Holla Forums hasn't been the best place to visit lately, due to it being dull. But instead of us just having serious discussion all the time, I say we make more memes to make us relevant again. If this is successful, think about how easy we can get people to consider open source alternatives.
Make Holla Forums great again!
No. We take ourselves very seriously here.
Yeah, and the board is shit because of that.
Arch is a literal meme.
Describing nonfree software as “closed” clearly refers to the term “open source.” In the free software movement, we do not want to be confused with the open source camp, so we are careful to avoid saying things that would encourage people to lump us in with them. For instance, we avoid describing nonfree software as “closed.” We call it “nonfree” or “proprietary”.
We don't describe free software as an “alternative” to proprietary, because that word presumes all the “alternatives” are legitimate and each additional one makes users better off. In effect, it assumes that free software ought to coexist with software that does not respect users' freedom.
We believe that distribution as free software is the only ethical way to make software available for others to use. The other methods, nonfree software and Service as a Software Substitute subjugate their users. We do not think it is good to offer users those “alternatives” to free software.
Free software or bust.
This board is perfect, thank you very much. You can take your so called "memes" back to half chan.
This board is garbage and it shows with its decaying activity. The more of us accept Holla Forums is dying the quicker we save it.
You have no proof that this board is dying.
July 29, 2015
6 hours ago
Scroll down and look at Holla Forums and it's active users.
July 29 2015 - 724 active users
Dec 21 2016 - 726 active users
You're right! Tech is already dead! We're not even in Holla Forums because it would be impossible to post in a dead board!
the second link was the wrong archive, look at the date.
If you wanna see Holla Forums activity, just look at the page now.
Tech is at 280 active users right now.
Is there any high-quality Holla Forums where I can lurk?
I killed Holla Forums over a year ago. I even apologized, but it was too late.
Highest quality Holla Forums is on Endchan tbh fam.
But it is really hard to lurk without catalog, and there is no catalog for multiboards. :/
Is it worth to lurk just on Holla Forums without those other technology boards?
Holla Forums is a fantastic place if all you want to talk about is the same 5 Linux distros and how shit Microsoft and Google are and not actually discuss technology
I'm happy with the overboard and I go everywhere online, so don't feel limited, although some days it does feels like there is nowhere to go and everyone is just so conformist. Normies everywhere, holy shit. When I feel the need for something a bit more extreme, there is /AM/ (its in all caps because its that intense)
Obviously your taste is shit and you should feel bad
As if the LARPing faggots here weren't bad enough already. Memes are fucking cancer and I wish that everyone who comes to imageboards just for le funny memes would have their dick and balls nailed to a board and torn from their body. Go back to Facebook or where ever you fuckers are from.
because your post made this chan better, thank you user
Look at all the technology!
As much as I hate Holla Forums leaking their shit into the drinking water of other boards, Holla Forums has kept to themselves for a while.
Do people actually fucking believe any discussion here is intelligent?
Half the people here are too retarded to know even the basic functions on how any OS works and the other half seriously think being able to install Arch makes you the next John Carmack
haha couldn't find endchan but I did find this.
probably bullshit, but weaponised autism is getting cheaper and more prevalent.
Kek that's pretty accurate
Holla Forums is dying because it isn't Holla Forums - Technology, it's Holla Forums - Cynical GNU/Linux Circlejerk
Whenever someone comes along and asks something that isn't part of the extremely small subset of technology that's tolerated here, he gets shooed out. Holla Forums needs less elitism bullshit and paranoia of "turning into /g/" while falling and falling in activity to the point of becoming completely unusable and irrelevant, and instead live up to its name.
I'd say that was an /am/igo having a bit of fun
This board will quickly go down the drain if we begin to tolerate winbabies and other threads about proprietary software.
I would rather have a slow, freedom-respecting board over one consisting of idiots and shills preaching to idiots.
See the problem with that is that you reach IRC mode, people have nothing to say to each other because everything has been said, news are rare and people who see things differently leave anyway. A hugbox is the worst state for a board to be in.
