I see so many people on here talk about certain stories being "edgy", but I'm here to ask what makes something "edgy"?
For example I enjoy the original TMNT comics from the 80's but I can't help feeling that some people would consider those comics edgy because they are only familiar with the 80's cartoon.
Also why are characters like The Punisher not really considered edgy? I mean he's pretty much a mass murdering psychopath who's taken the law into his own hands because his family was caught in the crossfire of a mob war.
But he's not considered all that edgy compared to say Shadow The Hedgehog or Reaper from Overwatch.
I think there has to be an element of tryhard desperation to be "Edgy". Eastman/Laird TMNT and Punisher are more legit badass than edgy, edgy is Grimdark The Edgehog, or Jack, or Millar's Nemesis, or Grips.
Benjamin Clark
Excess and/or Revelry.
The same thing that changes nudity to porn and comedy into shameless low brow fart/piss jokes.
That isn't to say that a narrative can't work its way to earning something that is excessive or reveling in its base emotion, it just has to be established and almost always works best as the crescendo of the action.
Let me use as an example the 2002 movie adaptation of the Count of Monte Cristo If you have not seen this yet you are wrong and a spoiler for later in the film/story upon getting Villefort to confess he enters the prisoner transport to find a pistol laid out as a 'courtesy for a gentleman' which of course he puts in his mouth and pulls the trigger, only for it to be empty and for Edmond to gloat that he would never let him get off that easy This 'action' would be edgy in any context other than what is presented in the narrative. However as the whole plot is about revenge for what has happened it is justified in the narrative.
There are exceptions of course, and in any type of argument examples can be presented that fly in the face of this definition, but I have found it to be the most reliable rule of edgy.
Perhaps a better definition would be 'violence without catharsis'?
Brayden Martin
We should remember that TMNT started as a parody of gritty, street-level heroes, especially Daredevil.
Cameron Brooks
More or less this; excessive 'darkness', nihilism and bad things happening to people mostly for the sake of shock value, without meaningful pathos, justification or exploration of the consequences. Basically something that could have been written by a sugar-addled 13 year old desperately trying to look like a grown-up and failing.
The Punisher depends on the writer, but for the most part he's written with some nuance, even when he started as a Spider-man anti-villain. (someone Spidey was at odds with, but with understandable motivations and a tragic backstory) To an extent he's more a power fantasy at times; killing the bad people like we all wish we could, doing what the kid-friendly heroes can't. (til comics stopped being so kid-friendly)
Joshua Wright
Contrast is a very important think in edgyness too. Every character in sonic - sans Shadow - is colorful, cheerful and goofy. Same for reaper in overwatch.
Xavier Hughes
edgy = you don't like it and wish to make fun of those who do
Daniel Murphy
"Things I don't like" for the most part.
Grayson Price
When it's so completely over the top that becomes retarded
Julian Roberts
Zachary Watson
Edgy is basically the story trying to be "dark" or being the "tough guy". Thats pretty much it. When something tries too hard to be dark to a point of silliness, thats how you can spot edgy.
Punisher killing gangsters isnt edgy by itself. A story where a gangster digs up the corpses of his family and pisses on them, thats edgy. Characters like Reaper in Overwatch are edgy because he only says "dark things" about pain, misery, shadows and death on every occasion.
TL;DR: Edgy is trying too hard to be hip, dark and cool. An example of edgy:
Owen Wilson
good point. Though could this also be applied with teenagers who try to be edgy to make up for the lack of depth in any of their characters?
Logan Cox
I think edgy is one of those terms that doesn;t really have a solid definition anymore (if it ever did). To me, edgy means violent, gory, depressing and nihilistic for no particular reason.
That's not to say it always turns out fucking terrible (I loved Punisher MAX), but generally I think it's the kind of dark and gritty comic that is so full of itself that it just winds up coming off as tryhard.
Charles Cooper
Suck a dick, Joss.
