Are there any known long-term effects of listening to Owl City?
I fear for my sons mental health.
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Ah i went through an emo phase once, lasted about a year and a half. I listened to Owl City… It hasn't had an affect on me (as far as im concerned) however i do believe you should stop him from listening to it before he gets worse. I think he may be depressed :) Good-luck user
thanks for your kind words. he just started listening to it. i'm really concerned.
its known to abet homosexual thought processes?
have you had the urge to suck dick when you listened to Owl City?
speaking as someone who's listened to at least five Owl City songs every day for the past six years, I can say it makes you a lot happier and more optimistic
Mmhm, i definitely feel as if i was more drawn towards male genitals more than what i was before discovering Owl City :)
why is he so perfect?
give him super hyperbeat armageddon step eurobeat bam bam boom BRAP liverpool super cool raps eurobeat so he doesnt turn homosensual
Oh my fucking god
mild gayness which if untreated leads to an eventual transmutation into faggot
you may find yourself attracted to women's shoe shops and frilly panties
destroy the audio file now, before you sound like a disney character on helium with a cock in his throat
Most definitely
Are you really wanting me to state my reasons as to why i am of the opinion that Owl City is shit?
I've definitely seen it make people "the homosex".
no, I mean the "if you like my songs, you know me" part
as i feared
its pure filth
and what is the government doing against it? nothing!
what's everyone's favorite Owl City song?
mine is The Bird And The Worm
sounds gay
it's not
Owl City is the Official band of Holla Forums
i'm sure you listened to it and now you think it isn't gay
maybe 4chans /b
what did he mean by this?
i fear the worst. young people really shouldn't listen to this filth.
officially, nothing is official to Holla Forums. all here is officially unofficial.
but given that by mutual agreement we're all official faggots, i guess owlfag could be our officious band.
he's certainly and officially a faggot.
sure about that?
i wonder what helga bullwinkle thinks about Owl City and its influence on young minds
I want to cuddle him all night long in a completely non-sexual way
do homosexuals really listen to this?
best version i've ever heard
Owl City is non degenerate and a good influence on society.
utter bullshit
Fuck it, sometimes i just want something cheerful to listen to. It doesn't get happier than owl city.
Owl City is good.
sounds like you're brain washed
Have you watched the movie Willard?
By cheerfulness? user, you're allowed to be happy.
I'm not that user, but, if you can't figure out why that is marketing, then, boy do I have the joke for you..