Would you rather have a 5 idiots with memepads sucking each other off over their OS choices or some discourse with a winfag, possibly leading to a change?
We should be polite, open to discussion, and encourage them to install an operating system that respects their freedom.
I don't mind threads about technology outside our niche purview, but things like 'which antivirus should I install?' should in no way be encouraged.
I can tell OP is a wangblows 10 user by how retarded he posts.
this board is already lost
Go back to Holla Forums.
Just listen to that shit
This isn't some kind of fucking evangelist cult, this is the technology board. The shit he's displaying is exactly the reason why Holla Forums is dying.
So, what IRC channel are all the namefags hiding out in while shitting on the board with this thread?
And what exactly do you propose as an alternative? Lowering the floodgates isn't the answer if we want Holla Forums to last; it was a good board and no less elitist back when we had 750 users.
No idea. What might also be a factor in the user count drop is that Holla Forums is or was the epicenter of altchan discussion and shilling, so i assume fragmentation is the largest here, unlike Holla Forums or Holla Forums where almost no one left.
If that were the case one would expect to see active communities on other Holla Forums boards, but that's not the case, most are even slower than here.
The only exception I know of is Lainchan.
Holla Forums is down to like half or a third of its original population last time I checked, what are you talking about? Mark's Moot-tier faggotry drove tons of people away.
Did everyone go back to 4chan?
Oh wow, Holla Forums went from 2180 to 780 and Holla Forums is pretty much the only board to have kept its user number
And considering a lot of original posters left Holla Forums, wonder who came to replace them.
Too be fair, July, 2015 was this places' peak.
The numbers we have right now are complete shit compared to July 2015, but its been this way for at least the past few months, that is to say, we've technically stopped losing users, but we're far from our glory days, which really weren't that great to begin with
No, they didn't, 4chan also lost a bunch of users when the SJWs got bored of it and went back to Tumblr, coupled with Hiromoot lowering the upload size limit and adding a bunch of ads everywhere. We should be grateful we have Jim considering how shitty the Chink running 4chan is.
Everyone went to smaller and smaller chan boards. The community spread thinner and thinner. All the oldfags from 4chan moved on except for the Trubo autists who stayed of moved here.
I've been using imageboards since 2007. I can say without a doubt in my mind, imageboards are dead. I feel sorry for people whos first IB was Holla Forums because there really is no getting it through a newfags head how much better the IB scene was when 4chan was king and wasn't shit yet and was full of actually quality posters. Holla Forums is fucking cringeworthy, so is modern 4chan. An imageboard is only as good as its userbase. Holla Forums used to be good because it was homogeneous, because the internet was smaller back then. A board with no rules can only work if its users give a fuck, Holla Forums became shit when people stopped giving a fuck.
That is not really true. If anything changed between time that Holla Forums was great and now is that everything became more political. Fall started when Anonymous/The Legion meme was used by Occupy movement people. Holla Forums was great because it focused on 'lulz'.
oh my lord
The internet felt larger back then because Search Engines weren't as comprehensive back then, so you had to fall down a rabbit hole to find anything remotely interesting. But it was still very much smaller, before social media took over anyhow.
Makes sense to me
#Holla Forums
I'm a normalfag who has tried:
Ubuntu - Removed drivers for my video card
Debian - Will not reboot
Mint - Afraid to download now. Bloaty.
Arch - Had to read a ton of shit but it worked great. Set up systemd to autoconnect to my vpn with killswitch.
Arch was the best. How is Manjaro?
It's the 'easier' Arch, but I've heard that the people working on it keep forgetting to update the certificates and a bunch of other shit. Like you, I also use Arch and won't be switching anytime soon. I've heard Antergos (Arch based) is nice, but I personally don't care for it. Some other distros that I see recommended on Holla Forums are Slackware, Solus, and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I've also heard good things about MX too.
Did you miss the part about the LARPing faggots? If you throw in meme spouting and get rid of the stickied tech support/consumer advice threads and have those posters just make their own threads for each question, then this place would basically be /g/.
