Tony two forks thread.
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shit meme
That suicide squad one is good. Looks like some new ones were made over your little break.
I still don't get this meme.
fucking kek that middle one
That one is one of the original edits form 2014
Not 2 shabby
Mod is a fag tbh
Why did that new edit 404?
It's s house
fucking filters
it was Travis in front of dy snomias house
I see. Well I didn't get a chance save it.
Thank you, based user.
fixed. how creepy it would be to have a travis floating in your driveway
I'd feel honored to have a travis floating in my driveway
From the art thread
I'd ask him to sign my knife.
print stickers of it and post around
Not everyone is a retard with too much time of their hands
Newfag here
Who was Travis?
A shitty forced meme.
It does not even deserve to be a meme.
what did you say? faggot.
Also I made my stickers in less than15 minutes in the photoshop, printing them and cutting them out wasn't too bad.
stay ass blasted.
Hey Dossy
well you completely de escalated the situation, I cant be aggressive any more, but I'm never going to make an apology to Smokey and I still don't want pony fuckers in our threads, unless yall create Travises and don't circle jerk.
That's all I'm going to say.
but I will keep creating Jarrets.
cool darkwraith
Travis Senpai
I did what? I haven't kept up with the faggot threads on cuckchan.
Ah nvm you are not Jarret.
Who was in the original picture of that?
I dunno a guy with some cookies.
that was fucked up is that real?
seems legit.
is it you travis bro from the ponies thread?are you still here? i rarely come to this site/board but your one of my favorite users. where else do you hang out if your still here?
i rarely come to Holla Forums tbh im mostly on lower traffic chans i could explain why but thats a bit of explationation but if you want fuck it why not why do you stay here? i check this board a few times a week and i rarely can stay more than an hour brah.
This thread is for new Tavises to be posted/requested. I can't have a thread like this on halfchan because it will 404 to quickly. Here I can have a thread up for days.
yeah makes sense i cycle between 420chan, endchan lainchain, krautchan and a very tiny bit of wizchan, then a few periodic vists to Holla Forums …….which is oddly more depressing than wizchan cause of how much more deluded the posters are.
Yeah.So in need this place to get new Travis pics to spam in get threads and other gay shit.
its weird Holla Forums in 2014 and 2015 was a relatively good community and the hope and idealism got overtaken by the worst posters. ive been on a lot of fucking chans over the years. and i dont think ive ever seen somewhere go to hell so fast as this chan.
intl was right
Do you lurk in Mastrchan. Pretty sure people still post Travis there.
>intl was right
well that's painfully obvious that they were right.
honestly ….why didnt more people go to freech?their still there. they had the right idea. the only thing that their probably off about is allowing endless spam. but a couple pages or a random flood? thats not really a biggie.Holla Forums won.
Do you guys have any Travis related business to discuss?
I'm starting to lurk that place more and more now a days, I still use a lot Holla Forums, but only other boards Holla Forums is pretty much dead for me.
you should just post /int*/ culture is just post whatever the fuck you want and the whole
is considered cancer. theyve got a fresh perspective on this whole thing. ive been with them on and off since they started raiding Holla Forums boards and its been a wild ride and a lot of fun. way more fun than this board. great place for shitposting
im on booze and pills ima just shitposting nigger :)
That sounds fun.
benzos and booze bump while wasted lol
yoooooo those lakers carls jrs fan pics are gold you have the unedited ones? i hae most of them on an old hard drive
I don't have them anymore. go to this lame get thread and tell them how wasted you are.
the fact that im wasted a lot of the time and i hate that shit helped move me off 4chan years ago. i stayed till 2011 and i was just done. i fail even this catchapa at least a few times. ive been on the internet since the 90s these things are designed for kids.
Please drunk bump my thread user.
fucking christ ill do it but im bad at using that shit seriously one bump okay babe?
Ok, sugartits.
i know people roleplay that 4chan sucked the instant that they left………..but 4chan has been annoying for at least 4 or 5 years.
Just bump the fucking thread.
i did you jolly african american
Bump it again.
its okay only sleep now
okay posted bait in the thread again………….why the fuck do i get instant goes when you ask me to bump and my few vists to 4chan i have to catchapa forever? are you a god?
Yes. Yes I am.
is travis a something awful meme? i could swear and while im not a forums member anymore i use scripts to lurk there still
No. He's from halfchan.
forgive they match the match the style and the fetishm users on this site for treating something awful as a boogeyman is retarded. man…the old days are so gone now.
I've never been on there. Has nothing to do with Travis .
huh one of the travis fags used to be a goon too i miss him
Well it wasn't me user.
or it is and your fucking with me but hey………. its late im wasted and lets do this
Trust me. I'm not him. I don't even know who you're talking about.
then your just copying someone who copied him. he was the one who brought travis to this board. it still amazes me Holla Forums attacts new fags tbh. if you missed the early days you missed when Holla Forums was good dude.
I am the user who brought Travis here. But I was never a goon.
huh you must have encountered the other guy
Well what is he like?
hes pretty cool he reminds me of myself a bit babe
Kek. Whatever you say.