmart has their own security force in this area and look out for the citizens in these towns. In the VPs I can say that the convsercative spirit is still alive.

Remember, the other reason you'll see a big box store spring up and then close/relocate within a few years is the tax deals they get.

Communities will bend over backwards to get a Wal-Mart placed near them, and offer ridiculously low leases and/or gigantic tax breaks. Conveniently, these deals make it easy as fuck for the big-box company to fuck off and relocate, sticking the community with the costs.

Has anyone made a map of the closed down Wal-Marts to see if there is a pattern? Not saying you're wrong, user, but I'd like to see something corroborating your mention of these places being along main supply routes.

Sorry newfriend, but this is propaganda. As "impressive" as the media tries to portray robots, building one to replace complex tasks critical to infrastructure will cost way too much. Robots are only scary to people who don't actually make anything for a living, because they don't understand the intelligence required to weld and machine everything they buy. The "robots will replace all labor" meme was invented specifically to generate defeatism whenever someone proposes eliminating free trade.

You realize that by definition a large company like that will push mom and pop stores out of the market right? It almost doesn't matter what their actual ideology is, because just like amazon, they seek marketshare above all else. Which means instead of going down to the market and seeing Jerry who runs your local store it's just some dindu you have no attachment to. They take advantage of creating laws that make sure a small store would have no way of complying.

Then after all that, you get welfarians moving into the newly created apartments that can easily shop at the new location. They are all shitskins and ruin everything, but at least a profit is being made!

Are you going to tell me that specifically the burger-creating robots don't exist? Because I remember several articles about robots that could let you choose your own meat percentage.

Is there any proof that Trumps supposed uncle was affiliated with that?

It never all goes as planned, no matter how much you scheme. One hiccup can completely lay waste to endless planning so I don't think all of this will come to pass at a fraction of the efficiency players want it to.

It will be a real adrenaline rush though to explore the failed safezones created.

hope i find more /k/ friends by then

You do not understand.

They do not care about "labor". They will replace that too.

They primarily care about using a robotic, autonomous drone military, to keep the peasants in line. The only reason we have nation states, is because they need a flag and nationalism, to keep the military loyal.

Drones and an automated, machine military force, will enable the elite to be completely unaccountable. They would just murder and genocide anyone who opposes them, if they were able to get away with it.

They were pushing brainchipping the military. They want to be able to turn off their brain chip if they are disloyal or revolt.

This is about how the financial elite, can keep control of the military. To stop them from revolting. Also, how force can be used to crush the peasants.

They are in a full spectrum war, to dominant the whole society. Unless there is a decentralization of this technology and possibility of resistance, to counterbalance the elite, we are heading back towards slavery.

This is about balance of power between the peasants (no power) and the elite (all power, military, economic, scientific..etc).

People are so cucked. I do not see the majority of humanity getting organized or even being able to defend themselves. They are not going to struggle for power or the right to exist. They will just die out, like all the failed aborted species which have not earned the right to survive.

Elaborate on what you said about mind rape. What will it entail?

You mean like what happens to every species? Are you dumb enough to think that humanity would actually colonize space? We are Earthlings, this is our planet, we don't get to leave it and go live somewhere else.

dude fema has new leak material every quarter. this is not old news. obama is preparing for something huge this september. marines are making yt vids saying unmarked planes with no tail numbers are delivering un troops. people are posting videos of the mass graves every week. now there is evidence of truckloads of "martial law" signs being delivered. people are posting videos of the fema camps being fully staffed. there are new orders for over 1 billion rounds of NATO spec hollow point ammunition.

you are such a fucking shill.

Post some please.

Is it happening again?

How does this fit into the masonic global apperatus in regards to the protocols of the elders of zion? Ok i have sifted through psyops as well there is a plan to stage an alein conflict but at the same time there is an actual alein conflict walmart is a parlor trick waiting to happen and please cut the bs and name the jew/masons we do not have time for this shit.

He does imply a force above the mason/jew/molochites
And my guess is that they want to uniy the world as a single group, to enter a major phase, perhaps interplanetary

This has happened before, the samurai were replaced by a new regime and their traditions die.

Dont let it happen again.

Why are they so in to cuck porn? I've notice that they push the black male/white woman thing very actively in a lot of places, and it always feels occult in nature. Does anyone know what the purpose of it is?

Is it just a meme?

The one rule is obedience to your master. they can fuck you your kids your wife and if you do anything they kill you and posibky your family they are devil worshippers its what they do.

Well, it's easy to push it due to contrast in images (obviously), niggas throwing money at it (pander demographics) and the taboo of it, because libruls or any other guy who faps into it gets turned on because they deep inside know it is "wrong", "not cool" etc but can't really look away
That same feeling when some crazy dude burned up from normal porn gets turned on with bestiality, he knows that's wrong but gets into it, thing is nigroes are seen as people, therefore legal

That same feeling can escalate, IR porn is the low level, then bestiality (same thing lol) and then getting cucked IRL
But the thing is normal people react to being cucked with shock, then a reaction of retaliation/violence. Some people who were wired differently (left-leaning, naive, nordic-based) get shocked but then aroused, you know those have problems

The real, occut meaning behind it i really don't know, jews have always been behind porn but few films from back in the day feature IR, it's actually a recent thing. I recall one movie called Behind the Green Door, or something like that, with a negro scene, the actress rejected it but he went in anyways (lawsuit followed later on) and it was done due to the shock factor, more than agenda pushing (although the film is even ritualistic in nature)
Later on the IR scenes happened due to big bucks having money from banging ghetto and went all-in for a single scene.