So never?
where did the oldfags move on to?
I feel that the driving factor in the death of imageboards is their popularity. If it's relatively new and the software works well enough, small communities can get pretty great.
And yet it took me two minutes and a reboot to switch to a properly configured grsec kernel. Between that and the fast package updates it's possible to run a very secure Arch system.
You're talking out of your ass. Imageboards aren't dead, the userbases just shifted. I went from Holla Forums and Holla Forums to /a/, /k/, /tg/, and Holla Forums.
Not all of us. I've been on 4chan since 2007 and I'm still there mostly. Holla Forums is better than the rotting ass cancer /g/ has been since at least 2010.
There are actually a few factors I've noticed that lead to this. First is that so many people are on a few massive sites end up being responsible for for the majority of the content on the web and therefore what you can find in search engines, this is made worse by smaller fan bases that would normally have a forum just having a page on a site like Reddit. Google only had 5.6 billion connections per month in February of 2009 and was the most popular site on the web (now it's at 64 billion connections per month), Reddit now has 2.2 billion connections per month and is the 23rd most popular site on the web. Second, to go with the megasites that exist today, is the population density on sites. A city wouldn't seem as large if it stays the same size or even grows slightly while the population increases by an order of magnitude or more, same is true with the web. Third is the overall population. 8ch today has about as many connections per month as 4chan did in 2009, yet due to the massive increase in population on the web 8ch is listed as the 12,053 most popular site on the web while 4chan was the 986th most popular site in 2009. Given that search engine algorithms like Google's supposedly base results of things like trust of the website and amount of other sites linking to that page, the massive change in population would likely cause smaller communities to be ranked much lower in search results.
Basically a fuck ton of people are going to relatively few sites and it's hard to find smaller communities through the noise. I remember regularly seeing tons of small forums pop up when using a search engine years ago, now they seem to get drown out by everything else. I wonder if a search engine now days would be able to handle enough - operators to exclude the top 100 sites and if that would make a difference in results.
Traffic stats and Alexa rank for Google, Reddit, 4chan, and 8ch going back to 2009:
I tried Antergos in a VM. It sets up quite a few things for you, and still allows you to have "the Arch Experience"(TM). It's like a comprehensive install script for Arch (in a way it is, but it's a fancy GUI instead). I may move to it.
I'm using arch now, and I've come across some shit about the AUR having major recent changes that aren't great.
What are these? I was looking for yaourt compatibility stuff, and everyone was recommending pacaur and to manually scan the pkgbuild and install scripts (Which frankly sounds pretty retarded).
Holla Forums is dead because 8ch is dead. Go to lainchan fam.
Lainchan is shit, go to nextchan.
Honestly it was the shills falseflagging as Holla Forums that got me to leave
The shills found a fracture point and hammered it lest we work on some crypto together. Also, nobody show them the LibreSSL mascot, even I raged.
Same happened on /g/. Also threads whining about RMS supporting Bernie Sanders (which makes it easy to believe that the GNU is communism claims were coming from actual Holla Forumsacks and not shills). It doesn't help that many of Trump's tech related policies are at odds with what people who actually care about the internet, computers, and security want, yet he was heavily shilled on /g/ and somewhat here as well. Holla Forums is a victim of their own extreme us vs them mentality. To tell the truth, there's no reason for me to believe that the don't actually believe the "GNU is communism" bullshit and are just okay with using it because it fits their needs at the time.
Jesus fucking Christ. It isn't even the imagery that bothers me, but how shitty it is. I wouldn't mind a Che-like mascot too much, but that's really bad and the crappy heart makes it gay as fuck. We'll need a special oven just for those faggot libressl devs.
Also, chances are most of us are Holla Forumsacks this being Holla Forums-chan and all.
You should always scan the pkgbuild unless you trust the maintainer. You don't need to check official packages since you trust the guys behind the distro (if not, why use it?), but they have no control over what people put in the AUR.
