How do we stop this retard?
How do we stop this retard?
Other urls found in this thread:
Stallman dismissed an assertion from the floor that recent changes to Title II rules represented a dangerous increase in government control over the Internet, similar to CISPA or SOPA.
However, he was critical of the government for not going far enough to protect the ability of users to share.
Oh my oh my, who will Holla Forums believe? corporate dupes or the grand linux/gnu wizard?
I said for months trump would expand surveillance, plunge us into a corporate dystopia and destroy the internet
God fucking damn Holla Forums should've memed Jim Webb into office
Go back to reddit. Only redditors think net neutrality did anything of value.
t. r/thedonald
Assuming all this FUD and bullshit comes true, the parts of the internet that put him there would disappear and so nothing would put a dampener on the mass riots that would take place when normalfags have their bread and circuses threatened. It's a self-solving problem, no?
I'm just thinking if it would be possible to buy a package where those sites from the image is blocked..
Nice "free market" we'll have..
I want Trump to quit office.
t. r/altright
Why the burgers still believe in government and megacorps?
But same thing apply to Hillary and Jill. And the Libertad was against Net Neutrality too.
Yes, hence >Jim Webb.
Well hey, at least TPP is gone. I'll just have to use IRC to download manga again.
When this will end?
No president is going to take a hard stance on this because the majority of people really don't care or even understand the problem. They will say "So if I pay 50 bucks I get Facebook?" and that will be the end of the discussion. It is the same issue as with privacy. Once it is gone, people start to forget what things were like before.
Holla Forums will defend this
It is precisely because most people don't care or even understand the problem that a corporatist tool would rule against net neutrality in order to further line the pockets of Comcast and AT&T at consumers' expense.
Holla Forums is currently all over the place. >>>Holla Forums8573786
It doesn't matter where they fall on the compass, if they are corrupt pieces of shit they will either allow net neutrality to die or just censor the internet outright. Remember when Obama gave away ICANN? They all do this.
Do you believe that ICANN should belong to America and that no other country should be allowed to control ICANN?
Yes, but couldn't the US create their own DNS again?
Whats the point of keeping a grumpy company.
•Allow companies to compete
•Remove legal loopholes giving ISPs monopolies
•Keep clause of treating data equally and no censorship
What is wrong with this solution to both sides?
Well to just satisfy this you first need to make the phones/fiber lines to be able to be bought/put in ground by anyone.
Second you need to limit the size/influence of a accompanied so that it stays local and can't influence a lot of people if it happens.
I think the best way for capitalism it when companies stay small.
Having gnunet evrywhere
Everyone who paid the slightest amount of attention to what Trump said and disregarded his "Vote for me, and all your wildest dreams will come true." spiel with no real details given knows this. Holla Forums doesn't give a shit about imageboards or the internet in the long run. They just see those as a platform for pushing their agenda and would happily let them burn to keep others from doing the same. Only an idiot would go along with authoritarians and expect to come out ahead.
There is nothing wrong with it.
Holla Forums is full of anti net neutrality pajeets.
This is the result of Holla Forums turning from politically incorrect to another echochamber. Every ideologue holds similar views.
Muh freeze peach.
This is why entrepreneurs don't bother
Net Neutrality isn't a big deal, stop falling for Liberal fear mongering.
Other than the first two having nothing to do with net neutrality and the people opposing net neutrality more than likely supporting allowing companies to keep their monopolies?
Yeah goyim, always listen to Holla Forums
Thanks, will do
I wonder how long it will be before they pull their heads out of their asses?
Have I been meme'd again?
Oh, good. I was worried for a minute that Trump might actually keep the world from becoming more cyberpunk during his presidency with his opposition to the TPP.
If he's such a retard, how did he become the President-elect?
Stallman is misinformed on this subject. I've got mad love for RMS, so we remain friends despite his mistake here.
That pic is propaganda and fear-mongering. NN was overturned multiple times and that shit never happened.
You're the actual retard here, user.
We're between a rock and a hardplace tbh
In that case everything is arbitrary.
Just don't stop people from doing things that's what I am proposing.
Their are shit tons of unfair things done thing enormous companies.
For example in France all the phones lines belongs to oranges.
But no other company can posses their own lines.
Why ?
Because it cost a fortune (not the fiber that's 2$/m) but the digging cost a lot, Europe did allow subventions but it only allows them on a regional scale thanks to lobbies.
So companies can legally do it but the cost is so high that only enormous multinationals can do it ?
Don't you see the problem ?
Their is a limit where a company should be competitive and being competitive by being the biggest douche bag in existence isn't what I call a fair competitiveness.
Being competitive by doing good products and trying to explain to people (without mumbo jumbo marketing) why your product is good/better can only goo in a positive way.
Another example with apple who convinced senators that letting small shops/people repair their phone wasn't a good economical idea for the country.
Their are tons of examples like this.
Got source please ?
Well if I understood correctly (and if source) RMS states that their are people with good intentions that shouldn't be punished.
And their are people who do it but they go over the law and since they broke the law they should be punished.
Well indeed it is as simple as that.
There is no reasons to be mad at RMS because the GPL is also protected by the said law.
And if you look from far away is speeches were always against the DMCA and other BS.
Nothing changed.
The only way we are going to have peace on DMCA BS an other is when gnunet will be bigger.
GNUnet is the only possible future unless you want to be data-mined. We should all start going there.
Oh fuck I just got a seizure from that pic
This is a great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron.
Looks like a borg cube for a certain people inclined towards banking and money lending.
"net neutrality" hasn't existed in the entire history of the Internet yet Liberals keep screeching that the Internet will be destroyed if you don't have "net neutrality".
exercise some critical thinking here.
To be fair, only Platonic Solids are god-tier
What use is a complaint if they have no platform to share it?
Fuck off. Without net neutrality the wild web dies. Major corporations would control even more of the web than they already do. Innovation and free speech would be as good as dead. Even vidya would suffer since only big companies would be able to afford good pipes for the servers.
Many of us knew Trump wasn't Hitler. Still, he's better than allowing Hillary to start WW3 and continue flooding the US with scum.
The internet was born without NN and existed for more than 80% of its existance without NN, yet nobody really noticed. It was only when John Oliver on Comedy Central did the bidding of the Obama Administration that NN became a normie's unquestioned position.
Your taste in anime is shit. You are also mistaken about NN. It is neither necessary or desireable. Big corporations used NN as a power-grab and you licked it up you stupud cuck.
I downloaded a copy of Nuclear War Survival Skills just prior to the election. I was ready to start digging a fallout shelter. I'm 100% serious. You are extremely uneducated if you think Hillary wasn't going to start WW3 with Russia.
Them's fightin' words.
Not my fault the only hacks in logh use axes.
Ed was the best character tho
Holla Forums needs IDs so I can filter the tards who won't stop responding to autistic tripfags from endchan
Only a Goon never contributes to a thread with anything except negativity
You mean the autistic namefag posting without his name?
You are a Spook
Anyway, I remember when my threads on Anti-NN were in the front page for months straight. Trump is going to destroy NN which is why I voted for him, and why OP is shitting his pants. Praise KEK.
She still might. Fortunately Trump is going to lock her up.
And then you sperg out when we tell you you're clinically insane.
Right after being elected he admitted he won't.
You're lucky I liked your WebM. Here's a non-shit-tier quality version that's half as big.
Please explain exactly how forcing ISPs to treat all data equally and to not throttle smaller independent websites is a "win" for corporations.
He won't, his appointees at the FCC will do it. Plausible denial.
Because the "academic" definition of NN and the implementation of NN by various governments are not the same thing. For example, "Gun Safety Act" or "Patriot Act" or "Civil Rights Act" or "Affordable Health Care Act"... do I need to keep going? If it sounds good, how could anyone possibly be against it!? How about "Refugee Protection Act" or something similar? Emotional appeals are the hallmark of leftist politics. Think of the children! You need to give Teacher's Union members tenure at failing public schools because children are important, and you need to approve that special tax levy to fund it because think of the children! Here's a child in Afeica to sponsor, won't you please give two dollars a day? This is Pedro in Mexico City, he doesn't have enough food to eat, won't you help him? Hey, those evil ISPs are thrittling your Netflix connectivity, won't you pass a law that forces them to treat all traffic the same?
But it is based on falsehoods. In the case of Netflix, their own partner Cogent admitted in court that they had throttled Netflix before the traffic ever got to Comcast. It was done on purpose to push am agenda. Joe Public watches his Comedy Central and John Oliver tells him "Call the FCC to prevent Cable Company Fuckery!" and all the sheep bleet, yes, Comcast baaaaad, Netflix gooood! Its pathetic and as you may have noticed since, John Liebowitz and John Stewart were not impartial presenters of facts. When questioned its, "but I'm just a comedian!" They are pushing an agenda that leads to what the UK has now. You have TV inspectors that can enter your home against your will. They want each subject of the crown to have an internet ID to log on. Just recently they passed a massive spying bill. They can't implement massive spying without access to the tubes, they need leverage over the ISPs in the form of "fairness" monitors, regulations, etc.
So you want an explanation, huh? How about you open your eyes and ears before I waste my breath!
Before I adopted the pen name "Makise Kurisu", every NN thread was full of accusations of samefag, samefag! It was born of NN discussion, and it was necessary so that some anons wouldn't constantly complain about a lone autist sperg when they got confronted over facts that they didn't like. The Netflix-Cogent Connection is what compelled me to advocate Anti-Net Neutrality. This was a lie, a scandal, so huge that it was on all the major new networks but never a retraction when the truth came out. They pushed an agenda, but Comedy Central became the Ministry of Truth. It was disgusting to see unfold, but that's how it goes.
Because his opponent was too corrupt to take seriously. Trump has the same policies as Romney, what the fuck is so special about him? Hes authoritarian business man.
Net Neutrality was written before the netflix incident and Comcast didn't do anything until it became an issue in court
How blatantly autistic can one be to put a company before themselves?
Neither has mass streaming you fucking tard, 10 years ago Comcast was supposed to upgrade their cable infrastructure to FIOS but instead pocketed the cash. In 2007 Verzion was caught blocking high traffic sites in suburban towns, but they wised up after a lawsuit. In fact 5 houses streaming Netflix, Youtube and playing vidya is the equivalent to an entire towns data in 1997.
Why would anyone trust them to see our benefits?
In 2020 when Trump is running reelection against a clean candidate and his poll numbers are down on unbiased polls because nobody can spam 5MB MAGA anime girls because their ISP is throttling data he'll realize WHAT A STUPID FUCKING IDEA IT WAS TO KILL HIS UNDERGROUND LEVERAGE.
That's useless bloat. A simple 100 KB pepe will do just as well, and load fine on my Amiga 500.
The patriot act, sopa etc was pushed by.. hmm.. I'll wait for you to think.. okay! REPUBLICANS.
Second, the UK doesn't have laws protecting data, theirs is being monitored and throttled ( australia too ).
Third, the UKs TV license is a meme. Ask any brit and they'll tell you a tiny woman knocks on the door and leaves and you never hear from them again, it's a corporate fee by (guess who) the BBC company.
Lastly you spam the same nonsense each NN thread but you never explain what document, what clause what written evidence in the OIA gives obingo bongo authority to spook up an "agenda". And you'll move the goalposts again trying to weasle out of answering that (then again, trump is taking office and republicans control 3 branches of government, what do you have to fear from leftists swaying the lowly masses of reason?)
Accusing others of manipulating emotions but you prefer scare tactics and boogeymen to push agendas, kek. A true right wing idealist you are, Makise.
100KB could feed a family in Australia.
And yet instead of actually answering my question you give me a bunch of deflections. I don't fucking care about previous laws passed, I don't fucking care what it's named, I don't fucking care what laws bongistan passes, I asked you why Net Neutrality profits corporations. Point out something to me in the text that benefits corporations over citizens. Actual hard proof, not bitching about liberals.