The Mix-Pushing Jew scheme is somewhat recent

Also baal woorship they actually trannies is baal worship too white magic is all witchcraft curses and spells/propaganda black magic is murder/violence sexual depravity and blood torture/sra. Ok now there is white collar crime and the black market these coincide with each tile and they are the black because the black is the shadow of them walking in the light the shadow of the modern man the cuck the axe murdering clown these people are the worst.

r u havn problem

The language they use though, "bull", it's entirely occult. And it ties into the fertility god/demon Baal. Who was often depicted as a black bull, and you can find lots of drawn pron (done by the same people who make cuck interracial porn) depicting minotaurs/bullmen having sex with white women.

This is something which has been around for awhile. What I'm wondering is if it's just a meme that has spread, or if it's actually occult in nature. Also why are Moloch and Baal conflated so often?

moloch is satan

they call the tunnels owl eyes because it looks like owls eyes

What, why i never thought about that, seems fairly obvious, even more when we think in the black bull thing

Baal is the old name, Moloch is the bible name for it. At least that's what i gather from fellow Holla Forumsacks
But reading about it right now it seems Baal is the old name for Yahweh, which is hilarious taking into account descriptions, and "united" even when there was a direct confrontation between both (caananites/levantines/israaelites)
It's pretty strange, and christianity made him Beelzebub aka Satan
I think it might be what some anons call the duel, reason why Jesus came and said to the jews "you are worshiping the wrong God m8s"
And then why the messianic stories are opposites in both religions
And Baal=Bull

People will sit in front of their computers, with their occulus rift. Smoking medical marijuana and masturbating while they have sex with furies and all sorts of animals, as coins pop out.

There will be hundreds of genders, transexualism, drug usage, homosexuality, bestiality and incest will be mainstreamed.

People will deny that objective morality exists (moral relativism). They will begin to believe that the world they are living in is a simulation (solipsism). They will be begin to believe that the only thing that exists is in their head (solipsism).

Divorce rates will be over 80%. The family will be completely destroyed.

People will spent eight hours in front of the television per day, receiving the latest mind control programming.

Eventually, news will be written by AI and bots and will spout non-sense that is 50% correct but the rest will just be junk. You wont be able to tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Real and fake terrorist attacks, will appear identically in the news and you wont be able to tell the difference.

There will be people who are digital or body doubles or who have died or never existed and people will think they are real and wont be able to tell the difference.

Reality will be unknowable. Nothing will be verifiable. People will begin to deny the existence of objective reality.

Multiple competing theories and scapegoats will be pulminated on both sides. The public will be unable to react or even know where the "change" is coming from or who is pushing it.

The line between the virtual reality and the real reality will blur.

There will be so many drugs in the water, air and food (fluoride, aluminum, barium, lithium, bromide, "biosolids") that people will not be able to think straight. They will live in a cloud, a haze of imprecise thoughts.

People will be controlled from their cell phones. Their phones will determine the information they receive and their view of the world and the groups they belong to and the fake irrelevant fights between their group and other manufactured groups.

People will be sex addicted. The majority of the population will be addicted to masturbating to porn, which will become more interactive and realistic over time. People will be mineral depleted and have brain fog from ejaculating all their minerals away.

Trolls, scam artists and financial fraudsters will rule the world.

Apathy will rule. The government and corporations will add poisons, like rat poison (sodium fluoride) to the water and the population will not even care. They wont even care.

They are going to promote bestiality brothels, after they finish with transexualism and they are going to attack anyone as "intolerant" who opposes the animal brothels. They are legalizing bestiality in all of the NATO countries.

The media will promote dysgenic breeding (eugenics for the masters, dsygenics for the slaves) for the masses and train the young females of the higher races, to engage in interacial sex, while sexually emasculating the white males.

Estogens will be in the food and water. Men will begin to be like women or enjoy being sodomized by more powerful, masculine men. They will hormonally be women, but with a penis because of the estrogens they are exposed to at key developmental stages. Some of these people may even have sex changes.

Chemically castrated males, who get sex changes and become transexuals, will be hailed as the golden calve. They will be promoted up the corporations, to the top executive and management positions by quotas and political correctness and will become the new corporate ruling class. While cis white males, will be a new slave class below blacks and women, with male transexuals at the top.

This already started and by the 80s, the author of Dilbert was unable to be promoted up management because he was white and the company had to meet racial and gender quotas.

Companies will have to meet quotas, to receive tax benefits and government contracts. They will have to meet quotas to avoid lawsuits. The discrimination lawsuits will be very expensive and insurance companies will make a lot of money, insuring the companies against the lawsuits, but to receive the insurance, the companies will have to meet the quotas (Rockefeller and Rothschilds, owns the insurance companies).

