>only real "women" who actually have puffy vulvas are
Puffy vulva
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they're attached to women
They exist in adult women, but it's rare. Chubby girls more likely, but not exclusively, have those prime 10/10 pusses.
alright, you listen to me, vaginas are filled with all sorts of bacteria, so they have an ecosystem of their own. not only that, but they're shaped like droopy flowers that have been soaked in oil or something like that. finally, they're pink, and we all know that pink is the eye flavor of the gay, so that explains a lot, but sometimes they're a nasty type of brown, and that's when you know you've found a rotten one. yeah, so what have we learned? vaginas can spoil if you leave them out in the sun, this is why so many women go to the beach, it's cause they're trying to roast their vaginas and attract a mate.
Also here's a comparison
Cute, puffy, 2d pussy vs 3dpd Fuckhole
Not all underage pussies are cute and puffy
Sorry, I don't have much experience on the subject outside of accidently seeing my sisters naked.
Need to hear the tale
if you lived with your sister you probably saw them indecently at least once, are you an only child?