Be nice to nice girls. Cuddle and touch them with your penis WITH THEIR EXPRESS PERMISSION, but go on the ferris wheel, buy her an ice cream, and have a fun day first please lads.
Remember to protect nice cute deserving girls when the apocalypse happens and throw the hags and bitches into the fire. A better world can be achieved through eugenics acting on the female, only white knight for fun loving, cute girls with gentle personalities. Destroy all other women to convert 3D piggu into 3D kyootie pais. This is a commandment. Not from God, but from your heart. You know it's nice and right to be kind to nice girls.
Only by believing in something else can you believe in yourself. Girls give men the strength to accomplish wonders.
Never give up on love, you edgy faggots.
Zachary Stewart
wow cool thread lol
Wyatt Bailey
We're talking about 2D right? 3D just doesn't cut it for me.
Henry Jenkins
>Feel depressed, actually drop out for other reasons too, but this didn't helped
Ayden Johnson
I am fine with protecting 2D, 3D can eat shit tho
Ayden Gray
All those girls are fake though
Colton Campbell
What a retard
Henry Gray
Let's believe in a better woman. Let's meme love into this empty and cold universe.
Joshua Evans
I gradated anyway, much later, but I did.
Daniel Wright
well, you maybe a beta cuck that is getting used by 3DPD, but at least you got trips
Brandon Lewis
Be strong and become a real man.
Gabriel Thompson
Are you going to be carrying around printed out pictures of qts protecting them from bandits during the lolocaust?
Bentley Davis
You can't even spell graduated correctly you dumbass.
Blake Ward
If I'm getting used, I don't mind, this feeling on itself is worth it. She doesn't ask me anything either, just to spend time with her, which I don't mind.
I will user, I will.
It was a typo. Grasp from it so you can make yourself feel better.
Nathaniel Martin
no, I am going to think of her and the family we would have daily, and model my sexbot after her.
Eli Ramirez
I know you think that, that is why I called you a "beta cuck," faggot.
Zachary Collins
Beta cuck faggot who dropped out of high school and can't spell graduated correctly.
David Robinson
But I'm not alone, unlike you, user. I'm happy, in fact.
Jordan Lewis
women are like a sweet candy that is unfortunately stuck in a ball of crap.
and people are fighting to be caught up in that ball of crap and call it love, and they give other men some of that candy without the crap to another man for free because the ball of crap demands it.
Nathaniel Martin
You disgust me.
Nolan Cooper
Cucks like you will always be alone. Getting used by a 3DPD slut doesn't mean she likes you back.
Hunter Gray
Well, I can't hold that against him, I can't spell for shit.
I am never going to have to work a day in my life because of my rich dad, and makes me happier then your 3DPD ever could, and you're only going to be happy until your 3DPD gets done with you, and moves on to the next idiot, hopefully you fucking learn your lesson before you get enslaved.
Lincoln Gray
Shitposting on the go is the most efficient way to shitpost
Liam Gomez
Don't lie to yourself user. We are all alone.
Tyler Turner
Have you ever met such a girl, OP?
Evan Mitchell
I know most of you guys are lonely, but I never expected to hurt you so fast that you'd call me cuck after 4 posts. I wonder if you're even aware of what that word means.
My dad is not exactly rich, but he have enough money to support me if I need it, but I decide to work and win my own money because that's what men do, user, is rewarding on itself. I doubt you're happy, otherwise you wouldn't come here to spill lies.
Landon Edwards
Do they even like this?
Eli Hill
Cuck refers to a man with an adulterous SO
Xavier Taylor
Oh, and I'm aware we are all alone, but I decide not to be, even if just for a moment. If this girl decides to go, she wouldn't leave with any piece of me, I'm in love, not stupid, I'm not going to marry her, we are not even dating, I'm just happy to be with her. She is also socially autistic, to the point that after rejecting me she was left with no friends. It's not like I just trust her, I stalked researched her and it seems like that's a fact. So good for me.
Ryan Barnes
SO = Significant other
Caleb Thomas
But to the like it?
Ian Wright
Off yourself retard. You are getting used and it's pathethic how you are trying to fool yourself and others.
