What do you do when they go to sleep? How do you act?
It is 10pm and my Mom just said she was heading to bed to go to sleep. I typically go really quickly in the kitchen to get snacks and place them in my room. I open up the loud snacks just in case so I won't make a lot of noise later. I also make sure I have a bottle to piss in so she doesn't hear me making my noise in the bathroom and our super loud flushing toilet.
I try to be as quiet as possible so she doesn't get mad at me. Been doing this for years this way. Just curious on if you guys have "sleeping" etiquette in regards to your parents
Brandon Diaz
I go to sleep because it's my fucking bedtime, faggot.
Xavier Mitchell
You always sleep at 10pm?
Nicholas Rogers
Gotta get some good fucking nights sleep so your body is healthy and shit.
Christopher Lopez
Even on the weekends?
Alexander Jones
Haven't lived with my parents for a couple years, but when I did I would always wait for them to good to bed and then cook some kind of fancy meal like I was Gordon Ramsey or something.
Landon King
I stay up late on the weekends, go to bed at 11pm.
Jaxon Cox
my aunt who i used to live with had a sleeping condition and wouldnt go to bed until 2-3 am. so im already asleep having fapped showered and come in and out 2 or 3 times before she went to bed
Benjamin Wilson
That's very rude. What about all the noise banging from the pots & pans? Plus the sizzling food. And then washing all the dishes
Very bad son
Brandon Ross
They don't hear shit. I am the iron chef.
Leo Taylor
cooking for yourself is satisfying isnt it?
Dylan Reed
post vid pls
Kevin Ross
holy fuck dude, get out while you still can.
Austin Edwards
I can pretty much do anything as loud as I want. She doesn't like me opening the door though because she knows I'll smoke. I just blow it out the window.
Xavier Jones
Blow it out your ass.
Anthony Martin
Jesus do you faggots live in an efficiency apartment or something?
Andrew Powell
I don't have any money to get out
Yes. We live in apartments. The walls are pretty thin. We can hear our upstairs neighbors having sex at night. We can also hear their 3 kids running around. It is quite annoying
Nicholas Walker
I guess I shouldn't hate, and should consider myself lucky not to be in your shoes
Levi Lopez
Hot. Do you fap to it.
Jacob Scott
I do whatever I like.
Not even my parents my fucking girl friends parents.
Sometimes I cook I try not bang anything to much thou her parents bedroom is right next to kitchen.
Jack Moore
If you heard them you would be more laughing than fapping. I'll admit it is kind of hot knowing there is someone fucking near me (like 10 feet vertically up) but there have been times I will be watching a movie with my mom and then we can start hearing them go at it. We both laugh. We aren't too open with each other so we don't go into detail but my mom once implied that the "poor women" must not make too much noise because the "big man" doesn't know what he is doing.
They put their kids to bed at like 10/11pm. They seem to wait an hour. Then around 11/12pm you can hear them start going at it. The bed bangs into the wall to a rhythm and when they start fucking he always has coughing fits. There has been times when he coughs so loudly and forcefully they seem to stop fucking so he can calm down then they fuck again. I've heard the woman laugh a few times when he is coughing and I've heard her going "yes….yes…YES!" a few times
They fuck like 3-4 times a week. Probably why they have 3 kids. It does get annoying though since I'm a virgin. The guy is a huge fat fuck and the wife is so thin and frail looking.
Jackson James
I do what ever the fuck I want. when we lived in the smaller apartment, well I tried to be quiet and respectful(because I'm almost always up all night) but I never restrained myself. now that I live in a house well I do what ever I want.
How old are you OP?
Brandon Morgan
29 in a few months
Carter Reyes
Our house is big enough to not bother people. Sometimes when my parents go to bed I commandeer the big fireplace though because the one in my study is tiny.
Ayden Butler
I did the same. My parents slept upstairs and always had the door closed, so I could make quite some noise without them noticing
Mason Reed
Do you just turn your tv or music up louder to drown them out?
