Just how broken was Infinity Next anyway?
Just how broken was Infinity Next anyway?
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there is an altchan running on it right now. pretty dead but the software seems to work.
not sure how bad it would be under a massive influx of users.
infinity next as a concept isn't bad, but it's implementation was horrible and unnecessary. because of this, no site will use it and its a dead project.
the 2 (3?) failed migrations
and the main reason it was created was because josh accidentally enabled a setting on the homepage that caused the site to run to a crawl.
Well it couldn't stand up to the load so it was kind of fucked.
it wasn't
then why did it cause such a huge shitstorm last year?
We wouldn't need alacrity if that was the only problem. You have no idea what you are talking about and should stop posting
Can someone explain to me everything that's going on with the site ownership? I ignored most of the codemonkey/josh threads last year.
So what happened with hotwheels? Does he not own the site? Hasn't he been out of contact for months?
Hotwheels isn't involved with the site anymore. Hasn't been for a really long time
Thanks for answering, can you explain why? What happened? Give me the tldr version
Jim jewed hotwheels out of his own site.
little cripple guy couldn't afford to keep paying Jim for the servers after 2 failed migrations thanks to the amateur coding goblin of site destruction, so Jim just took the servers and the site for himself.
Hotwheels sold the site very early, though not the old domain name. And it's clear that he can't maintain the site by himself.
well fuck me.
why do i even still come here
Because you are here forever.
well ask yourself this: why did you browse 4chan in 2012? 4chan was shit since 2008, and only got worse.
the answer: there was no better alternative. it was the only imageboard that had a steady flow of content.
2014 came, Holla Forums & goobergators happened, so we got this new home, memetics aside, we had a steady flow of content, better software, better mods, a true hero enthusiast about freedom of speech leading us in his mighty wheelchair. Then the hero got replaced. and now we have a fat kike and his son, squeezing our telemetric data and post content for shekels.
Holla Forums keeps records of every post and every IP that made it for an undetermined period of time and we are not allowed to see the source code because its no longer open source (Jim and CM don't like you looking at what they're doing). doesn't take a genius to figure out that something or someone finds our shitposting valuable, and is buying it (or will buy it) out of jim.
why else would Jim, a known internet businessman, keep a site that doesn't generate any profit whatsoever? he has to be getting money out of it somehow.
AFAIK, HW is still working for Jim's company as a consultor. He is somewhat involved in Holla Forums, just very loosely.
The two failed migrations were a result of having to use Postgres with a framework that didn't have a good DB abstraction for postgres, and was hell to modify the abstraction, all because Jim's gook employees didn't want to use MySQL.
Joke's on them, they're now locked into MySQL on FreeBSD forever because of the choices they made.
Probably terribly
It still doesn't use any caching comparable to Vichan/Infinity/Lynxchan.
There was rumbling about finishing varnish integration but it's a clusterfuck with the Laravel session bullshit, and the way captchas work.
The guy who develops Nextchan is taking these lessons and basically translating Infinity Next's ideas into the Django framework.
Also, it's probably worth it to note that the disk I/O problem was fixed by odilitime, with off the shelf components (Redis), but Codemonkey wanted to write it in HASKELL. Note that the way Codemonkey solved the problem is subpar, because users have to manually recache threads by posting in them, and odili's solution used a magic "hook" if it 404'd to recache.
It would be great if we could have threads like this without retarded FUD, conspiracy theories and disinfo from autists but alas.
There never should have been any migration of posts, all that needed migrating was board names and user accounts.
Mind pointing out what's "FUD"?
And point out what's "disinfo", please, as well.
every one of these threads gets filled up with spergs posting bullshit, I still remember when the sperging was about how every VPN on Holla Forums had been banned, something that never happened. Even Alex Jones would be ashamed of all the bullshit that gets posted in 8ch meta threads.
It just helps to point it out so that you don't have retards thinking the whole thread is filled with bullshit.
Infinity next was a sham
Hmm.. odd that 8ch doesn't crash anymore?
This pretty much.
Infinity made no sense to use, why was 8ch bothered to be made if superior infinity next was developing as a side project.
But it did happen on June 1 2016, you moron. In fact, the very same day Jim tried to save face by trying to throw the blame on Josh by telling them the board owner account "N" modified the cloudflare settings (???? Board owners have access to cf?) and was promptly BTFO by Josh himself. You're the one providing disinfo here.
Instead it has a 404 page which instructs users to manually post in a thread using mod.php to fix broken threads.
The servers where Jim's in the first place. So is 60% of all revenue Holla Forums ever makes. Its good that you want to stick to the cripple, but this doesn't mean that misrepresenting the conditions of the partnership with 2ch everyone on the site knew about for like 3 months is the cool thing to do.
Yup. Spergs posting bullshit. Also spergs doing bullshit like greping the server for shit they can stick to HW like a list of Bui's spam VPNs that should have been deleted after use. Holla Forums doesn't keep record of all IPs used. Rounin still doesn't exist for this site. Hiro still didn't sue anyone.