They installed TempleOS and dropped off the botnet.
Open Sourcers > Freetards/Stallmancucks
Nobody with a little bit of brain wouldn't research words like GNU or communism. These people are obviously just trolling teenagers.
Today on /fglt/:
Don't tell me these people aren't just lonly loosers hunting for (You)s.
I want to believe you but last time I went there, it somehow managed to be even worse than Holla Forums, and that's saying something.
Jokes on you MIT retard, I wrote my own USB and ethernet drivers
Splitting a community should not be done lightly, only when two sides can't stand to be with each other (half-/a/ and half-/jp/ being the classic example) and when a community gets too big, image boards are pretty bad for high traffic sites.
LibreSSL came about as a "code first" and the website was originally a single page in Comic Sans, plus a talk and opensslrampage for giggles.
Well at least someone tried harder than those half-assed Warner Bros cartoon ones.
user, I know 2007 was about a decade ago, but please look back at those times and compre them with today. IBs are dead. Plain and simple. What killed them was the gradual fracturing of userbases and the loss of a strong culture.
They're really not. Traffic numbers have gone ever upward, with 4/pol/ getting 10M+ posts on election night alone. The whole reason behind the "check my dubs" meme was that posting got so fast on Holla Forums that the mods decided to obscure the last two digits of post numbers unless you hovered over them. This was eventually given up as a bad idea, but it was driven by higher traffic.
Also, pic related.
Other way around. It was enabled in a feeble attempt to hamper dubs checking.
It's still fucking terrible. Same elitist attitude, same shitty threads, less people. It's like concentrated cancer.
Kill yourself fam tbh
There is no reason, except an open mind and building immunity to trolling/shilling. Less partisanship, hey? Also, who is "they" a theoretical minority on a big ass board? I will give you this though, they're anti-net neutrality as hell, saw a thread yesterday about it.
USB is too complicated to fit easily in the 100,000 LOC limit. That's why he wants to stick to simple interfaces like serial ports.
So you admit that many Holla Forumsacks wouldn't research GNU then?
hmm, nah.
The alt-right culture behind Trumps win is much bigger than imageboards, dumbass. Holla Forums shouldn't, nor can't, take full credit. They were just a cog in a much larger machine. (not necessarily in a bad way I mean)
This thread hasn't solved anything. Holla Forums death when?
Drumpf lost, by 3 million votes, in a very bad way.
Herr Trump won. You should have paid more attention to your civics class.
Only (you) can make Holla Forums great again by making good threads.
yeah, because of illegals in California. The whole point of the electoral college is to prevent a specific state or states from passing laws that would manipulate the popular vote.
If it were done by popular vote, California could do something like remove voter ID laws, allow anyone to vote, including illegals, and then skew the election. Meanwhile, a state with no migrant heavy borders wouldn't be able to influence the vote like that. Not to mention it allows states with larger populations to overwhelm those in smaller states. People in Oklahoma, Alaska, etc have different needs than people in California. Electoral College ensures that all those states don't get over-powered and their interests don't get ignored.
If you want to complain about the results of how things went, at least complain within how the rules are written. "Drumpf lost the popular vote" is like saying the final score of a football game was 21 to 7, but the team with 7 points moved the ball further over the span of the game, so they should have won.
Sounds like you live in a populated state. You need to check your populated state privilege and understand not all of us live in major states, but we still have things we want and need to survive that you're not aware of in a big state or you simply don't care about.
Holla Forums remains the far right's bastion of ideological purity; the alt-kike is shekel-grubbing shills all the way down.
Sounds like you live in a less-populated state. Maybe you need to check your less-populated state privilege and understand not all of us live in minor states, but we still have things we want and need to survive that you're not aware of in a small state or you simply don't care about.
The vote of someone in Wyoming should not count far more than the vote of someone in California. To say that less-populated states should have special privileges is like the "potty-parity" nonsense that feminists and SJWs spout.
Less-populated states don't have too little influence in national government, they have way too much.