People will not speak out against these policies, because they will be in fear of losing their jobs. Or they could be put on a blacklist and insurance companies may even impose rate hikes on certain companies if they hire people who social media accounts oppose bestiality, transexuals and incest because of the lawsuit risk.

The high level politicians, judges and prosecutors will all be recruited from pedophile rings. To ensure their loyalty and to ensure that they are corrupt and will not defend national values.

Huge swarms of immigrants will be flooded into every NATO county, to cause over population and make people fight over space, jobs, fight for the right to survive. Violence will be encouraged.

Drug usage will be encouraged by the media and television and movies and glorified by created counter cultures, while the "War on Drugs" will be used to maintain the cartel and keep the prices high for the rulers profit.

The population will be made more and more illiterate. Laws will be passed to inject people with mercury or mercury will be added to the soft drinks and the masses will be dumbed down, even further below the 4th grade level they are at today. A huge dependent, violent, uneducated, underclass population will be created. Both to justify high taxes and a totalitarian government (for protection) and also to be used as a weapon against the middle class.

The masses and different migrant and racial groups will be encouraged to fight each other. If an area is too homogeneous or there is not enough fighting, they will bring in more immigrants until it is crisis level. Diversity + Proximity = Conflict. They need conflict.

Huge migrations of hundreds of million of people, fleeing the land they live on, will be orchestrated. People will be scatted across the Earth and mixed up. The educated will be herded from city to city, country to country, across the earth every few years, to mix them up.

Children will start receiving UNESCO sex education by age 4 and exposed to pornography and videos of men having anal sex and will be trained into sex addiction for the rest of their lives. To make them easier to control. Over life, they will be introduced to even more grotesque, profitable and perverse distractions.

Literacy will be reduced, until 90% of the population is functionally illiterate. The media will attack people who read books or think. They will encourage sports and discourage intelligence.

They will start putting mercury in soft drinks or putting aluminum in food items or adding cadmium to food. To dumb down the population, to poison their brains and to destroy their kidney and liver function, to reduce elimination of the estrogens, emasculators and chemical castration agents.

shit is getting real they had this almost 4 years ago they been doin this for a while.

Also the masons they are working with fucking stone dammit they have rituals where the canidate drops into a inner sanctum it says to be done underground the discovery channel has done things on masonic tunnels in the us for the underground railroad this is a problem.

They will also make meat very expensive. Only the wealthy will have access to clean protein. Cults always reduce the protein intake of their followers, because protein allows the brain to focus. They need to eliminate protein from the diet of the peasants.

Chemical estrogens, sedatives, sex addition, illiteracy, brain washing and economic control will be used to keep the population under control.

Imagine every way, that humanity could be destroyed. Imagine every way possible that humanity could be reduced down to the level of animals.

The "New World Order" and world government will fail. It is impossible, without massive ethnic cleansing and even their most severe scenario will never bring us to a global government. Everything they are doing right now, will back fire on them.

However, in the next fifty years we WILL see the emergence of a new technocratic elite class.

You have to remember, no one is making the masses have sex changes and fuck animals. The elite merely give the masses the animal sex brothels. The masses chose this. They chose to have sex with animals.

If this method of control fails, they will go to an strict christian theocracy or simply a right wing dictatorship or war. They DO NOT CARE how the human cattle are controlled. They do not care what ideology or technique is used, as long as THEY CONTROL the human cattle. The objective is control.

The oligarchies have been losing control since the 1600s. Systems of slavery that have existed for thousands of years are collapsing globally. Cracks are appearing in the control system.

Watson, AI and machine learning is the next frontier of social control.

They are going all out. No cost will be spared to divide, fragment and degrade humanity.

When America was invaded, they had to exterminate the Indians to build a new empire. Their "New Atlantis". This time the Earth is their "New Atlantis" and you are the primitives on their land, that need to be exterminated for their new utopia of the hereditary elite to be built.

The death of the oligarchy, means that people self direct their lives. It means that people design the systems they live under, instead of accepting the system that was given to them.

There is a fear that the human cattle may become organized, or may start to resist or that PSYOPs might now work on them, or that the masses may get out of debt, or that they wont have enough scapegoats and bread and circuses to keep them distracted or that they may take control of the government or the central bank.

You can stop posting now. You're a retard.

I answered your question.
- Eugenics for the masters
- Dysgenics and interracial breeding for the slaves

They have been doing this for hundreds of years.

The problem is that they publish everything they are going to do, in their books. However, no one reads them and the public refuses to believe it in any case.

They are only able to sustain their attention of any issue for fifteen seconds at a time, while the elite can push inter-racial breeding for a century, generation after generation, until they can get it onto television.

Their push for incest and pedophilia and "child sexual liberation" in the 80s failed, but they are just going to keep pushing until it succeeds.

Holla Forums is thinking too short term. The same families have been in power for hundreds of years. They pursue the same strategy and objective, year after years for decades or centuries.

They changed the marriage norms for the peasants hundreds of years ago to be dysgenic, while maintaining eugenic marriages for the elites.

To have an empire, you need to have a dominant minority that dominants the rest of the society and directs it. You have to keep people uneducated, poor, stupid and corrupted. You have to crush all alternative systems or any possible escape from the system.

"We are building a new form of slavery"


I agree with literally everything you've been saying, but I have to point out one thing; you have a pretty good grasp of English but you seem really distant from humanity in the way that you write.

It seems like you're some kind of alien species who's been watching our civilization and deeply pities us. Please help us.

On a side note, how hard would it be to send a high gain radio signal out into space to a few select planets, asking for something to save us from ourselves. Humanity is beyond redemption and the only way we'll ever escape this Orwellian nightmare is through extraterrestrial intervention.

the garden outdoor part is reinforced to be the detention area where you are sorted

Humanity could easily have a few footholds around our solar system if we weren't such useless bags of garbage.
Space exploration is purposely kept to a minimum so people don't become optimistic and push for colonization and such. It's the exact opposite of what the elites want. It's the same reason we haven't started to mine asteroids yet. It's completely feasible but not allowed.

The civilian astrology project. Immediately found anomalies and indicators of mega structures. That were known by the elite, for decades. They cant cover them up anymore.

As soon as civilians build a radio array, it will be the same.

The energy sources, beyond oil. Are also online. Even on Youtube. You just have to look. They are there.

You can do anything. You just have to decide it, then determine what actions will get you to the goal, then execute those actions.

Everything is available to you on the internet. It is sitting right there. Yet, after twenty years the oil companies still exist. Only a very small minority of humanity are active.

They just have to dilute it out, with fake bullshit and muddle the water enough and it slows down mementic prorogation enough to stop it from spreading into the majority. However, it is there. Sitting right there and yet few reach for it.

SETI only looks at a 1 Hz chunk of radio spectrum, to ensure that it finds nothing.

Space exploration is purposely kept to a minimum so people don't become optimistic and push for colonization and such. It's the exact opposite of what the elites want. It's the same reason we haven't started to mine asteroids yet. It's completely feasible but not allowed.

The founder of SETI was a Tavistock agent.

Human potential is unlimited. People are gods. They can do anything, as long as
- they determine their goal
- they determine a series of steps towards the goal
- they persistently execute the actions prerequisite for the goal

There is nothing stopping you from designing an open source machine for sintering metal powder, then doing an autocad file of a rocket engine and launching a missile into space.

There is nothing stopping people from building greenhouses and growing their own food, so they are not poisoned.

They just do not care.

Things will change very rapidly soon. We are on the edge of a major transition. The politically active group, is going to break off from the masses soon.

The elite will still maintain control of the slave population and the brainwashed, but the politically active minority is going to stop compromising and will unify into a new type of social organism.

This will occur because of advances in social media technology. That were developed in response to the shilling and content dilution problem.

As these new social organisms emerge, the sociopaths will flock in to lead them (like they do to any social movement). However, the difference is there will be a competition between sociopaths and fragmentation, instead of a unity of sociopaths waging wars against the rest of humanity.

Another thing, is that there are two factions.

The Trump Faction may remove the Rockefeller/Globalist/Pedophile faction. Rothschilds appears on both sides, but the faction coming into power loves space. They are going to have a space war and space privatization.

They are also pushing out technology, that is disruptive to the oil monopoly.

The real test for Trump is
- whether he gets assassinated (this means he is legit)
- whether whistle blowers pour out when the current group loses power and the public calls for public executions of Monsanto employees and executives and the families that own the companies

If this is a real faction struggle and the globalist faction loses, then the US could begin building a moon base (for the purpose of area of denial and for threat of launching anti-satellite weapons against China), within six months.

The establishment needs radical change, in order to survive the brain drain, the challenge of China and Russia. However, the existing powers, will resist through assassination any challenge to globalism, even if it means civil war, or complete loss or power and irrelevance.

An outbreak of cultural optimism would be fatal and very dangerous to the oligarchy.

That is why you have to focus away from politics and into CNC and greenhouses, open source software, robotics and becoming self sufficient.

When Holla Forums is flooded with politics, then everyone is a spectator and cannot control the outcome. Focusing Holla Forums on politics is a method of inducing apathy and directing people away from actions that can affect severe, immediate change.

In general, you should think global (see large picture) but focus on local (focus on the things you can do right now and on the levers of power you control). People cannot take action, to sway the outcome of events they have no control over.

How long will the net neutrality last? Till the WW?
Is it possible that internet will set us free with infinite knowledge and instant communication over the whole world. We are completely bypassing the official propaganda channels.
Even the knowledge that trickles down to cuckchan and the rest of the internet is beginning to show. And it's been only a couple of years.
People are not fully awake but hell even the normies are whiffing that something is not right.

The propane Bobbeh remember the propane.

Another thing. To keep in mind, is that Pence was director of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency).

The Defense Intelligence Agency appears to be extremely redpilled. They complain about biological weapon testing being done on US soldiers through vaccinations during the Gulf War (mycoplasm).

They do not understand why the US is allowing its corporations to poison its own citizens.

