What movies do you like that just get better every time you watch them?
What movies do you like that just get better every time you watch them?
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mulholland drive
Coolhand Luke. It's fucking necessity for any Holla Forumstard and severely underrated.
because it came out when I was in HS and it makes me relive the past when I had hope my future would turn out good
The actress's performances really pulled me in
lol i've seen this picture posted here many times in the past few days
is it OC?
it's from a Disney movie
Amazing the Jews can't see it when they put antigentitic themes in their films but lose their fucking minds when a Jewish director does the opposite.
There's no way the director of drive wasn't a yid. He's at the end of the video. Looks like typical Hollywood jew.
Brokeback mountain
A boy and his dog.
Some of my favorites. Anyone else seen them? (Other than Big Lebowski, everyone's seen that.)
OP here……I haven't seen the big lebowski. In fact, I haven't seen any of those you listed. My amazon list is growing.
All I do is watch movies. Check out "Memento" "American Psycho" and "The Usual Suspects". All great movies that you can watch a dozen times and always spot something new
Never caught what was so funny about this one.
Anyway, Terminator 2
It's a futuristic movie whose concepts still hold up today despite the 1991 technology.
So much time for stealing change from parking meters
Daisy's destruction
faggot kill yourself
Say no more.
Give GGG a try. Makes 'Murican bukakke seem amateur.
You will not be disappointed with any of those movies, they are all awesome.
Sorry, don't be mad plz
I can't believe I didn't think to add Pacific Rim. Can't fucking wait for #2.
Idk why
This and The Hunt For Red October
Yes, I liked pacific rim, I hope in the next one there are lots of robots fighting. I really wanted to see the Ching Chong robot with three arms do something cool. I'll add that to my amazon list.
I have a weird tradition, to watch it at least once a year. I love how it isn't just a plain comedy.
Dracula 3000
First quality post in the thread
Harvey, Mr. Smith goes to Washington, Rope
It's not underrated, it's just not that good.
Couldn't go past the first 15 minutes because of miscegenation.
10/10 ending
Why didn't he nail her when he had the chance?
John Wick
I like that it's a simple action movie. More importantly I can see all the fight scenes, its not just some faggy shake the camera shit so we can be cheap on fight choreography. I also like the original setting, that has some substance to it. Music is Kick ass, Marilyn Manson does a great track. Willem Dafoe was a nice touch.
Also thank you based mods for removing the potassium scourge.
Dead Poets Society
t. reddit
i cry everytime
John Wick was better before they tried to give it a story. The best part was just when John Leguizamo freaked out on a guy at the very idea that he might have made John Wick mad. Then this guy we know nothing about other than the fact that people are scared of him kills everybody. Once they tried to give him a half-assed backstory, it only hurt it. It's like a horror movie, nothing is as scary as what your brain imagines on its own.
I didn't know that was a "Reddit" movie, because I don't go there.
Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Sunshine is pretty solid, great soundtrack.
I need to watch that, looks good.
Damn user. Watch that now
Watched Dune for the first time last night, it was epic.
It must have been unbelievable to see in the theater in '84.
That good, huh?
That took WAAAAYYYY too long.
Raising Arizona
Blazing Saddles
The Great Escape
The Big Sleep