He's done it, he's fucking finally had enough of Hillary's bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_open_letter_to_Encyclopaedia_Judaica

He's not uncucked.
He's just going back to his independent cuck shed.

Motherfucker jumped boat on Clinton. That's dangerous as fuck

Hopefully he takes his supporters with him.

Oh no I'm worried about Bernie now. He's old and wouldn't defend himself even if he was able to. He's like a Red Panda.

You cannot uncuck what has always been cucked

How is he a cuck when hes a jew who is anti white? the only cucks are whites who support him.

Because he went along with a whole heap of bullshit.
Ben Garrison summed it up pretty well.
Why didn't he just announce that this is a whole heap of bullshit at the convention?


Who wouldn't?


Actually he has a point. You can't just use the term cuck to describe anything that you don't like. Bernie is an anti white jew but he isn't a cuck for being one race and being against another. By that definition everyone on this board would be a cuck. He is a cuck for other reasons though.

This will divide Hillcunt even further. Two kikes subverting the Democrat party. How wonderful.

Getting booed by your own supporters for endorsing the party candidate will usually sour you on them.

He didnt jump boat on Cliton. He's outlived his usefulness and is being fired.

no, he's a cuck for getting called out by king nigger last night and looking dehjected

he's a cuck for advocating to "suspend the rules" and make all of his voters votes mean fucking nothing

he's a fucking cuck, and that's been proven

It still looks like he's dropping out of the Presidential race, though; he's just going back to the Senate as a Independent.

well, that's it fam, democratic party officially on suicide watch. death notice is imminent, estimate november 2016. where were you when jackson's legacy finally died?

This. Every action he's taken has been for the erasure of western culture at the benefit of his tribe. Opposite of a cuck.

Until he endorses Jill Steinenbergenstein, he is still cucked.

This does jack shit, barely news worthy. If he runs for the Presidency as an indie, then come talk to me. This though, is of no surprise.

Right and I acknowledged that in my post. I'm saying he isn't a cuck for being an anti white jew which is what you originally called him a cuck for.

His damage wont be undone, even some Bernfags now understand that he aint to be trusted either.

This does not constitute an uncucking.

sage goes in all fields


Cuck is more of a mindset than a chosen political strategy. We saw exemplary cuck behaviour when Bernie had the mic taken from him by two obese BLM sheboons.

You can't unpoz a neghole, m8. Once it's pozzed, it stays that way. He endorsed Hillary and even gave away part of the donations given to his campaign, he served his purpose and anything else he does is meaningless now because he has long left the spotlight.

Fucking nice.

After watching his body get raped yesterday by Obama, I think he decided he had enough.
The fun never ends.

The term would be unpoz a pozhole. You can neg a pozhole, but that just makes a pozrod.

He's definitely a cuck. Remember how he let those nigresses walk all over him?

she made him lick her asshole with a smile on his face.

The end of the Sanders campaign is like the ending of most Kickstarters. It carries the same buyers remorse with suckers trying to convince themselves & everyone else that they weren't scammed.


Much better, thanks user.


This, this bern is smart

so he jewed his supporters out of donations, and then bailed after clinton gave him a private jet for his support, top kike

Unpoz implies pozzed kinda like undo implies did. So it still applies because it was the neghole that was pozzed and could not be unpozzed.

Looks like Sanders already berned through his money and needs more

Beaner here. He's white as fuck. His "tribe" are a conglomerate of traitors. He isn't fucking "not white". He's a shifty jew who hates his skin color.


I don't give a fuck about him, but this can only be good for us. Makes the cucks that rallied behind him much more conflicted about jumping over to Hillary's side, splits the dem vote further. After months of cuckservatives nipping at our heels nonstop it's nice to see some infighting from the old rats for a change.

Bernie defines chutzpah.

do you even into (((politics))) nigger?

Except that was an intentional play to legitimize and empower the anti-white shock troops of BLM. He's a racially aware jew, that's all you need to know when analyzing any move he has made.



Because cuck lost it's meaning here at Holla Forums you cucking cuckity cuck cuck

Fucking jews play this game on another level

you're really dumb if you think the point of the word is to have a coherent definition.

That's pretty definition, user.

I bet he was ordered to leave the party because the bernouts were going to vote Trump out of spite.

Trying to steal the bernie bro vote was a total failure so now they are trying to prevent Trump from getting them instead.

Literally does not matter unless he runs.

Fuck you taco, Kikes are never white. They are Semitic oven dodgers.

You're a big cuck aren't you?

yeah nah he was just scared of them

I don't think you know as much about presidential elections and how people get onto ballots as you think you do.

No Refunds

Nope, he was just a phony baloney kike probably hired to play the role of loser sacrifice.

He can't run as Independent for president now, it's too late, filing time to get on ballots is over.