These are hard line, hyper nationalists. Who see their children being chemically castrated and turned into transexuals, through the use of estrogens.

The people running the defense establishment, also see the globalists running the country into the ground. The globalists wanted the US dollar destroyed and rolled into the SDR, however China is likely to backstab the US on the SDR plan and has no reason to go along with it.

If the US empire collapses, then the government will not have money to buy million dollar cruise missiles to launch at Arabs in $20 Walmart tents in the middle of desert.

The group coming into power, wants a drone and space war and sees that as the next money maker.

Where as the globalist group, wants a hundred year war of chaos and destabilization for global empire.

Among the elite, I have a feeling that there is a widespread belief that the methods of achieving global empire, suggested by the globalists are non-viable. They only make sense when they are on cocaine.

They have plans like "We will just preemptively attack Russia and China and then subjugate everyone else on earth by force"

Or "We will nuke our own nuclear fuel storage stores and send 40,000 tons of nuclear waste and destroy the whole northern hemisphere and people will be forced to live in our UN Safe Cities and we will build domes and be able to control every ones reproduction." and buying up all the land/oil/water resources in South America.

They do not have a really coherent plan. If you look up the people who have worked with them, they say things like "If they protest we will just drop neutron bombs on the protesters" and then that later becomes "biological" because dropping neutron bombs on protesters only makes sense when you are smoking meth/cocaine.

Then the elite, have made statements suggesting that they also live in constant fear, that if they leave power, that the public will find out what they did and will form a mob and lynch them.

I think they just began doing immoral things, and no one stopped them or cared and it just got carried away, once they realized there was no limit to it. As long as the corporate media was under control, they could dump rat poison or nuclear waste in the water and no one cared.

Behind the political figureheads, there is obviously a control layer.

At the top level, they love having stupid, egotistical, corrupt, pedophiles/homosexuals leaders that are addicted to drugs and sex in power. They are easy to control, using the people around them.

When you go to Russia, everyone around Putin drinks Vodka and is partially drunk all the time. Putin only drinks water.

This is the secret of the Rothschilds. You dont do drugs and do not submit yourself to moral corruption. Then you corrupt and control the people around you. You get someone like Bill Clinton and give him power, pump up his ego and give him loads of women and cocaine. Then you own the media and protect/cover for them and they are easy to manipulate. If they turn on you, or go in a different direction, then they destroy you or twist your balls.

Another thing they do, is that they are friends with everyone. So they will be friends with top leaders in a country, they will only do coup or assassinations through a cutout or front.

So they buy people out and bribe leaders in countries like China with their left hand, while their right hand is trying to bring them under or attack them. They call it a "scissors strategy".

Even their best plans are failure or massively off schedule. They have been trying to get the Iranian war going for decades and have been trying to do something about China since at least 1998 and are failing.

They are trying to bring China down, at the same time, they are funneling them military hardware and technology and building them up as a military threat (which they can then use, to start a war and then use the war to impose controls on the population).

Israel appears to be a problem, because the people there are not stupid. They are not biting or committing suicide. Israel is also not going along with the Iran attack plan.

If you actually watch the individual families and what they are doing, you see that they are at war with EVERYONE.
- at war with China
- at war with Israel
- at war with the American public
- at war with Russia
- at war with Brazil
- at war with Ecuador
- at war with Iran
- at war with African development
- at war with Germany
- at war with Israel
- at war with France
- at war with their allies, friends, enemy
- at war with themselves

Turkey does not just invade Syria. You have to get pliable leaders in place, build them up over decades, get all the pieces on the board in place, then you have to bribe people into doing and it if they do not comply, then overthrow the government and replace them with someone who will.

I have seen little glimpses of how much work, starting a war is. Its a lot of work.

I have no idea how the Anglo Establishment has been able to stay on top since the end of War War II. When you are the global hegemon, you have to crush all potential emerging competition and have to deal with constant internal power struggles.

I have some of their books from a hundred years ago. They knew that today, three generations later, that the only way they could keep this thing together would be a decent into force, violence and complete tyranny. Even as the system inevitably fell apart.

Then as soon as the empire fell, they would build a new empire its in ashes and get back to the world of the struggle for global hegemony.

Fighting off all possible competitors and challenges, while maintaining legitimacy and keeping the system in place requires incredible energy.

Normal people would say "fuck this" and give up. They are motivated with occult and fanatical energy and religious zeal. I think the empire was built on occult religious zeal and cocaine.

You can find amusing whistle blowing studies online, like some guy who worked for CIA doing ciphers and message relays as they were overthrowing and attacking the Australian government, so they could get their guys in and build the Pine Gap base.

The book "The Secret Team" is also good. That is what the empire looks like, to the people on the ground.

The biggest indication the globalist faction will fail or lose credibility. Is that their long range plans, require science fiction level, large scale plans to be executed and with predictable outcomes.

When their small scale plans in Yemen and Syria are falling apart and they cannot even get that done.

So I do not think they can control the process of going from here to global empire. I think they can cause a lot of chaos, death and destabilization, but they cannot really control anything. The world is becoming too unpredictable and people are fighting back or act too erratically. They do not have the media control they had before. The split and infighting among the elite is too large. There is too much backstabbing and counterbackstabbing.

