Where does Holla Forums stand on this issue?


Where does Holla Forums stand on this issue?

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watch richard d wolff's lecture on ferguson.
it's all socioeconomics.
and yes, black ppl arent perfect. theyve got a lot to fix for themselves.

I believe that Umaru is cancer and mindnumbing bread and circus.

Oh, the video….

Oh, well… here we see Pol fighting with plebbit… Nothing new…

The answer is always Class.

Shapiro is a moron.


Baltimore and Ferguson weren't even that bad as far as riots go, they weren't even close to the RK riots but the media harped on them twenty times as much because controversy makes money.

Literally no one died in either city from the rioting and the arrests were tiny compared to the cities' populations.

And of course, the media very rarely reported on the peaceful protesting that happened because they don't care about peace. The only people vaguely resembling protestors that got screen time were BLM because they are destructive morons.

So because he describes socialism and capitalism incorrectly is wrong about everything?

he's better than that milo faggot though

If he can't understand basic concepts, what makes you think he can grasp complicated ones?

Sure, but drinking piss is better than sulfuric acid

If someone doesn't understand the very basics of what is about to be debated then there is no pointing in debating them.

Do biologists need to debate evolution with creationists?

what makes you that if he can't understand basic concepts in economics, that we have a probabilistic argument to doubt that he will understand the question of whether institutional racism is the cause of black failure in the US?

I like how he makes Holla Forums butthurt

not saying either of them are any good, but that niggerkike benji has some points and he does agree with leftists on some issues tbh


"Institutional racism" is dumb enough for most people to see through. His own proposals are only very slightly less so.

well its honestly dependent on the context

also who are the people clapping for that guy, is this a Holla Forums convention?

is this the video

No, his right-wing SJW tendencies illustrate his shallow understanding. That means I can easily discard most of his opinions or take them with a grain of salt because they lack anything substantial. Everything ends up layered thick in ideological mystification and I can't be bothered to weed through it all when there's opposition that is much more cogent that I could be paying attention to.




The show mocks her consumerist identity and descent into pure id (something she constantly represses while at school) while showing her growing attempts to socialize with others and growing respect for the brother she is financially reliant on. Best girl is image related

Also fuck you i like moeshit

Every BLM supporter should be shot tbh


You wanna fucking do this?

Pervert's guide in animu, Umaru-chan?

Realy now????

And am not even good enough to talk about identity, it's creation, society and so on…

But your "best girl" is best critic of what alienation does to capitalists.

WE COULD EVEN SAY that Umaru is the perfect consumer capitalism wants.
Consumes too much, while fitting the narative on "purity" and "beauty".


I have no problem with moe. I have problem with pointlessness

Holla Forums is obviously pro-Umaru