He wasn't a Democrat to begin with. He was always an Independent Senator, he only became Democrat long enough to scam donors and give his delegates to Hillary.


You would think Shillary would know something about dealing with kikes.

Wew lad, 88% then double dubd, that's a sign.


You really think bernout will run? Does he actually believe he can be anything other than a useful idiodt?…. oh wait… he's a jew…. this is probably intentional. FUCK. FUUUUUUCK!


Oh wait? Snoopes said it?


Too bad Weld already has him by the balls.

Okay, faggot

Lol what hacks. What the hell does "formally leave" mean? That he didn't fill out the correct bureaucratic paperwork?

Those snopes kikes are a joke.

He was an independant before he ran. He switched so he could run.

Sure but OP's link doesn't provide any source on Bernie leaving the Democratic Party. All it had is a link to Wikipedia, which doesn't shows anything on this regard.

What happened with Obama?

It's ogre for the demo this election

Even your snopes 'source' admits that he's left the democrat party, even though it tries to spin it otherwise.

Here's what happened. He left the Democratic Party to go back to being a commie indie because that's what the people of VT voted him in as, he's still going to caucus with the Democrats and further their agenda, just like he always did. This isn't a #Demexit protest leave, though we could spin it like that to make the Sandersistas to leave.

but do his followers go with him?

One post and /thread, impressive user

Hillary fans from the beginning have hated him because he specifically is not a Democrat and never has been

There are a few sites claiming this but no real official reply from Sanders. There is nothing about him leaving on his facebook or twitter.

Nice digits.
Obama made some quip about "feel the bern".

spic here

I hope you get raped to death by a pack of niggers, narcos and jews you fucking pendejo

I bet you're a disgusting mexican

Again. Same skin colour, different race. Even in a universe where there are no genetically caused differences between kikes and White people, the kike component is still massively important. It's actually the most important factor to take into consideration if you want to predict their decisions, because in part due to social cohesion but also for other reasons, kikes have one priority in their decisions that goes above everything, even long-term self-interest and responsibility. That is: Every decision must benefit Jews, be to the detriment of non-Jews or both. If you take this into account, a lot of decisions on the part of people in politics and administration all of a sudden make sense. So don't give me this 'There are practically no differences who cares they're all white' outsider shit, no-one here of all places going to oy vey over it or go das rayciss for it but it's stupid regardless. Even if it were the case, that wouldn't change a thing. And it isn't.


why are you quoting me there, m8? I was hoping that fucker gets raped since he was saying that shit. What, do you think I don't have a tuned jewdar? FFS, I'm even beginning to differentiate Sephardis and crypto Sephardis marranos that have been part of the spic elite since the fucking colony thanks tpo the Spanish crown ebin decition to let the fuckers convert or gtfo instead of killing them.

-jew bum joined democrats
-lies that his political views are combinable with that of democrats
-receives 220 million usd donation money from total idiots.
-splits the party
-leaves the party
-jew-bum voters vote trump instead

hmmm… something smells filshy here. probably we should ask mr. sheldon?

Meme magic is real.

I think that the purpose of Sanders was to energize and monetize the young voters since Hillary has the charisma of a walking corpse.

The problem is that he did the job too well and really lived his commie dream. Now the young voters are gone, the main body of Obama's vote in 2008 and the only ones she's got are bitchy women in their 50'.

It almost seems that she purposefully sabotaged it. Or someone advising her made her fail.

What if he now runs as independent?

Fix'd it for you, faggot!

Trump wins

Most of the Bernouts were going to cuck for $hillary. Now all the Bernouts are going to waste their vote and Trump will win.

Remember the BLM taking over his stage? Yeah, he is cucked.

yes I can
have you ever used the word sick, awesome or cool

the English language gets bastardized all the time, I can say the word cuck for whatever I want, whenever I want, in any situation

Seems a clever meme to start. Make the sandanista bernouts leave en masse get them to write in vote

This is good news thanks OP.


DNC caught on camera replacing Bernie Sanders fans with paid seat fillers (VIDEO)

Pick one.


Yes, go start a socialism party.
Split your numbers.
Just Jew it.

ODD, I just vted, and it said there was only 1 vote, it showed 100%

He's a forever cuck because of this.

does he?

Part of me still wants to think he was just an old man with some well meaning, if terrible, ideas that wanted to make things better. Then he got fucking destroyed the second he tried to go beyond what he was allowed, endorsed Shillary so he wouldn't end up being killed, and fucked off from it all a broken man.

I'm just too much of an optimist i suppose. Either way it is delicious watching the entire left wing go up in flames.

This one of the most faggiest lines i've read here since Holla Forums fucked off.

Normies don't even know what a cuck is.

But nice try culturally appropriating our memes though.

It's a jew.

What were you even thinking, what the fuck actually went on in your mind when you formed that thought…

Holla Forums hates kikes but some of you actually think Bernie Sandberg actually meant well.