Yes, I do believe evryone should be equal. All the time, not just when we want to be. And one person, one vote - now that's equal.
So let's get rid of the Electoral College, and have real equality!
I think you mean
I'm totally with you there, but it had to be corrected.
Why the fuck is this shit thread still alive?
Oh, right, retarded political shitposters.
Go back to your designated shitting boards, autists.
How about you read Federalist No.68 and stop being such a faggot?
The purpose of electoral votes in the US is to keep large groups of people who live in a small area from having to much of a sway over areas that deal with different issues. There are to many people who seem to forget about issues outside of the area that they live in and the extra two votes per state keeps issues that may only affect less densely populated areas relevant. The states setting up their electoral votes as winner take all is garbage though as it basically amounts to changing the vote of everyone in the state who voted for the minority candidate.
Lainchan is pretty comfy desu.
This is Holla Forums. Please take the Holla Forumstard posts and dumbass memes to a board more suitable for retards. Thanks.
Haha, no.
t. got banned on lc Holla Forums for pretty much no reason really.
You might want to stay away from AUR for a little, while, until you get more comfy with Arch GNU/Linux without using AUR.
How about you read Noam Chomsky, and stop being such a sheep fucker?
I know a way
Stop with the Brian Fagloli shit, its an unfunny forced low-effort meme. We get it, he's a retard, literally copy-pasting his articles on here isn't a fucking joke though, its lazy spam.
The Electoral College was set up by the rich and powerful to keep the poor and powerless firmly under their thumb.
Now, let's try this again:
The vote of someone in Wyoming should not count far more than the vote of someone in California. To say that less-populated states should have special privileges is like the "potty-parity" nonsense that feminists and SJWs spout.
Less-populated states don't have too little influence in national government, they have way too much.
Yes, I do believe everyone should be equal. All the time, not just when they want to be. One person, one vote - that's equal.
So let's get rid of the Electoral College, and have real equality!
Why Holla Forums is shit:
America isn't a democracy, and it never pretended it way. Retarded immigrants were the first people who started calling America democratic because to them any kind of voting on anything is more democratic than whatever fascist hellhole they escaped from. America is a Republic, and evidently for good reason.
hmm... I wonder why...
Stop with the fucking botnet bullshit. If someone is using windows, politely inform them on the spying and other problems and help them out instead of spouting BOTNET everywhere.
Holla Forums - GNU/Linux botnet circlejerk
One more time:
The vote of someone in Wyoming should not count far more than the vote of someone in California. To say that less-populated states should have special privileges is like the "potty-parity" nonsense that feminists and SJWs spout.
Less-populated states don't have too little influence in national government, they have way too much.
Yes, I do believe everyone should be equal. All the time, not just when they want to be. One person, one vote - that's equal.
So let's get rid of the Electoral College, and have real equality!
It's not that complicated.
I try and make Holla Forums less shit by hanging out at the stickies and answering questions, but the rest of the board could do with some help.
Imagine you go to a shop and ask for a bicycle for beginners. The shopkeeper will call his friends, and they'll start going on about how different companies are shit, and how hub gears are killing the deraileur, and how we should call them double unicycles instead. After lots of arguing about stuff you don't care about you end up leaving with a box containing bicycle parts, with half the parts missing.
Except that's not what happens. You go in, ask for a bicycle and they give you a bicycle. Beginner cyclists don't give a fuck about hub gears vs deraileurs, or calling it a double unicycle, or anything like that.
If someone asks you what distro to start out with don't point them at complex ones to keep them away from systemd or whatever, because they just want something that does the things they want to do. Point them at Ubuntu/Mint/Elementary and let them learn about the rest of the distros in their own time. I got into Linux before discovering imageboards. I'm glad I did, because if I had to ask for help in a place like Holla Forums I would have given up and gone back to Windows.
Holla Forums isn't too bad with programming threads. Would be nicer to see more varied threads about more overlooked languages. Perhaps we can bring back the LISP general, or have a functional programming general, or something.
