Drawing, edits, stuff that YOU'VE made that has to be some how Holla Forums related
Post your personal shit Holla Forums
I did these two edits and colored this page. All pretty much out of boredom.
Made the first pic a while back when I storytimed Moon Girl.
Second pic is a drawing I did of Red Sonja a while back.
I saw this and couldn't stop laughing. Thank you user.
Something I came up with little while ago
Aww shit, Kung Fu Robot dude, is that you? How's that story and stuff been comin' along?
The SG one was especially fun. We all know that Henderson's work is terrible, but it somehow gets even worse when you try to get it to make sense in three dimensions.
God, that cocaine stare and mongo face, I hate her so much.
I made these. I made a third one, but I haven't taken a picture of it yet. Will post later tonight.
I'm afraid I can't quite understand these, could you explain?
right now I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle my line work for cleaning up animation. I've turned off pressure sensitivity which is supposed to be a big no no, but it's making things a lot easier for me.
The first one is Superman. I think its strange that he doesn't investigate lead-lined buildings.
The second one is Captain Boomerang. He stole the guy's keys.
…That's cute as fuck.
You might like these then.
I make edits over in the Holla Forums LOL threads from time to time.
a couple character designs
Part 1
Part 2
Most of these are draw thread commissions.
The Batgirl pic I want to turn into a shirt
you draw shoulders very stiffly
during your construction phase (I assume you do at least a little constructive drawing) try drawing the line between shoulders in a curve instead of a straight line. It will give you a feel for how it moves and stretches.
Also, the batgirl one has a serious problem at the pelvis.
do you do a webcomic? that's pretty good stuff
When simplification/using less lines goes too far . . .
I wanna fug that dude
some stuff I do
Yeah I am starting to do more constructive drawings now. This was during my non-constructive ways, then I learned that I was doing it the hard way…
This is good stuff, man
thanks user
Characters I've been developing for my own comic/book.
Critiques very welcome
looks good, is that pencil, ink,?
This is really nice work. Only two criticisms: the head on the guy in the first pic and the eyes on the girl in the second both look too large.
It's pencil. Mechanical with 2B staedtler cores (they are the best). Also know how to actually fix the contrast lost by scanning
Agree on the first dude's head. It did came out too large. The girl generally has the biggest eyes out of all female cast. Thank you for critique.
in the 3rd pic the guy with helm and mustache looks weird. I think that the helmet is too small for his head
I have a problem with the proportions but it could be an advantage. It adds to the aesthetic style of your art.
Great art non the less.
If you do manage to publish your comic tell us when it's coming out.
Your art reminds me of Kim Jung Gi's for some reason.
Have you thought of getting a bamboo sketch pen (an actual pen of bamboo not a Bamboo pen.) to ink theses? The lines would fit.
The girl on the first pic is doing things to muh dick.
i refuse to start doing anything before im good at art
Not bad at all, really nice job on the pacing in some of them
is that a young Britney Spears?
Few colorings and edits from over the years. For the record, none of the drawings are mine, I almost always just color pieces.
Don't believe so, no
Why do people keep getting gifs on tumblr? I understand jpgs or pngs since there are some blogs hording large collections of good images, and abysmal sizelimit doesn't impact them in most cases. However, while static stuff is fine, most of gifs are choppy as fuck, tiny, and 2 seconds long. Not to mention users who upload gifs on tumblr can't even make them properly, so you end up with something that is cut at the worst possible moment.
It's Nina Agdal. She used to be a Victoria's Secret model. She's as close to perfection as 3D gets.
It's great, but while you have a very good grasp anatomy, it's not perfect yet. You're almost there, but cracks show from time to time. As other pointed out already, 1st guy on 1st image has oversized head, and 3rd guy on 2nd image has eyes that are cartoonishly big and his jaw is horizontal. Rest of the characters is spot on, and you have an original style that will make your work instantly recognizable. You're almost there.
No. Fundamentals are essential in absolutely every discipline, and lack of knowledge is almost never advantageous. Would you want to be operated on by a surgeon who almost knows how to avoid severing arteries and vital organs? Would you pay a hooker who doesn't know that blowjobs don't need teeth? Would you want to eat food cooked by someone who doesn't know to wash vegetables? What about flying a plane designed by engineers who don't know basic physics?
thanks user!
kinda just starting out doing this, I really love making these
That last one got me good.