Meanwhile Nool is busy with moving his beloved Kiwifarms away from some crazy britbong while Next gets translated into another framework.
No it didn't. Jim just banned everyone posting Child Models globally in the most retarded fashion ever. He had to apologize to the largest boards on the site and then disappear from it. The other thing was caused by a outdated CF white list.
If I ever have to write a BBS software, I will make sure that the DB model can theoretically scale up endlessly without choking itself.
Every VPN being banned was because of Jim and his son trying to merge 2ch's kikeflare account with Holla Forums's and forgetting that they had every VPN banned on 2ch's kikeflare. So, please stop talking out of your ass.
It worked EXTREMELY well with less than say 50-100 people using it at the same time.
Above that, it absolutely caved. Otherwise, had many nice features and a pretty clean default layout/design.
Weren't they 2ch's?
You can't just read the FAQ of the site?
Jim owns 2chs servers, dumbass
I posted on Infinity Next Beta. It was shit. The biggest draw was being able to post MP3 but whatever, Endchan could do it better. Somehow Josh spent most of his time running sockpupets to hype his "revolutionary" bad design choices. I made bug reports but then the guy goes, "nobody helped me fix the bugs!" Well, I giess I was suppossed to find all the bugs AND fix them, for free. I thought I'd go so far as to make my own imageboard because the thing was such a clusterfuck, but I went on some tangents with your typical tinfoil autist sperg favorites and forgot all about it. If a hero did come to save us all, we wouldn't deserve it anyway. What's to worry about, enforced posting quality? Lack of IP logs? Everything is at odds, its not possible to have a Perfectchan or Utopiachan. Infinity Next definately was hyped up to be the solution to all our problems but it couldn't have lived up to the hype. If you really want to know what Infinty Next was all about, it was a myopic focus on moderator tools, with no benefit to the users. Again, if you weren't a board moderator then Infinity Next possessed no value above Czaksware. Obviously I wasn't an IRCfag so I don't know all the inside-baseball drama that went on but the whole concept of Infinity Next was born in the IRC, and the only voices that mattered were those of the sekrit club of board owners in the IRC.
There's so much cringe about Infinity Next, I was both glad and horrified to have been able to witness it.
But shit was broken.
Why do you think it broke?
vichan was never intended to support board creation and various other reasons
Easily solved. The reason that this cannot be easily acheived in your mind is?
Nice sophistry
Does it matter? When something breaks it needs to be fixed. The problems started before Josh was hired, so it's not as if you can blame him for everything.
Tinyboard's database is designed in a way that's bad practice at any scale and a complete disaster when you have thousands of boards. This site's database has over eleven thousand tables. Some features are completely broken because of that. The current solution for spam (an external script obsessively checking the top 100 boards) might not have been necessary on a well-designed site, but site-wide posting histories and deletion are broken on Holla Forums.
Other problems include pages that fail to generate, the inability to moderate multiple boards with one account, and general ugliness like json interfaces with strings containing more json in one of their fields.
Lynxchan is well-written but not very usable. Infinity Next is badly-written (and thus buggy) but well-designed. Infinity is both buggy and ugly.
That wasn't "every" VPN dumbass.
The majority of VPNs worked fine.
lol, no.
Compared to Infinity and Next it is. It usually does what it's intended to, my problem with Lynxchan is that what it's intended to do is so often not quite the right thing. Its sucky parts are not bugs.
So Jim owns 2ch as well? Or do you not understand there is a difference between a hosting company and the servers their client either owns or rents?
Then why even argue about it? You could argue that all of the bugs in Next are a result of it being unfinished and rushed.
You could also argue that lynx is unfinished, because it's shitty.
The comparisons don't make sense.
Next is unfinished and underdocumented. The concepts that are there are the right solutions, because the cripple and josh took the lessons and talked it over and over.
But because Jim refused to give any integration/developer help until his shitty software outsourcing firm owned the software completely, lots of things are stubbed because it was one guy working on a limited schedule in a third world shithole.
When I have a problem with Next it's usually something I can take to m712 (or could take to Josh) and hear "that wasn't supposed to happen, let me track down the issue" and get a fix quickly or "that part isn't finished yet, a fix is planned".
When I have a problem with Lynxchan I can go to StephenLynx and hear "that's not a problem and I won't change it".
Yeah, and the deal with that is that Next isn't documented well. It's usually not a big deal with the small fixes, but when it comes to heavily abstract classes that span over a dozen files with its roots in the imageboard at a fundamental level, in a framework written in a language most people can't stomach, you could say the problem isn't really the ideas, but the implementation.
But even deeper, the more I learn about Laravel the more disgusting I find it. Sure, you implement fast and can get 99% of the way there but it writes you into a corner.
