The true intend is not to destroy NK, but to destroy SK. Ever since SK got rid of their puppet president the jews wanted to teach those faggots a lesson. But since the US can't just drop nukes on an ally they let NK do it.
SK is finished.
Quick reminder that Holla Forums is the new Holla Forums and they get their information from us.
Charles Rivera
The first thing that jumps to my mind when I hear about war in Korea is that I would be very upset if anything happened to Hyuna.
Levi Wilson
South Korea deserves it. Their cars are shitty and so is kpop.
Samuel Hill
Jackson Ramirez
Korean sloots are 3rd best gook sloots behind japs and Vietnamese
Nicholas Lee
>Korean sloots are 3rd best gook sloots behind japs and Vietnamese Nice joke.
Benjamin Allen
debatable not even loling at your piss-poor b8
Jordan Campbell
Implying ho Chee minh hoes aren't number 2
Christopher Gonzalez
Vietnamese qts are underrated lads. You should try one.
Lincoln Baker
Times have changed old man. K sluts are at the top now.
Zachary Campbell
I'm happy either way as long as a nuke lands near me
Adam Miller
I hope it ends up with everyone getting f-ed over not just SK.
Levi Long
Korean women are like their cars
Never buy a Corean woman
James Torres
Christian Fisher
Fucking auto correct ruined glorious pun
Aiden Sanchez
I understand your jealousy of superior Korean women. We all want something we can never have.
Kevin Gomez
Tfw you will never know the sweet and sour taste of Asian girls
Isaac Hall
why indeed?
David James
Alexander Miller
Be me Have chance with qt Asian Blow it Do same thing with to more Asian grills
Matthew Diaz
did you talk about the Eastwood movie with her?
Hudson Morgan
Carson Hughes
Take her to see Gran Torino Laugh my ass off at racism
Camden Scott
Nathaniel Kelly
No I meant that they aren't brown asians, just slightly yellowed, I know their paper white faces are makeupped. And to be honest the makeup turns me on, I actually think it looks really pretty on them I don't really care about the "no I only like my gril all natural" pretentious meme.
Jaxon Butler
where did this word even come from?
Isaiah Rivera
Be 90s weeb Read shit tier fanzines cause no internet See kpop group SeS Get Korean fever Never find anymore pics or videos of them
Christian Price
When did I mention 2D?
Lucas Robinson
Nicholas Torres
Dominic Fisher
Grayson Wood
More makeup the better. These girls are top tier and you are simply jealous since you will never hold them.
Most 3DPD use makeup. If you aren't into girls who wear makeup or 2D then I wish you luck on your sorrow filled life.
Brayden Cooper
They already killed 2ne1, might aswell just nuke South Korea. I don't care.
Austin Lee
(((of course)))
Connor Collins
You're such a fucking normie.
Angel Cruz
GYS fags
Nathan Rivera
It's easy to hate. Post some girls you think are hot and I'll show you how easy it is to point out flaws.
Dylan Jenkins
And now we observe the average retarded shitposters, without any argument left, resorting to name calling and "le hitler gas the kike xd" maymays.
You got told the truth. Sorry it hurts my dudes.
Sebastian Wright
Probably because they're all shit and wear (((fakeup)))
Josiah Watson
Do you have people call you "Rabbi" by chance?
Dominic Bell
Finding a flaw in French Vietnamese gook goddess
Ryan Torres
Juan Cruz
fuck off Hitler, you're not my real dad!!!
Angel Perry
Yeeeeeeeah they're as worse as fucking west coast LA girls with all that fucking plastic surgery. Hope you have something yay more valid than that to convince me.
You know the amount of makeup used and I mean alot of it fucks up the skin in the long run and pretty fucking fast depending the amount and constant use of it right?
Aiden Flores
You're trying so hard but unfortunately it didn't get you very far. If it triggers you so hard that others are into non-white women or women with makeup then find a safe space you baby. Also: weeeeeew
Oliver Fisher
Koreans are the jews of asia. I hope they get nuked into oblivion.
Nathan Lopez
Found the mudslime.
Adam Collins
only south are
Jose Harris
Slavic qts are the best qts
Elijah Wood
I'm ok with this.
Lincoln Cox
sharp elbows!
Anthony James
Anthony Peterson
praise kek
Asher Torres
Are you guys Asian? How do you feel about people wanting to destroy the heart of the Norks? Maybe they just want to get rid of anyone who is racialist (pretty much, a lot of the orient from what I understand).
People want to destroy anything that is good in the world.
Andrew Parker
Why aren't you all saying this shiiiiieeeet
Grayson Hill
Asians are all fucked up anyways. Let them all blow each other to shits. The world would be a better place.
