Eating utensil methods

Is the solution to just keep the fork always in the RIGHT hand, and learn how to cut with a knife with the LEFT?

How do Britfags eat food that doesn't have to be cut up? Do you hold spoons in your left hand too? What about soup? Why not just cut with your weaker hand, so your dominant hand can be the hand that actually guides the fork to your mouth?

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Are you fucking retarded? You don't need to move anything, dipshit, just bring the food to your mouth with the fork in your left hand now.



Americans aren't smart in a general uneducated and ignorant sense, not a shit sucking mental retard sense.

is it true that any kind of knife is illegal in UK right now?

just eat your fucking food unless you're eating at some kind of high-end restaurant with more than $300 bill per course

for me, I do it like your thing, switching fork just like what religion told me. but most of the time im too lazy. sometimes I just grab the whole meat with the fork and munch it away without cutting it using knife. and sometimes I just cut everything before eating it



why are Anglos such subhuman garbage that they don't even know how to eat decently? You people are worse than any shitskin

He's projecting his dumbfuckery.
Nobody in burgerland cuts the food then trades utensils between hands like that.

That's what I've been doing. The problem is on dishes where you just use your fork only, like rice dishes, pastas, etc.

It's easy to take an already skewered cut of steak to my mouth. But it's awkward trying to scoop with the left and then keep the fork parallel to the floor while bringing it to my face.

I'm saying why not just keep the fork in your right hand, cut the food with the knife in the left? Then you always have the fork in your right hand, and only use the knife in your left hand when necessary.

90% of Americans set the knife on the top right of the plate, move the fork to the right hand, then eat, then move fork back to left hand and pick knife back up with right hand to cut again.

It just keeps getting better

splayd master race

That looks like something banned by the Geneva convention, what the fuck is that?

just another item to add to the list of backward ass shit that americans do along with fine examples such as wearing their shoes in their homes.

funny how americans have no sense of irony when they are proud that they are a superpower in the world and yet cant even eat with a knife and fork properly

I dont know who would expend the energy to move the fork back and forth between their hands to cut and eat their meat. You don't even need a knife. The blunt edge of the fork does just fine for cutting meat.

feels wonderful in the mouth too.

If the only meat you eat is Vienna sausage, yes.

Fork in left, knife in right, and keep it that way. Everyone in Europe eats like this.
Secondly, if you're eating rice with a fork and a knife then you have problems.

How do you eat the following:

Thanks for you help.

What, don't you think we'll all meet irl in asia?

Ok, how do you cut up a steak using chopsticks?

you don't. you just eat miniature steaks

What's a miniature steak? Like a filet? Still need to cut it.

OP, since you're clearly mentally challenged, I suggest using a spoon to eat things like rice. All you need to do is get rice into the scoop, and then put it in your mouth, with either hand. No need to trouble yourself with complicated motions with the knife that way. If you can't take it from there, ask your tard wrangler for help. I'm sure they'd be able to explain it to you


I don't know where you get your sources for what is 'British' because I'm pretty certain everyone here eats with fork in their right hand and knife in the left.


They seriously don't trust their own citizens with a knife.