Gabriel Sullivan
But Punisher IS considered edgy, I never saw anyone say otherwise.
Chase Wood
Thomas Parker
Why? Outside of the use of guns by Frank, they are essentially the same fucking character.
Jeremiah Thompson
I remember when Batman used to have a personality that wasn't just "GRIM AND ANGER".
Kayden Reyes
Fucking lol
I like where they have Batman right now, not too moody or dark, but not quite as light as that.
Juan Adams
What fucking comics are you reading?
Jeremiah Brooks
The current rebirth batman isn't too dark or moody.
New 52 Batman wasn't either, though certain characters were.
Ryder Ramirez
To me the edgiest comic I read was Gath Ennis' The Boys. I've never read something so goddamn try hard in my life, every character was an amoral asshole to the point where nothing anybody did shocked me anymore.
Like I get it Ennis hates superheroes and wanted to vent out his frustrations while working on various superhero books over the years but goddamn is this thing just a goddamn chore to read through, plus he was so sure that this was gonna be made into a movie at one point that he made one of the main characters look like Simon Pegg.
Just a terrible comic series all around.
Parker Jenkins
Punisher 2099 was good though purely because it went all in with its edge.
Brody Peterson
it was shitty revenge porn against the superhero genre written by some britcuck who worships the usa and never wrote anything good in the first place.
Joshua Jackson
You know what could counter the edginess that infest the comic industry? a comic about wacky villains disposing the edgy villains because they are fucking with their amusement. But of course we won't get a comic series about Megaminds and early Jokers against modern Jokers or shit written by hack writers who hate the superhero comics to begin with.
Levi Hernandez
Did he take issue with the industry, people within the industry, or the very idea of superheroes?
Kevin Foster
The very idea of superheroes.
Justin King
So I guess he was frustrated about having to write for them when he hated them? It's understandable I guess, but from what I've seen of The Boys, he should have posted it on livejournal where it belongs (and he doesn't have to use gener-o substitutes) or something and kept his published work free of what is basically revenge porn.
Gavin Martinez
Even cows love Dick.
Jonathan Phillips
Pretty sure that one qualifies as "just fucking retarded" before anything else.
Adam Miller
The irony is Pegg hates superhero movies and I think he was approached to be in The Boys tv series/movie/whatever but turned it down.
Aaron Gray
I can see you were in the first thread from the first two, but the third one eludes me. What's that from?
Hudson Howard
I remember it wasn't main 616 canon but, who wrote it?
Thomas Walker
Pegg made a good Johnny Alpha in the Strontium Dog radio play.
Carter Price
Bomb queen Pretty sure the writer is a nig
Camden Ward
A desire to be" mature", which by its nature implies an immature mindset. You don't desire to be something you are not.
Something which is over the top intentionally isn't edgy, like Warhammer 40k.
Something which is realistically dark or disturbing often doesn't dwell on the fact that it is dark or disturbing because it simply takes it as a matter of course and sees nothing unusual or unique in it.
I'd say Supergod is the very epitome of edgy dumb shit. It's self described pessimism about human nature is only disturbing to a humanist liberal and is itself not even "pessimistic" as the reality which liberals don't want to face.
It positives that religious experience and awe stem from selection of traits for altruism. Which is non-sense. The liberal doesn't want to admit that human altruism and murder are two sides of the same coin. Though unlike what retarded TV nature documentaries say animals often do injure unto death or outright skill others during mating contests or territorial disputes they don't do it with extreme frequency when compared to humans. But only because they don't have a social structure it which they are cared for and even lauded if injured while engaging in socially proscribed behavior. War and the murder of other ranking members of a community often confer's high status. And as for religion it is more about natalism than altruism and to a sensualist or emotionalist like most liberals the idea of faith and religious sentiment being cold and brutal like it is for most of the remaining religious whites is horrifying because their appeals to emotion don't move those people. Haidt(a liberal jew) talks about this and about how limited a liberal's mindset is, their inability to understand a rightist viewpoint as anything other than a strawman. An "edgy" narrative is to my knowledge always created by a liberal who fundamentally doesn't understand war, violence, heartlessness, and cruelty as the useful tools that they are and cannot or will not attempt to view the brutal side of life as a something inevitable or mundane. Hence strangely enough they fetishize it into something edgy.
