
What do I do?
I'm still a depressed as fuck recluse. And I treated her like shit. She probably doesn't give a shit about me now and I wouldn't blame her. I just can't get her off my mind. We kissed man what the fuck is wrong with me?

She's probably over you and you probably look like shit (I'm only inferring so don't take it personally.) but
If you have an account already use it, make one and post for a week and a half before talking to her otherwise it'll be painfully obvious you're trying to get with her. Make sure she's single first, I should have. Talk to her, ask her how things are and build a friendship but not too much of a friendship, drop hints along the way then ask her out.

*Make a ton of posts in a week and a half if you don't already have an account.
Is what I meant.

Not taking it personal my dude but I'll have you know I'm /fit/. Incompetent at life sure but not some fatass. 5"6' and 150lbs

This is a concern, not problem but concern.
How tall is she? How tall were you then?
Do you have an account? Otherwise you need to backtrack.

Man she's shorter than I am. I know this because there was a ton of tall as fuck girls into me for some reason and I turned them down because they all towered over me. No joke. I was never into social media, neither were any of my closer friends

Well she is, and it's your only opening to her you have. I guess just take it subtle, do you guys still live in the same area?

We probably still live close but I can't really tell from her posts

Try seeing if you can run into her irl. I'm debating whether or not you should ask for coffee or something of the sort there and then so it's up to you if you find her. If you don't then like I said social media is your only connection.

Asking her out irl is easier since you can play it off as a coincidence instead of having to approach her directly btw. I forgot to say that.