I wouldn't use PHP at all, but I'd probably use Symfony and another ORM like Doctrine if I had to. Such a switch is extremely, extremely painful in that codebase considering how deeply integrated Laravel is in it.
Some might say why use a framework in the first place, but I think it's a loaded question. The real problem is opinionated frameworks, and ease of extensibility for core components. Not using a framework is just like writing fizzbuzz over and over again. Eventually you'll find yourself with a mini "framework" that you wrote yourself and prefer, and the cycle begins anew.
Take a look at how piss easy it is to extend the Django ORM in the Blazechan thread, versus how fucking painful it was for Josh to fix the Laravel ORM.
Still, yes. The reality is that Lynx can't stomach feedback, while Josh could. If you weren't a mouth breathing autist hanging on his nutsack when it came to trivial matters, of course.
Let me tell you a story about Infinity Next.
We once had an issue on Nextchan. The issue was at first clicking remove from an attachment's options redirecting you to the attachment itself (routing issue). When I fixed it, I realized there was another problem: every attachment had the same options menu, which was always the first attachment's options menu. After spending over 10 hours over 3 days on that subject, finding that getRemoveUrl and getSpoilerUrl does return the correct links, and tearing half my hair off, I found out that the fix was two lines: when you wrap an area with a @section in the template, it does not get overwritten if it's in a for loop. And the funniest thing is, this is not documented anywhere, so if you accidentally do that and then forget about it, fuck you.
This is why I want to write Blazechan. Django is a much, much better framework in having replaceable parts and being extended, which you need because every project needs specific things that a framework may or may not cover. I am making good progress with it currently, however I will be absent for about two weeks (real life shit), after which I'll have free time.
only reason Next was not implemented here is because Jim refuses to run a LGPL website.
Remember when they couldn`t get it running fast and it had to kept in "beta" for MONTHS.
Now Josh claims its finally fixed. We can`t know really know until we let it run under similar loads again lol.
*to be kept
Kill yourself.
Most of lynxchan's features are based on feedback, though.
1.7's improved mod tools, multi-lingual support, file deduplication, narrow range bans, board volunteers being able to change board settings, post ip expiration, revamp of it's early 404.
The list goes on and on and on.
Saying that I don't take feedback is plain false.
Josh was the hero we needed, but was killed by jews and stress and drugs and mistakes. Maybe he wouldn't have lasted in any case, but he was very dedicated to his work, unlike whoever is working on 8ch currently.
You've gotten much better about feedback recently, but it took months of feedback for some of those changes to acknowledge they were needed.
So many newfags in this thread who can't even remember a year ago.
Josh was a moron. He would try to avoid arguing publicly, and would ask for any complaints/bugs/suggestions be sent to his e-mail, which was basically a giant spambox since he'd ignore it.
He was a front-end designer, which should tell you all you need to know, but in case it doesn't, it means he was wholly unprepared to write code to run on a server. For a start, Infinity Next would effectively consume 100% CPU all the time by design. He never optimized it, or limited it in any way, so it pretty much just expands to consume any resources it can. I guess he thought 100% of resources used meant he'd get the full potential out of the crapbox servers the site was running on, but the reality was that it would max out resources and just not run. Then we started hearing things like "oh we just need some eight core super server", but I'm pretty sure no machine would be able to run and keep up.
The problem with the design, from an engineering perspective, is that he basically built it as if the problem he wanted to solve (performance) wasn't an issue. He just said, "yeah, sure, let's have it run non-stop".
Realize the main issue with vichan & derivatives is that the way it writes data is super inefficient, and bottlenecks under high traffic. Also realize that, somehow, Josh made the site worse just by working on it and toggling options, either out of incompetency or to secure his job. Either way, he's an idiot, and he made the site worse and then complained constantly that we needed to replace the software.
I don't know how many of you were there for the time we dared him to turn Infinity Next on, but he caved and did it. It promptly failed to run at all. It ran exactly like you'd expect an unfinished piece of software to. There was basically no error-handling, because Josh built it with the assumption that it would "just work", and he basically built it such that adding any kind of limitations, or attempts, or anything like that would be a pain, because it was just supposed to pick up whatever posts were added and keep writing them constantly.
Oh, and the design sucked. I mean, it was alright in general, but the attention to detail was atrocious. The text box wouldn't go away. He left out the warning canary in the footer. WebMs and other playable media had a strange record thing, and wouldn't loop, at least not by default. Things broke constantly. Overall, terrible experience.
Next isn't half bad conceptually, but it was designed and built by a total neanderthal with no concept of how to run a project.
Oh, and afterwards, he tried to claim copyright, despite it being a project he was hired & compensated for building. And Hotwheels basically just said, "whatever, I'm done" afterwards. Nobody wanted to deal with his crap.
Which is why he got fed to the pigs.
No, not really.
What happens is that I have 6 month long release cycles.
So it might take up to 6 months for a change to be visible on sites running the engine after I have implemented it.