This comes back to what I mentioned about emotional maturity because dissections have revealed that those who hold leftist viewpoints have a more neotenous brain than those who hold rightist viewpoints.
They don't understand violence as a means and so cannot portray it and add all sorts of ancillary motivations and behaviors to character whom commit wanton violence in an attempt to put it into sensualist terms they understand. Either true some form of hamfisted social commentary or by making the characters motivations extremely aberrant.
Or at least that is my hypothesis.
Justin Cook
But violence as a mundane norm can also be edgy.
Jordan Hernandez
Not by itself. If you were to make a story about a hunter-gatherer tribe in the paleolithic, it would have plenty of violence. But it can easily be done without fixating on it. It would only be edgy if you had detailed panels of gore and internal monologues or narration describing how messy was every kill.
Joshua Price
Hmm, I guess you're right, I mistakenly associated "mundane" with "prolific". If you use a large quantity of violence to demonstrate how callous your world is, that's where you creep into edgy territory.
Jacob Jones
Then a documentary about life in Detroit or Somalia is edgy by your definition.
Ryder Morgan
Zachary Brown
I asked what makes a story edgy and I get some Holla Forumsack going "Hur de derr liberals are dumb!"
I love this stupid website.
Lincoln Bell
A man kills my wife. I kill that man in an act of revenge.
That is not edgy.
A man kills my wi- prostitute lover. I in return ki- hunt down his children and tie them to my body wearing them like human armor and suicide bomb him while flipping him off.
That's edgy.
It's the idea of shock being used instead of substance.
Ryder Rogers
Garth fucking Enis.
Luis Gomez
Ennis didn't have anything to do with this run of MAX It was Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon
Lincoln Long
>>>/cuckchan/ >>>/tumblr/
Henry Myers
Garth Ennis being a supreme edgelord is a Reddit-tier meme borne of dumb hyperbole, especially in a world where Mark FUCKING Millar exists and makes comics and gets movie deals.
Colton Walker
No, that's actually fucking awesome and funny.
William James
he's a christian-hating usa-worshipping britcuck though
Owen James
I don't know, bEnnis was pretty edgy in the Boys
Joseph Reyes
Why does Ennis has such a hate-boner for superheroes ? That's something I never understood
Levi Thomas
I don't understand why Holla Forums has such a hate boner for Ennis. People keep making nonsensical accusations like but nobody ever provides a citation.
This is why Garth Ennis hates most superheros. I honestly think his criticisms are pretty fair.
Jason Jenkins
oh man why ennis must be so gay, i bet he wrote this post the fucking cucking edgelord
Zachary Sanders
Miracleman, is a fictional superhero in comics published by Marvel Comics. Marvelman was originally a UK substitute for American Captain Marvel, the series ran until 1963. He was revived in 1982 in a dark, post-modern reboot by writer Alan Moore, with later contributions by Neil Gaiman.
That's the free spot at the center of the bingo board.
I agree about "The stories can’t end, so they’ll never mean anything," it's why I feel manga made such waves. The rest of his points are hipster bullshit. His rebellious PoMo wouldn't even exist if there wasn't a status quo to rebel against. His ilk are parasites. I think the market should be open to both merchandise/nostalgia driven legacy characters and meaningful stories that end. But Ennis wants to act like only meaningful works of art merit existence.
Christopher James
Yeah, he's not edgy enough to be indie, but he still wants that sweet superhero money, so he writes superhero stories that insult the reader.
Ethan Morales
IDW and Marvel's new shit is annoyingly edgy. Like its trying to be edgy and "revolutionary" but isn't really edgy but its attempts to be are more irksome than actually being edgy.