This enrages me more than I thought possible.
Telling someone who LITERALLY GREW UP IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS that he's that godwinning troll on the interwebs because...
It's 2016 and Marvel has absolutely gone to shit.
they are trying to appeal to the Holla Forums crowd
vty -awe ntealhe nvire
*why same thread twice
I'm not familiar with this version of Gaelic, is this Manx or something?
No user, he is summoning the old gods
wait I didnt think they actually existed
Who wrote this crap?
Why'd you have to start two threads about it? Can you offer a better starting point besides posting an image without context? Are you so illiterate and reactionary that you can't discuss anything besides "something in this comic made me mad. Be mad with me Holla Forums"?
To be fair, Magneto is way worse than Hitler.
they're literally gassing the mutants to death and no one cares about magnetos muh holocaust spiel
Who's the purple babe?
Mutants are being oppressed and Magneto is tying this to Nazis and Jews… and some cunty character decides to snark at him about how he says everything is like Hitler.
But, everyone HAS been the next Hitler to mutants. A lot of their enemies always had genocide as a main goal. The Inhumans get a pass for SUCCEEDING because it wasn't intended?
I still don't get why OP can't just post the whole issue or full page though, or tell us what issue it's from. We don't even know what character is talking to him. I hate faggot OPs like this who to lazy to make a real thread.
No seriously. Who wrote this?
Isn't that the point, that mutants were jews?
She looks great up there. Do you know the artist?
Why does she have Pikachu on her stomach?
wait, I thought they were gay?
Wow this is a new breed of stupid.
But as I said before
I know, it's comedy gold.
You know what, fuck it. Let's spam it all over the place in comics discussion forums and the like. It'll be beautiful.
Hmm..that looked like 90's Jim Lee art.
It is Jim Lee
No, I meant the artist here
I'm pretty sure this isn't any better in context.
Love how Marvel tries to appeal to 'progressives' and utterly fails due to total ham-handedness.
there's nothing funny about the holocaust
especially the fact that it hasn't happened yet
Probably Daniel Acuna
You wouldn't believe how easy would be turn the masses against Marvel with this.
With a little team work this could be made into a giantic shitstrom among the "triggered community".
I'd believe mutants were real before I believed the Holocaust actually happened
OP, you a faggot
Thank you!
Magneto has outlived most people who claim to have survived the holocaust.
Most people who are his age would be decrepit and unable to fucking walk. So the question one must ask is…how old is Magneto really? And did he in fact, go through the holocaust? Did he survive being gassed like certain others that claim to survive? Did he go through the holocoaster?
Marvel already thought of a loophole: Magneto was de-aged somewhere in the past, so now they only have to set his de-aging somewhere during the 80s
it wouldn't surprise me if the next retcon is that Magento's mutation makes him eternally young or some shit
But did he go through the holocoaster?
are you asking if he got gassed? no, but he lived in the concentration camps as a prisoner and nearly starved to death but later fled with his girlfriend.
No, user, the holocoaster.
Man I wish I had saved the picture of a jew claiming that the German's had a rollercoaster in a camp that took them into the ovens.
You're right, OP is a faggot. If he wanted to post something we could complain about together, the full page is much better for that.
"We're broadening our scope." And then Carl invokes Godwin's law when Magneto points out the slippery slope she's on? Fuck you, Captain Marvel.
Here you go fam.
It was real you retard
This is some mental gymnastics right there.
Eh you have a point there, but still, I just wanna know if he got a ride on the holocoaster.
Nah, mutants were jews/niggers originally. Everything about them was supposed to be some allegory to the holocaust or the civil rights movement. Nobody claimed they were a metaphor for fags until decades later.
Why the is Magneto walking around free when he's - by the writer's own admission - a genocidal terrorist? Why would he whine about detention camps when he's a Hitler wannabe who does worse things to people? Why would he even give a fuck about this profiling shit when he could use steal the kid and use the precognition to kill his enemies? Why does he look like Judge Dredd? What the fuck is going on with the perspective in the first panel?
Why is Marvel still making comics when nobody is ever going to make a movie out of this shit?
I want to know too.
Also, how did this slip passed the Editor?
Oh wait, this is Marvel.
Note also that Carol isn't trying to arrest him at the moment either. Where as she has absolutely no problem with arresting everyone else, even her own friends and team members, at the drop of a hat on the flimsiest and most questionable evidence.
yo when did Magneto become the good guy?
Reed Richards had him pardoned of all crimes when he rebuilt all of reality after Secret Wars. Nobody trusts him, though.
Magneto has been flirting with redemption since Utopia. He's mellowed out a little from who he used to be.
Also, Carol Danvers has the mental acuity of a three-year-old, and it's a clear and easy talking point.
Magneto doesn't give a fuck about profiling. He tried to steal Ulysses in the Civil War 2 X-Men tie-in because he's worried the Inhumans will use the kid as a weapon against mutants. It didn't go so well. Also that tie-in was one of the few stories from this event that was actually an entertaining read, mostly because the writer for it is one of modern Marvel's few decent writers.
Marvel doesnt exactly pay its artists a lot of money. They're getting what they're willing to pay for.
They were originally representative of the disenfranchised youth in the wake of World War 2. They later became an analogue for victims of racism
The same reason that Menachem Begin became prime minister of Israel. Rules don't apply to G-D'S CHOSEN PEOPLE.
Why does Aurora look like Sinestro?
I should check that one out. Something in Civil War that actually makes sense seems like it would be pretty special.
the german concentration camps weren't any worse than the american concentration camps or the soviet concentration games. the "holocaust" is a lie created by jews to steal money from white people.
So… why isn't there any outrage yet? people were fired for less.
The jews got people fired or arrested for less.
Yeah, but that was then. Nowadays it's women and muslims you can't even think of offending. Do people really get in trouble for offending the jewish anymore? Are they still a protected minority?
I'm legitimately asking, I'm not sure.
The reality or lack thereof of the Holocaust doesn't matter in this context. In the Marvel Universe, the mainstream popularly accepted vision of World War 2 in which Magic Mustache Man was the most evil person in world history and convinced a country to mercilessly torture and slaughter the Jews for no reason whatsoever holds true and Magneto was one of the victims. In this context, making light of Magneto's experiences is incredibly dickish.
That being said, Marvel needs to modernize Magneto. He really can't be a "Holocaust survivor" anymore. It's just ridiculous how old he'd have to be for what they use him to do.
Read here:
For most characters, the sliding time-scale affects when they were born, when they got powers, or when their team is formed. For historical characters it takes something a bit different. Similar to Captain America's discovery, Magneto's shifted element is when his youth was restored.
It appears to be an eldrich bash command, vty is the non-euclidean version of vim.
Reminder that Magneto was turned into a infant at one point very early in X-Men history (prior to Uncanny). His age is a non-issue at this point.
Apparently Christos Gage alongside his wife Ruth Gage, as the source in question is the recent issue of Captain Marvel.
Interestingly enough, I hear that the disparity between CWII and its tie-ins is so bad that some writers are looking to fix certain errors when they're collected in trade.
its a crime to question the holocaust in any way in most western countries. also, jewish organizations/holohoax "survivors" get a lot of money from at least germany, other countries pay kike organizations for continued holohoax propaganda/"education".
Come on anons. It's funny when the left does it.
Wasn't that the point of him? Being a giant hypocrite?
Fuck off back to Holla Forums
Fuck off back to halfchan.
I know what that's from, you pervert.
Care to share it with the rest of us
Fuck off back to your hugbox.
Godwin's Law has always been fucking stupid.