Few months old edit for you niggers
The gifs you posted are pretty damn short, second one is the same quality too, just a second or so longer. Which I guess is 3 or 4 times longer than the other one so there's that
I do agree that Tumblr-tier gifs are becoming more and more prevalent. How many people does that place even have these days, the gifs are fucking everywhere
and thanks for the slightly extended version of TitsforDays
Found two old porn comics I never finished
nice work
Dunno if it counts for "personal", but here's some of my uni stuff from last year.
It isn't great because it was only a 20 credit module, which is frustrating as fuck. I had/have big plans for this gator, when I get the time.
Thanks for cirtique :) I did try a judge dread chin on him
Oh I need tons of more practice before I publish it. Been working non it for 9 years.
I always had issues with ink. Both from inexperience and low quality ink and brushes/pens around me. Never enjoyed ink much. I'd rather do stuff digitally.
My bad ;)
Yeah I tend to do that a lot when doodling because I usually don't plan the whole body ahead. When I focus on major drawings, then I usually fix it, but my latest major stuff is a bit…well…it's surreal so accurate proportins are not always neccessary. (2nd and 3rd pic related)
Thanks for critique anyway~Gladly appreciated.
This. Apsolutely this. You need to learn the rules and then bend them.
Alright those character designs are fucking awesome. Specially the native ice man tho Im a sucker for tall girl also. So I have to ask: How do I into lighting and shading that well.
Spoilered pic because not Holla Forums related, but heres something I tried some grayscale on pretty recently. The sketch is not mine, just shading/lighting, colors and what not.
Any advice/criticisms/excercises and what not would be appreciated. I personally would say I stuggle with highlights and contrast but I'm sure theres a fuckton for me to learn, since I've always just done this sort of thing as a hobby
I once wanted to be an animator but godDAMN it's time consuming..
Thanks. I'm really trying to get them right…
Here is one cute little shading practice that I teach my students:
1) Draw a couple of squares and in them squares you draw portraits.
2) Now you only your black and white (no gray)
3) You shade each square so there is roughly 5o% black and 5o% white. If there are no shadows, you force them
The trick is to try and balance which shadows look real and which are just a method to fill out the paper. The practice will force you to use alternative light angles.
Hellboy is a good example of such practice
And if you want to practice colours then don't start with lines/ink and greyscale. Start with colours. Colouring greyscales is the 2nd step (munsell's colour system).
I started with colors and have a (slight) familiarity with color theory, just wated to give some grayscale stuff a try. Thanks for the feedback, will give it a try
I really like this fat gator
Meh, Im too busy with School work, but I think I'll make a one or two page thing to post here, may take a while.
forgot I even did these.
Roy looks like a Steve McQueen character
Two originals, two edits.
Original pic and my edits… which I haven't posted anywhere yet, like so often.
This is the full comic, it has so much potential to make fun of it.
Forgot one.
Been months since I drew anything, years since I attempted anything cartoony (and that 2012 effort was the first since the 90's), but I crapped this out regardless.
Even Hallmark rejects his shit.
Tell me about it. I can just kinda switch off when I'm doing it, and if it comes out good the time has been well worth it
Don't worry, I'm not finished with him quite yet.
Here's a really rough, shortened, ugly, off-model sketch of what I'm working on.
I think squirrel girl threads are my favorite here
This is delightful.
Is that you singing?
thats filthy frank singing.
concept for something
just curious do you have any advice on how to draw eyes. I used to draw them like an anime when I was a kid but it looked too complex and in retrospect it was kinda cringy. So should eyes be drawn simple so you can do facial expressions better or should I just keep drawing animu eyes?
Nope. I've got a good grip on hands haha but eyes still elude me. Best you can do is look up references and study them properly. Lots of people spend sessions only drawing eyes, so that might help you too.
thanks user I'll try that.
That's awful. Did you figure you were being ironic by using those or something?
Can you please kill yourself for being a joke of a human being and possibly a shill making this shitty image board even worse?
Anyone got any advice for getting Button here to look less "anime-ish?"