I think it took longer than half a year for certain things, and in any case your initial reaction was not "I'll fix it this release cycle" but "that's not a problem".
So at the end of the day everyone says that it was a database access issue. How do you solve database access issues? Do you shove the entire site, and all the boards, into a progressively larger single database? No, of course not, that would be stupid. I offered the solution as soon as it was stated, but of course was ignored. The solution is for individual boards to have their own database, not just a table in the database. The lookup time would be less when you have to traverse a smaller database than a larger one, but the biggest benefit is that there aren't hundreds of calls to the same database within just a few seconds. The process in which a database can be accessed and/or written to is helped when you have less demands on the system. What do you plebs think the solution for a database access issue is? Do you think, at scale, Google+ or Facebook keep all the posts ever made in a single database? This was the one reason that an infinitely expanding imageboard would be doomed to fail regardless of the label "vichan" or "Infinity Next". You just can't shove 10 pounds of shit into a size nine poop sock.
Obviously because of the database access issue
This was the big lollipop that got all the board owners wet. It doesn't mean that the users can post on the site any more reliably. This should have always been a very low priority item.
This is really a non-issue, that is what "extensible" is supposed to mean. If the implementation was done poorly for how the data was parsed, well then add some exception handling. This is really basic bitch stuff. I just don't see how anybody can excuse the level of incompetence displayed by the staff throughout the whole Infinity Next debacle. The real problem is that you had IRCwheels get hep from his IRC buddies to set up a chan running off-the-shelf software with no skills of their own that would help them in maintaining or extending that software.
If I was IRCwheels, I would have spend more time learning how to software instead of playing proprietary vidya
Ebin Interview
more fun stuff I saved from that time
I don't know enough about the innermost workings of databases to be sure, but I have a strong suspicion that using multiple databases is a retarded idea, because the same gains could be made by optimizing concurrent access to separate tables, but it wouldn't fix the features that are outright broken because of the number of boards either way. You'd be taking the problem one tier further.
It does mean an improvement to board quality, for example because viewing the report queue is less of a pain in the ass. It's relatively minor, but it does matter.
OK, maybe you should try playing with one or two before you post. Again, do you think Facebook uses one massive database to host all the content?
My favorite saved pic is this, that Josh's favorite artist was just redoing others art. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It goes for Josh wanting to be able to code a working website tool. And at the same time both Josh and this artist can be seen as scam artists, passing off the work of others as their own. Its like, super ironic.
That's it for now... praise KEK.
>one database for each board HOLY TITTIES this nigger om nom nom
So much delicious drama.
I remember just fine.
No, it didn't. You're a retard who doesn't know what you're talking about.
No, caching was planned, it just wasn't completed. Again, don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, it failed to run because cripple's captcha promptly consumed all available resources because of the way the captcha was served. The way it was served was intended to be better accessible to No-JS users, btw.
That's how copyright works.
And further, it wasn't "claiming copyright" he just didn't want to relicense it in a way that meant Jim could take it and close source it.
No, the real issue was Jim. He's a retard who thinks that his gook son, or his shitty software outsourcing firm, actually produces or owns novel software.
No, the only things they have going for them is a textboard (2ch) that was fixed by community developers, an imageboard (Holla Forums) that was "fixed" poorly by his gook son and fixed better by community developers (Odilitime, doesn't require users to login to recache missing threads), and a number of sites that have been hacked.
Their Ronin pass site was hacked, resulting in the release of over 40,000 unencrypted credit card numbers. They had another web property which codemonkey says they had to rebuild completely because it was compromised.
So, no. You don't know what you're talking about.
That won't happen because the schema is a house of cards. The primary reason for Next was fixing that problem.
Also hilarious is that cripple and gookmonkey blame Josh for the board_stats bug, and yet they're so incompetent that they missed the bug when profiling the database twice.
Especially when switching to FreeBSD to "fix" the dedicated table per board problem. And of course, in code review on github.
What they won't tell you was that the site was just as unusable for two months even with the board_stats turned off and then fixed. Another bit of trivia all the retards sucking the administration's dick totally ignore.
still shit
improvement only necessary because you didn't do it properly in the first place, and it's still not done right
go took a look at the blazechan thread, the developer actually took the time to listen and do it right, basically like josh's solution
having to hack around memegoddb and being locked into md5sums, good job
God please fucking no.
Just stop replying to stal, he thinks he's hilarious but in reality he's an unfunny, fat faggot.
You fucking stupid CIA niggers
Yes you want to distribute data across multiple servers, but not just by dividing up the schema.
That's the poor man's (aka nigger) horizontal scaling.
Does it work? I mean, what's good nigger? What's real good? Things that work are good. That is what's good. Not some all-in-one solution that fails to work at all. Failure, no matter how elegant, is failure, and success, no matter how brutish, is success.
Except that adding multiple databases wouldn't work at all.