America doesn't need ICANN, silly.
Trump said he'll crackdown on "propaganda" and spy on Muslim neighborhoods. He is not pro-privacy.
Small aside, the patriot act was pushed by literally everyone. There were only like 3 people in congress who voted against it. Hell even the american people were for it years after it was passed:
Just goes to show how fear mongering can work both sides of the aisle and a politician is a politician, no matter what letter they have next to their name. although instead of trying to destroy the government and let corporations rule why not fucking vote for not corrupt assholes?
The 90s-early 00s were terrible times
Thousands of americans died to keep the petrodollar floating for politicians.
Wtf I love net neutrality now
Pol was co-opted. Paid shit posters basically. Plenty of low IQ dipshits, too. Too lazy to find the source but yeah, it shouldn't surprise you.
I'd almost be jealous of all these hip nazi rally attendees and all the fun they're having now that Trump's in office, but I'm too busy actually working toward helping human civilization instead of being an agent of decadence.
Net Neutrality would have been what led to hate speech laws on the Internet since it would make ISP subservient to a Liberal government (which won't exist now).
Yeah, because this was the main concern about NN and not ISPs fucking consumers in the ass price wise like they have been caught doing for years. The glorious ISPs are so patriotic, they are here to protect us from censorship... unless you're trying to get past paying us extra dosh at a premium like the idiotic little fucking goyim you are.
This is no longer a concern since Trump will repeal the harmful regulations that allowed the ISPs to be monopolies. Market forces will take care of all of this in short order.
Fuck off Verizon shill.
Alrighty, hope that's the case.
Net neutrality is retarded.
In the hands of shitty govs it can be. The main argument is how the regulations are engineered: stifling competition or breeding it. Simply stating it's retarded is barely a talking point. People are right to be cautious about it, but leaving ISPs to make up their own rules leave us with shitty infra like the USA, Canada, and Australia.
no it is not
The Internet is not public property
By definition of law, it is
Stopped reading this ancap BS article.
He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's gone back on every fucking campaign promise. You have to be a special kind of delusion to believe trump will do anything but put more money and power in the hands of the business elite.
People keep saying this but all I've seen as proof are second-hand media rhetoric
Just saying fam. You don't have to like Trump but stop making retarded claims.
In this thread: proof that Holla Forums & Holla Forums was a mistake
I considered myself a Holla Forumstard from a while back in 2009. I used to actually learn a lot from Holla Forums and found quite a few credible people that I get a lot of my information from to this day. Unfortunately they have devolved into a partisan cesspit of shitposting and traditionalism and you don't really come across the unconventional information you used to get. It's actually pretty sad to me
Neutrality is bad because it hurts business but gives business profit
LMAO this thread.
Case in point, the main poster shilling against net neutrality in this thread:
So much projecting. Sad!
You tried
Thank you for your insincere congratulations, gook fighting man!
I'm not sure if you'd even accept any proof.
>trump said the wall is going to be mostly fence (
>trump is filling DC with wall street jews (
>he's not going to imprison hillary (
sage cuz not tech related anymore
Thanks for recognizing that none of that has to do with NN
NN repeal confirmed
NN repeal confirmed
NN repeal confirmed
If you can't see the obvious connection between these clear indicators of Trump's business prowess and the certain demise of NN, I feel sad for you.
Also, wew lads, we are down to less than 300 unique IDs! Make Holla Forums Great Again! We have 273 at the moment.
I propose a new line of technological threads dedicated to technology, not thinly-vieled political nonsense. We should get a thread of learning to code and another with real-world free software activism. Check out FreeCAD, that looks cool and its has support for development in Python. We should seriously contribute to real-world projects and recruit talent to this board.
We had mom 'n pop ISPs and personal websites before as well. Fuck off.
severe autism
Don't you mean Holla Forums?
And he said it too.
oy vey he's gonna take your socialist foodstamps away and force you to get a job
nod really
That's a jew problem.
That doesn't make sense.
Yeah it's a crypto commie.
A career politician that promises you an EBT raise for your wife's son isn't a clean candidate you cuck.
Firstly, you have to not make him the only option for 50% of America.
This is what happens when you don't seed your torrents.
I don't see why you bother with this net neutrality debate, you already lost when you let your ISPs give you data caps.
you could eliminate homelessness with a fraction of the military budget, not to mention the total cost of the war on fake bogey man terrorism, and as a bonus a million people wouldnt be dead.
also socialism and authoritarianism are not mutually inclusive
I moved to finland from the states and its quite nice here.. people dont have to work shitty jobs if they dont want and everyone gets free healthcare and school, and there are no homeless so it is a very pleasant and comfy, and there is plenty of freedom here. Cops arent assholes either and let petty shit go for the most part.
Infact its illegal for the government to spy on the Finnish population and there have been plenty of tech related contributions from Finland, not to mention all the qt girls.
I bet youre just jealous cause you work a shitty job or something, but unlimted growth capitalism is retarded. You get a million mcdonalds and stupid shit like that. Its literally cancer.
Plus the bodies could be used as fertilizer.
49.99 is a pretty good deal
This was my first thought as well.
Get the fuck out
So its a lawless hellhole, great place for a douchenozzle like you I guess
Also, race-mixing with Fingolians is degenerate.
How's the NN in Finland though? Getting superior internet service up there?
no you Holla Forums fag
finland is no lawless shithole.. there is a mutual trust palpable in public places for instance, like japan i imagine.. its pretty close to a utopia honestly compared to the states although i am not even going to mention any emerging problems to a cringy faggot like yourself
but yeah youre a huge edgy flaming retard and fyi you will be first in line for the gestapo if they achieve some kind of facism in the states.. theyll use your edgy shitposts as evidence youre a dissident terrorist and you can live the rest of your life in solitary confinement without trial or due process
The difference between a peacewar and welfare is that a peacewar can be stopped at any time, while welfare is perpetual and constantly grows. Perpetual government programs are bad because they legitimize government expansion.
Stop the pointless wars that are peace. But giving handouts to people won't make the world a better place.
Neck yourself. Lawlessness > being a micromanaged slave. Laws are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.
are you seriously advocating a useless war as a justifiable means of helping a country's finances? Besides the morality of slaughtering people for greed there is the issue of "blowback." Billions of people HATE the United States and think of us like dehumanized evil scary bogey man. Every drone strike featured on AL-Jazira increases that exponentially. Its only a matter of time before actual competent terrorists decide to act and do something really nasty like setting of a nuke. Infact /Op/enheimer on /k/ said the chances of a nuke going of in the states are always thought of as 1 in 10 in the next ten years by all the most accredited government think tanks and generals themselves.
The only way to prevent something like this is to work together with the world and fucking sing kumbaya. Marginalizing so many people is eventually going to bring the USA just like Rome. Just like the other countless Empires that have crumbled and fell. Except this time with nukes maybe.
Big government is bad but thats why socialism works on a small scale like in Scandinavian or maybe states governments. But its not perfect and theres a better way to do it.
And free hand outs literally do make the world a better place, atleast where I am. Would you rather have another shitty mall or fast food restaurant being built and possibly having to *gasp* work there? OR having the luxury of not working and studying for free and bettering your future so you can one day actually contribute something useful to your community other than washing dishes at some worhtless shitty restaurant or similar. And again, very few people living in such desperation theyre willing to commit a crime just to survive.
I'd rather that 1000 innocent people be imprisoned than one guilty person go free. What happens to me is of no importance to the society, which must be maintained for more efficient survival. I bet you are the very definition of a coward. "What's in it for meeee?" Well that's a stupid and selfish way of looking at things, which is why we have filthy proprietary software. A worthless pile of flesh like you should stay in Fingolia while real Americans like myself Make America Great Again. When twenty years go by I hope that the shithole that Finland is rapidly becoming doesn't prompt you to return to the USA. I would rather that we didn't have yellow-bellied traitorous filth like you in our ranks. If you ever did think of returning, I hope that you would be willing to pledge the necessary loyalty oaths and repent of your wickedness, with some public service.
Ah, finally a good post! What is the nature of law, a means to an end or an end in themselves? Yours is a bold statement which has the grain of truth to it, but the literal application of your statement leads to the most vile corruption. When the law is impartial, blind, only then does it have value. Otherwise it is injustice.
You don't appreciate the differences amog people in the world. Not everyone has European sensabilites. The Arab only respects strength, and his hate is driven by his fear. His fear must be stronger if he is to be ruled effectively. Read some RealPolitik and stop being such a LoLbertarian.
(((Oppeheimer))) was a ___. He has been proven wrong many times. Jewish science is often full of wild claims and theories that are paraded in their press, but when disproven are never mentioned again.
Rome was the greatest civilization that the world has ever known, and we can learn from their mistakes. Under no circumstances should we allow immigration from former colonies, etc.
The rest of your post is just basic income propaganda and "look, socialism works in a small country", which is to say that national socialism works, only if its labeled in a way that does trigger SJWs.
I want Holla Forums to leave.
It would be nice if this board actually had mods
It would be nice if you discussed technology. You think I wasn't able to ban-evade for weeks on end, earlier this year, on /k/ to post constant inter-racial pr0n? Like, how new are you? I'm the reason they removed the name-feature on /k/ and word-filter "Makise Kurisu". Go ahead, post my name over there if you don't believe me.
And another thing, you Holla Forums-tards are the cancer that killed this board. All you care about is piracy, not supporting free software. Kill yourself.
While the balance of society vs self can be drawn in very many ways, I don't see a fucking point of living if its solely for the "survival" of society. I'd rather every human on earth become sterile and live the rest of their lives in euphoria than continue pumping out endless generations of misery. I also find it bizarre that Holla Forumstards as yourself simultaneously hate big government but yet want it to be authoritarian and controlling of everyone's life to ensure the countries "survival".
Also, how is this related to Net Neutrality? Is US citizens getting equal speed access to non-corporate data sources somehow threatening the survival of society? If ISPs are legally required to allow me to access netflix the same way I access warner brother's site will the USA collapse? Isn't the US government stepping in saying that corporations are not allowed to effectivley censor the free flow and communication of the country's most important free speech tool for the betterment of society, which you seem to adamant about? Remember if Time Warner or Verizon can control which data gets accessed at which speeds, I seriously doubt Holla Forums or stormfront will be at the top of the list. Have fun living in a corporate approved echo-chamber.
I also like how none of you faggots have proven why NN will somehow hand "control" of the internet to the government in a way they already don't have it, just rightwing nazi shit posting about da liberal joos without any substance to back it up
I always brought this up in the past, because I had a feeling that trump would be against internet freedom. Maybe people should mail him and tell him how important this shit is. I mean if his ego is that high, and he just wants to be remembered as a good president he will maybe listen to people.
The human animal evolved to exist is tribes, packs, etc. It is a social animal. The survival of the group is paramount. You are just a selfish hedonist who rails against evolution itself. History will not end with you, and how arrogant it is that you would enertain for a moment that all humanity follow you into oblivion because of your personal tastes.
That's the Duality of Man. Its time to put on your big boy pants and grow up. We have conflicting instincts so logic should guide us, not emotion. The truth of this is beyond contestation.
The concept of NN is a social contruct.
Yes. This doesn't mean that your leading question is correct in its implications. Just because it says that its doing it for reason x, means that it will result in x, could just as easily mean that you are getting an "affordable care act" while insurance premiums skyrocket in reality.
Not an argument against NN.
