I made a Nazbol thread on righty/pol/ and they deleted it...

I made a Nazbol thread on righty/pol/ and they deleted it. I gave my reasoning as to why I thought capitalism and neo-reactionaryism werre incompatible with true nationalism yet most Holla Forumsfags assumed I was trolling. So, how does Holla Forums feel about National Bolshevism?

It has huge potential for degeneration, as it supports one kind of hierarchy and supremacy, while rejecting the one in the workplace.

Nationalism is cancer imo.

aside from the A E S T H E T I C that makes mainstream leftists look dangerous, it's not really that much of a real ideology.

christianity is also cancer


Anarkiddie, some sort of leadership is required for the transition from socialism to communism. The USSR had a system where the people could vote away the party should the party fail to represent the interests of the people. I am in favor of democracy but not like the capitalist system of "democracy" controlled by big business.

yea, and look how your precious USSR turned out.
a majority of people here are anar"kiddies", so i think you should fuck off

Why the specific emphasis on nationalism though? What's the justification?

The board's been awful lately at least this thread is sincere and not obv baiting.

nigger, you're talking to basically jason untrue with a dash of nationalism. nazbols are the absolute worst cancer there is.

I've never understood what national bolshevism means.

So (I think) there's a nationalist-minded hierarchy that leads the people to socialism. Is this vanguardist? And what's the position on solidarity with other socialist movements, nationalist or otherwise?

The USSR that failed was a revisionist state, not the USSR of Lenin and Stalin.

Nationalism was the basis of many socialist revolutions such as the revolutions in Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, and China. Global revolution is unfeasible so we need to build socialism in one country at a time. Nationalism is not the same as national chauvinism.

my ass

last poll it was about about 60% margsizm :DDDDDD

Idk famalam he seems pretty serious just based off his one reply and posting style.

you fags are like lolberts

patriotism helped those countries. nationalism in a powerful country is almost always synonymous with imperialism
crony capitalism is not capitalism :—DDDDDDD

we need a new poll then

For Russia it was actually an anti-nationalist sentiment. After all, the Tsar throwing his men into the meatgrinder of WW1 for "Muh nation" played a big part in sowing rebellion.

If you want "Socialism in One Country" Why even bother to put the word "national" in your party name? It just makes you look fascist since every country's socialist parties already will have to act like that anyways if they take power without worldwide revolution.

meant for

Ya I saw and replied thanks.

National Bolshevism is an ultra-nationalist and racist movement that adopted Soviet aesthetics. There is a lot of overlap in membership between them and various far-right/neo-nazi organizations.

they're just nazis who don't like hitler and love stalin as far as im concerned

Worked out preddy gud with urss OP :DDDDDDDD


A useless ideology.
Socialism can't be nationalist by its very nature. How are you going to insulate yourself from the world market?
Its all well and good you driving the bourgs out of your country but then what's to stop them economically besieging you and starving you into welcoming porky back? Your country doesn't produce enough to be self sufficient. It'll have to rely on shit traded with porkist countries, thus integrating you into the world market and making your country essentially one big company, ie. state capitalism. You can't let the workers run their own shit, you've got to be on their backs all the time to make sure they meet their quotas.
Same commodity relations.
Same alienation.
People will notice that little has changed since the capitalist days, apart from they now don't even have the illusion of choice and freedom.

The fight for socialism has to be a worldwide one, it has to spread from where it starts.

would be nice if they just admit theyre nazis, attract the reactionaries and go full socialism after that.

It's cancer and anyone who is a nazbol should get cheka'd

Once you start opening your nation's markets to international Jewish capital revisionism begins. Although admittedly North Korea is struggling due to their isolationism they've managed to hold off the revisionist tide longer than the other so-called "socialist" countries.

no lad

My word those drawings are deviantart tier

also this thread is concentrated cancer

i would like nazbols and even consider them as comrades if they didnt do shit like these

It's fucking cancer.

2nd pic, Stalinist, that doesn't like marx and has Anarchist profile pic


NazBol is, "I am a nazi, but I don't like Nazis, so I'll be a nazi, pretending to be socialist.

It's also top kek that Holla Forums doesn't accept you guys.


National Bolshevism is the true socialism of Marx comrade

I consider Not Socialists to be comrades but fascists like the Mussolini sort are class traitors for sure

Do you hate jews and black people like the normal nazis?

Yes I hate Jews not as a race but more because I'm anti-Zionist and anti-capitalist and many successful capitalists are Jews. I don't hate blacks I just think they belong in Africa and not Europe.

So is anime.