The number of groups capable of exercising power locally and globally, appears to be proliferating exponentially. So the establishment will have to retrench itself and cut out its commitments and retrench to the core, if it wants to survive.

They also have a severe legitimacy issue.

Way to not respond to this

Not reading further, I read all of your posts until now.

Also this

Is our infrastructure made of burgers? Are cars and airplanes made of burgers? Are high explosives made of burgers? Are oil rigs made of burgers? Are houses made of burgers? Is plumbing made of burgers?
If this doesn't answer your question, you aren't white.

I ask this on behalf of all my fellow Americans, is that a trick question?

No. Organizing in this way only gets you Waco'd. They were law abiding gun smiths using religion to cover their asses, and they got wiped out. This is also why evangelical christians have been put at the top of the Terror Watchlist by Obama. They expect you to organize like this. Finally, they are importing muslims because they need to train to fight insurrections on home soil. Especially if those insurrectionists speak a variety of languages (which is a point on FBI's dossiere regarding identification of Radical Sovereign Citizen domestics), and insurrectionists using religious freedom as cover.

They are learning how to defeat such regimes before you can organize into them, and are already executing countermeasures. That's what is so crazy about deus vult and christian revivalism in pol: it's obviously a honeypot setup. As soon as you don that cross, you drew the target for them.

- whether he gets assassinated (this means he is legit)

You know people get false flag "assassinated" all the time? Your factions theory reeks of disinfo.

He has some good information, some decent theories here and there, but there is just a ton of disinfo.

Must be a 8200 operative, or Cyber Command having it's nighly fun WHILE spilling some beans.

You don't seem to understand how opsec and infosec work.
A chan isn't a place full of allies. This is where anonymous individuals come to say what they have to say.
I understand you may have good intentions and you may be motivated to convince channers to unite under a common banner, but that is not what this platform lends itsself to. There are other platforms that are far more centralized and capable of "large infrastructure projects"
If you read about "anonymous" back when Fox News did segments about them, there were IRC channels and other venues where channers united to DDOS and perform other "hacks" at various skill levels. Some channers have learned their lesson, others grouped off and became different smaller groups, and many were arrested because downloading open source DDOS software with copypasta instructions about how to DDOS scientology is a good way to get LEA to lock you up. Be wary of leaders emerging from chans. You can be taken advantage of.

Do any of you know what this is about? I've spotted these vans, with different corporate logos, all over my county over the last year. I swore I would figure out what this shit was, and it got harder to find them. Lately they are all in Wal Mart parking lots, I actually go these pics from one outside of a chinese resturarnt.

What is this shit? Serious red pills got dropped in here, this is the right place to ask. I want to know what the hell this stuff is. What are these tubes? What are the cones? What do they connect to? What do they do? This is such weird shit.

The latest vans wasn't a private contractor, it said Natural Gas on one side, Unitil on the other. These tubes hang down from the vans, going to these rubber cones or cups. I will share some photos but the only video I have includes a plate number, and I don't edit video. I will make some screens if you want.











just to make sure my question is connected to the end of the photos

Are you nearby this van right now?

My first guess would be that they hybrids and can plug in to some power source to recharge using those hookups.

No. The first time I saw them I pulled on them, the cups are hollow. The tubes are hollow. My passenger thought they might be natural gas or methane/propoane sensors for fire prevention? I'm not so sure. I asked the engineering sub plebbit and they had no idea what they were.

I see one every 2 to 3 months, but they have been getting rarer. The last one I tried to get shots of the undercarriage et cetera, but they didn't come out.

ask on an automechanic forum and get back to us

I don't see how they would detect anything. I can only see them being used to charge or discharge something.

Perhaps ask halfchan's /o/ board?


Steal it next time.

you seem retarded

looks like inspection equipment for municipal gas lines

Yes, and I can't find similar looking natural gas detectors on vans like that guy posted.

You are looking for a picture of a specific application of a device that has high range of applications.
Good luck with that.

They are ground gas/leak sensors, they drive around the gas line routes, if there are any leaks the gas seeps upward and is detected and noted

those aren't detectors, those are just cheap plastic hoses connected to some cheap, sturdy plastic funnel in case they hit something

the detection equipment is in the van

that's like arguing over different looking basic kitchen utensils

Hey I just wanted to know what they were. If they really are leak detectors then their should be a spectrometer in the van? I will look harder the next time I see one. I'll also grab the VIN for the 4cuck VIN checker guy. Just to get as much info as I can.