Dominic King
But that's wrong in any way you see it. She seems to be as much of a loser as I am. I'm not saying she wouldn't go away if she didn't have the chance, but why would I care? I'm not exactly invested, but I'm still happy to be with her. I guess we are dating, though.
Lucas Peterson
I actually dropped really early from highschool, we are both a little past our 20s, she is still as beautiful, user, I don't know what the fuck are you talking about. Are you that jealous?
Gavin Johnson
That can be misunderstood, so to be more specific, we are both 21.
Alexander Brown
No one is jealous of a 3D slut using you. You posted your little story and people are reacting to it. If you didn't want people to tell you the truth then don't post it next time.
Colton Ross
so, not only do you think happiness is with 3DPD, but working when ones doesn't have to. that is pretty stupid. tbh and cuck means a man who gets off to other men fucking his wife, and you don't do that I hope both you and the cuck have something in common: You both get your happiness and value from 3DPD
Brandon Ramirez
It's evident this dumbass has a fetish for getting used by others. First getting used by a 3DPD who rejected him in the past but also by Jews who profit off workers.
Samuel Hill
yeah, these kind of faggots get rejected by a 3DPD, then find another 3DPD to care about. Going back to the 3DPD that rejected you to start with is just more sad then this already is.
Kayden Flores
Sorry for reminding you how alone you are, user. 2D is quite good while you can't find the right girl. Don't give up.
Well, I was quitehappy before meeting her again, but I'm even more happy now. And money alone doesn't really make you hapoy, user, look at Anthony Burch, an actual cuck. At least you can accept your mistakes, in your own way, but you'll get there, you'll see. Maybe one day you'll dinf a job and you'll stop being a parasite to your father. Maybe he can even be proud of you.
Hudson Price
Easton Foster
umm… dude. You admitted knowing that you are being used by a 3DPD, and are happy for the opportunity. Keep shitty live advice to yourself.
Camden Campbell
life advice*
Ryder Wood
I didn't, user, I said "if I'm getting used". I seriously doubt that's the case. I might have dropped out of high school, but I seem to have more reading comprehension than you do.
Jace Mitchell
Thanks for taking the grenade for all of us and getting used buddy. Now the rest of us can find girls who are worth marrying while beta tier cucks like you get drained for all your worth for the rest of your sad life. Come back and let us know how much she loves you while she is fucking someone else behind your back and you are still paying the bills. CUCK LYFE xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Jacob Martinez
kek. You're right, 3DPD is great, I going find one for myself right, hope she isn't too big of a whore. for real tho, kill yourself
Leo Morris
Drained of what, user?
You don't have to find her right now user, you're still not man enough. You don't even have a job. you're a dissapointment for your parents.
Isaiah Torres
This displeases
Aiden Russell
Drained of money, happiness, the will to live. I'm sure you can handle it though you cuck.
It's pretty funny when you accuse others of being a disappointment to their parents while you dropped out of high school and can't spell correctly.
Angel Mitchell
Thank you OP for the moral support.
James Sullivan
you're right I am not ready for 3DPD i don't hate myself that much
as for my parents mother is dead, and my dad doesn't care, he has always been happy with his pets and his shitposting
I have got to go to sleep. having a nice life with your 3DPD parasite, and I really do hope you see the light before it is too late.
Joseph Allen
Ganbatte, fellow weeb!
Liam Hughes
Ryder Ross
Arigatou anonu-kun
Colton Stewart
Make sure to make a thread to see how it all goes, user. Good luck.
But she insists on paying for her half of the stuff we do and gets mad at me when I spend too much money on her without asking. And I'm happier than I've been in my whole life. There's something wrong with your logic, user. If she leaves, life just go on. I'm good looking, I have a good job, I really have nothing to lose.
That sounds really sad, user, no wonder you're so bitter. I hope things get better, though, get a job and show your dad what a real man is. It's funny that you accuse this girl of being a parasite when you're one yourself.