You have posted no evidence of such a scenario potentially happening with NN. Actually quote the it's text and point out a flaw or shut up, you probably haven't even fucking read it. If you even do you'll probably just google "what's wrong with net neutrality" and copy the first breitbart argument you fucking find. Try researching something before being for/against it instead of imagining horrible scenarios without actually providing any evidence to back them up. I care about NN, not other fucking bills or government policies. That's like saying the national park system is a bad idea because we went off the gold standard. It's nothing but dodging. Although, if you have an alternative solution to not letting corporations fuck everyone in the ass I'm all ears.
You didn't ask for an explanation. Would you like one?
Shifting the goal posts. I answered your question as to how the previous discussion was related to NN, nothing more.
US citizens getting equal speed access to non-corporate data sources threats the survival of society. This is because the government mandates what is allowed and what isn't while picking winners and losers. The end result is ending up like Venezuela where their solution is now to get sterilized. That is one way to end a society (
Again, history is replete with examples, and even current events like the article referenced above. If you choose not to see it, that's on you.
In order to prevent a proprietary future, pics related.
Its been a long journey, but some anons get it. And soon, big-daddy Trump is going to set things right. Believe it!
WEBM related, beware the government bearing gifts. This is what they have wanted for decades.
Disgusting.. You are one sick little deluded piece of shit I hope you know that. This isnt some sience fiction piece that pits race vs race. These are real people. I bet you wouldnt dare speak like that in public. You understand how crazy you sound? You are more radical than 99% percent of Muslims on this planet. And the whole thing about guilty people 1000 innocent... that's fucking the opposite of western justice systems around the world and there is a good fucking reason. Then you unironically drop a MEGA really proving how stupid and crazy you are.
tl;dr You're a mentally ill delusional faggot that should get [email protected]/* */ before you go on a shooting spree at your local Mosque...
Muslim NN supporter detected
as long as I don't have to pay $15/mo to listen to I'm ok
Dear God...Kek.
Polite Sage.
There is a strong stench of Holla Forums here today.
How is your retarded meme candidate going to stop that?
He already basically said to the Microsoft CEO that he'd embrace the H1B program.
He's not going to stop immigration.
He's not going to deport an increased amount of mexican criminals than King Nigger did.
What does this even have to do with your Holla Forums boogeyman?
What does Jim Webb have to do with far-left politics?
For that matter, what does Clinton have to do with far left politics?
Are you some sort of fucking retard?
Rhetorical question, Holla Forums is just a shit board that doesn't actually talk politics, it's an echo chamber where the moderation is so shit that it has bred stupid fucks like you.
maybe if you had even one muslim friend you would realize theyre just normal fucking people and the MSM has turned them into evil bogeyman "terrorist" to keep you afraid, in control, and ultimately CUCKED.
There are Muslim nerds, pacifists, anime fans, tech geeks, alcoholics, stoners, video gamers, and whatever else. Most young Muslims are just like the Christian kids who's parents forced them into a religeon, but the difference is that Islam is also a kind of philosophy for them and the jihad is against their own vices and weaknesses, and its just their way of dealing with their own problems and they get something positive out of it. They HATE ISIS and all that kind of stuff and they're fucking deeply troubled at how modern culture has marginalized them for basically greed and nothing else.
If you have any balls you will watch this and actually get a fucking perspective, instead of parroting what you've read on /pol.
Also, Im not saying nationalism is exactly bad and there shouldnt be more restrictions on immigration for economic reasons, AND also I admit that I usually find white and asian girls the hottest, and that some cultures, in general, mesh better than others (like Japanese and Finnish,), and others clash, (like American redneck
douches and Finnish,) but dont be so cucked that you actually believe all the radical Islamist terrorism nonsense they want to control you with. There are a lot of really chill Muslims and they can be cool as fuck and awesome friends.
tl;dr Pic related... Muslims can be chill as fuck; dont be cucked by mainstream media controlling you with bogeyman lies just because the cold war is over and they need a new threat so they can sell wars.
When people don't like reality they make up their own. You're going to get memed at by people who don't like the idea that Muslims can be normal, because being "invaded" by a bunch of normal guys doesn't sound like a threat. They might bring up some misquoted nonsense to "prove" how evil it is. Let's see how long it takes for them to bring up Rotherham yet again
As for NN, I agree with non-agressive traffic shaping but not the stuff in OP's pic. Standard Internet services such as the WWW shoudn't be throttled or locked. At most just tone down torrent speed at peak times.
Trump isn't even in office yet. Be prepared in case he does end up fucking the Internet up, but until he does something there's no reason to panic. He can't put something into effect instantly, so we'll have ample time to prepare if the worst case happens.
Yeah, it's completely normal for the immigration of a certain religious group to result in people's limbs flying across the Christmas market.
By the way, I live in a pretty 'diverse' area of the UK. There is no shortage of Muslims where I live, and I can tell you that they have no intention of playing along with our delicate Western societies.
There are indeed. And I could not give less of a shit.
Their culture is centred around the mosque - essentially, a piece of foreign territory on our soil. Their foreign customs are preached by a man speaking a foreign language from a foreign book. The entire thing is a breeding ground for segregation and Islamism; it is often the case that the most zealous man gets the microphone (e.g. Anjem Choudhary). They enforce dress codes on their women - followed by the majority - that mark them out as 'halal' compared to haram Western sluts. They create incredibly segregated communities where they all pile in and dramatically reduce every measurement of sanitation, life expectancy and happiness. Look at East London, Blackburn, and Birmingham in England, or Kreuzberg in Germany.
While obviously most Muslims are not 'kill all infidels'-tier, if you deny that their culture and practices are orientated towards colonisation and separation, you are believing in an utter lie. Additionally, if you cannot see the difference in results between Muslim immigration and, say, Hindu Indian immigration, you are blind.
So...I'm just meant to not believe in terror attacks? Wut? I'm just supposed to gloss over Charlie Hebdo, Paris, Nice, Berlin, Ansbach, Würzburg etc? You are being completely incoherent here.
This is just tinfoil bullshit. Besides the fact that you have no actual evidence of Western governments ordering terrorists, it also makes no sense whatsoever. Why would Angela Merkel's government, which is under threat from the rising AfD, order more terrorism which makes her sink in the polls? The fact is that terrorists are low-IQ sandniggers who can't delay gratification and therefore do not plan grand attacks on the power grid.
In summary: you are a paranoid, butthurt, tinfoil-hat-wearing Muzzie sympathiser who desperately wants to hold onto his 'muh muslims dindu nuffin' narrative - a narrative, by the way, which is causing dozens of people around Europe to die every few months while nothing is done. Thanks for helping that along.
Oh, those stupid right-wingers - thinking that the rape and trafficking of thousands of English girls by almost exclusively Pakis actually means anything! Ho ho ho!
That BLM guy at 7:30, lmfao.
28:16, the memes! "HERE, ONLY TIGER CAN SURVIVE"
Anyway, I was already aware of this. I hadn't watched this particular video but I already advocate agaist Israeli Apartheid, mostly because they made such a big issue about how racist South Africa was and that we Americans are racist to want a wall on our Southern border.
Well said. If it isn't Rotherham its Rotterdam, where the native people are displaced.
"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live." - Richard Stallman
I'm in Bradford right now, a town full of people from everywhere. It's multicultural enough that I can stand in the town centre and be less than 5 minutes away from a Taco Bell, Tesco's, Lidl, Turkish kebab shop, polish convenience store and indian takeaway. In about an hour from town I can reach a mosque, Sikh temple, Hindu temple, church and I've heard there's a synagogue around but never looked for it.
Which is why mosques come equipped with radios, so that the only way to hear the call to prayer is to buy a shortwave radio and tune in. The mosque sermons are in English in most mosques, if you actually checked, and I've never heard of that Anjem guy but all the sermons I've heard are never about segregation or hiding from the rest of the community. I have a hard time finding someone in the Muslim community who can't speak English either, and Bradford is one of the old mill towns they came to around the '60s.
If they're enforcing their dress code on the majority they must be doing a pretty shit job, because I can see women wearing short shorts and low neck shirts in fucking Winter. All that's come of them being here is cheap takeaways and Morrison's having a halal section.
Better cover your ass when you walk past a church then.
If you live in a 'diverse' area literally go ask people what they think. I know it involves human interaction but it isn't that scary once you get used to it. If you live in a high-Muslim area it shouldn't be hard finding one, and if you try hard enough you could even find quotes to cherrypick :^)
You've convinced me. I don't have to worry about a potential Christmas attack every time I get on public transport, because some Muslim girls wear short shorts in winter! Everything's just fine!!! No, ignore the fact that the English Eastenders are fleeing the enrichment in Newham (
The fact that most Muslims are 'normal' (which, if that's true, raises the question why they feel the need to congregate so much around each other in ghettos) gives no-one any comfort. You can just stick your fingers in your ears and bleat on about takeaways (and what a fucking inconsequential argument that is) but that doesn't mean the real problems of Islam go away.
Americans can't discuss net neutrality without degenerating into liberal vs. conservative tribalism.
What does NN mean for Tor users?
"People of White British ancestry nevertheless remain the largest single ethnic group in the borough. The largest non-White British ethnic groups are Indian (14%), African (12%), Bangladeshi (12%) and Pakistani (10%)."
Right from your source bro
Depends what you think the outcome of NN would be. I expect if FCC loses and Comcast etc. can't further monetize the traffic by DPIing it and quantum inserting their ads into web pages they'll dump Tor/VPN/encrypted traffic into a shit tier traffic category with 1% of advertised speed and lots of packet loss.
I bet it must feel terrific with all the other kinds of infighting amirite?
Brexit was just a meme
Oh yes, your wonderful stories which couldn't possibly be desperate lies sure told him :^)
And how many kids do you think they're having? You don't have another 20 years, pal. I'm sure they'll all be very nice to you, and respect your voice as a disenfranchised minority by then of course :^)
I am OK with the OPs image because the government was not involved and there was no NN for many years, and the false premise of the OPs image never materialized. It was just fear-mongering to get Normies to call the FCC and push thru more regulation of the internet under the guise of public support.
Race is real. There's even a word for it, its called "race". But if you mean that its a cover word for the fact that we are different sub-species, then I agree with you. Look up "genetic distance". Anyway, in the "modern" world we live in, we aren't that far removed from the burning if heretics by the Catholic Church when it comes to leftists and science. Heaven forbid I be a "climate change denier".
Happy Winter Solstice, a pagan Holiday called Yule, where we bath in the blood of slaughtered livestock, eat delicious meat and drink all the alcohol until its gone. Odin's Ravens have been watching you, and he knows if you've been naughty or nice.
The only solution we can do is to try to ignore troll posts. Obviously, there will always be others who won't.
1. ISPs have attempted and succeeded to throttle data of rival content providers (
2. The internet didn't provide as much of a threat until recently. Netflix, youtube (and other media hosting sites), and torrenting are cutting into their profits like never before. Remember Blockbuster went under due to their hubris of new age media. Modern companies to not want to go the same path, see 1.
If regulation is to protect consumers I fail to see the problem. What powers can you prove the government gaining with NN that it doesn't already have? It already has the power to take down websites (like childporn and torrent sites). What exactly do you fear the government doing? "Leftist propaganda"? Aren't private companies already pushing that without regulation anyways? I don't understand why anyone would be okay with the most free form of communication being turned into censored a TV network just because the government isn't involved. I don't understand why you'd side with an organization that has profit solely on its mind over an organization that you can vote its members to keep from getting fucked over. You're either some bizarre attempt at corporate shitposting to convince try to convince consumers (on Holla Forums of all places) to put their faith in closed companies or you really don't understand the stakes at hand.
Is that landscape supposed to look like eyes?
you are right it still sucks though that choices were liquid diarrhea and solid turd
Kill yourself leftist nigger. Fuck off with your kike lies, muslim loving fuck.
Mad you memed a lame duck into office?
