Well fuck me, can't find any porn to get me hard anymore, tried resetting back to vanilla but that won't do either.. well, guess I'll have to do what nature wanted, find and rape some little girls out there. Wish me luck Holla Forumsrothers.
Porn won't cut it for me anymore
alternatively, you can commit suicide
or start no fap
Good luck
In all honesty you are just looking at the wrong porn. Stop watching adult shit. That shit gets bland fast and you need niche porn to even get off on adult shit
Look at kid fucking videos. I've never seen a kid fucking video I didn't get hard to. It's so easy to cum when you know they are real tight and virgins
Try fingering your angus
no benefit to it.
I haven't fapped in a week
where the fuck do you get that from?
tried.. felt like I needed to take a shit.. not for me.
give yourself a concussion
Go on Tinder
How is Tinder going to help him jack off harder?
Haven't dated in years, or are you suggesting I masturbate on the profile pics? huh..
Even if you hadn't dated in years you could still go for it. It's easier than you think
Getting a gf
just be yourself
nice faggot
post nudes
Give up sex forever. Stop talking to people, even online.
fuck me, man, I'm scared shitless of getting back in the game
I actually want to get laid..
we are social animals
It's fine, on Tinder you're positive the person likes you if you match. No guessing, no fear of the unknown
Just start no-fap. Eventually normal porn will turn you on again.
Better than getting butt-fucked in prison, user, since anal apparently isn't for you
fuck off
have you tried ASMR (with kids) user?
get a prostitute
You can get a hooker, do no fap, or you commit suicide. The choice is yours
Got to sweden. They wont even jail you.
do it and send pics or stfu
(sweden is the place to go)