Chase Gray
I take my pet leeches out of the closet and feed them after my dad goes to bed…
Benjamin Morales
You are even older than I thought. uhmmm. why don't you go to live with a friend? seems like you are unwelcome in your home.
Jose Phillips
I'm usually playing video games so I have my headphones on to listen to the game
And if I'm just browsing Holla Forums I listen to Pandora with my headphones on
So either way I'm usually wearing headphones. It isn't only to drown them out. I wear them so I won't make a lot of noise while my Mom is asleep. So she doesn't hear the tv
Camden Williams
I dont have any friends It honestly does feel like that. I think my mom just puts up with me sometimes. I don't think she really loves me anymore. If she kicked me out I'd just go to live with my Dad though. So I'd be in the same situation
Chase Rodriguez
He doesn't have friends. He didn't finish high school. He has no way to get a job that he could make anything above minimum wage age, and if you're making minimum wage you might as well not work at all. You can't really save money if you work minimum wage. Unless he keeps living with his parents, but then he's in the exact same situation. And he's probably got some kind of mental illness that he has no real way of getting it dealt with. It's the same exact story a million times repeated.
Joseph Thompson
I'm 28
I used to have an expensive ass apartment and was working to pay for it. With food and everything it was costing me 1500/month. Everynight I'd get to hear the same guy fucking some girl(s)?. I couldn't help but fap but then felt disgusted by myself. WTF was I doing working to pay to stay in this place, only to have my sleep interrupted by fucking above me. I moved out of my house so I could have a life but only found another trap… so I broke my lease and moved back home, to the hole I'm accommodated to.
Now I want to move out again. But prices have risen even more… maybe I need to look in remote small towns. As long as there is internet…
Landon Scott
How much do you guys pay your parents to live with them? I mean as in rent and bills so they allow you to live with them.
Angel Gray
Do you live alone with your mom?
Carter Jenkins
When my parents divorced I went to live with my Mom
Just me and her. If I didn't go with her then my Dad would have taken me.
Henry Richardson
If I had to pay anything I wouldn't be here. My parents are the reason I am so fucked up with no bf or gf.
Aiden Murphy
My mom takes my whole check. This way I don't have to do anything. I make ~1500/1600 a month
Aaron Walker
That's just gross
Kevin Davis
That doesn't seem right. You've got to save up money if you ever want to get the fuck out of there. You should talk to her about this.
Chase Stewart
Explain. What exactly did they do?
Nolan Long
Alternatively you could demand you mom become your 'wife.'
Matthew Diaz
Circumcision, religious insanity, possesive mother that wouldn't let me get close to any girls, ect
Brayden Garcia
I can't. She gets mad when we talk about finances. She tells me to be quiet and she will handle everything then she locks herself in her room.
I don't like to make her angry. And if I don't give her my money she gets angry.
I'm stuck
Lincoln Bennett
I work late so I get home as my mom is sleeping or passed out on the couch watching tv, then proceed to scour the internet or work on some school shit completely without sound. Then at about 12 I start pounding down some beers and maybe a shot or 4 while I lurk, taking cig breaks like clockwork. 2nd shift sucks your soul.
Brody Lee
…Well if you don't like the current situation you need to either fuck your mother and make her your woman, or move out.
If I lived alone with my mother I would have tried to maker her mine. If that didn't work I wouldn't have a place at home either and would have to struggle out in the cold, and 'man-up'
Chase Brown
What kind of shift work?
Mason Walker
When I was 17 I finally got a girl's phone number from school. I used to call her up at night and we would flirt. Then my Mom started saying I was making the bill go high so I stopped. I knew that was reasonable
What wasn't reasonable, to me, was when I went to go visit the girl and we forgot the time and it was midnight. We were just talking at a local park. My mom looked into my phone records and called her up but she didn't answer because she was with me. So she called the other number which was her best friend and cussed her out over the phone and demanded the best friend give her my date's home address. She obviously did
Then my Mom drove to my date's house and drove around the block and saw us at the local park then drove up to us and started honking, came out, started yelling about how late it was, then demanded I drive home. So I left my date there and drove home. Then my Mom bitched me out about sex and pregnancy and being irresponsible when we got home
What did your Mom do to you? btw now she constantly asks why i dont have a gf
Jeremiah Smith
Well I didn't say stop giving her ANY money, but maybe keep 25-30% for yourself and just save it.