He literally told the Microsoft CEO that the H1B program isn't going anywhere, at the roundtable with other CEOs, he's not going to stop muslim immigration, and he's not going to top king nigger in the amount of mexicans he deports. Obama hit the high score, fyi. It'll take a lot to beat Obama's high score.
I guess reality is too much for the lowly subhuman who thinks any politician keeps their promises.
The article that you linked to has as its source, a study by "M-Lab". Do you know who they are?
In a word, Google. That's right, and other companies that were pushing Net Neutrality in 2015 were Facebook, Microsoft and Apple. Because they care about the little guy and totally aren't corporate!
You got played. The big corporations enshrined themselves in law, reducing all competition. The executives at Google didn't like Trump but they went to Trump Tower after the election to kiss the ring. They know that they are a monopoly. Bill Gates went to Trump Tower and said that Trump reminded him of JFK. I don't kbow if we should be worried by that particular statement but the point is, they kissed the ring. M$ is a monopoly, Apple is a monopoly, Facebook is a monopoly, and they can and should get broken up.
Anyway, you fell for industry propaganda while trying to claim that those big Telecom Executives were trying to fuck us all over. What it was really about is two things.
1. One industry with money and political connections wanted to use those connections to reduce their operating expenses, for the sake of money and money alone. Their primary responsability is to the shareholder and they don't care about your freedom. The Netflix-type companies wanted to reduce their expese by paying for local replication of heavy bandwidth by shifting the burden from themselves onto the consumer.
2. Government likes the idea of regulatig everything they can. Its not just a power-trip, it gives them the ability to silence dissent in the name of preservig your freedom.
Its classic 1984 doublespeak. If you think government regulation means that you get more choices, you are going to love what they did for healthcare, or retirements... oh wait, you actually have to pay more and get less choice!? Well that isn't what we were told, but oh well! Want to retire at 65? The government said two month before you hit 65 that it is raising the retirement age to 70, too bad for you! You take choice and competition away and you get fucked without recourse. The real problem is that we have local monopolies thanks to state laws as well. We need to break these up and offer choices to the people. If you think a strong central government will clean up the mess and force those ISPs to give you better service, guess again. Previous studies have shown that when Net Neutrality exists, investment in infrastructure suffers. Why pump in more money into your tubes when somebody else is getting all the profit, hoggig your bandwidth? Instead you will just say, hey, "you get a 20 MB connection for $50, you want more you will be paying over $100 per month". You just get "throttled" at the service agreement. The vast majority of people end up losers. Its like the lottery, or a casino, were the vast majority lose. But hey, some people just "feel good" that they might get lucky. They pay their whole lives into a Ponzi Scheme by any other name. Net Neutrality is just another scheme that shifts costs onto an unwitting consumer, but the master-stoke here is that the poor slob Holla Forums-tard has watched the Daily Show with John Oliver and foams at the mouth about Telecom lobbyists trying to fuck him over. Holy shit, if you want to see the biggest scam, just look at the FED and paying interest on the National Debt. There is a reason that debt got so high, it wasn't by accident. But as long as we have a bunch of suckers nothing will change. "Every nation has the government it deserves"
He isn't even in office yet. When January hits, you are going to see some serious shit.
So he's going to stop immigration, ban muslims, get rid of the H1B program, and deport a record number of mexicans, right?
Is this a correct assesment?
Just so I can screencap your posts to post a year later and laugh at, are these the claims you're making, the claims Trump has made?
How does net neutrality ensure a monopoly?
Those companies have the money to pay residential ISPs many times over to ensure quality of service.
Oh, right, you're just a fucking retard. You'll be copy pastaing some unrelated bullshit in response to this post from your word document of ebin responses, for sure.
No one cares, stal. Kill yourself.
He never claimed to stop all immigration. The plan is to stop illegal imigration. There will still be immigration and H1B visas. There most likely will be a lot of Mexicans deported, but will it be a record number, to exceed Eisenhower's Operation Wetback? No specifics exist but I would estimate that of the maybe 30-40 million illegals in the USA, you might see one or two million deportations. Something is better than nothing. What we really need is to lomit future illegal immigration by building a wall. Walls work, its why Israel has a few, and Hungary saw an almost 99% drop in illegal immigration after building a wall.
See my rejoinder above ("rejoinder" is a popular leftist synonym for "reply").
Did you even read the thread?
This is just incoherent rambling. Are you mad my brother?
I thoug they teach you at least the basics before they let you out.
hungary got fence. but its guarded with bmps and army + police forces from 4 countries
I didn't read your copy pasted ebin memes, no.
No, it's not. Google, Apple, et al have the money to pay residential ISPs to not throttle their shit, many times over. They have a seat at the table. Up and comings don't have a seat at the table, because a seat at the table requires money. Not just a little bit of money, a lot of money, because there are so many residential ISPs out to extort you.
Thus, the idea of a Title II common carrier, which goes back to greece.
And net neutrality was the default. Residential ISPs didn't even have the fucking hardware to even dream of such nefarious jewery.
No, I say again: fuck off, stal.
Obama admin currently holds the record. Not Eisenhower's admin.
Trump already said he's changed his mind and it'll be a fence :^)
And it won't be a total fence along the border but an expansion of the fence that's already there, by a small amount.
Guess you don't meme so good, huh?
There were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback. Obama: Between 2009 and 2015 his administration removed more than 2.5 million people. One year versus six years. Under Obama 416,666 people were deported per year. I guess you don't do math so good.
But that's wrong, you fucking retarded faggot. Only 2 million at most were deported under three administrations with Operation Wetback. A number of those weren't even forced deportations, they were voluntary.
That number drastically fell to 200,000 in the second year, and continued to decline drastically year after year.
King nigger holds the record in deporting wetbacks, over two terms.
You don't meme so good, friend. Sorry. Obama's admin has deported more than any other administation.
But a lot of illegal immigrants came over legally on work visas and let them expire. How do we combat this with a wall?
The cumulative deportations were more over time. Did you notice how many were let in during the same time? You seem to think that Obama was strict on immigration.
Obama has straight up forcefully deported more illegal immigrants than Ike.
Yeah, considering he has deported more than any other American president, ever, let alone in the last quarter century, yes.
Now fuck off.
I can also say fuck off... it looks like we have a Mexican Stand-Off. >;^)
Look at the number of immigrants relative to the population. How many people were in the US in 1950 versus 2014. I think you are a daft cunt with no grasp of history.
I can also say fuck off... it looks like we have a Mexican Stand-Off. >;^)
Look at the number of immigrants relative to the population. How many people were in the US in 1950 versus 2014. I think you are a daft cunt with no grasp of history.
That has no bearing on the number of illegal immigrants forcefully deported.
In fact, there were probably more illegal immigrants back per capita then now due to the very nature of the Americas. There was no border patrol. There certainly wasn't a fence. Let alone all the surveillance technology along the borders with other american countries we have now.
In short, only Asian and European immigration were controlled back then.
It was only within the last two decades that entry has become significantly hampered from the various americas.
It also depends on various economic downturns within Mexico and the south americas.
So, nah, you're a fucking retard.
RETARD ALERT, woooooo, wooooooo
No bearing, whatever, go tell it to your wife's son
You know it's funny watching the shills trying to convince the public that without regulation to strong arm them, they won't be left back to their own devices to continue fucking people over. It goes to show how out of touch these ((("people"))) are. Reason isn't on their side. Sage this thread if you like even, their idiocy and shame knows no bounds. The voice of logic and benevolence can never overwhelmed.
We all already know NN is for the better in order to foster competition in this third world consumerist shit whole of a country (a consumerist shit whole where you can barely even afford to be a consumer at that). ISPs would fight and pay off whoever they need to than to let more businesses in. And I highly doubt Trump would help things. The closest move he made into making this happen is by ensuring the paid off leave office after the newly enforced congress term limits. However, going directly after Wheeler, gimping the FCC, and putting even more suits in the cabinet is too obvious a tell of who's side he's really on. We'll have to wait and see what this new rule can do, but it's useless if the young or informed don't visit the polls. If anything it means more shills for politicians at a cheaper price.
These subhuman shills would rather see the likes of Verizon and AT&T deposit $.03 into their accounts for each post than work against the people paying them while seeing their neighbour go into financial ruin. So be it. Let them waste their time and money trying. We already know too much to forgive and forget. The only way to fight back, the only solution, is to start building competing enterprises to kick these fucks out of their positions of duopoly and monopoly. And it's more possible than most people realize.
Here's my perspective from a country that adopted net neutrality (Brazil):
Everything that changed, changed for the worse. Everything that should change remained the same.
1. Instead of traffic shaping or some different pricing model to try to contain the Netflix/YouTube boom without increasing infrastructure costs a traffic cap was imposed. You can only download X GBs per month. X depends on the ISP but it's not a lot. When the regulator agency barred that they went the other route: prices increased ~10% (equivalent to 1 year worth of inflation) for all ISPs. After a year of legal shenanigans it seems they'll be able to cap traffic again (and everything is more expensive now!). Hurray net neutrality!
2. Mobile carriers used to offer data plans with free access to WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Sure it might not matter for the usual channer but basically for everyone else it was a steep price increase. Hurray net neutrality! After some time the plans were back again but it's blatantly much against net neutrality so I'm not sure if they're just ignoring the legislation (happens sometimes around here) or what.
3. From five ISPs that used to hold a monopoly now there's only three - two acquisitions occurred (GVT and Vivo, Claro and NET), no new competitors arrived. Not sure what the story is in the US but I imagine it's somewhat similar, here basically they've been funded or rescued some way or the other by government throughout history and that didn't change. The sector is still highly regulated and people are literally arrested for trying to compete without all the permits etc.
The problem is that you're conflating mobile with copper or fiber.
First, there is sort of a problem with applying network neutrality to wireless spectrums. Mostly this is solved through 1) overselling (capitalism ho!) and 2) data caps. Not going to get into spectrum and such though, it's beside the point.
Secondly, yeah, nah, it's just your shithole. Becoming a residential, last-mile ISP in the US is piss easy if you have the capital. The problem is that people don't want ISPs. They are wooed by entertainment providers. Their entertainment provider has all the bells and whistles to woo them with their outdated and laggy set top boxes (that you rent for $5/mo) and sports channels versus just a plain old 'nerdy' internet service provider box.
Might change in the future, though, once baby boomers die off.
Sophistry. You are obviously a college-educated person who has been properly indocrinated. Your post reads like the product of a soulless existance, virtue-signaling to try and give your life meaning. I feel sorry for you, that you have been let down and betrayed by your authority figures, but your inability to think independantly tempers this.
So obvious that I can tell you that NN is going to be overturned, again, praise Kek.
Now you are talking
You are acting like you are on the side of inevitable truth and justice triumphing over dark forces being a mere foregone conclusion. No struggle, no effort is required, just passively accepting that all the pieces will fall neatly into place. Maybe I read too much into it, but as Sweeney Todd sang in the Tim Burton film, "You are young / Life has been kind to you / You will learn"
You don't say!
Oh, what a great solution! Surely this is better than paid priorirization with unlimited data!
You discount empirical evidence that NN is ineffective at its stated aims.
If you want to pay a premium for entertainment, that's your decision. I don't want to subsidize corporate entertainment that push agendas that clash with my worldview, so I don't subscribe to cable channels.
Thank you for providing a use case. This is the nightmare that NN would cause if used to empower the big dogs instead of helping the little guys. But Brazil, much like the US, is corrupt as fuck, so it comes as no surprise.
Times change and people progress. Evil conquers first, but the truth resurfaces SLOWLY. Then it's only a matter of time.
695472's use case example now has me wondering. Countries that have proper ISP competition don't have the law, they don't need it.
You can imagine as to why I'm cautious about exposing how to carry this out. It's only passive in the sense that we're not planning any rightful assassinations. Fuck it, (((they)) got their precious moniez from all the retards and will continue to do so. Just know that there exists a workforce of underutilized talent and potential to make competition a reality.