The first indication that this would be so would be the lack of fucktarts pretending they can drive on the road. There will be less diseases in the world. The airwaves and bandwidths would be free from the incessant whine that is asian pop. Dickheads won't be fapping off to poorly drawn anime excuses of people coz the creators would be all thermonuclear waste products. All of those fucked up sounding languages from that whole continent would die out finally. Food would be better coz they aren't been fucked over by cheap ass msg-filled rubbish undercutting on quality shit. Housing market would become more affordable for the average joe coz we won't have these Asian rats coming over with big wars of cash buying out all the houses/apartments and driving up the prices coz they can't work out that a shithole isn't actually worth $1mil. I could go on…but I think you get the picture.
Levi Evans
Stay salty over superior asian culture WHITE PIG GO HOME
Thomas Turner
Kek. I am home. It's the Asians and Asian lovers like you that are invading my home and shitting it all up. So why don't you go home and keep shitting up the hole you crawled from? Ask you dear Leader to shoot one of your badly engineered missiles that's going to blow up midflight from a badly engineered flatbed truck at one of us so we can bomb the shit out of your fucked up land already.
Chase Scott
Your home is filled with niggers and spics and ruled by jewish globalists, no one wants to go there. No wonder you are so mad when you see cultures that are superior to yours, you instantly get filled to the brim with jealousy after seeing what the Japanese and south Koreans are accomplishing. Western Society is cucking itself into non existence stay mad fat burger and enjoy the pretty Korean girls as you slowly die.
Austin Myers
Holy shit are you actually serious? Worst Korea is a lost tribe of Isreal at this point, the Talmud is a best seller there because they want to be like the jews. And Japan isn't any better off having been fucked in the ass by ZOG for the past 70 years with the help of their pawns in Worst Korea. Not a burger btw but at least they have a slim possibility of overthrowing their oppressors with all their guns, nips and gooks have no weapons and no chance. Keep watching your plastic whores if it makes you feel better, never mind that their societies are withering and dying on the inside
Jack Thomas
Life without Asian women? No. It's time to die.
Caleb Roberts
Gas all Koreans. They are the filth of the world
Ayden Baker
Yes Carl the Cuck I am serious. I won't pretend asian countries are perfect, they have their own problems and jewish influence but most of their cultures and societies are still better then the filth you see in the west. In this world either a country is controlled by jews or it's such a shithole that it's not worth controlling. No they don't, a couple of assault rifles aren't going to do anything against a modern army with huge ass tanks and massive artillery power. But keep lying to yourself and pretending that Donald trump and Le Pen are gonna save the west. Trump is trying to start world war 3 and filled his cabinet with jews. Jews own whatever shithole you come from but keep imagining that they aren't in complete control of your life. I will, at least they are enjoyable to look at. Meanwhile you can enjoy your twerking std riddled whores who promote racemixing and cultural degeneracy to little kids. Gays being pushed as normal and multicultarism shoved down peoples's throats in every form of media, it's truly the sign of a growing and vibrant society! In a couple decades when the West is full of brown people you will wish you were born in superior Nippon which doesn't allow that multicultarism bullshit. Actually you will probably be run over by a truck at that point or murdered in the streets for being white.
South Korea even has it's own feminist problem but guess where that sjw and feminist shit started from, thats right, the fucking west because soros and his jew buddies realized dumb westerners would eat that shit up the fas then they spread it out to the rest of the world. Korean feminists are like bloodthirsty harpies trying to rip out men's balls but even that's better then western feminists who open their legs and their borders for the niggers and mudslimes and call you racist if you don't do the same. Western women are letting invaders into their homes and burning down their own country while fags like you just watch and complain about other societies out of jealousy and deep seeded hatred of your own country. TOP KEK!
Also cuck faggot if you are gonna say you aren't american then atleast say where you are from. But wait you didn't cause you are too embarrassed and you know that asian cultures are better then whatever shit place you come from. You willingly leave out where you're from so you can keep on shitting on South Korea and Japan and face no consequence on people calling you out.
Michael Brown
This is what a Koreaboo looks like and it's frightening If women want to be manipulated so badly why should I care? I'll let Holla Forums worry about that They all play the ZOG's game. Trump's only merit is defending the second amendment, which is important for the people's freedom If you had implicated the police forces you might have had a leg to stand on there Did that eight goddesses shit tell you nothing? C O M F O R T W O M E N O M F O R T W O M E N You think idol culture is a sign of a healthy society? Because it's not. Also, pointing out the west's flaws doesn't make the asians look any better. It doesn't matter where I am, what matters is my plan. And for the record I wouldn't want to see Worst Korea get nuked. It's not good for the environment to burn plastic.
Luis Evans
Good point OP. Didn't think about that one.
Gabriel Johnson
New North Korean National Anthem
It's sing-a-long time, boys and girls, here on Holla Forums… here's one you must know…
Baah Baah, Black Shirts, have you any Jews? Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Three trains' full! Ones' a disaster, ones' full of slaves. And ones' for "Resettlement", They'll be gassed today.
Isaac Price
This much autism, even in jest, would be embarrassing to anyone possessing self awareness.
Kayden Collins
True. On anonymous imageboards it's really important to not embarrass yourself.
Leo Jenkins
Are you Asian? What do you think about the USA pre-Civil War?