ReactOS thread

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They've sped up development a little in the past year, which is neat. if they can have a working desktop by 2020, when Windows 7 reaches EOL, there would be a viable option for the muh vidya crowd.

I can't wait since i really want to ditch windows and dont want to use windows 10.

by then it'll have windows 7 interface.

the first thing they should've done is to achieve 100% compatibility with windows hardware drivers. otherwise, what's the point? it's just wine with shitty kernel

actually it's not wine, it's using some wine code but it's 100% compatible with windows software.
you can even import dll files from windows and use it in reactos. they just need to make it work better to make it compatible with more windows files.

it's open source so if you think you can help why not contribute.

I personally wanted to test out all my steam games on reactos to give to the community so they can work it out but had trouble getting serial port to work on vm.

Doesn't it still not have any x86-64 port?

ReactOS System Requirements:
[*]x86-x64 compatible processor, Pentium or later
[*]96 MB RAM (Recommended 256MB)

I hope it doesn't have the 7 interface. Properties > Personalization. Or if they do, I hope there's an option to swap the GUI for one you want.

Would be great, I still need Windows for some work related things where a VM doesn't cut it, so this would be amazing if they could get it out the door by then.

do they still make ricer desktop shells for windows or did all the ricers move to arch/i3.

because it'd be nice if you could change their uggers AF win 2000 shell.

I just want to know if this can run SimCity 4. If so, I will be one happy camper.

it can run skyrim

It runs SimCity 3000 it might work with SimCity 4

Is reactOS a loonix/winblows hybrid?

Best of both worlds or worst?

ReactOS is like WINE: The OS. It's an OS unaffiliated with MS or Linux, that tries to be binary compatible with Windows.
Ideally it gives you the software selection of Windows with the open source no-botnet guarantee of Linux. Practically it's unfinished, and has been for a long time. Development has sped up in the past year, so there's hope they finish it.

If I can install 3DS Max + the Adobe suite on this thing I can finally delete Windows.
Is it possible now or how much work does it need to be possible? I am willing to contribute.

It's a step in the wrong direction.

I think it's the opposite. Because this way we can finally destroy the monopoly of Microsoft and make people move to free software (talk about the gratis side first and move on to freedom aspect) while allowing them to run their proprietary software with no/minor compatibility issues.

Why has it taken so long

It's hard to implement an OS from scratch let alone implement one that works like another OS both internally and externally when you can't even see its source code.

Because volunteers have to eat

If ReactOS actually starts to get big and starts to cut into Microsoft's marketshare, it's going to get sued into oblivion.

ReactOS was first created 20 years ago.
at the time it only had 1 guy working on it and he was doing it for fun and working at microsoft and apple at the same time.

it was trying to emulate windows 95 but it microsoft kept making newer versions of windows before they could be relevant.

ReactOS was abandoned and recoded from scratch to use the WindowsNT architecture. it runs some Wine to understand how windows executes programs, It aims to be binary compatible with windows.

its gaining popularity so more people are coming onto the project. also they use Google Summer of Code, to get help from students.

it wont happen since it was coded from scratch, and you have to agree when you code for it that you dont have previous knowledge of windows source code.

ReactOS is also used by microsoft to teach its own developers how its own operating system works.

it is also used by the chinese to understand how an operating system works.

Wine recently got dx11 , they should be good already he says while posting from his windows 7 machine

It's a botnet

The main problem with ReactOS isn't software support, its hardware support. Re-implementing Windows Driver Model should be absolute priority because after that hardware support would be as easy as installing Windows drivers

Compatibility with windows drivers is the plan, reactos kernel is an entire reimplementation of NT, not just a userland binary compatibility layer like wine. Some XP/Server 2003 drivers already work with it.

How do you know if it will work on your hardware?

If it works with Windows XP, then it'll run ReactOS.

how long has WDM compatibility been in development?


They got awards from the Russian government, they're obviously interested in cutting away from Microsoft, they should help backing it tbh

100% not possible, its fucking alpha for fucks sake

and also drivers? what about fuckin drivers?

I honestly fail to see how it will have a technical advantage over wine.
driver support could be implemented using some extension to linux like ndiswrapper.

...In other news, the FBI has discovered what the evil Russians have done to hack the election! They are using a top secret RUSSIAN BACKED bootleg of Microsoft Windows known as REACTOS! An OS made exclusively for Russian hackers! Stay tuned!...

virtual machine?
is anyone successful installing using it baremetal (not VM)?
i'm paranoid about it burning my mobo due to problematic bugs and power management

Microsoft is already losing their monopoly with the average person. The average person wants a tablet or a phone. A computer does not even enter most of their minds anymore.

ReactOS is beneficial for those of us who have to still work with Microsoft software, but don't want to use their Botnet of an OS to get shit done.

Someone developed a compatibility layer for ReactOS/WinXP/2000 NT, that can allow it to use NT6 applications. Pictures show it running DirectX 10 & 11 games.


This. For casual use android or apple are good enough.

Most people have a dusty old laptop laying in the back that they might use for word processing ones in a blue moon.

And even then, people are not necessarily using Microsoft Office to write that document. They'll bring up Google's Office Suite if they don't have Word, and they'll email it using Google Botnet.

Desktops over the next decade are going to be used by Nerds, Gamers, and old women still using Facebook.

I can see the gaymur demographics going down as well, now that a whole generation can only use their index finger to compute.

The gaymur demographic is actually opening up to Linux as performance and compatibility increase. The more AAA games work on Linux from day one, the fewer people have that "one special game" that they absolutely love that won't work in WINE. Once AMD and Intel's open source Vulkan drivers hit the popular distros like Ubuntu and Fedora, and the Vullkan-backed engines have one click build-for-Linux (Unity already has this, and a Linux-native version of the editor is in beta) enabled, there will be literally no reason for most people to develop Windows exclusive games.

ReactOS is nice in theory, but it's still in alpha so don't get your hopes up. I tried to install it on a newer computer as a go-between for my family so they could still use Linux without having to sacrifice gaming. I got a BSOD on install.

Because Wine is shit. Everyone knows it. That's why gamers still use Windows for fucks sake. I still can't get Diablo 1 working in Wine by the way.

Please quit using words wrong, retard.

Goodbye forever Windows 7!