Eli Taylor
This seems like a good decision to be honest.
John Brown
3pm-11pm though I often end up coming in early/staying later. Its like I have plenty of time in the morning to be a real human bean but the lack of afternoon time has just obliterated whatever social life I had to begin with. I live in a small town as well, the only option when you get out at that time is go to the bar or just be alone at home doing whatever, unless you find another nightfag like yourself.
Chase Ross
It was 'quieter' than that but possibly more disturbing. Always huge moral lectures and massive pressure of marriage to death do us part, along with the fact that dealing with pagan heathen girls will only drag my soul down to hell ect ect…… it's really endless. I can't have a relationship here.
naturally this makes me want to cross-dress and get fucked because I'm a pathetic bitch anyway for being so controlled by my parents
Elijah Murphy
Are you sure you're not just bisexual and you're so desperate for affection you're willing to even "become" a girl? Why don't you just find some legit gay guy to fuck you? Why do you need to cross dress?
Daniel Torres
Ahh… because of my parents religion I could never play sports because of the holy weekend. Friday nights also were dedicated to God…. so could never do anything social. People hate me because It's like I don't like them but I just can't do things because I'm poor, and sickly, so I can't move out easily.
Charles Bailey
To answer your last question- because I'm not gay or Bi. I have no interest in guys when I feel male. I'm closer to being trans. But consider myself a two-spirit if you want to be precise.
Adrian Lopez
Well most people still 'work' 9-5 so night shift work or even afternoon-shift work kills the social life unless you can join the local housewives book club or something.
Ryder Miller
I'm sorry user, are you in good faith or do you resent it at this point? And what is your affliction if you don't mind me asking? I assume the same thing is keeping you from obtaining the kind of job you would need to eventually be on your own?
Logan Cox
It really is the best option for OP user. One's mother is the most precious person in anyones life.
Your mother can't be replaced. If you're going to cut all contact if you move out, you mind as well go 'all in.' The worst that can happen, as long as you avoid rape, is that your mom disowns you.
Luke Clark
Sorry to say this but someone has to express it. You are going on a very dangerous path, on a self-destructive path. The reason for why you are so gay (yes you are) is because you masturbated too many times and straight porn wasn't doing it for you. Second reason is that you let a woman (your mother) dictate how you should live your life. Third reason is because you probably hate yourself. Tell me if I am not right, tell me that you do not hate yourself and that you did not watch a lot of porn.
I am only telling this to help you because I have too been dangerously close to turning into a faggot but I quit because it's what it's destroying the western civilization right now.
Wyatt Ortiz
You can kill yourself and all your problems will go away.
Dylan Rogers
Nope it's the jews, and mass imigration and feminism (cunt supremacy- that will eventually submit to Islam and BBC). Turning gay is just a response to females being shit…. and so one thinks, I can be a better girl than that!
Jonathan Sanders
I'm 24. I lost my job and had to move back home. Then I lost my Girlfriend because she didn;t like that I lived with my parents. So I was depresse horny and living in fear that i wouldn't get a good job like I used to have. I ended up working retail at a small shop in the suburb where my parents live and it did not pay much. I had to move to the city but I had no money and couldn't work in the political job I used to have since the guy I worked for lost his election. So I got an idea. I decided to get caught jerking off by my parents. WHen I got home from the antique mall I would start slowly masturbating. So when my mom or dad came to ask me what my day was like or that dinner was raedy I could disgust them. Some days I would get caught twice and this went on for only a month. They wouldn't talk to me about my plan of disgusting them. I even made a calendar of when I got caught and when I wanted to get caught etc. Now they pay for my apartment and I'm out of the suburbs. I don't have a girlfriend yet but I'm saving all the money I make at the downtwon mall (only work at TJ Maxx though) and I'm saving up to get some toys to make girls want to date me like maybe a small dog.