Fred Trump —Brother— John Trump
DONALD (son)

Tesla explained that "this invention of mine does not contemplate the use of any so-called "death rays." Rays are not applicable because they cannot be produced in requisite quantities and diminish rapidly in intensity with distance. All the energy of New York City (approximately two million horsepower) transformed into rays and projected twenty miles, could not kill a human being, because, according to a well known law of physics, it would disperse to such an extent as to be ineffectual. My apparatus projects particles which may be relatively large or of microscopic dimensions, enabling us to convey to a small area at a great distance trillions of times more energy than is possible with rays of any kind. Many thousands of horsepower can thus be transmitted by a stream thinner than a hair, so that nothing can resist."
"Whether Tesla's idea was ever taken seriously is still a matter of conjecture. Most experts today consider his idea infeasible. Though, his death beam bears an uncanny resemblance to the charged-particle beam weapon developed by both the United States and the Soviet Union during the cold war."
WARNING FBI.GOV LINK- related FBI historical files


Focus on the method. The method is more important than who.

We are at the end of an age.

Read "The Next Million Years". If you can find a copy. Also read Mosca, The Ruling Class.

Advances in communication technology, will destroy the nation state. China, Russia, the US. None of these states will exist. Small changes to social media and communications technology, will result in massive social instability.

The mass is incapable of self-organization. They can only riot, destroy, make demands of their masters. They are capable only of destruction.

Those who are not capable of self-direction, will not make it through.

An organized minority, a disorganized majority. The number and size of the organized and self-directing groups, will grow exponentially and the number of groups capable of exercising power will proliferate. A polycentric order will emerge, while the state will crumble. Conditions will become antagonistic to empire.

You are fighting for control over a system, that is being phased out and a new system is being brought in.

not once did you mention psychopathy

research it, because you understand most everything else

Wrong. Nationalism is highly unnatural, that's why it surfaced only during the 18th/19th centuries. Tribalism is man's default setting.

Shill post, and a very obvious one.

No, a retail chain definitely and emphatically does not close a hundreds plus stores like this, especially during a recession. That's the most stupid thing I read since… well, since about three minutes.

t. ex retail chain middle manager

The concept of "evidence" is an empirical one and does ipso facto not apply to metaphysical issues.

That's where we come in.
The Meme Lords.
All shall tremble and despaire before our shitposting.

Here, so easy to find.

Any edgelords want to meet up in some city and go exploring?

I'm glad we have shills desperately trying to discredit one of the few major non-jewish companies in america. Shocker that they would be targeted. I wonder who could be behind this?

All these military men and women would go along with a gungrab without question. They'd happily kick in your door and rob you of your dignity because MUH ORDERS.


Idk. I'm in the Memphis area, but I could do any city in the tri-state area if we planned for it in advance. But if there's a lot of anons in Cincinnati (which wouldn't surprise me, as the whites there are racist as fuck), we could do something there.

Worked in a walmart that no joke had an oil well and a refinery in it's stock room. Pretty sure it was only running at 10% to keep the place powered by generator but they could have easily been selling crude and gas for extra shekels.


“Tell them I will punish them for their evildoing, says the Living God. I know every organ harvested, and every man you took it from. And I will punish you forever, says the Living God. Those people were Mine, and you took their lives away, all for the sake of profit. And let it be known, I will punish you forever, says the Living God. In the bowels of Hell you will be screaming and moaning forever, for I will put you there you evil people, and there you will remain for all eternity, unless you repent and receive the Son of My Grace, Jesus Christ, whom you crucify afresh every time you take one of My saints organs. I call you to repent, evil people, for your time is short, DHS. The Living God has spoken.”

Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13

Thou shalt not kill. Deuteronomy 5:17

Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: Matthew 5:21

But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; 1 Timothy 1:8-10

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. James 2:10-12

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Revelation 14: 9-11

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8

They are not sociopaths.

They see themselves as wolves. You are the sheep, they are the wolves.

This is an organized minority, at war with a disorganized majority. Their goal is to keep them disorganized.

Everything they do to you, they do to you with your consent. That is why the public is pathetic.

But we're the same species. And the regular wiring of a human being(or any other living thing for that matter) is not to kill/maim/,anipulate/destroy their own kind since it can lead to destruction of all.

If one views other specimens of their own kind as enemies to be conquered and competition in the extremes then they aren't exactly the most normal of persons.
Their lizard brain took over and so can be regarded as psychopaths.


A breakaway civilization developed at some point in the '30s, part of it is lazily controlling key leaders with technological parlour tricks designed to feed into their royal bloodline/vampire lizard fetishes.

I imagine most of the scientists left to explore the galaxy by the '60s. The technological stagnation since then is then fairly easy to understand in this context.

We will get self-driving cars by 2017, 2018 for sure. Absolutely pathetic.

You are wrong. The programming of the human species, is to form a tribe and then dominate, control and destroy the other tribes. To kill them, castrate them, starve them and to take and impregnate their women.

The drive of the dominant faction in society is to crush and impoverish and suppress the reproduction of the dominated.

Their "tribe" is not America. Their tribe is the Royals and the slave masters and elite who own everything and rule over humanity.

It is not enough that they win, everyone else must fail.

It is not enough that they own everything, the rest must be stripped of what little they have.

At the end, you will be forced to beg them for the right to exist. They say that in their books.

You are a pathetic disorganized, majority. Fighting against a ruthless, sociopathic, malicious dominant minority. Your whole society and everything that has been crammed into your head is to make you a good slave and keep you from realizing your prison or revolting.

The bullshit about "peace" is a lie. The reality of human nature is war and conflict. It is survival of the fittest and might makes right.