Was it ever tried? And again, answer the question, does all of Google or Facebook run on a single massive database? Why in the fuck would you think that interacting with multiple databases is hard? Where in the fuck do you get that idea? Is it because all you have ever known is software that others have built for you?
Its just so stupid, so fucking stupid.
This is literal retardation, its enough to make me want to vomit
It was this broken.
sage just because
Ok, riddle me this: how you fetch all posts across all databases?
If your answer is "perform one query for each database" then I won't even bother replying to you again.
Use wget you retard
Now, why is fetching all posts across all databases, at once, necessary, to interact with one or two boards? What are you trying to accomplish? If you are worried about flagging "forbidden" content to prevent uploading CP then you run a query of the file's MD5 sum against a list, that is updated at periodic intervals for the local instance. Its extremely fast to do this. I don't understand why you constantly have to find reasons to self-sabotage? Like, just take a few computer science classes until you figure this stuff out. You can learn a lot for free, and then you won't sound like such a salty bitch with this, "how you fetch all posts across all databases?" The answer is, you don't ask the system to do it, because its retarded.
I am really pissed at myself right now for taking shitty bait like this.
That's not broken, that's unfinished.
Please stop replying to stal. As I said, he thinks he's funny but he's just an annoying, fat faggot.
What a faggot
Thanks to me for the bump!
No problem me.
Yes you newfag
Literally worse than /g/
Hi Josh.
Funny, because I distinctly remember speaking to Josh on here, and he was pretty clear that it was supposed to perform at maximum CPU usage with zero caching, and that adding a cache would be a last-minute resort, but that the design goal was to make it respond to every request dynamically. It was designed in such a way that adding a cache would be difficult.
It failed to run because it immediately choked on itself, and Josh had no idea what was going on. The hardware couldn't keep up, and it wasn't optimized. If Josh couldn't pinpoint an issue like "oh the captcha is breaking", then he's even dumber than I thought, because that would be exceedingly easy to diagnose and fix immediately. Instead, it buckled under traffic, and the site broke. It had zero error-handling. I was using it when it went live, and it sucked.
The work was commissioned by Frederick Brennan and members of the community to create a new software imageboard platform. Thus, the work performed belongs to Frederick + other backers of the campaign. If none of them want to take up ownership, it is abandonware and the copyright is orphaned.
Not really important; it's already been relicensed to a more friendly license, and he has zero say over it, because it is not his copyright.
I don't trust Jim, but the site wouldn't exist if not for him. His son and Hotwheels are the ones who did the bulk of the work fixing the site, in turns, and it's run relatively smoothly ever since. Josh should never have been allowed near the old site. He shouldn't have been hired to make the new site, either, but he at least could have been left alone to work on it and make something functional. He could have planned ahead. There were so many problems with the way he did things. I don't even know where to start complaining from a project management standpoint.
If you're so unhappy with this work, then let's raise the money to buy/finance the site, and find a competent developer to make a proper software platform for it. But this won't happen, because Josh literally made the entire community distrust the idea by pissing away the opportunity.
Anyways, it was nice talking to you again, Josh. Not. You were wrong before, and you're wrong now, and you have no clue what you're talking about, as usual.
boast diddies
I can confirm what this user is talking about caching.
He was warned multiple times by multiple people that a fully dynamic chan wouldn't work and yet he only started worrying about caching when next shat the bed.
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. It was planned from the start that it would be using varnish with edge side includes for the dynamic bits.
Odilitime benchmarked it without the captcha, I benchmarked it without the captcha, and the problem was the clearly the captcha.
The hardware couldn't keep up because cripple's captcha was fucking retarded and was manipulating images pixel by pixel in the interpreter itself, not even passing this work off to a C library.
Ironically, cripple liked to talk about quadratic complexity when he makes image manipulation worse by manipulating pixels in PHP.
The problem was piling sessions onto the site, all at once, and the fact that the captcha was dogshit. Cripple knew how his fucking captcha was being used.
Again, that's not how copyright works.
Read the link, you fucking retard.
What the fuck? Again, that's not how copyright works. Josh can certainly put it into the public domain if he feels like it, but just because something is not maintained or updated doesn't mean it's orphaned.
No wonder you sound so confident and spew shit on imageboards about shit you know nothing about, Dunning-Kruger at its finest.
That's how Jim's pajeet team thinks copyright works, for sure. After all, one of their stupid gooks forked an android client and changed copyright attribution for authors, basically implying that NT Technology held sole copyright instead of the original author.
The best part? The dumb filipino rewrote git history to cover this up, or because he was embrassed about his retarded search+replace fuckup. Who knows.
Except, again, that's not how copyright fucking works.
Read a book, you stupid nigger.
You're a fucking retard who does not know how copyright works, and you certainly do not know who I am.
Okay, Mr. "Copyright is orphaned when no one updates a source repository."
Do you find yourself drooling, sometimes? No doubt you do, I'd just eliminate myself from the gene pool if I were as fucking stupid as you.