Robert Jackson
Nah already suffered to much to kill myself.
Jaxson Parker
My room is right next to my mom's room and the bathroom is there, too. Out from my room, through the living and dining rooms, is the kitchen. I'm a night owl and I move between the rooms during the night. I guess I'm pretty stealthy about it because I have rarely heard any complaints, save for a few accidents dropping pans or setting off the fire alarm. My parents aren't simply NOT complaining to me, my brother gets complaints all the time. You don't have to do things ahead of time, you just gotta ninja.
Oliver Thompson
Gods user… for me embarrassment like that would be death. And it would work in my case. But good for you. I'm always jealous of those anime protagonist who have the whole house to themselves, or parents who aren't so controlling.
Jonathan Williams
*wouldn't work
Nathan Allen
You know what, I was more embarrassed to live with my parents than to care about what they think. They are just people and if they couldn't talk to me about catching me, I knew they wouldn't tell anyone else. Who cares what they think? This probably is all possible for me because I have had a taste of freedom and independence after graduating from community college. I lived with my parents all through junior year and then moved out senior year and got a part time job roommates, and worked my way up to a full time job my last semester and when I graduuated. Then I started getting laid but after two years i lost it all when my boss lost his job. Everyone I worked ith lost their jobs. It's easier to reach for the light once you've experienced life in the sun
David Walker
Exactly, between the plant 40+ hours a week and school + homework life is pretty barren. Being a male as well the whole club thing is out of the question. Its either hangout with your old friends (the ones still in the area) who are alcoholics now or be autistic and work on your math/programming/lurk boards your whole weekend. Pick one and only one, maybe you'll have time to stop at the store for groceries but that's about it.
Camden Scott
I'm glad, in a way not really, to hear that somebody had a worse version of what I had regarding that little niche of insanity. If I didn't answer her calls or ended up going somewhere she didn't know of/already approve of (like if a friend says, "Hey, let's walk down to other friend's house"), she would eventually find where I was bawling and screaming about how she didn't know where I was and thought I'd been kidnapped, beaten dead, or something somehow worse. Mind you, this was usually within an hour of "losing contact".
Hunter Watson
Watch movies or sleep
John White
i live with my dad, he sleeps like a rock. so i dont have to worry.
Tyler Cruz
The same way I do when they're awake. I just sit in front of a monitor most of the day and night anyway.
Nolan Gonzalez
I got laid off and have had to go back to my parents. My dad has taken over my room because he doesn't like climbing the stairs and I sleep on the couch. He insists on sleeping with both doors open (one leads to the adjoined guest bathroom which I also use) because he wants fresh air and doesn't want to run into the door in the middle of the night.
Both parents are home because Mom is recovering from a hospital visit and Dad is out of work and searching. My evenings are basically spent impatiently waiting for them to decide they want to go to bed and then I have the run of the living room either looking at porn or trying to write, but I can't stay up too late because I will always be inadvertently woken at six in the morning.
Tell me it'll get better, /b.
Henry Green
Pretty much this, besides the piss bottle. Sometimes I'll even shower at 2-3 AM if I had work. I have a pretty shit manual labor type job that frequently involves working around disgusting shit, but if I miss my shower window before dinner I'm fucked till then, cause I gotta leave hot water for my dad, who also does manual labor, and then I have to wait for the hot water to replenish cause the dishwasher usually kicks on when he's done.
Also, gotta kick my lamp off before 4 or my mom will scare the shit out of me without fail bitching about how I should be asleep…
Nothing for now, I'm just here so I don't have to pay for campus housing. Means I can work half as much and still have a savings for when I escape this shithole…
Jaxon Anderson
I generally go to bed earlier than my mum because I go to work early. I try to keep the noise down when I'm up in the morning but she says she hears me anyway.