Automatic WebP Conversion in Cloudflare

Basically, Cloudflare has a service called Polish that automatically recompresses JPGs at their CDN exit points, and now they're going to start automatically converting JPGs and PNGs to WebP, while leaving the filenames as .jpg and .png. It's opt-in, and Polish is a paid service to begin with, so we don't have to worry about it affecting Holla Forums, but already I've noticed sites serving up WebPs and wreaking havoc with my usual image editing and viewing programs. Really not looking forward to this.

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Well at least they're doing something worthwhile instead of adding APNG

Why do you want WebP over APNG?

Just install the codec- WebP is a superior format anyway. Its good that more people are using better compression formats.

Very cool. WebP is a less-harmful format.

There are a lot of crappy JPEG encoders out there. It's possible to recompress their output with more efficient JPEG encoding without transcoding or changing the (already compressed with artifacts) image at all.

It's a shitty hack of intra-frame VP8 that Google strongarmed onto the internet through Chrome. If we're going to replace JPEG, it should have been with a better purpose specific codec, dozens of which already existed before Google decided to reinvent the wheel.

I fucking hate this board sometimes.

Superior to what? Better at compressing than what? Are you sure? Have you done the tests?

How? Why?

Better than jpg or png. that means its an improvement. I dont mean that its the BEST idea, but its better which is important. I would rather use flif because it seems to be the best image format right now, but I dont think its a bad thing to replace older formats with worse compression.

What's the point though? WebP is a shit tier format.


It's a video format trying to be an animation format and ends up being shit at both.

I guess it's decent for static images though? But is it the best?


because not everyone's a pathetic permavirgin like me posting chinese children cartoon show reaction images

It's already bad e-fucking-nough that it's been months and we still have hashes for imagenames instead of the proper fucking timecodes that have been used for the past decade.

I know lossless JPEG->JPEG encoding is a thing but the graph labels are ambiguous. It wouldn't kill them to say "to lossless" explicitly.

Because I want untrusted remote input being fed to 1 codec instead of 4

hashes are better. ill never download the same image twice on different boards

WebP adoption is a terrible mistake. It only supports the bt601 colorspace (all modern videos are bt709, only DVDs are bt601) and only supports 4:2:0 chroma subsampling. This means for every 2x2 box of pixels in an image there's only 1 pixel of color information.
I thought Google would update it to include the new features of VP9 instead of keeping it based on VP8 but that didn't happen. I hope they make a new image format based on AV1. That would truly be the jpg killer since every major company is behind the AV1 video codec.

Why dont you just remeber what files you already svaed?

its made by google so fuck off


It's opt in, they also have a lossless compression of jpgs and pngs option iirc.

Images on the Internet already get compressed to shit by facebook, tumblr, twitter etc.

Smaller file sizes.

So you've never used a webm?

Reminder that cloudflare is slavery. They can edit the webpage that you see any way they want, and track you across different ones. Also, their HTTPS is fake.

Proofs? Evidence?

Any connection to a website behind cloudflare goes through cloudflare first, and they decrypt it if it's through HTTPS, then encrypt it again. So they have the access to your decrypted data.

"But what seems to be overlooked by many is that fact that the ‘Flexible SSL’ option only provides secure traffic between the user and CloudFlares network – NOT between CloudFlare and your website."

Back in 2003, Lee Holloway and I started Project Honey Pot as an open-source project to track online fraud and abuse. The Project allowed anyone with a website to install a piece of code and track hackers and spammers. We ran it as a hobby and didn't think much about it until, in 2008, the Department of Homeland Security called and said, 'Do you have any idea how valuable the data you have is?' That started us thinking about how we could effectively deploy the data from Project Honey Pot, as well as other sources, in order to protect websites online. That turned into the initial impetus for CloudFlare.

yeah, this is the reason why webp lossy mode is useless crap.

but webp lossless is gud, because it compresses better than crushed PNGs, and also faster.

That's not how slavery works.

Actually, these days everything is done through the internet. Getting information, banking, sending letters, etc. And more will be done through it in the future. Therefore, whoever controls the internet, controls you. Just imagine how much censorship is possible when the whole internet is in someone's hands. It's already happening on facebook for example. Or google, which made an algorithm that removes "fake" or "untrue" news. That's slavery to me.

Yeah, except now your naming system is absolutely fucked up unless you sort by date. And, numbers look a lot better, too. And it allows you to group images with -0,-1, etc.
Would you rather have 50,000 files that look like
or 50,000

cuckflare pls go. just because a bunch of HN hipsters validate you doesn't make you valid

Holla Forums should just move to ipfs already

Nearly every site on the Internet uses a CDN.

Without them the www would be slow, dead and shit.

Not him, but I have over 8,500 images I've saved from imageboards. Filenames based on Unix epoch+ timestamps aren't especially helpful for me. Neither are hash-based filenames, particularly, but they do have some useful features, and I do understand why they're helpful for all kinds of reasons for the people who administer imageboards.