Everyone is waiting for someone else to drive a pitchfork through some bastard's guts rather than do it themselves. People have been selling out for hundreds of years and I doubt that will stop anytime soon. We need first principles that transcend the human condition, and perhaps the only transhumanism will keep us faithful to them. I've been called a robocuck before, but I believe that we are incapable of solving our own problems and are doomed to repeat historical patterns until greater than human artificial intelligence guides us to prosperity. What may seem like first-world housing to you today will be like a dirt hovel in the age of the artilect. That's me being optimistic of course, as we may not see this before 2100 and I will probably die of old age before then.
Only whites and asians deserve privacy.
Stal, seriously. No one fucking cares. Fuck off. You sound like you're going to have a mental breakdown with your roleplaying.
You sound upset. Have some Panzer Chocolate, relax!
Do not reply to it, it feeds on attention.
Hail Satan.
Satan Trips
Just watch old W squirm and wrench when he's asked if he had foreknowledge of 911, and then the room get palpably uncomfortable until the journalist breaks the tension.
I dont have time to debate your retarded ass right now but do some fucking research and learn to make your own conclusions instead of just letting mainstream media fill your head with nonsense
just fucking google "entrapment FBI muslims" and you will find a plethora of information regarding the FBI setting mentally ill Muslims up for supposed terror plots heres an article to get you started,
underwear bomber was working for the CIA:
the point is WHO KNOWS what is a false flag and what is a real "terror" attack..
Just think if you really wanted to fuck shit up and didnt care if you died in the process how much "better" you could do than blowing yourself up in a train station or whatever the latest bogeyman false flag was!
All the electors hear is
It was indeed, that moment that the electors realized they had absolutely made the right decision when they voted for Trump. These liberals desperately needed a wakeup call.
Has George W ever spoken to any journalist without squirming and looking uncomfortable? He had never been an eloquent man. He was always awkward in delivering unscripted responses.
Dubya used to be quite articulate. He adopted a manner of speech that is quite unbecoming. I think it was the coke, tbh.
which click-bait shithole do you hail from?
Yeah Net Neutrality has to go, look at all the harm it's done to me.
Why has nobody mentioned australia has no NN laws and their data is throttled to hell?
The Chinese also own meta data servers Australia uses to spy on their citizens.
Australia ranks among the lowest connectivity ratings in the world. I think it has to do with "The Outback" more than NN user.
Australia is also pretty isolated, network wise. Also doesn't help that a couple decades ago the national telecom company that was in charge of making sure the telecom infrastructure in the country was kept up to date was privatized. This lead to them wanting to cut costs since they were a country wide monopoly on that stuff. They replaced all the experienced technicians who were paid hourly, did a good job on whatever they worked on, and most importantly, kept the goddamn logs about what shit's connected where up to date, with contractors who are paid per job and so have no incentive to do a good job (plastic shopping bags are used as waterproofing and insulation), or keep logs up to date (There's a free connection, just shift this customer to that connection but don't tell anyone because that takes time). Since upgrading networks is expensive, they just decided to not do it as well.
Then about half to three quarters of a decade ago, some collossal faggots got into office and had a good plan of giving fibre internet to everyone. Politicians politic'd, opposition party made a big fuss, came out with a "competing" plan that assumed a bunch of outright stupid things such as the private telecom would just give the entire telecom network to the government free of charge, and through a whole bunch of other shit, got into office, scrapped the good plan, started on their shitty one, found out it's gonna be vastly more expensive than the good plan while providing much worse service, and kept on going.
Although some plans have unlimited data, and the places that got fibre internet before the shit plan got started are now worth vastly more than everywhere else because it doesn't drop out when it rains or pick up other house's phone calls.
Nice trips, but you're still a collossal faggot
Your mother is retarded.
I have a feeling that there's a story in here somewhere. I have no idea what it means because it's so convoluted.
Government sells off national telecom for a quick buck, national telecom service goes to shit. Government spends fuckloads of money to try to fix telecom situation, gets voted out, new government spends even more money on worse fix.
The way to save the Internet is to start spending big money on Internet infrastructure, both the long cables and the interlinking servers. I hope you have $40B lying around somewhere.
You're a funny guy, OP.
fuck off commie
Technocratic is where only the brightest engineers and scientists are the ones in power, basically no niggers or women ruining everything. How is that commie?
Fuck off, commie. A hyperrepublican confederate democracy is the only legitimate form of government. None of this centralized federal garbage.
You've just described the bureacracy of a real life communist dictatorship. How is that not communist?
The Soviet Union was chock full of engineers in it's ranks. That never prevented them from making stupid mistakes. Rather, it helped them nurture some massive collective delusions, like the Aral irrigation project.
Anti-NN soon lads
The thing about the brightest engineers and scientists is that they're usually dumb as shit outside of their exact specific field but they'll never admit it.
This.. but that a shitty reddit meme you got there user.
(even if this might be bait)
fuck off with your promoting for Jim Webb
fuck off shill
Nice bate
fuck off, stop making gg fail even more
If engineers and scientists had been in power since the 50s worldwide we would be living on a foreign planet colony, mang.
Serious shit like spreading his ass open to corps and shitting himself seriously
No wonder you're retarded.
Actually net neutrality only ensures big telecoms stay the top dog, that's why they lobbied for it so hard. Nobody can compete with them and net unneutrality allowed smaller telecoms to consider ways to use it to compete against large companies, but thanks to you retarded hippies who don't understand anything and think that net neutrality actually helps the little guy we now have to deal with the fact that large telecoms are now cemented in their positions.
The Patriot Act was voted yes by a majority of both parties back in 2001.
Why must you resort to baseless assumptions instead of actually looking up first if anything you're vomiting out and regurgitating is even remotely true?
more mass hypnosis and denial because the truth is so large and unnerving your mind does everything it can to avoid it and you will accept any excuse to support your illusion of reality even when presented with a mountain of evidence right under your nose
Look at whats going on with our government now.. do you really think it, as a machine and entity in itself, exists to serve and protect the public?
False flags are rationalized by thinking that "Hey this kind of attack is probably going to happen anyway so it's better that we do it ourselves so that we can control the outcome and that way we will be able to implement the required forms of control to combat the perceived enemy."
This is how the draft was able to be passed as well as homeland security.
Yes Pearl Harbor was a false flag, no the bombs werent required to end the war. Japan was more than willing to surrender.
Also the anthrax attacks were from within a faction of our government and the perpetrator is still presumably at large.
I don't think you understand what the term false flag means and I don't think you have any evidence to back up your statements outside of shallow conjecture.
"If he's such a retard, how did he become the President-elect?"
Because there are too many useful idiots in the U.S.A.
Just yesterday Trump stopped Ford from building a 12 billion dollar plant in Mexico. Obama did what for the American worker in the last eight years? The labor force participation rate is as low as any time in the last 100 years thanks to Obama. Trump is going to put America back to work and the ones crying about it are basic income fags. One person who did shed a tear that may or might not have been a fag was a UAW worker thanking Teump for saving his job. You won't see that clip on CNN however. Trump is going to repeal NN and its going to make your head spin.
lmao, yeah, that's why multiple ISPs are taking the FCC to court over it even after a judge said that it'd be fine legally if they were under title II
you're retarded
fuck off, retard, go back to /g/, or Holla Forums better yet
Please leave, newfag
Boils down to the judges saying you can't regulate ISPs as common carriers without classifying them as common carriers. FCC has the power to reclassify them, as they did in the first place by classing ISPs as information service providers.
Boils down to 'muh free speech to fuck our customers in the ass'.
Among the ISPs suing the FCC: AT&T, Verizon, and many other big ISPs
Not to mention, network neutrality only came into play because of Comcast throttling and fucking with content.
If Comcast hadn't done that, then sued the FCC told them to knock that shit off, and Verizon wouldn't have cried and shit its pants in 2014, they wouldn't have to deal with being classified as common carriers.
It's delicious irony that they made their bed.
So, nah, newfaggot.
Sounds like a bunch of "we're in bed with the government to ensure we don't leave power" and "we only let this case get to court so we could ensure that net neutrality rules would strangle everybody else but us" to me. I'm sorry you're too stupid and naive to think the government can save you from big business.
AT&T is probably the biggest company in-bed with the government. Fuck, their building in New York is basically an official NSA splitting station.
And they stated they will appeal it, probably by means of the association.
Sorry, how would Title II strangle companies? Are you suggesting that independent telecoms didn't exist?
Fuck, my grandmother still has a landline from a local, independent telecom.
You're retarded. Again, fuck off retard. You don't seem to understand what common carriage entails.
How about you fuck off since you don't seem to understand net neutrality is big government, crony sociocapitalistic cancer.
Again, you don't understand what common carriage entails.
Everything is fucked. Hide inside I2P.
They'll replace TPP with the same thing but a different name in six months. They did the same shit with SOPA until that fucker Paul Ryan snuck a version of CISPA into 2015's final budget bill.
What you're describing is Keynesian social democracy, not socialism.
Learned about this one recently myself. Made me sick.
Fuck this net neutrality shit. More importantly fuck this impotent WORLD government. NWO is a meme it will never happen so fuck TPP and NN right now.
Just fucking open every country's limited policies (limited by ISPs bc muh profits) and let foreign ISPs and local ISPs build and lay down their networks so the internet will be much cheaper and easily accessible and FASTERRR. It's pretty bull how we can't build wireless macro meshnets without the Gov and big ISP's permission FUCK!!!
Government doesn't need to ((regulate)) the net but fucking open up the POLICY and stop receiving bribe from ISP Oligopoly which fears loss of profits because some entrepreneur ICT4Dfaggot is making babby's first ISP the right way and the gov prevents shit to happen because these rotten boomer elects eat bribe money like a wild goat. Fucking shit. I'm living in a fucking shithole where the internet speed is 5megabit/s at 50GB/mo and costs more than 70USD with less 70% reliability
Know what we fucking did in here?
We tried every type and combination of attack vectors just to bypass their retarded gateways and noob firewall. They can't filter us with web gateways because people are too retarded to set it up while the phone plans costs fucking 400% the price so the market for phones with unique auth is infeasible.
Eventually, we got bored. ISP Inside jobs. Deleting unpaid plans / off-record (risky as fukc), re-activating expired plans, implanting backdoors, even exploiting auth weaknesses of BTS via poor network designs.
I want the tumor government to fuck off now and start /sci/ revolution by poisoning all these brainlets with the right amount of HCN. Government is just a meme to make people non-self sustainable fucking shit and depend on the ARCHONS of dystopia! remove trump remove jewsuits remove bankers remove pisces.
NN is just an excuse because the NSA is actively datamining everything. Even this (SSL/RSA/TLS) encrpyted text I'm posting now included. Fuck you if you're reading this NSA faggot.
TL;DR Fuck NN and gov + blog
Keynesian social democracy is communism
Wasn't Holla Forums created in 2011?
It's only communism if free market is not allowed.
daily reminder that whatever shithole country you live in, they'll remove freedom of thought because someone stabbed a person while yelling "allahu akbar"
pick one
lol its like you actually think the tv is your friend
this isn't trigonometry you niggers, this is Holla Forums
Hi, I tried reading this thread, and all I saw was Holla Forums vs /middypol/ vs /rightypol/. Can somebody explain this net neutrality bullshit without all this "hurr durr Trump is a retard" bullshit? So we are just paying more money for websites why, and how is that a good/bad thing?
Paying more or getting more throttle for visiting certain websites is inherently incompatible with the idea behind the Internet. The Internet is meant to exchange information, and this can be done seriously only if it's neutral. You really need to have gone to American college to think otherwise.
I pick Keynesian social democracy.
