Is this the most retarded argument against homosexuality anyone has ever made?
Is this the most retarded argument against homosexuality anyone has ever made?
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Some things are so stupid that they shouldn't be commented on.
I could've lived my whole life without having to suffer this mind bendingly retarded image
thanks a lot OP
What the fuck does drunk driving have to do with heterosexuality? Or any sexuality at all?
It's a Facebook page that posts homophobic memes. Apparently, this guy thinks gay people are a danger to those around him or something, and that one chooses to be gay.
This guy is a bigger faggot than the gays he claims to hate.
If the very existence of Christianity is oppressive to others, as they seem to believe, maybe this is for the best.
feeding the poor is only for faggots, apparently
Good band name
Most are good band names tbh. "Rainbow Death Club" is an operatic prog rock group, "Train to Nowhere" is a introspective dream pop duo, "Kill All Christians" is a moderately kvlt black metal band and "Poop Shop" is a needlessly loud goregrind act.
The dialectical part of the joke is that I agree with the driver in this situation.
what about Hiking Trail? the most degenerate of their signs?
The funny part of the joke is when you or one of your family members dies from a drunk driver.
Excuse me leftard, my father was killed by someone driving while homosexual. He was distracted by a Rainbow Death Club song playing and hit my dad at 69 miles an hour. It's a danger to people everywhere and this fine man is doing a service by bringing attention to this issue.
I… Huh..
electronic folk like Avicii.
I'm not /mu/ so you'll have to excuse me.
Those fags have gone to far! Fucking other men, I can get that, but fucking recycling?
Reminder that HIP is a parody.
Actually that sounds better as a album name now that I think about it.
I have read polacks and some classcucks from r9k unironically use different variations of the bestiality slippery slope.
Now that I think of it, r9k and most kissless virgins seem to get swayed by pol level bollocks quite a lot.
It looks to me that the bigger the loser the bigger the excuses they need to rationalize their status.
That said, I'm a kissless loser myself.
Americans aren't really taught what analogies are or how they work.
Damn, that town is metal as fuck.
Looking at the picture again makes me think of this song by Dio: