
Is Assad really "based" or does Holla Forums only support him because Israel hates him?

Other urls found in this thread:'ath_Party_–_Syria_Region–Turkey_pipeline

He's a tyrannical dictator, backed into a corner and willing to do anything to stay in power. Including gassing Syrian children.

That said, he isn't a batshit Islamic fundamentalist.

Dealing with Assad instead of ISIS is like dealing with Putin instead of David Korresh. His ego leaves more room for negotiation than "I am the second coming of Christ" or a prophetic Islamic caliphate.

Stopped reading there. Get out.

Assad won the last Syrian elections with 88% of the vote.

You can't get more democratic than that.

I support him at arms length, hes done a lot for the christian community, and he apposes Israel. But he does have a track-record for brutality on his own people in the beginning of this war. Hes seemingly changed that, but at this point I dont openly support him. More dead Muslims and less Muslims in Europe are all I care about during this conflict at this time.

He hasn't killed as many people as Lincoln


I support Assad. yria is the only democratic country in Middle East, and we should do everything to protect Assad and Syria.

Yeah he has chemical gas but there is 0% proof that he gasses people in the streets. First of all, what would that even accomplish? That's something a Batman villain would do. Second of all, Obama accused him of gassing children in 2013 and the UN investigation remember, the UN is biased in favor of Obongo even came out and determined that it was rebels who did the gassing. If anyone would stand to gain from random poison gas attacks, it would be ISIS and the rebels false flagging as Assad in order to radicalize more people into being ISIS and rebels.

This. It's about defending the national souvereignity, it's a matter of principle. On top it's lead by a coalition of all socialist parties in an antiimperialist unity front.

Defeating the imperialists and their minions would be a huge victory and signal for socialist antiimperialist national liberation struggles across the world but also for the future syrian government and revision its formerly weak stance against imperialist nations.


Whiter than most Sicilians

Pic of your hair, eyes, nose and skin or you're a nigger.

The north started the civil war you fucking retard, the south wanted to secede and the North wouldn't allow it.

Also Lincoln was elected in 1860 and sworn in march 1861, the civil war started april 1861

We support him because it isn't our fucking business what sand niggers do to eachother, let alone there being no proof Assad is responsible for the chemical attacks and it being completely in Israel's interest.

Fuck off with your jew narrative

Yeah no, peaceful negotiations were underway, and the south had multiple opportunities for stopping the fighting and took none! Its the war of southern aggression, and the fact niggers are here in the first place and the war that cost the most american white lives happened is the Souths fault! You made this mess from the get go!

Assad is Socialist Secular Muslim (Ba'athism)'ath_Party_–_Syria_Region

but he changed the party a lot, more Nationalist and Authoritarian than before, so…

This might be an impulse for a rebirth of socialist construction. Comrade Gadaffi was foolish to also open his arms and embrace the western imperialists as business partners instead of continuing the revolution. He realized his mistake too late, despite his early insight into the true character of US and european imperialism.
They should've learned from the DPRK. Giving up the chemical weapons was a mistake, they should've developed them even more when they had the resources. Even stronger weapons were needed. Deescalation with the imperialists will always be at the cost of the revolutionary forces. It's why i really admire the tenacity of the DPRK.

What do you mean by "nationalist"? He embraces a socialist secular syrian culture they developed through their antiimperialist national liberation struggle.
However, see he's also a great internationalist who recognizes the uniting element of their struggle.
Anarchists and liberals confuse internationalism with antinationalism. Antinationalists are bourgeoise scum that are attacking the nations right for self determination and their righteous antiimperialist fight.

Pathetic yankee poser detected.

He wields powers over meme magic that few understand.

There is more proof of rebels being given gas by hillary than him having any. In the land of the shitskin, tyrannical dictators are necessary.


he's a piece of shit but definitely the lesser of two evils.

No idea about Holla Forums but I support him because he runs a secular state in the middle east, that is respectable on it's own but winning the last election (deemed fair by the UN) with 88% of the vote shows the people also love him.

The only reason shit is going down in Syria is he doesn't want the natural gas pipeline from Qatar to Turkey passing through so Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the EU want him gone so they can all profit from the pipe.–Turkey_pipeline

heil fucking hitler

if you think syria is democratic, you're an idiot, but it's a good thing they are not; secular dictatorships are the best we can hope for in muslim majority nations, otherwise you have a bunch of durka durks voting in islam's interests, which is against our interests

also he looks white, so deserves our help

islam prevents progress. if it weren't for islam, the middle east would be the center of the world again.

islam doesnt prevent progress

Because that's how leaders stay in power right? By gassing their people's children.
Buy a clue, scrub.

This cartoon sums it up. Anyone who can't see it is choosing not to.

He is based because he's a relatively ordinary man forced into extraordinary circumstances. Secondly fuck your false dichotomy, because his opposition of the jews is what has comprised those extraordinary circumstances.

The creation of greater israel by consequence requires great evil to be done, far greater than Assad could ever achieve on his own. He is therefore an unwilling avatar in the fight against the greater evil which many people rightly acknowledge.

Wow hey look at this faggot shill who is unironically pushing a blatantly engineered narrative.

by way of deception thou shalt do war

well something is holding muslim countries back and it isn't poverty.

Israel has an interest in the ME being unstable, ISIS is being backed by the US, constant foreign intervention, etc. etc. if Islam prevents progress (for those who follow it), how come they have risen to be one of if not the biggest threat to Western civilisation? How did the original caliphate conquer so much land? Why is it the fastest growing religion?

He's a complete asshole and deserves to be shot in the face, but the same is true of every head of state. Including Trump.

Does that mean we should kill him? Not if the outcome would be an even further islamization of the Middle East and a possible nuclear war with Russia.

Do you really believe everything you read? This is another US false flag, Assad would totally gas children but for strategic purposes and not for shits and giggles.

Fuck off back to North Korea, faggot.

this. Also, I'd say the lesser of three.
He's better than ISIS/ the rebels and whatever dumbass shit the U.S. will do if they overthrow him.
If Syria is to become less of a shithole, the change can't come from western intervention. And right now, the only rebel group that I can see effectively controlling Syria is ISIS or some other extremist Islamic fundamentalist group.

Like a clockwork.

He's "based" in the sense that every alternative is a thousand times worse.

"Moderate rebels" are a myth and Western style democracy will never stick until the entire culture of the region changes.

Supporting Assad is the only way to promote a stable Syria that can at least take care of it's own citizen to some degree instead of vomiting them all over Europe

Nigga he's one of the few secular leaders of a country infested by mudslimes. You need to get off the Israel/Jew propaganda and realize Holla Forums is actually right about this shitstorm.

He is, in all likelihood, the most intelligent and well educated head of state in the entire Middle East / North Africa region.

Not that is saying much, as most of them are a bunch of nigger-rich camel-fuckers. Stupid and arrogant as every Arab piece of shit.

Assad has managed to deal with the continuous attack from ISIS/Israel and keep his country in one piece and moving forward.

He's one of the few good leaders in the world so, naturally, he will be murdered by humanity's most insidious enemies and be written down in history to be remembered as a monster by future generations.

In other words, he'll sort of end up like Hitler. A good man and a decent leader who, nevertheless, would be given a raw deal by being remembered as a fiend while a real fiend like Franklin Delano Roosevelt would be falsely remembered as a good man.

The world is really a fiefdom under the thumb of liars, cheaters, and devils.

It's sing-a-long time, boys and girls, here on Holla Forums… here's one you must know…

Baah Baah, Black Shirts, have you any Jews?
Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Three trains' full!
Ones' a disaster, ones' full of slaves.
And ones' for "Resettlement",
They'll be gassed today.

He is based

Assad is 6'3" and not a manlet.

Its always about the fucking Jews, always. Why we haven't snuffed out that race by now always mystifies me.

Jews are just top-tier whites; success breeds jealousy.

The only reason jews haven't been ground into dust is because Christians still believe the Jew fairy tale of Jesus coming back from the dead.

No, it's because of our ethnic superiority and high verbal IQs. Besides, Jews have made many great contributions to the world, you just chose to ignore that and focus on the bad. Before Christianity came to Europe, you were all a bunch of barbarians anyway. You can thank an Abrahamic religion for civilising you.

Our gods were better than jebus

That's why the only people who still worship them now them are atheists who want yet another way to rebel against their parents. It's also painfully ironic when 'neo-pagans' consider themselves white nationalists, considering that the original pagans kidnapped and sold Europeans to Arabs as slaves.

Would you, Holla Forums?

i wouldnt call the results of subversion and playing below everyones standards success.

civilisation was brought by romans, who knocked down your gay temple, and later by the uniting of the holy roman empire.

also you should apologise for killing jesus.

you lost me there shlomo. go back to wherever you crawled from.

Empty words that aren't actually saying anything.

The entire success of Europe is due to Christianity, as Christianity is Abrahamic, that is, it has Jewish origins. Even though it is based on the false premise that Jesus is the son of God, it still follows the Old ament, with the New ament essentially giving motive for the spread of Abrahamic values.

tеstаmеnt* why is that filtered?

0.05 robux have been deposited into your account

the word p r o t e s t is also filtered for some reason.


at least with other filters there was an attempt at making them funny, these are just stupid

wait nvm, i think it's just filtering the word "tеst" into nothing

yep that's it; wrote it 3 times underneath, didn't show up

Assad is a dick but he's way better than the rebels that would replace him if he's overthrown. The rebels are mostly Muslim extremists, basically ISIS, and they're mainly pissed at Assad because he enforces religious tolerance in the area. Assad lets Muslims, Jews, Christians, and even atheists exist openly in Syria, and the rebels don't like that one bit.

That pipeline is part of it, but there's also the matter that Syria is one of the few countries left in the world without a globalized central banking system. Others include Iran (and we've seen tons of media stirring shit up against them) and surprisingly, Cuba.

10/10 will impreg

theyre describing the means to mentioned "success"

what are you trying to say here? that jews cretated europe or something? rome was a superpower long before jews betrayed jesus and let him be crucified.