Cameron Cox
cute and saved
Lucas Foster
>she insists on paying for her half of the stuff we do Let me guess, even though she insists you still pay huh? Let me explain something to you since you are quite dumb. People who leech don't make it evident, they say shit like "oh you shouldn't have" and "you shouldn't spend so much on me" but in their minds they are happy with you buying them shit. So you buy her shit even when she doesn't ask for it? KEK! You seem so desperate and sad, so much so that you don't even realize whats going on anymore. Before you said you guys weren't dating and now you admit to buying her shit. What a sad cuck you are, does she even put out for your sorry ass? A loser like you who has had nothing his entire life and lacks a brain would be satisfied with a girl hanging out with him even to the extent where he is happy with getting used.
So now you are pretending to live a perfect life? Why do you come onto Holla Forums just to lie and make a fool out of yourself. If your little story was true then you would have no reason to come and brag about it on an imageboard rather you would be living your great life.
Idk which possibility is worse, the one that you are lying about this entire thing or the one where you think getting used by women is a good thing.
Cameron Mitchell
No. She literally doesn't let me, she either hide my card or go ahead and pay herself. It's clear that is happy when I buy things for her, but she doesn't like it because she says I should save money for my own ambitions. Sure, it's my money, and I don't have anything else to spend it with other than anime figures. I usually buy things for my friends too and they buy me things back. That's a wrong assumption, user, I had a loving family that supported me even when I dropped out, and I've met fantastic people because of it and ever since. Not to mention that I'm good looking. But I'm not getting used.
It's not perfect, it's good. Pic related is my body. I come to Holla Forums because I used to be like you, user, I still am, at some extent. I usually don't bag about my life here anyway, other than whoring this pic because I really like it. On the bright side, user, this bothers you enough to make a long post about it, so now I know you're actually not happy.
Dominic Sanchez
Isaiah Gutierrez
didn't meant to sage
Ayden Davis
what about 2 point something (like fractals)
Xavier Sanders
Hunter Barnes
I would pat their chests
Michael Brooks
reminds me of the cancer spammers were using some months ago
Blake Bennett
Adrian Morales
Danke meme sir, you have now many memes
Samuel Sanders
I MEANT (you)S!
Juan Hughes
Wtf are you doing on Holla Forums femanon? This isn't cuckchan. Tits or gtfo
Jason Hill
im a guy
I just think being nice to nice girls is the moral thing to do.
Luis Rogers
You're really fucking pathetic, you know that? This white knight fantacy of the "perfect cute kind woman" of yours is the kind of delusional shit that'll just fuck you up again.
Brody Sanders
So a moralfag and virgin. Got it. Keep in mind nice grills are awesome. "express permission" is something they don't give you because they tend to not be sloots.
You actually have to be able to dictate she needs to bend over for fun time.
Juan Perez
Ok seems like she wants to use you for the long con. If she pays her share for now then you will eventually get into a relationship and that's where the real mooching starts to happen. No its actually not, you admitted to dropping out for depression and other reasons and people with normal lives don't do that. Losers do that. So good looking that she rejected you the first time right? Try again with your fake stories faggot. You might have lost weight or something but you can't change face structure. But you are. Also since you ignored the question where i asked if she was putting out for you, Its most likely that she doesn't and you are embarrassed so you willingly ignored it. How sad is it when you don't even fuck the girl that is using you? Pathetic. No one asked for your no muscle body you gay fuck. What person in their right mind posts a picture of themselves with an erect dick to a bunch of dudes on an imageboard. I can tell you have some fag tendencies. That doesn't really answer the question though, if your life really changed so much and was as great as you say then you wouldn't feel the need to waste it here. You like showing nude pics of yourself to a bunch of dudes? That's faggot syndrome buddy. I was shitposting here before you showed up and I'll keep shitposting well after you leave. Typing up detailed responses to address your argument doesn't equate to someone being angry. Also using your terrible logic my responses to your story are making you angry since you typed up a long post.
Also It's been bugging me but what's wrong with your grammar dude? I realize you are a high school dropout and very stupid but still. I could point each one out but that would be too tedious.
Anyway I'm through with you, don't expect more responses from me you cuck. Also don't make a thread when she eventually kicks your ass to the curb and finds a better man to leech off cause no one wants to see you cry.