I've been a bit peeved by people's first reaction to this being anime.
The thing is, I've grown kinda attatched to this design, but I really need this to be reminiscent of American cartoons.
Advice would be appreciated greatly
I animated this a long time ago, back in halfchan. The sprite existed beforehand so it's more of an edit.
Well, the more old school cartoon eyes you did on the second pic, top left would help. Since so much of the "anime look" is eye focused, just having a lack of whites around the eyes has a big effect. It's a large part of what separates Peacock from the rest of the, more anime inspired, Skullgirls cast. Though her "eyes" are actual holes she can pull weapons out of.
d-don't bully
While I see what you're saying, my problem with plain pie-eyes is that it's harder for expressions to be read/made, such as eye rolling
Technically /a/, not Holla Forums, but close enough.
I read a thread here a little while ago where anons started talking about and posting smut of Samurai Pizza Cats, and somebody briefly lamented that there wasn't more male or male/male SPC art.
I remembered that thread this morning, when I had some free time, and spent some of the afternoon editing a picture with Speedy Cerviche and futa Polly Esther (by somebody called 'sssonic2', apparently) to have Guido Anchovy instead of Polly. And I made a cum-version.
The thread's long-since gone, but I might as well share it. It's not flawless, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Probably the cleanest edit of this kind I've managed to do.
Also including the original, for comparison.
Mind VR suit.
Any way I could make it look campier? It's basically a wetsuit with tech stuff slapped on.
If you're going for campy, I'd say that's campy enough, but if you want some inspiration, definitely look up space age shit and Star Trek or Space Ace for ideas:
was that an actual cartoon? Looks interesting.
Campy? Needs Tron lines. Maybe ironic circuitry patterns, or make it like a Evangelion plugsuit, literally vacuum sealed through a nozzle with a vacuum cleaner like those infomercial vacuum storage bags. So as to create embarrassing moose knuckle.
And wraparound goggles with Appleseed bunny ears. I love those things.
I think it was a video game in the same vein as Dragon's Lair
Appealing characters.
Also "Arms of Entropy" would be a great name for a metal band.
*a BLACK metal band, specifically.
I did not make this, but I want to meet the person who did and shake their hand.
I like your style
I like the style as well and I run into the same problem, my character has a monocle, so it helps a little
I recommend looking at some of shawn dickinson's work
does a pretty good job without those eyes. maybe the trick is just to make them longer
I like this, I can see why he'd be an inspiration to you.
I have some stuff that probably is Holla Forums-related because it has a backstory and whatnot but I've never bothered to actually make it into readable material.
Are comics about vidya Holla Forums related?
well its a comic so yes I guess.
When I get the burnout, I like to amuse myself with crude doodles.
This is charming
Elongate the eyes like this?
It's a pretty old lazy comic I did.
I'm a bit ashamed of showing it but here you go.
here's some shitty art i drew, Claire from that old show Code Monkeys and a character named Frieda Fox
I can see why. Though I've drawn stupid cringy shit when I was younger as well user.
This is great
Is Frieda Fox an original character? If yes, did you have a personality in mind when you drew her? If no, what is she from?
sorry yeah, she's an OC, well.. to be honest she's literally "Oh no! I'm naked because I just got out of the shower! and I need to be in public because of X!" the character, but if i had to give her a set personality, she's a sweet girl, who forgets stuff really easily, thus causing a good chunk of her misadventures, she likes to take things easy and slow too, because she's easily startled by things going too fast, she probably drinks a lot of tea, possibly leaving it out for too long causing almost fires and such
Oh fuck, that Elias Ericson edit got me good.
yea that looks good
drew this out of frustration for something that is visible in the drawing but not something related to my skill level
if you figure out what it is you get reward
You want to fuck a cat girl?
Good job, lad.
Trying head designs. These were taken on my phone a few months ago. Sketching some heads and wasn't sure which style I wanted. (Trying to go less anime and more western style sorts)
The ears look a bit too high, looks difficult to wear normal glasses with.
Who doesn't?
Was thinking the same thing. I tried to trace my fingers along my brows to the tip of my ears to try and match the proportions but it didn't look like exactly how I envisioned it.