I can confirm that the retard you're replying to has no fucking idea what he's talking about. Even in October, before any of the shitstorm happened, a caching layer above the application was planned. Cripple and Josh probably talked about it in their drama logs.
Or, rather, he can put his work into the public domain. But of course, that wouldn't apply to the MIT/X11 and A/GPL licensed work that he pulls in as dependencies. Nor does it change the fact that people did contribute to Next, under the AGPL license.
Which would require consent from each developer to basically relicense or surrender copyright to Josh so that it's his decision.
m8, he was warned at least 3 months before that.
You only started paying attention by the middle of the shitstorm.
Anyway, 8ch has never been better, so let's get the post rate up by inviting people from the next FatPeopleHate or whatever.
You must be fucking joking.
It's always assumed you use caches when needed, you fucking retard. Why else would he use a database cache, then? He was already using an internal HTTP cache, and had a plan with varnish and edge side includes if somehow the internal HTTP cache didn't work.
No, the problem was the captcha. It was always the fucking captcha. Both Josh and the fucking cripple are to blame. First, you don't fucking generate a captcha on each new session like it's a small thing. You had retards hammering the server (Lynx) with hundreds of new sessions without benchmarking with persistent session cookies. And you certainly don't fucking manipulate each pixel of large images in the PHP interpreter for an endpoint that could potentially be hammered.
So, no, you are fucking wrong. Eat shit, retard.
Yet he didn't use one until everything was on fire.
No, he wasn't. And if he was, it was a really, really, really shitty one, since next failed completely when anyone tried to actually use it.
Only when he ran out of ideas. Varnish is the to-go crutch for shitty servers. If he had anything planned at all, he wouldn't design his software in a way that made it SO hard to add varnish that no one managed to do it so far, despite several attempts.
So yeah, nah, you don't know shit. You can sperg and call others retards as much as want, it won't change the fact that you are wrong.
Bonus points: the captcha didn't made a difference, since nextchan shat the bad HARD when librechan shut down and /hebe/ went there.
By that point everyone knew about HW's fucked up captcha.
The captcha is the same as it's always been. Except one of the developers implemented expired captcha pruning on nextchan.
Again, you are retarded.
Yes, he was.
No, it's a document cache. Like Josh using an internal HTTP cache.
You're the fucking retard pretending you know anything about copyright. A simple google search will show you that, no, copyright is not "orphaned" if you don't fucking update a project. Everything is protected until 100 years in the future thanks to the fucking mouse.
Not to mention, your strange idea about copyright ownership. I already linked to the supreme court ruling showing you that you're wrong, no need to bring that up, and yet you still persisted in being a retard.
You wot? I never argued about copyright.
Fuck off, josh.
Own your post:
Yes it is
Unless you are an employee (he was not, Jim is a kike and refused to pay him unless Jim outright owned the software) or have it in EXPLICIT, CONTRACTUAL TERMS that you are surrendering copyright as an independent contractor, it's still the creator's copyright.
This is probably the stupidest bit of your post.
Don't pretend you're another faggot, either. You're in the reply chain, are invested in the specific post I'm replying to, and you have the same mental illness that compels you to make a boogeyman out of those who point out that you are a moron.
Are you just pretending to be retarded? Anyone can see next doesn't even have the most basic caching one could have.
That wasn't my post.
You are not arguing against only one person, everybody with half a brain knows next is utterly useless.
It's not turned on.
The HTTP cache is configurable.
You can see it in the .env file how to configure it.
You sure are fuckin stupid. Go back to Holla Forums, subhuman.
Yeah, sure bud.
I fucking give up.
No matter how evident the facts are you will just make up some shit.
Oh geez, you seem to be more oblivious than I thought. Guess you are a fucking retarded Holla Forumsirgin who doesn't know what they're talking about.
Three seconds:
APP_ESI is now used for edge side includes for Varnish to fetch, whereas previously it was for the internal HTTPCache, as far as I can tell. Therefore, it's not configured.
Boy champ, you sure are fuckin stupid. You want to bow out after you've been called out for 1) not knowing how copyright works 2) not knowing how copyright ownership works and 3) being a retarded faggot who wasn't know how to spend three seconds searching a repository for "HTTPCache".
Hopefully, you will, but since there's no embarassment in being a fucking retard as anonymous you might double down and keep going. Who knows?
Either that or the 200 is bubbling up from the ESI request. But, as far as I can tell, m712 doesn't have varnish configured and is working on something else.
It was too slow and no one wanted to find out if there were any other hidden gotchas.
Josh had a profiler attatched to Infinity Next, problem was the captcha was off the request cycle and both Josh and the Cripple were logged into their cozy admin accounts which bypassed the captcha.
Laravel is nigh impossible to use with Varnish. I tried making a VCL file. Believe me, I did. But there's no VCL4 version of the shit you need to add to the config and the Acetone package hasn't been maintained in forever. If you want to help me out with it come down on #nextchan @ irc.rizon.net because I cannot do it myself.
everyone knows that josh leaked his trip.
not that it matters since people kept falling for fake trips anyway.