Net neutrality means the ISP cannot give special treatment to data from one server over another. If the network is neutral they can't, for instance, delay packets from and prioritize (i.e. make adversarytube intentionally slow). This gives any new company a chance to compete with the big players. Without net neutrality, traffic from undesirables can be slowed down (small companies can't pay the kickbacks), making it if not impossible very hard to compete.
What new companies can exist under a state-granted monopoly? Your argument is invalid.
While I'm no lawyer, I'd bet there aren't many countries where companies that use the Internet are monopolies. The very site you're reading this on is proof anyone can start a website with whatever content they want.
If you mean ISPs, they are not a monopoly but a cartel. Net neutrality has no effect on them being a cartel or not.
Fuck off, communist
And information isn't always free. Faggot.
Except it doesn't because the new companies do not have any way to compete against the established companies and not having net neutrality would enable them to strike up deals with various ISPs, small and large, to have better performance against larger companies. Net neutrality only ensures to solidify monopolistic behavior and squelches competition. I don't know what fucking fantasy world you're living in because despite net neutrality existing nobody has beaten down Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Youtube, etc. in competitive practices, so that shows your point is full of shit.
So you're fine with ISPs supplying fastest connection to the highest bidder? And how the fuck would an upstart company outbid a major established company? What world do you live in where ISP execs who have been in cahoots with the big tech and media companies suddenly betraying them for a broke underdog company?
I don't see how allowing these very same companies to bribe ISP's for better data connection will be a better solution. And if ISP's tell netflix and facebook to fuck themselves and instead promote their own Time Warner Flix or AT&Tbook I don't see how that would be any better.
Ah yes, the current big companies who are big will always and have always been big. Myspace and Digg being toppled, AOL and Yahoo fading into 3rd-tier companies never happened. Nope, the way things are now is all that will ever be. Companies have a monopoly because of the Free Market called net neutrality and not being allowed to bribe for data transfer.
IF, let's just say IF, if I wanted to...
pay more money for a superior service experience, regardless of the type of service, is it immoral?
Free is not gratis, remember.
You mean more bandwidth? You can do that with or without net neutrality.
I mean anything, but sure, bandwidth. Is it immoral for me to "consume" more of something because I choose to pay more than everyone else for that thing? This isn't saying that I dislike the principles of free software, but free isn't gratis. Now I prefer free software everywhere I can use it because I believe in it, but is it immoral for someone to sell service support for their free software? This is really where we get into the litmus tests of what we believe.
I'd like to see prioritized traffic for those who want to pay more. It makes sense to prioritize traffic for critical infrastructure like remote surgery and monitoring of other systems on which human lives depend. Then, if one wants to pay an additional amount of money for "premium" service, twice as much bandwidth as your neighbors, if such a thing is what a person wants to pay extra for, there is nothing wrong with that as far as I can tell. You can still download documents and movies, its just that you will need to que your content instead of live-streaming. Is it so immoral to ask that people who insist on live-streaming everything pay more?
Yes, that's actual competition.
By cornering the market on smaller, local ISPs and profiting there.
The same world you live in where you think net neutrality works.
It's called competition, retard.
They never were, and their failures came from not adapting and from not trying to compete.
Pick one. Net neutrality is government interference in a system, it is not a free market.
But that's exactly the point. When residential ISPs are able to extract monopoly rents from each service, to provide bare minimum quality of service, those services that competed and toppled them would likely have not succeeded. All of those certainly had enough cash to burn and spend to maintain hedgemony. The upstarts that replaced them did not.
Yeah, because "monopoly rents" should definitely be allowed.
Common carriage is what extends free speech principles to privately-owned carriers. Anyone arguing otherwise is a fucking retard, and does not know what they're talking about.
There is nothing in this equation that cannot be applied to rail freight, common carrier trucking, hotels, amusement parks, etc. Indeed, all of those can be construed as common carriers, and are in many under common law. The relationship between networks and its users does not change much.
You seem to have a mental illness, in fact all of this thread is filled with fucking retards or those who are just pretending, so it's pretty funny.
Typically big government loving statist cuck.
Yeah, most everyone in this thread is a fucking retard.
The primary argument is "muh freeze peach" but common carriage is what instills that.
You have no rebuttal to the fact that upstarts couldn't come into the picture and knock over shitty companies that weren't competing if they had the choice to burn money and stifle competition through a quality of service hedgemony, thanks to monopoly rents charged by residential ISPs.
Not to mention, monopoly rents are in effect charging twice. You're arguing for having to pay twice for capacity services already fucking paid for.
Freedom of speech only applies to the government not infringing on it, retard.
Again, under common carriage, it can't be expected for you to do that. Much like FedEx and UPS argue that under common law it can't be expected for them to stop shipment of drugs.
Even if it were, somehow, infringed upon by the government, under common law you are legally protected as a company that carries goods or information for the public.
I'll reiterate: you are a moron. Do the gene pool a favor, and just fucking kill yourself.
And I guess you're saying that common carriage doesn't instill "free speech" values. And yes, it does. Under common carriage you can think of it as basically the free speech protections of the US government. That is, don't degrade or null route anything that's not malicious or harmful, much like you cannot yell fire in a crowded theatre because someone is probably going to get fucking trampled.
Move to Somalia and enjoy lawlessness you dumb anarchist.
You're a giant faggot, a giant freedom hating communist faggot. A giant history ignoring freedom hating communist faggot.
Amazing, where did you come from? Are you from reddit, by chance?
It doesn't matter because it's besides the point. Common carriage does not mean that network providers cannot null route DDoS attacks, for example. And it protects free speech.
Again, you have no rebutally. You had no rebuttal to the fact that residential ISPs could throttle into uselessness any competitors to large services, regardless of whether they could pay or not.
You have no rebuttal to the fact that monopoly rent seeking is charging twice for capacity that 1) the services bought and 2) the ISP's customers bought
You have no rebuttal to any of this, because you are wrong.
How hard is it for you to understand government regulations of telecommunications do not protect free speech and also stifle competition? Where is your proof common carriage protects free speech? Why are you bringing up monopoly rent constantly when this has nothing to do with the argument? Why are you claiming people don't have rebuttals against you when people have already pointed out how wrong you are?
How hard is it for you to understand that you're a fucking retard who just repeats, verbatim, the same thing over and over again and has no response to the actual facts?
Yes, it does. ISPs were in the process of trying to get monopoly rent out of video and audio services, and throttled or null routed or intjected peers into the swarms of bittorrent traffic into the past.
Do I have to dig up the big graph of investment actually decreasing in the mid 90s and early 2000s, which was actually a deregulation of telecoms and ISPs (which were classified as information service providers in the early 2000s, another basically deregulatory move)?
How about the fact that AT&T can basically sit on or charge exorbitant prices for access to utility poles if ISPs are not regulated under Title II, because companies would not have the right-of-way?
That alone blows up your stupid fucking argument. You seem to have a severe mental illness. I wouldn't recommend pills, though, just get it out of the gene pool by ending your life, as I already recommended.
Read instead of asking people to repeat things that have been said in this thread dozens of times just so you can ignore it again. I'm starting to think you libertards are worse than commies.
But they weren't.
Yes because you have to back up your claims.
That's fine, those are AT&T's poles. Maybe try not supporting AT&T if you don't like that.
But it doesn't
Ad hominem
More ad hominem
Yes, they were. That, and there were peering disputes, which the FCC is now in the position to remediate, just like (I believe) it's the STB under the DOT in the US for those who are still common carriers.
See pics
It's not ad hom if you really are a mentally ill fuckhead.
Never said information was free you cock sucking illiterate faggot.
Because the other thread got locked it looks like we have no choice but to fill this month-old thread to 750 replies.
It's Happening!
I'm here for you user, to tell you that this is the mainline. You cannot escape.
Glorious Anti-Net Neutrality will triumph soon. Let the salt flow.
You idiots only supported NN because of a psy-op run by the Obama Administration anyway. John Oliver told you what to do and complied like a little bitch. The numbers don't lie. Before the Daily Show the petitions to the FCC were at most a few thousand per month, from dedicated Communists by the way, a well-known fact. The all the sheep get their "funny" news telling them to call the FCC to Save The Internet.
Baaah, baaaah, baaaaah. Fucking sheep the lot of you.
sorry for the double post, the thread takes soooo long to load under NN, what difference would anti-NN make?
The shit has hit the fucking fan:
See, well that didn't take long. Trump will help breed an era of competition my ass. We need title II. End of fucking discussion.
What we need to do is celebrate with copious Dr. Pepper.
Now, see, the thing I'm trying to work out here is if you're really as retarded as you appear, or if you're just a massive cuck.
Back to Holla Forums
I fucking told you fuckers a FUCKING PAJEET WOULD REMOVE IT
also fuckoff Makise, go suck off Ted Cruz.
80% of the posts saying that were Makise Kurisu's.
You're probably Makise too. Nobody on Holla Forums defends removing NN but that reactionary shill.
When FCC(?) wanted to implement a net neutrality law or something, there was a shitton of anti-net neutrality shilling all over Holla Forums.
That is president' retard to you, faggot.
You stop it by getting a job, buying a gun and bullets, and shooting yourself in the head.
Kurisu is Stal, he's a fat faggot from the Tox circlejerk who thinks he's funny.
First, I don't know Stal and Second, I'd like to thank the Ruskies for helping get Trump elected so that NN can be rightly overturned.
End Net Neutrality and get fiber optics!
Skip Article Header. Skip to: Start of Article.
7:00 AM
2015 WAS THE year the Federal Communications Commission grew a spine. And 2017 could be the year that spine gets ripped out.
Over the past two years, the FCC has passed new regulations to protect net neutrality by banning so-called “slow lanes” on the internet, created new rules to protect internet subscriber privacy, and levied record fines against companies like AT&T and Comcast. But this more aggressive FCC has never sat well with Republican lawmakers.
Soon, these lawmakers may not only repeal the FCC’s recent decisions, but effectively neuter the agency as well. And even if the FCC does survive with its authority intact, experts warn, it could end up serving a darker purpose under President-elect Donald Trump.
The End of Net Neutrality
Predicting exactly what sort of telecommunications policy the next administration will pursue is tricky. The main clues we have thus far are the writings of Trump’s transition team. But transition teams don’t actually make policy, so they’re an imprecise indication of what will follow. “It’s amusing to watch all the misguided tea-leaf reading based on the transition team members,” says Kevin Werbach, an associate professor at the Wharton School who was part of President Barack Obama’s transition team. “It’s like when people speculated about Obama’s policy agenda based on attributes of my World of Warcraft character.”
That said, Webach’s writings were pretty consistent with Obama’s campaign promises, as were those of his fellow transition team member Susan Crawford. All three supported net neutrality—the idea that all internet traffic should be treated equally—which became a central issue for the FCC under Obama.
Some have held out hope that Trump end up being more friendly to net neutrality once in office, despite a tweet in 2014 claiming that net neutrality would somehow be used to target conservative media (a claim that makes no sense), based largely on the Trump’s opposition to the AT&T and Time-Warner merger during his campaign. But there’s little reason to think net neutrality will survive under Trump. His transition team is just as united against net neutrality as their predecessors were for it. Congressional Republicans have been working to kill the FCC’s net neutrality rules since before the FCC voted on them. The two Republican FCC commissioners have already vowed to overturn the FCC’s current net neutrality rules and other regulations. So you don’t need to read tea leaves to predict that the FCC’s net neutrality rules are not long for this world.
I'm sure you don't, stal.
That's funny, because Verizon treated their fiber optic networks as Title II. Why would they specifically treat their fiber optic networks as Title II years ago versus an information service if the current classification of ISPs as Title II services had so much red tape?
Quit spamming, fucktard, or I'll post pictures of your fat faggot face for everyone to laugh at.