Holy fucking shit.

He got cucked by Clinton, who is a goy.

How about that?

Like i said i was an optimist. I've been here for a long time but i still wanted to believe that a few of them would end up good, or at least fall for their own propaganda and fight for the ideals anyways. This whole thing with Bernie is the point where i accepted that we can't live with them. We can't even tolerate them.

The red pill is an especially bitter pill to swallow for an optimist.

To be fair, he's always been "Independent".

You seem to understand irony well enough, my experimented friendo!

Didn't we meme the whole Trump Train/"get on the ride or get run over" meme as well?

Some recent tweets to drive home just how "uncucked" (((Sanders))) really is.

The few good jews that have ever existed can be counted on one hand: Benjamin Friedman and Bobby Fischer.

Both of them warned against the hatred their tribe holds towards non-jews, and both of them had their lives destroyed because of it, by their own fucking people. I'm a half-jew, me and my mother and sisters experienced jews first-hand, and i could write a book on how utterly evil and heartless these wretches are. Never, ever, give jews the benefit of the doubt. Ever.

Friedman and Fischer were extremely rare occurences, this is acknowledged by both Holla Forums and the jews; Holla Forums views them like anomalies and reveres them as saints, the jews identified them as danger and went to insane lengths to have them destroyed.

I care very much about people who have good in them and want to do good, so please take it from a semi-jew; never ever place your faith and trust in jews.

Dubs for Bernie's Helicopter Ride, but it's with Bill.

How much do you think they are paying him, or is he doing it 4 Free?

The extreme irony in that first time alone. Look at Hillary's donor list and compare it to Trump.

This fat jew has gone senile.

Time to start asking Bernie supporters why they haven't left the Democratic Party too.



Gas yourself.

You mother fucker. Bobby Fischer is nkt Jewish. Here's his own take on it's_open_letter_to_Encyclopaedia_Judaica


That might have been true a year ago. Bit of a stretch to believe that now.

Jews claim that their lineage is maternal.

THey are cucks on a biological level.

Where do you think they got the idea to poison western culture with came from in the first place?

he's a big kike

I can't wait until this election is over so the bernouts and their candidate are gone. I'm very tired of the bernie supporters and seeing them wherever I go. I am wishing for the end now.

Most of all I will be relieved of hearing the same old response to Trump about racism, bigotry, hate, and such that I'm weary of hearing. This tied with the socialist rhetoric of the 1% and 99% and each anti-white policy attached to his platform.

he will shoot himself and miss 3 times first

Nope. Normies don't know shit ever.

Bobby was born to a jewish mother m80. He hated jews for a good reason but he did come from them.

So he wants to run, only this time, as independent, then ?


The truth is, Bernie Sanders was a meme who never wanted to win anything, he only wanted to get money, after being cuck for Black liver matters, he supported Black liver matters and tried to keep the anti-white narrative, after being cuck for Hillary Clinton he supported Hillary Clinton and keep the anti-trump narrative, he is a retarded who promise free shit with the tax money of other people and would still the same libtard narrative politics and manipulation, he supported the corrupt group of democrats, he get all the money who stupid bernie supporters give for him, he always was corrupt but some american people really wanted to vote for a fucking socialist because they believed in all the dirty tricks of democrates and hillary clinton

Trump have the republican controlled opposition destroyed
Trump have the democrate establishment destroyed
Bernie Sanders always was a cuck

Trump deserve wins and is the only hope of a better future for the world, I'm from south america and i don't want all the lies, manipulation, identity politics, race baiting, monopoly media and propaganda of libtards here after we have a corrupt leftist president in my country and after Europe become destroyed with thousands of terrorist attacks because of the narrative, manipulation, lies, influence of the American official political globalist group who send a narrative based in lies to try to keep their political group in the power and don't care for the lives and nothing of the real people

The libtard evil demoncrate group deserve to be destroyed..

I wanted to create a meme with all the wikileaks leak, all the dirty tricks of Hillary Clinton, all the steroids of lies, manipulation and narrative, and Trump winning against the whole evil establishment even with them having controll and monopoly over 96% of the media, news, propaganda and all the sick things made by Americans for years for the manipulation, narrative, lies, race baiting, identity politics, gender, sexuality, everything made by this group to guilt, manipulate people to keep them in the power, give money for them, accept their lies, manipulation, this horrible group deserve die in their own lies, manipulation, the pendulum going back

He is a fucking socialist who all his campaign was about say that would give free shit who are batlantly lies, why stupid americans would vote for a socialist who are in the team corrupt democrates.

At least the bernie sanders supporters will vote for trump and others will just don't vote for HIllary Clinton, but the Bernie Fake Sanders desperate want the people giving their votes for the political corrupt group of Hillary clinton, Obama, try to keep these people with full power in America.

Leftard socialist.