I find that top of the eye to bottom of the nose generally works as a good guidline.
Yo dude, I think you might need a bit of >>>/loomis/
didn't even know this board existed
Trips. thanks for this user now I have a good resource for improving my drawing.
how's my inking and linework looking? Thinking about starting up a comic soon.
I'm that one guy who started the Character Design threads
juice drink
That reminds me of that priestess chick from Dagon movie.
I drew this earlier. I think it's pretty rough. Any thoughts?
Also, the man coming from behind the other man has his back facing the viewer with his head turned. I suppose if I have to explain that, I need to practice more.
I don't understand that pose, it's like some heroic head scratch of confusion.
Thanks for the input. Christ I'm a mess.
Nobody becomes perfect without practice. Keep it up
I appreciate it user. Other than the stuff pointed out, anything else seem off visually?
I try not to point out every little anatomical problem if there's many because I feel it becomes more difficult to remember anything from it.
One thing that stands out though is that the composition is ill balanced. There's no very good way to crop that image out of the page, it's very tall and has most of the weight on the top right.
Also I'm not sure what is happening behind the top guy, it looks like some squid is hugging him.
It would do that user a lot of good to take it all back to the foundations. He needs to learn gesture, construction, perspective, anatomy, etc.
Gesture comes first though.
debating on if I should start a comic or cartoon.
For comparison's sake, how's your current art?
still figuring things out stylistically… I'm thinking some color would help it stand out more, but I'm terrible with color and color theory at the moment.
Good shit user, nice
drew this up at a friends request
Thats pretty funny user.
It's still shit
just some shiz
You have a great style and a really good grasp on form
I fucking love your style. 70% Yoji Shinkawa, 30% Frank Miller.
God damn user that is both sexy and funny.
pens are fun.
This is more toku looking than Holla Forums, but superheroes are close enough, right?
Super-Powered, Hawaiian, Muscle QT3.14
I did this /r/ for a co thread it's doomguy vs trigun as raven watch's horrified. I need to fix the face make her look more scared.
Like Raven would care if Doomguy bent her daddy over and took him like a Catholic choirboy.
some more oc
thanks man
Fred Perry's doing porn now? My nigga.
Why are none of you posting your f*cking blogs smdh tbh fam
Need opinions on this experimental animation.
In isolation, it looks a little more like his face is changing shape than an eating motion, but it might look better with a body, visible food, etc.
Thanks, this is what I expected. I updated it, how does this look now?
how do you people get smoothlines? i tried krita with the smoothing thing and either its still shit, or gets super laggy for me
That … thing on the right f the second pic scares me.
hold up, I think I actually have some notes on inking and how I get my smooth lines lying around.
Nice user. Does she have fire powers too?
You won't be able to read the notes in the second pic due to it being in flash and my naturally bad handwriting, but I'll retype them so you can get a bit from it. Mind you, it's near impossible to get good lines from flash so this method should work in anything considering the lines in my pic are pretty alright.
Start with consistent, thin lines touching the pen as lightly as you can, moving the lines slowly and leading it with your eyes. Sometimes you may come to a ticky line, at which point you can lift, but make sure to work your old line into the previous one and continue it.
Then, after the thin lines, you can "feather" in more strokes in the areas you want to bulk up, say where the shadow is. You want to maintain the pressure on your are between light and medium for control on how much you bulk them up.
Now, if you have access to a stabilizer, you can cut out some of the work and go for a thicker line weight, but if not I find it best to work light, slow, and then build your lines up.
oh, and that's not to mix up lines with line art. My art still leaves a bit to be desired with some downright bad anatomy at times.
Seeing as there seem to be a few good artists in the thread I figure I'll ask this here. Does anyone know any books, videos, or tutorials on how to get better, busier backgrounds for comics? I know the basics of perspective but still have a hard time making everything look nice and making the objects in the pictures "work".
If somebody has a routine maybe that helped them improve as well and wouldn't mind sharing I'd appreciate too.
Best suggest would getting the inpiration from real life, scenery pictures, photos, panoramas or artworks.
I don't think there is any teaching books about busier backgrounds and, believe me, it's very hard and tedious to create one.