Fuck off, you are the spammer. You are a piece of shit who doesn't contribute to the thread, uses Reddit spacing, and never, ever posts using an image on a fucking imageboard. You don't belong on this board or even this site. Get the fuck out. You obsession with some faggot on Tox named Stal is also borderline pyschotic. Get help, but first get the fuck off my board you stupid cunt.
Using a Weed Whacker to remove NN
So what you're saying is that you want me to dig up your fat faggot face from Tox threads on /g/?
Not a rebuttal, why did Verizon choose to classify their fiber network under Title II instead of an information service?
Oh hey, forgot about your youtube as well.
Definitely quite the chubby little faggot back in high school, weren't you?
Do it faggot. You sick puppy, show me what you've got. I'm kind of interested to see Stal myself since you've been accussing everyone of being him for the last few months. Are you sure he is real, not just one of your delusions?
It was political, and now comes the Weed Whacker, so they will probably choose to re-classify once they see some financial advantage. In fact, their shareholders will demand it.
No, it's called "right-of-way". Say it with me, you fat faggot: "right" "of" "way".
No, just you, stal. Cute how angry you get and used to get quiet when it was pointed out, you really have no problem with your fat faggot face and youtube being shown?
The more you know... thanks user. It's all about the money for these businesses but with more goverment regulation you lose personal freedom, that's a constant.
It's about the fact that they used Title II fees collected from phone customers to then build a network that is regulated as an information service, and then of course be able to throttle and do whatever they want with the traffic.
And, of course, if verizon had no problem with Title II regulations in building the network, it's clear that it doesn't hamper investment.
No, deregulation is just a way for them to stop people from moving away from their shitty cable tv services. Not that you should expect anything more than a giveaway to these shitty companies coming fro Pajeet Pai the streetshitter, former Verizon lawyer and lobbyist.
Aijit 'no street is safe from my treat' Pai
I thought they were designated.
Not in the US
Enjoy your fucking blood moniez for now shills. Nothing will change the fact you're on the wrong side of history and your anti-consumer rhetoric will lead to a cancerous 4 years only to be fixed one last and final time after your beloved neo-nazi leaves the white house.
The pic in OPs thread says it all. The fact the most evil corps have cried over the changes under Wheeler alone speaks fucking volumes. But most importantly, Title II is the only way to put your overlords on a fucking leash.
Oh wait did I say 4 years? Let's see if he even last that long. Clocks ticking. Let's see if we get the new start ups that were spoken of.
post it
shoo this corporate cock gagger off MY board
And what freedom have we lost from NN exactly?
When Evil Corp needs your payment, you have some say as to how much for what, and you can even cancel your service when you aren't pleased. When Government Corp needs your payment, you get no say, you have to pay or go to jail, or fight a bloody war for liberation. Its really not a difficult concept unless you believe in Utopia thru government.
user is speculating about what could occur as a consequence of net neutrality, the same way people in support of it are speculating about what would happen without it.
He's not making any concrete claims of what could happen. He's just fear mongering and spreading FUD.
Such is the nature of speculation. You haven't exactly provided much hard data yourself.
Telecoms have publicly stated their intent to make fast and slow lanes. They have sued the FCC over it. This is what we speculate will happen. What anti-NN faggots do is just say "hurr da gubmint iz bad". They don't even reach the level of speculation. It's just shitposting.
We control the Memes of Production. While you engaged in degenerate anal sex from your wife's son, those of us that knew that Net Neutrality was wrong worked hard everyday making memes. Our time has come. NPR and PBS are also getting defunded soon. You can't stop this. Its too late.
trump is still a kike and controlled opposition
The freedom to make business decisions good and bad. Why do you need the government to protect you from the big bad Internet companies? You realize that the moment FCC deregulation starts and Net Neutrality is removed is the moment the big telecom's hold on the industry fails, right? Smaller telecoms will pick up the slack by not offering fast and slow lanes and would be able to compete against the big dogs, and they would pop up more in areas due to the deregulations.
Good point
No one even knows what net neutrality was supposed to cover anymore, and centralization of services over the past decade has made the original goal moot anyway. It only has meaning when talking about protocols, not endpoints.
You need the government to protect you from big, bad internet companies when they are a local monopoly and there are significant barriers to entry. Are all these small ISPs you imagine popping up each going to pull fiber to everyone's home? If you're thinking they can rent bandwidth on an existing monopoly's infrastructure, that would never happen in a deregulated scenario.
You're so fucking deluded it hurts to read, Net Neutrality has nothing to do with competition.
Fuckoff already.
Why do you need the business man to protect you from the big bad government?
But who am I kidding, I'm arguing with a samefag namefag.
Praise God.
Not an argument
Net Neutrality is as good as gone. Soon 8ch bros, soon. The taste of victory is so sweet, I can't wait to revel in glorious Anti-Net Neutrality and sweet freedom.
Absolutely diamonds right now
The only way someone could be this relentless is if they're pay to do it. Don't ever put it past these cancerous fuckers to pay people to astroturf.
Are you doing ok over there? He didn't say any of that - he didn't even say anything about the validity of your opinions. He said that someone making what might just be over a thousand posts by now about net neutrality is so dedicated they might be an actual paid shill, because the idea of them doing it for free is too horrible to contemplate.
For what it's worth, I don't think you're a paid shill, but I can't blame him.
For four more years, then we'll be back at it fixing this. You were "hard at work" getting paid to be evil shits while honest people were working to feed their families. Get off of smelling your own dick with your false sense accomplishment. You work for evil. Anyway, you're on the wrong side of history. Fucking scum. Pride yourself for bending over to the highest bidder. The time will surely come when we take an ax to the head of the behemoths.
It was already shown that they paid astroturfers in the lead up to Title II regulation.
The namefag just does it for free, he thinks he's operating on several dimensions of reality but it's pretty 2 dimensional.
Fuck, I meant "irony." Dunno how I fucked that one up.
It wouldn't surprise me if they simply work for some of the largest ISPs, not literally being paid to astroturf (though some undoubtfully are), and just doing extra work for them. It's all about getting bonuses while Americans struggle. None the less, we need to focus and keep working on kicking out these fucking whore politicians who block municipal and start-ups.
capitalism and commercialism ruined (and is ruining) the internet
Emotionally pandering horseshit. The quote itself in the pic doesn't even fucking fit with your argument.
You bitch shills and/or idiots who "doo eet for free", your time will come soon when you're no longer fucking relevant than friggin' AOL. Every goddamn atom in my body will be dedicated to serving ice cold vengeance. lel. WHY? You exist only to steal from the poor and hard working to feed your greedy ways. You're not geniuses. You're fucking emotionless imbeciles who do whatever it takes to to hide the fact that your incapable to process the fact without money, borders, and class, you're no different than the people you enslave. So you play this game to shit on people to prop yourselves up. This tale has been told for as long as human history. You only capitalise on the weak and those who can barely fight back because you are weak yourself. Humanity owes it to the world to be thoughtful and do what's best for the coming generations. But you're too short sighted in your pursuit of modern bullshit luxuries and acceptance from your fellow elitist peers.
It's not about communism vs socialism when at this point we can literally have the best of both worlds. Neither is it about just erasing the brainwashed dipshits who are too damn star struck to think straight because they genuinely enjoy being railed in the ass by the rich and powerful in the US and blind warped sense of "patriotism". At this point in history, it's about preserving the very fucking planet itself and the welfare of those whose backs where stomped on to prop up many of today's godless leaders.
Count your collective shekels and dollarydoos. PLEASE go on and pay off as many of US politicians and numb skull neets who are willing to go do your dirty work as you like. It's all coming to an end before this term is up. Promise.
Saging because obvious vitriol is obvious and Holla Forums deserves to discuss actual tech.
Well, uhm where I come from this is always in the rules of the Internet Exchanges.
You can not discriminate the traffic of the other peers.
You still don't know what net neutrality is.
It is difficult to respond to your pist because it is dripping with venom, and incoherent venom at that. You seem to hate exploitation, and I agree with you. Have your ever considered being a socialist that also happens to be a nationalist? Anyway, there isn't much one can reply to when your rebutal amouts to "emotionally pandering horseshit" and "railed in the ass". Do you seriously deny that the internet has existed just fine without net neutrality for 80% of it's existance?
Why don't I just reject facts that I don't like and blurt out incoherent ramblings at strangers? Because those are the acts of an inane person. Please seek help my brother, Jesus loves you.
cool story bro
Not an argument
I'd say better keep it the way it is instead of trying something new and messing shit up.
meme'd hard
accurate depiction
sadly it appears Holla Forums is now the new /jewloversclub/
Are you a liberal or something?
I was pretty drunk when I wrote that. I'm still pissed that humanity can stoop this low, but it shouldn't surprise anyone. Good thing is there's far less of these lizard brain fucks than there are of normal functional people.
Dude, Holla Forums is nothing more than a concoction impressionable edge masters too stupid to realized they're being shilled, genuine nazi retards, and Trump's meme-machine. The problem with all chan boards is Holla Forums shouldn't be a far right-wing board since it's called Holla Forums. That shit for be concentrated to a /rightpol/. So for people who go on there, they're going to think there's more people with this neo-nazi, far right-wing train of thinking than there really are.
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn Says, ‘Eliminate Net Neutrality to Preserve an Open Internet’
a large chunk of america is still using sub-5Mbps DSL
slow DSL the big target of why the US average is being dragged down in internet speeds
Yes it is.
lol, you don't know how the internet works. what a fag.
pls explain the internet for me.
The Internet is simply the biggest network of networks. In this sense, the Internet is public infrastructure. When you break down the Internet into smaller internets, you'll find that not all these smaller networks are publicly owned. Many of these smaller networks do consist of privately owned infrastructure and they are "free" to remove their own internets from the Internet.
Can't wait for my child prostitutes.
You're a fucking ideological cuckold. As long as the scary nigger doesn't get touch your sacred Aryan women you'd spread your asscheeks for authoritarians.
Not only are you economically illiterate, you are literally illiterate. He is not talking about prostitution, he's talking about adoption, which is already legal and that means that parents do not have a legal obligation to feed, clothe and educate their children. This is actually what every society where adoption is legal believes.
Back to plebbit you go.
"a flourishing free market in children" should really be written in red or bolded
Back to /r/The_Donald, caveman.
>>>Holla Forums
RIP Holla Forums, goodbye
Gee, where did I hear that one first?
Maybe if you had spent a little less time wiping out the natives in a non-white continent you wouldn't be such pathetic beta males who don't know how to cope for your little penises.
The people who defeated the barbarians are long dead so the guy you're replying to had no hand in it. It's very weird you're saying making the natives a minority was bad for them but at the same time we shouldn't care if we become a minority. Which is it? Wiping people out is good or not?
I don't see how that could be relevant, but since you bring it up: the biggest cock is White.
This. Fucking Holla Forums seriously... That place is so delusional it's not even funny anymore. Are there any imageboards that don't have Holla Forums board? Even lainchan has /civ/ which is basically Holla Forums. Holla Forums does nothing but split community and propagate useless ideas and activities which amount to nothing. Politics has no place in technology. If any government wants to change net neutrality laws, let them, true Holla Forums will always find workaround for any crap they try to push on us. Time spent shitposting on Holla Forums could instead be spent on improving and fixing I2P, IPFS or any other project for that matter. You only have finite amount of time left to live, don't waste your time on Holla Forums, your seconds are ticking away to inevitable death. If anyone is interested in creating new tech community from scratch we should definitely do something. Imagine imageboard without Holla Forums and releated boards, wouldn't that be a refreshing experience? No news, no useless time wasting, no stupid which os is best threads, no concerning ourselves with normalfag shit, just a nice community of people who like technology.