The elite have a different religion than you, have a different series of beliefs, read different books. They do not watch television.

Even the upper of the upper class in America has been completely cucked and destroyed by the media and culture.

First two posts is shilling, it's even done by the same person this time

what is the NASA war document?

did a quick google search and all i found was NASA war document debunked.

Don't forget William Cooper

Again, Deus Ex was right.


This document is important.

They will be doing "touchless campaigns" against political dissidents and people in the alt media.

They have developed biological and electromagnetic weapons for use against the civilian populations. They will use force and violence to rule over the human cattle population.

Political dissent is only allowed, as long as it is inefficient and ineffective.


This thread has been archived.


I swear Deus Ex was the Huxley&Orwell of this era

If so, that's pretty bad. Sign of the times.

Underground tunnels seem a little retarded.

If they were ever needed to stop a revolt, they'd be found out fairly quickly. They're choke points, and if destroyed, would easily make them useless. They wouldn't even need to cave in the openings, just any point along the tunnel.

Could steal shipments easy as fuck by intercepting through the ceiling at any point along the tunnel and lifting cargo right out. They would have no way to tell where the shipments were stolen until much later when it'd be too late. Just drop in and lay explosives. One small act would entirely fuck up the tunnel for a good while.

Simply but, it would be much easier and faster to airlift shit in the event of a catastrophic revolt. Even if these tunnels do exist, they could be fucked over easy enough. Underground shit is great until your one or two exits are fucked.


A nuclear drill could go longer by sacrficing strength for heat resistance and just using a huge amount of energy to melt the rock in front of it, with the drill's purpose being to push the molten rock aside and possibly splatter it everywhere behind so it becomes gravel-like, but that'd be incredibly expensive and dangerous.
You'd need to keep it consuming barely-subcritical masses of nuclear fuel for that power, not to mention that everything behind the drill would be showered in magma.

Underground Cities and Bases-Concentration Camps For Americans.pdf

If you can get ahold of a TPW P4-15-NB laptop, do it. Even you have to spend up to five grand. There is a reason it is important.

so.. they only are operated for .7 hours per day?

fuck off to /x/

stop entertaining slide threads


Niggah, did you just steal my rhymes?

You don't even do your linebreaks properly! Get your gassy cunt out of here! You disgust even me!

Do not even presuppose to have any inkling of the Horrors I have witnessed!

And I never went so far as to be an inteliglessia shitlord that saying that the dynasties should ever rule! You're so false it's not even funny!


Ashes and Echoes

BS, cell phone wouldn't work in a FC.

I live in Eugene Oregon

some homeless guy said homeless were already being moved to FEMA camps

Having worked at NASA, this part is hard for me to believe. Plenty of normies (re: not wealthy insider elite) have direct control of these satellites while they explore and research exoplanets. Unless there is stories and reports of exoplanet researchers constantly dying under weird circumstances, I don't see them being able to cover up this research, too many low level people have control and virtually free reign to use space satellites/telescopes.

Lots of walmarts have femto and picocells in them for cell phone reception.

interesting - with my cell at least it is hell trying to call anyone inside walmart

I think he wants us to look and build own infrastructure. Instead of trusting the government. To see reality for our shelves.

Remember that the mega structure and anomaly was quickly found by amateur astronomers. The government had ability to detect this, since the 80s, but never reported it to the public. There are many things that get hushed up or ignored. They are not telling us everything.

Look up the whistle blowers report on SETI and Tavistock. We do not know what they found. After the initial Hubble went up, they send up another 6 similar satellites, but under the NRO and did not tell public. They were not being run out of NASA. They would not have done this, unless they found something.

I worked on the LANDSAT images. They showed chemtrails and the US weather modification tests through the 90s. When people began to talk about it publicly and posting images on internet forums, then an image processing filter was placed over the images to remove the aerosol radiation management programs.

We do not know that they are not putting image filters over certain results.

I also know, that in California, one of the high end observatories wont let you look at certain objects. People have received funding and tried to study particular things and they would not let them point the telescope at that. It was very hush hush and insiders thing and creation of non-sense pretense and general "you should do something else" and canceling the slots.

I talked to researcher. Most people do not have that experience, but the people looking for things they do not want you to find, experience this.

NASA was always a military program. They blew up the challenger, to end the public space program. They never ended the space program, but were already using technology that the public was not aware of. They are even using the ionospheric lifter craft, from the 80s over Ukraine now. People see the flying triangles in the sky and think its a new aircraft, but its from the 80s. Its 35 years old. It does not use a jet engine, does not need to breath air, so it does not have a flight ceiling. It can go to the edge of space and drop off micro satellites and does not need a rocket.

The government and power elite hides everything from the public. We are only given the things to better control us. We are not given real information or unfiltered information.

Sauce on any of this?

this is literally the worst rap i have ever read, you have NO flow, NOW cadence control, and have no idea how to rhyme or match tempo
you rhymed 1 syllable in that whole mess
real rap isnt about muh dik its a an OBJECTIVE art

Nobody can be as effective as you shitposting in your mom's basement.