Damn, I thought it might just take old fashioned work, but I was hoping there was some trick to it. Guess I better get a reference folder together and start working. Interior and exterior environments are about the only thing keeping me from starting a webcomic at the moment, so hopefully this only takes a couple months of hard work to get okay at.
This dude is right, and are also his dubs
There are no shortcuts mate. Only thing related is perspective and light. Everything else is practice depending on how many details you want in. My suggestions is to try draw thing around your characters like low-poly 3D models . it probably wont be as you imagine, but it will give you some base to work on. Backgrounds, like characters, need to be practice. You go basic then add more and more details, just like how you add more and more personality to the character.
That makes a lot of sense… I guess if I had one last question it would be what's the proper work flow for drawing backgrounds in a comic or animation? Do I draw them before anything else, or do I center them around characters? Maybe thumbnails before anything else?
I think you want something like: Script, Thumbnails/Storyboard, Sketched BG, Foreground, Finish BG – unless you're doing a big panel or a splash page with a really detailed background, in which case you'd take the time to do that in detail, with space left for any foreground characters, who you'd sketch in.
awesome, I appreciate the help. Guess it's time for me to get back to work then.
Very neat stuff. I too want to do comics but i can't figure out a style that's easy to re-draw and writing always takes too much time.
thanks a lot, and you definitely should do something. Your art is pro, love how cute and comfy everything looks while keeping a solid grasp on form. Most people with a "cute" style usually throw form out completely.
This sounds like a pretty good exercise. Also bump.
I can't draw unless I have a program like Illustrator correcting lines for me. Is that normal?
Does practicing shapes and anatomy on actual paper help?
It sounds like you are talking about inking, but show me a sketch and your finishe lineart. I'll be able to figure out your trouble areas then and be able to give you better advice.
Basically, if it's an inking issue refer to . Inking is an artform in and of itself and digital inking further complicates things. It's why not a lot of people ink any more, and basically nobody at Marvel can even draw consistent lines.
Hey whatever happened to that guy with the Unicorn space alien thing?
Great art needs great motivation
the what now?
I'm beginning to find any form of story telling can be quite time consuming, be it visual or verbal. I think the hardest part is finding and keeping that motivation, especially when you have the knowledge that what you are putting all your effort into may be a flop.
Right, I don't put nearly enough time into my drawing as I want to, and I have a whole bunch of characters I wish to give form but I'm just waiting until I'm satisfied I can do them justice.
Just this week, however, I felt inspired enough to put pencil to paper to re-write one of the characters from that fucking awful Questionable Content.
I posted the results in that topic but I'll put post them again, here. (in my defence, the two hipsters look shit, but that's because I deliberately tried to draw them in Jeph's style)
Just took pictures with my phone as I couldn't be arsed scanning them.
You need to figure out gesture for starters. You don't really have a foundation to sylize, so that's why you are having trouble. Take a step back, learn gesture, form, perspective, and do some life studies. Once you've got an okay foundation, then you can play around with style which often times is just moving around and exaggerating selected proportions.
Trying to draw a really something really slutty.
Some user had an idea with this alien criminal that looks like a unicorn that hides out on earth under the ownership of a little girl.
This is true. Usual story - trouble finding time to put the effort in :/
Plenty of free resources available online, I suppose.
Easy to get disheartened and/or sidetracked.
I enjoy making shitty low-effort art on the internet
I just got a tablet and hoping to become a drawfag, first thing I whipped up in about an hour? I know its shit. Tear me a new one so I can improve.
I ain't very good at this shit either, but:
Pic related.
Keep drawing until you get good at it.
Really didn't expect Coco to be as popular as he is especially with all the fantastic stuff Holla Forums puts out!
Rest assured I am working on this, but probably won't be much progress until summer (uni work comes first, lads)
Nice to see your work continue fam.
Some careful use of the lasso tool.
Two quick headshots of some characters from a second personal project I'm working on.
Shy as fuck posting them here.
Something about the eyes takes away form the design. I feel like everything works, then the eyes make it look cheap.
It's funny you say that because their eyes keep changing slightly due to that reason. I can't quite put my finger on it. Originally I've kept their eyes big because they are pre-teens but idk man. What would you suggest?