We need more OC. Not just memes, but proper charts that we can use to quickly share info. Something like a "so you want to use Linux", or "so you want to learn how to program" infographic.
If we had these, it would be easy as fuck to answer lots of general questions. Why is Windows Botnet? Have an infographic. Why is Apple hardware shit? Have a fucking infographic. What's the difference between BSD and GPL licensing? Have a motherfucking infographic. Which SBCs are the best? Infographic time.
Well one license cucks you and the other fucks your wife while you watch.
One of them is botnet soc and the other is unbootable with full libre stack so it's botnet.
Also the licenses are botnet too.
Let's have infographic about which is objectively the best linux distro, programming language and text/image/sound editor while we are at it. But if you can't edit your images with a text editor you are bloating your cuck. Or the other way around. Anyway use ed because other editors are pozzed.
If Holla Forums is gonna be retarded I'd much rather have it pure text so it's easier to ignore and doesn't take as much bandwidth and screen room.
This one's easy.
Go to a computer engineering school that teaches at the very least C, assembly, GNU Make, how CPUs work, program proofs, real analysis, arithmetic, combinatorics and linear algebra. Then learn Go, Lisp and C++ and enjoy.
On a few select boards on 4chan that I am not going to name, I know a few oldfags who are very different from your average poster. Most of the time, it is a good indicator that someone is an oldfag if their posts are informative and help out the other posters, something you don't see on 4chan and Holla Forums.
In reality, most of the oldfags have moved on with life, looking back onto the image boards and having nostalgia. You will have to dig extremely deep(TOR is required sometimes) to find good communities free of cancer. A good place where you can find oldfags is Something Awful where you pay a one time fee.
I plan on coding a possible deep web crawler/indexer that can ping thousands of addresses and can give me a list of them. However, if you do stumble across a forum or imageboard hidden on the deep web, you will need some invitation to get in.
You need to leave Holla Forums before you can mature.
You're an idiot.
Don't shoot the messenger.
This HAS to be bait.
and this is a good thing and it should stay that way. wincucks must be trolled hard, and free software should be encouraged.
I guess you are one of them?
Nice try, googler
Also, for some people it's better to start with SICP and visit low level later.
It's like this user. Suppose an oldfag finds a "#chan" that is 1000x better than 8ch. Of course the oldfag stops wasting time on 8ch, and instead starts posting on this #chan. He won't be coming to 8ch to kindly respond to your questions about where to go. It's not elitism, it's simply logic.
For example, we rarely go to 4chan, and when we do, we don't tell them to come here, for various reasons. During the exodus 8ch was spammed everywhere but that's a different matter.
You're describing a spoonfeeder, another kind of newfag. Often in the karma-grubbing mindset of sites like plebbit and hugboxoverflow, trying too hard to answer worthless queries in the hopes of getting easy karma. Of course there is no karma here, but the habit remains.
Given what a faggot you are, you are probably one of these, which is why you are bitching about muh helpfulness.
Most of the people you find in these places are pedophiles and other criminals. The tor ib for instances was nothing but cp and bestiality, past that there was zero interesting content. Creating such a hard to access medium also results in few users, even less activity, which is actually a real problem even for 8ch.
You might find some really obscure communities with a handful of users that are knowledgeable, but at that point you might as well just try to make friends the old fashioned way, through meatspace.
kek, the oldest of fags fighting for social justice on the internet. I'm sure they can teach me all the tricks to cheating at irrelevant, outdated mmos and shitting up subreddits full of mouthbreathers.
It's a leftist shithole filled with anarchist kiddies.
If lainchan is so great how come their users are always here shilling it?
inb4 we come here to laugh at you :)
It's probably Kalyx or that nigger Appleman shilling his shitty chan here.
I bet it is since they didn't have to deal with troves of shills from 16chan and endchan trying to steal Holla Forums's userbase with retarded drama about hotwheels and then later jim, right after months of instability thanks to DDoS's and shit.
Oekaki is the path to salvation.
oc plz rate
Even less posters than here.