I am Josh
Fuck, that actually pissed me off. How can you be hired to develop software and have no working knowledge of algorithm efficiency? Hotwheels should have scouted for a better dev.
It's possible, just in a way that doesn't use sessions for captchas. Get rid of that, and it becomes much simpler.
You could also make session routes stateful. This requires making moderator-specific endpoints, like Holla Forums does.
I agree that Laravel is shit but it's implementable. The facts weren't taken into account from the beginning, is all, and that was the consequence of the actions.
I mean, it's really not a big deal. Varnish probably wouldn't even be needed if it weren't a self-hosted captcha being generated in the way it was. It was that bad. You should know that, with load spikes coming from lurkers when pedochan died.
What the fuck was that even?
When you've Eiffel Towered a Flip ladyboy with the guy who's hiring you, then snorted oxycontin together off of "her" ass, it doesn't matter whether you know what you're doing.
The main reason loads spiked when pedos came over from Librechan was because the file serving resolved URLs using PHP. Josh was warned about this months before he quit, he was told that dynamic file serving wouldn't be able to handle such a load, he did not fucking care. I'm working around it by using an nginx cache proxy which serves the files from cache once it's been resolved.
Why is it so trendy to not use filesystems for what they're good at.
Why does everything have to be php fetching base64 encoded images from a mong database these days?
That's Lynxchan.
Sorry, are you talking about sendfile? Or what? In the case of sendfile, yeah, it should only be used for development. I fail to see your point. That didn't have anything to do with the way the beta was fucked up. Because files were resolved internally but served with nginx on the beta.
That was probably instantclick, I remember that point in the beta.
Anyways, it's clear that the userbase of this shithole will never really know what's going on because they'll always believe the cripple's side.
Even after Jim introduced shady ads again and after one of his shitty filipino outsourcing sites was totally compromised, again, and after they attempted to claim sole copyright on an Android application after search/replacing the name+namespace (probably so they could link it with proprietary ad libraries), people like you just have battered wife syndrome.
You believe most of this not because you know anything about technology, but because some retard from Holla Forums said it so it must be true.
Oh, and not to mention, being totally uncompromising that he wanted to own and close source community crowdfunded work.
What a fucking kike, tbh.
it would just jump to the same random point in the thread no matter what quote you hovered over (after the 2-3 sec freeze time)
shut up retard
Prove me wrong, faggot.
Continue to deep throat an american expat to south east asia who fucks children in Filipino cults, taking advantage of their need for money.
instantclick bugging out/causing lag*
Sure thing, brah.
If I'm not mistaken, that didn't work - it was one of things the cripple tried after the Next fiasco.
Yeah, like the damn reply box with position:fixed you couldn't ever close because Josh was a retard.
iirc he was ok with it being open source if it used a different license.
No, he wanted to own it outright, and after it was explained to the jew that it wasn't any of theirs to even give away because it was crowdfunded, he bitched about AGPL because he doesn't understand licenses.
For example, if you interfaced to softserve via oauth, that's not something that's an AGPL violation. Much like how they now use oauth to authenticate with the application that powers board banners, which is a laravel application btw. Because they didn't want to touch the DB schema anymore because it's a clusterfuck, after cripple migrated banners to that application as a test.
No, Cripple didn't try odili's fixes. Before that gookmonkey was already writing something in haskell. And I'm pretty sure one of the gooks at Race Queen Inc. was shitposting in threads about redis, about how "insecure it is", apparently because their company would be too incompetent to secure a redis instance.
Wow, it's fucking nothing, and was just changed as easily by Josh to something that doesn't tickle your autism.
It was meant to be optional in the end, like 4chan-x's fixed reply box is. Not that I'd expect some retard like you to have ever used any of those extensions.
To give you an example of the shitty frontend it's replacing (since all the backend examples have been done to death):
Threads are divs but styled as inline-block. This causes the entire page to redraw as anything changes size (relative timestamps, ID mouseovers, basically everything).
So let's optimize for fan noise in the user css:
.post{ display: block; width: fit-content; max-width: 100% !important; overflow-y: hidden /* catch image floats */;}
But now there's giant gaps between the posts. Why?
Because there's tags between them to work around the side effects of fucking up the page with inline-block, of course.
.post + br{ display: none }
Are we done yet? Nope.
The site's clusterfuck javascript will detect you doing this, and put style="display:inline" on EVERY SINGLE TAG itself just to fuck your day up. Why?
Meth. Not even once.
Now that's just a dumb complaint. Using inline-block vs floats and of course vs tables has been a pretty standard solution for layouts for years.
>Because there's tags
Now, you've revealed just how stupid you are. Those are placed there by your browser.
I'm not even a front-end hipster and it's clear that you're the fucking retard here. Screencapped for some future laffs.