FCC Halts Internet Access Subsidies For the Poor
New FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on Friday told nine companies that they can no longer offer broadband internet access subsidies for the poor, Fortune reports. The program, known as Lifeline, offered low-income Americans a $9.25 credit for Internet or mobile broadband service.
Pai, a Trump appointee, called the decision a form of "midnight regulation" and said it was done to "promote program integrity."
"These last-minute actions, which did not enjoy the support of the majority of commissioners at the time they were taken, should not bind us going forward," he said in a statement.
Its Happening!
What is your point here? I don't see how this is related to net neutrality.
It has no point. Makise Kurisu is a braindead faggot spamming shitposting bot. Just ignore it.
My dear uneducated anons, the Open Internet Order, aka Net Neutrality regulations, moving the US Internet under Title 2, made possible the creation of "Obama Internet", just like "Obama Phones", where you, the taxpayer, completely cover the cost of other people's internet service. It is theft, Communist redistribution of funds, and the new FCC just slapped down this part of the Open Internet Order. Things are moving right along, and rapidly. One day very soon you will see a headline that the FCC has overturned Net Neutrality, and as you can see its already happening.
What are you talking about? You're making references to something that I'm not understanding.
I made these June 29, 2015. I posted them on this board a lot. You are either very new or you weren't paying attention.
a few more pics... I have lots more of course. You just aren't educated on NN and why its a bad thing. You should stop watching Comedy Central's The Daily Show with John Oliver for all your news.
Net Neutrality was passed using fear-mongering and lies. You ate it all up because you are sheep.
Please excuse me for not reading spam up until now. I normally ignore images like these as spam.
What do phone subsidies and broadband have to do with net neutrality?
Explain why VOIP will suffer when companies are forbidden to provide priority QOS as regulated under the Title II service of the communications act
You mean to say that one specific situation that didn't change is going to have no consequence on the customer's wallet? Please tell me more.
The regulations as it stands today do not improve the situation. It does not help the situation of increasing the number of providers of Internet service which would increase competition in ISP and therefore reduce prices. I can agree with this.
The precedent of net neutrality is with telecommunications neutrality.
Not an argument.
Red herring.
I'd like to interject for a moment. What you call spam is actually called "infographics", which is a combination of the words "information" and "graphics".
Everything and nothing. Nothing in your perfect clinical version of Net Neutrality. Like vague and impossible words like "Utopia", "Neutrality" for the internet, aka "Net Neutrality" is used as a battering ram to force thru government regulations and entitlement programs. The end game is to exert control over everything and sustain government's funding thru taxation to maintain entitlements, and to profide a profit vector for privately-owned central banks. Its pretty simple but based on your questioining I would suspect you fall into the "you wouldn't believe me if I told you camp", and even though I can provide supporting evidence for all my statements of fact, you will find any way you can to disregard them, due to your own inherit bias and ego.
You answered your own question, and the infographic stands on its own and also gives you an explanation, with a source.
Did premiums go up under the Affordable Care Act? Did the Open Internet Order likewise prevent people's cable bill from going up? And did service improve during the last two years? And if you actually stop being intellectually lazy you might discover that the names of bills and legislation is often the exact opposite of their effects.
I assume that you have poisobed your mind like half of young people today who excusively get their news from John Oliver, and who was extremely influential in getting the Open Internet Order rammed thru the FCC.
As far as "not an argument", your philosophy is unassailable as long as you remain close-minded, and no amount of truth-telling will move the dial. Unless you return to First Principles, you will simply take what you are told by your trusted sources and refute all alternative evidence. As you are now, you would have accepted the Catholic Dogma of a few hundred years ago that the Earth was the center of our Solar System, etc. and been all to happy to persecute anyone who challenged that view as a heretic. For your own enlightenment, let go of your ego and see things as they really are.
Verizon blocked traffic to 4chan back in 2010 and only reversed their decision because anonymous was still active at the time and started preparing for a retaliatory attack. You are a faggot trying to get people to rally against their own best interests.
Good call. This time is no exception. It's a spamming namefaggot who doesn't know what the fuck he's on about. Nothing worth responding to.
The PirateBay got shut down while 4chan is still up. Your argument is invalid.
4chan was shut down because the ISP didn't like it, PirateBay has been shut down time and again for breaking the law which is a different issue entirely. Smaller sites, like 4chan was back in 2010, currently don't have to worry about being shut down due to ISPs not liking them because of NN. Getting rid of NN won't stop the government from going after sites they view as breaking the law like PirateBay. Without NN you would have both cases happening.
Its an inane point. There were many years after your incident with 4chan, which was probably relating to CP, which is likewise considered illegal, and so... there were many years after that incident where there was no net neutrality and 4chan was online. Your point is invalid, again.
Except the US government needs to go through due process to shut down a site while ISPs don't. Without NN ISPs can just up and shut down or throttle any site they feel like (as they have previously demonstrated).
Those don't negate that it was taken down when NN wasn't in effect, meaning such a thing can happen again to other smaller sites in the event of a repeal of NN. Also, did you miss where I said Verizon stopped blocking 4chan because of threats of retaliatory attacks from anonymous which was still active at the time?
Oh, big scary anonymous! Its just a CIA psychological operation at this point, its original members having been jailed by the FBI or recruited into the CIA. You are really laying everything on the line with this single point of reasoning. Well, is it not the right of a provider to limit liability if they have a reasonable expectation that a site is being used for illegal purposes? What is your point exactly? That Net Neutrality ensures that 4chan can continue to exist? No child, its the FBI with occasional CIA/NSA funding that does that.
Man, All these kids on Holla Forums these days. NN is a fools errand when you only have one or two choices of who you have as an ISP. They might be unable to charge for high speed access to your porn sites, but they are still raising prices to incredible heights regardless.
You are probably paying the same ripoff prices because there is no competition in the market anyway. Data caps are still a thing for many, and upload speeds are totally worthless if you can even get real high speed down.
NN is a distraction from the real issues at best, while there are provisions in the paperwork for ISPs to do whatever they want anyway. Its a total fucking joke.
Give up kid, a bunch of overweight man children didn't cause anything. Verizon felt it would lose money and so they backed off. Anonymous has always been a joke. The only thing they ever done was act like retards at scientology churches, shitpost alot, and make an old man happy.
It wasn't years ago when 4chan was smaller and Verizon blocked traffic to 4chan.
Except ISPs aren't liable in such a case.
4chan is no longer that small and is now relatively popular so blocking it without major outcry would be harder. The problem is other smaller, less popular sites (like 4chan was in 2010) being blocked.
Now that you have admitted that the problem of ISPs blocking access to websites would exist without NN and have actively defended them doing so based on the idea of legal liability that doesn't even exist, meaning their only reasons to block access to sites by users on their networks are political reasons and monetary gain, there is really no reason for me to argue any further. You have admitted that the problems I have with repealing NN do exist and have agreed that those problems did materialize on the internet during the time when NN wasn't enforced. There is nothing further to discuss.
You are right, you win. Obviously you made a compelling point and this point is so logically sound that there is nothing further to discuss. The fact that an ISP can choose to block a small website means that all ISPs should be made to serve traffic at the same speed, why didn't I realize this earlier?
I don't understand why not giving priority to VOIP causes it to suffer. I believe it doesn't suffer when it VOIP is given equal priority as all other traffic.
You say this as if it's a bad thing.
You deserve to be enslaved.
VOIP should have priority over a torrent fir example. Perhaps you never used VOIP before? Why should time-critical traffic be given the same priority as time-insensitive traffic!?
I've had no problem using other forms of Internet telephony for years. I've used technology like Skype, various implementations of SIP, Google voice and Yahoo voice. I didn't need to touch QOS and I presume my ISP didn't do anything like that either. When I want QOS, I command my own router to manage it, I don't expect my ISP to manage my traffic because if they distinguish that, then they will have the ability to inspect my packets.
You use all those cancerous services, that are plugged straight into the NSA, and then you say that you don't have usage problems. That's fantastic. I'm glad those ISPs aren't monitoring your Skype sessions.
I'm happy because the network is neutral. I pay a single fee for a given data rate and network quota and that's what I get. Paying more money to distinguish network traffic is not a good thing.
I disagree but if you want to handicap yourself, who am I to argue? Do you give your money away so that you don't have more than the average family? Tell me more about how you practice equality and enforce Utopia. Meanwhile:
Trump’s F.C.C. Pick Quickly Targets Net Neutrality Rules
Mr. Pai took a first swipe at net neutrality rules designed to ensure equal access to content on the internet. He stopped nine companies from providing discounted high-speed internet service to low-income individuals. He withdrew an effort to keep prison phone rates down, and he scrapped a proposal to break open the cable box market.
In total, as the chairman of the F.C.C., Mr. Pai released about a dozen actions in the last week, many buried in the agency’s website and not publicly announced, stunning consumer advocacy groups and telecom analysts. They said Mr. Pai’s message was clear: The F.C.C., an independent agency, will mirror the Trump administration’s rapid unwinding of government regulations that businesses fought against during the Obama administration.
Mr. Pai, a former lawyer for Verizon, was elevated by Mr. Trump to the position of chairman after serving as a minority Republican member for the past three years. Known for being a stickler on conservative interpretations of telecommunications law and the limits of the F.C.C.’s authority, Mr. Pai said he was trying to wipe the slate clean.
He noted that his predecessor, Tom Wheeler, had rammed through a series of actions right after the presidential election. Many of those efforts, Mr. Pai argued, went beyond the agency’s legal authority.
the amount of anti nn shilling is going on even here eh? impressive. the shills must be confident that their "repeat it until goyim believe it" strategy will bare fruit. Sadly, besides some vague fear mongering and flawed "their doing it anyway" anecdotes being used, they've yet to make a cogent point.
the most oft repeated 'reason" is nn doesnt do anything lets pretend for a second that's true.. it isnt, but lets pretend. what would be the reason to end a law that doesnt matter? why you (((someone))) pay for all these shills, and articles and reports.. for no other reason than to end a allegedly obsolete law?
The answer is they wouldnt. You only shill this hard when you have something to gain.
do keep trying tho, because we grow stronger, from continuously countering your bullshit.
and how do you think low cost internet or cheap prison phone rates are achieved son? do you think that money is plucked from the tree of good will and fairness up on mount socialis?
try harder shill.
See Obama thanking Reddit
And know that you are a sheep just like them.
Free market competition
Pennies don't fall from Heaven, they have to be earned here on Earth.
t. Iron Lady
NN as it was implemented under Obama didn't support the lowering of Internet costs. The reason is that it didn't increase the number of ISPs who would provide more competition in the marketplace. I'm skeptical that simply repealing Obama's NN laws will increase the number of competitors but let's wait and see.
These are all consumer issues for those who like to be slaves of those corporations. I honestly would be glad if they implement the caricature that is in OP's pic.
As if those faggots in Silicon Valley aren't the real problem...
this reeks of "evil strawman thinks X, do YOU think X too?!"
child molesters drink water m8, are you gonna stop, or be just like them!?!
Face it m8, you are in poor company when you support NN. NN isn't just your girl, NN is everybody's girl. Obama rammed his agenda thru with the help of brain-dead millenials who watch The Daily Show on Comedy Central. That's a fact, so take your "you called me out and I didn't like it so I'll scream fallacy, strawman, and rape to initiate damage control procedures!" and shove it where the sun don't shine.
First of all, it wasn't a law you fucking retard. It was using already existing law "common carriage" aka Title II and reclassifying end-of-mile ISPs as common carriers.
Second of all, yes it did. Common carriage means that ISPs had to fairly let others use their infrastructure at the end of mile.
That existing law applies to telephone wires, not cable wires and wireless, and the new FCC Commisar agrees with me. Those salty tears are going to flow, so drink up now or you might get dehydrated!