Jaxon Rogers
Nah, I won't be his boyfriend, too bothersome. Love doesn't necessarily mean a relationship. You love you mom but you don't think about dating her Do you? Like any teenager faggot would, specially a weeb. Difference is, I actually did it. I'm clearly not normal, and I don't mean that in the special snowflake sense, user, I'm on an imageboard, although even that is doubtful. Also, I still graduated, though. She never was really interested in relationships, or people. She went friendless because she had way too focus on her grades, and as a matter of fact she was always number one on the classroom. She says she regrets focusing so much on that, though, since she says it wasn't worth it. I was always skinny, in fact, I hate being this skinny. Also, I'm beautiful, fag. I didn't ignore it, user, it was just an stupid question, she is my friend, you don't have sex with your friends. You wanted proof, well, here it is. And if I don't show you, who else would see? My life really didn't change so much, the only thing that changed was her. Also, I don't have anywhere else to spend my time when I'm not with my friends or with her. My post is the third one, so I seriously doubt it, if you mean the whole board, there are plenty of threads, so why waste time and energy with me, user? In my case, I have nothing else to do, but I like to give a sad person advice. I didn't say you're angry, I said you're not happy, it's not the same thing, user. English is not my first language, so sorry for any grammatical mistake. It's ok to give up, user, feeling vulnerable over the truth is uncomfortable for anyone, so it's ok if you want to leave. Good luck, user, I hope you find happiness.
Eli Rivera
This shit happens to all of us at one point or another, it's just something user has to see for himself.
Tyler Robinson
I don't think think she is "the one", user, for fucks sakes, I don't even want t relationship with her.
Jordan Williams
m8, you've been gushing over her this whole thread, talking about how happy you are with her.
Nathan Wright
I do think she is perfect, but I don't see a future with her. Sorry for being rational about an irrational situation, user, it's called not being an idiot. I'm just her friend.
Michael Cruz
Don't care about women because I am trying to get my life together. I am no use to anyone right now. I need to level up.
William Rodriguez
Kayden Carter
sauce on 2nd pic fam
Hudson Young
You've lost your way senpai
Josiah Brown
So you're in your 30s, she's well past the wall
Adam Howard
watch them papercuts
Aaron Evans
Holla Forums.
Ian Wood
Wha? Eugenics can save 3D! You underestimate my power!
Christopher Sanchez
shut up nigger
Nolan Sanders
I'm always super torn. On one hand I want to scoop them up into my lap and pet their hair and tell them they're good girls and dote relentlessly all over them. On the other hand I want to tie them up painfully and teach them that they're property to be used however I enjoy. It's extremely hard to be able to have this cake and eat it too.
Hudson Myers
If I say that you're not a cuck will you give me source on that pic?
Robert Brooks
This cake is not a lie. Alternating abuse with love-bombing is a reliable method of creating sweet sex slaves.
Jacob Thomas
See, this is the kind of person that rubs the lotion on her skin.
Jackson Flores
Well of course, good waifus deserve good hubbies.
Colton Cook
Women want two things: Alpha fux and beta bux.
Meditate on that for a minute. Which one are you giving her?
Chase Kelly
Not all women are soulless cluster b minions of destruction but most are…
Pro Tip: Only do this if you are a person with a strong fortitude and self-esteem. It's not, at all , bad advice. As long as "you" realize what you are doing. It will bait and draw the narcissist in because they will see you as a source of "narcissistic supply." In other words, fuel. They in turn will become dependent on YOU. Once you have them believing that they are a god, flip that script by ripping them a new Asshole. When they least suspect it and don't see it coming attack them like a Thermonuclear Warhead by telling them what a pathetic, miserable, sorry ass, useless piece of garbage they are. Then walk away and go 100% No Contact. They will be "Shell Shocked" at first, then became enraged, and begin to burn on that "hate fuel" but it will be too late as there will be no way for them to retaliate. It will destroy them, and if you ever cross paths again they will be like a Gimp bitch in your presence. Because your devaluation of them will now be their core belief of how you see them. They will literally want to bend over for you to get back into your good graces in the hope of getting back some of that sweet juicy Narcissistic Supply they had so enjoyed in the past. That's how you Destroy a Narcissist. By baiting them, drawing them in, and then CRUSHING them.