Also, I did you the favor of searching the templates.
Just so you don't try and damage control:
You'll see that the only breaks in the templates are definitely not in any of the normal layout pages. They're in some templates that deal with static content, but definitely not anywhere else.
Good stuff, made me laugh.
Try not pretending you know what you're talking about next time.
>browsers magically insert tags in the source and also retroactively inject them into the server so that they show up in `curl` output
And filtered.
After 2-3 migration fails because software CRAPPED itself...
The techical jargon isn`t going to fix 9 months down the drain cause he couldnt get it running fast on time. Bleeding development costs etc.
Bailing, running with the donations and screwing the licensing for the community it was built for isn`t going to be fixed by witty comments.
The horrible architecture that is so convoluted it can only be fixed rewriting the source (practically 0 debugging) only by devs who actually had experience with it doesn`t help.
The awful performance thats claimed apparently is fixed now.. no way to know unless it has real use.
Its over and whining about how, ohhh it was totally going to work cause of this one thing is hilarious.
I wasn't talking about Next. Here's your (you), and a golf clap. Fuckwit.
Ah, I am the retard here. Didn't realize you were talking about vichan.
I thought he was talking about Next. Since this is a thread about how supposedly broken it is. Recognizing that the front-end of this piece of shit is totally broken is good, I guess.
Fun trivia: the only reason the migrations failed was because Jim wanted Postgres support but didn't want to pay for any of it.
Laravel's ORM didn't have good support for some postgres functionality they needed.
So, Josh had to spend two months fixing it for Jim, totally unpaid and not focusing on actual features or fixing caching.
Fuck off, retard.
Also, the license wasn't screwed for the community. Jim just wanted it in a relevant license so he could close source it, like he's done to Holla Forums.
It can be fixed, most people just don't like PHP. Laravel is extremely hard to cache this way, as well. Actually, if you rewrote the captcha and messenger system it probably wouldn't need caching.
The problem with the captcha was that bad.
No matter what anyone tells you, the numbers do not lie. Go try to benchmark an Infinity Next instance with the captcha enabled, and without the captcha enabled, by throwing a ton of sessions at it, and with NGINX serving media files.
Next is broken but it doesn't matter how much since it's still better than this atrocious clusterfuck on almost all counts.
If it would be possible to clone a fucking large database/site and try running it for few days (if thats even possible), then you would see how much it could even handle anything.
Right now its all this and that, i said, he said and she said. I DONT GIVE A SHIT.
Don't disagree with that.
Why the overboard isn't happening is that their shitty system to work outside of Infinity isn't going to be able to deliver anything near what they promised, and the reason they decided to go this route is because 1) the gook has a boner for haskell and 2) the database schema is a clusterfuck.
Infinity has attempted to go to "big table" for a while now, such a move was attempted in September after GamerGate, and several times after that, and it has always failed. And it will always fail, because it's an ugly piece of shit and the technical debt is like a tsunami.
You were wrong, autist. Go suck up to the administration on /sudo/.
Mad? I said i don`t give a shit.
Also i`m going to go now.
wew laddy
choking on too much filipino cock these days?
You're doing the internet equivalent of shouting, don't know how to properly reply to posts imageboard-style, and are properly unfamiliar with western keyboard layouts because you keep using the backtick inappropriately. You seemed to care a week ago, when (probably you) posted but now you angrily exclaim that you don't?
вероятно, русский хакер
The guy making it admitting designing it from day one with the assumption that Holla Forums had a different kind of hardware than it actually did. It immediately ran like dogshit when it went live.
What didn't help was that the guy doing it was a cockass who thought he knew what the fuck he was doing and it was just everyone else who were retards, not him. So naturally he ignored all advice and complaints and kept fucking it up further.
What a sad, sad world.
Have you not seen the amount of shills and newfags?
Holla Forums is become unproductive. There are too many newfags replying to bait threads, too many shills flooding it.
Very soon they'll flood here for something to do. Like me :^)
Next would run fine even without caching and serving files via NGINX (which it was on the beta), if it were not for the shitty captcha.That's a straight up fact.
Any legitimate complaints were drowned out 10 fold by drooling autists.
It doesn't matter how bad it is, the technical debt of this shithole is too great. It's going to stagnate one way or the other.
I for one am glad that Infinity Next failed because the features that Jim wanted such as recording your actions on the imageboard would have made the datamining a lot easier. Then again Infinity that Holla Forums is running is not the open source one that HW worked on so maybe those features got added in later around the time they were fixing the Alacrity Daemon. Regardless it's good that Infinity Next failed under Josh's watch.
Civilization is built on the backs of the weak and easily exploited. Don't feel sad about it, gloat that someone out there is retarded enough to fund it.
A single database would be the most efficient if hardware scaled to those levels. Once you get one bottle neck you have to do something to alleviate that, one way is to split the database.
You are retarded and have no idea what you are talking about
Today on shit that never happened...