I always thought the whole "fapping makes you a bitch" thing was a meme. Turns out its spot fucking on.
Whats your excuse for being controlled by jews?
I always thought the whole "fapping makes you a bitch" thing was a meme. Turns out its spot fucking on.
Whats your excuse for being controlled by jews?
You can do all that while also fapping.
I fap every day and yet I own land and drive a beamer. What's your excuse for failing at life due to laughable reasons such as masturbation?
It is though.
you think it's going to get better?
you get a job and a routine and you're basically back to where you were. you're just doing something slightly different.
I never said that, nice strawnman. No point in arguing with someone who resorts to calling someone a jew this early on in an argument.
Maybe, but I already feel less guilty for being a piece of shit
Okay schlomo
Please tell me it doesn't count.
You are still pure user
Good job, you fell for it. Hope the placebo that got your bitch ass out and doing shit was worth being cucked.
turns out no-fap doesnt stop you from being a bellend tho lmao
The temple is out in force today
shit dude you call me a jew
I wish you weren't, but you are :(
BAM counter saged
i wish you had an argument but you dont :(
Thats a non-argument ma'am
kys my dude
Keep milking your gravy snake bro, you're goin nowhere
counter sage
Confirmed for Jew
Confirmed for jew
You "people" sure are getting better and slightly more persuasive in your anti-white shilling, but we're also getting better at spotting it Avi. The meme war has taken a turn and your won't take the lead back anytime soon.
is the no fap meme still around?
Die please just die
why cant people learn when jokes are over man?
Classic jew, shilling the only thing worse than masturbation. Sex dolls will bring the true end
Artificial wombs soon brother.
Gross materialism; the plebeian masses, enslaved by the orthodoxies of Cultural Marxism value nothing beyond personal pleasure. Any instantaneous gratification is venerated above real virtue; self improvement, honor, dignity, all but forsaken. Traditional men and women with values our ancestors held for generations are considered stuffy, prudish and dated. It is better to engage in drug culture, to whore yourself, to masturbate to the most vulgar pornography imaginable. After all, you only live once, right?
There's a method of fishing called jigging. It doesn't require bait.
Except you're wrong; watching women you desire get fucked and jerking off is literal cuckoldry. Not fapping is just sensible; masturbation is a waste of time and energy; it's proven to deplete your bodies zinc as well as your motivation.
We can't all be FBI shills and/or JIDF trust-fund babies adding shekels by the post into our already bloated bank accounts. Thank your Mommy and Daddy kiddo; you're a bourgeoisie.
Except you're wrong. Your married wife cheating on you is literal cuckoldry. Fuck off with your marxist redefining word play.
Except you're wrong. Your married wife cheating on you is literal cuckoldry. Fuck off with your marxist redefining word play.
That's what I just said. Fuck off to Holla Forums
are you perhaps daft?
do you lack finer reasoning skills, perchance?