They're unsubstantiated claims, backed up by nothing but the confidence with which you exclaimed them, attempting to portray the success of the Jews as ill gotten, in some way uniquely evil to any other powerful nation or race.
The Europe which brought civilisation to the rest of the world, the Europe which abolished slavery, the Europe which codified human rights, the Europe which industrialised, all was done by a Christian Europe. Not to mention that the Roman Empire did eventually become Christian, and the Holy Roman Empire was Christian from it's contraception.

Everyone needs to watch this video that explains why we are In Syria, it's not for the reasons you think

Oy vey weez was jesus n shit

I repeat myself:
I'm off to bed now, and I wish you the best; hopefully you will one day reconsider some of your misconceptions about Jews.


the success youre talking about was a product of sectarianism, refusal to assimilate into local communities and that of succeses in the fields of banking and trade (from where the stereotype comes).
a case study would be for example money lending, which was considered as vice or sin (depending on the country) by the people, but jews did not have christian moral and principle barriers here.

throughout centuries the jewish community in europe became strongly associated with trades of banking, various official and paper jobs, etc, since such bussinesses ran within the family all over europe. and from such trades stereotypes and prejudices arose based on experiences and biases aswell of europeans that interacted with jews

this christian europe persecuted jews troughout centuries, so i dont know what youre trying to do here

stupidest meme ever

Actually, what caused europe to blossom was not christianity but a secular revolution where christianity was not holding back progress. It was a way of having your church yet not forcing atheism on everybody.

i must duly check your doubledubs, user.

It's sing-a-long time, boys and girls, here on Holla Forums… here's one you must know…

Baah Baah, Black Shirts, have you any Jews?
Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Three trains' full!
Ones' a disaster, ones' full of slaves.
And ones' for "Resettlement",
They'll be gassed today.

whats suppost to be the melody? and why doesent it rhyme?

He's the most BASED leader in the world right now tbh fam

Are you sure it's not a "robot" that's "shitposting" a "narrative" on behalf of someone who wants to "associate" an "identity" with a certain "group"?

"I" "don't" "know" "what" "you" "are" "implying?"


hes a better option for syria than the terrorists he is fighting


He seems like an honest leader with the best intentions. He appears more reasonable and genuine and maybe even likeable in interviews than anything you find from the US or possibly west in general.

Assad is better than the alternative.
The first world should never have interfered with Syria's business in the first place.
If Assad goes, ISIS takes over the country. He is doing what he can to keep them at bay.
The very worst things Assad has done are nothing compared to what ISIS does on the daily.

Assad is not "based" but I think most of Holla Forums feels that the only thing muslims understand, the only thing that keeps them in line, is brutal, cold, iron fisted dictatorship.

I always do the opposite of what the Jews want, so I support Assad.

what if the Jewd say brush your teeth and homosexuality is bad?

Literally who?

Wasn't he investing in massive social welfare programs using the money from the meager oil yield Syria got? So maybe Holla Forums likes him because of that, I know I like him because he's a nationalist and his fight seems to be against globalists/islamists so I support him.

He's "based" in the sense that he's clearly a rational man, with a beautiful family, for the most part supports personal freedom (secular) and clearly understands that foreign powers want to use Syria and its peoples like a doormat, which he resists. I'm not entirely sure he was "based" before the Arab spring hit his country, however, as we've all seen the video of him laughing directly at Gaddafi as Gaddafi tells them all they are targets of USA/Israel. I'm sure he's wised up since then and understands the gravity of his struggle.

I was watch the events taking place in Turkey ad its neighbour, Syria, and I was highly disturbed by the amount of people who wear tea twels on ther heads. whats' with that? Are the just super-clean peopl, who wipe their dishes as soon as they finishe eating or something?

they promote fast food chains and liberal "western values", so no they wont say that.

he laughed at ghaddafi because he tought that his new liberal policies would make him tolerable in the eyes of the west. he didnt know its not about democracy but oil.

who wears towels there? the only one doing that is the ISIS terrorists, saudniggers and CIA faggots in the desert who dont want their faces filmed


40:59 Assad on the holohoax

im surprised this thread wasnt flooded with shills and autists the moment it was posted

the jews don't think Holla Forums is important enough to flood

Assad must go along with his terrorist friends.

Gaddafi should have retired and let his son be in charge, he was bloodthirsty enough to have all the Muslim Brotherhood rounded up and executed, as well as the CIA plants.



Hezbollah and Iran endorse secularism as well, you're embarrassing yourself.

found the subhumans

I feel the exact same way man i hope this is what the future brings us aswell

I get ASMR sensations from Based Assad

I present to you: Turkey's new National Anthem:

Baah Baah, Black Shirts, have you any Jews?
Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Three trains' full!
Ones' a disaster,
Ones' full of slaves,
And ones' for "Resettlement",
They'll be gassed today.


Baah Baah, Black Shirts, have you any Jews?
Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Three trains' full!
Ones' a disaster,
Ones' full of slaves,
And ones' for "Resettlement",
They'll be gassed today.