To be honest though I think their eyes used to look way worse as seen here, at least its an improvement I think.
Oops. Seen on the left I mean. Idk I fuck up the eyes a lot, they are so important to the character and if I get them wrong it's just not him.
wew, you've definitely improved. As always, make sure you have a solid foundation in life drawing and gesture to make sure you develop consistency(which you may have already done this, just a reminder), but your shapes and characters look ten times better
… as for what I think, play around. Do a page full of eyes before and keep putting the ones you like most on the characters, then play around with their sizes/proportions. Personally I'd move more away from the anime look and give them a more streamlined cartoony eye shape. Maybe even flat. The style almost reminds me of Dan VS, so maybe that would be something to reference… but play around with it.
One thing I'd definitely tone down the detail in the iris, maybe omit the pupil completely. I think that sort of detail really only works with detailed characters that aren't cartoony, or cute characters with big eyes.
here's a quick example of what I mean.
Thanks for the feedback man.
I do my best to always keep their foundation in reality but as you say, my consistency isn't always consistent. Even the the recent one I notice he still looks slightly off. I find it really difficult to sketch guild lines first because I can never follow what I've done and I just draw over them. I always just dive in and improvise which bothers me.
I've literally got pages of eyes all over the place in an effort to perfect them. There's some issue again with consistency because each character's eye shape is slightly different and then they change even more as they grow older. I find it difficult to keep their eyes consistent in their expressions and even if I get the eyes right, if I fuck up slightly on the head shape like in the first one I posted, they again don't look like the same kid to me and blah idk.
Dan seems like a great example to follow. I've tried the more simple eyes as seen here in a rushed example. I like them but I do personally feel more comfortable keeping their eyes looking cute in default for several reasons.
1. Their iris's change a lot depending on their emotion and current situation. For example extreme happiness = lotsa sparkle and larger iris, fear = single line, pissed off = no sparkle and just iris, etc. The main kids are quite an emotional bunch as teenagers are and I find that their diversity in their iris expression helps express that rather than feeling like confined to just one iris shape.
2. When I give them no iris I feel like they just look like moody teenagers all the time, which they can be and that's when it fits as seen in the attached image but other times I just feel it looks out of character. One of them is sorta old school gothic and I don't like him looking moody all the time because dispute his appearance that's not often how he is when he's with his friend. The other kid is a fucking happy as happy shit to begin with and when I take away his eyes he suddenly looks 3 years older which is good for then but not now again idk.
Sorry long as reply. I do have another project where the characters do have much simpler eyes as seen in the other image but I feel it fits there because the setting, story and themes are completely different, not to mention all the characters are adults.
DUDE HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS FUCK. This a really great step in the right direction, I didn't think about doing the eyes like that. I'm gonna experiment more thanks for this you are awesome.
No problem, communication can really help figure things out.
It sounds to me like you might want to do some gesture studies with live models. That shit can really get you on the right track when it comes to consistency on proportions.
if you get the time, read this. It helped me a ton when it came to drawing in general and made it so I wasn't really bound to any style.
also, posted these a couple days ago and they might be helpful to you:
That being said, don't become to focused on perfection or where you want to be. I did that for the longest time and I'm still recovering from it finding it hard to just start something with all my constant self critiques.
and no problem. Figured I'd ink your second character really quick, but as you can see, this type of eye can still be very expressive when done right, and personally, I think it fits your over all style a lot better.
and there we go.
Your feedback, sources and drawn examples have been much appreciated. Do you run a blog by any chance? I'd love to learn more or see some of your art.
Flicking through the pdf now, this is great again thanks. I'll be studying this all month.
That's def an issue with me when it comes to perfection and everything looking the same rather than just allowing flow.
You have no idea how happy it makes me to see my characters been drawn by someone who really understands what they are doing, you draw them fantastically and it gives me so much to work with in regards to improving my general style. Also the eyes on the second one work so well thank you your examples are perf. The only change I would maybe maybe maybe make is still the differing eye colours one way or another? maybe the colour inside rather than on the outside.
Your version of him really reminds me of some early doodles of him and it's making me rethink that perhaps I need to take a step back and go more in that direction.
I gotta add I love what you did with the bottom eyeliner btw. Little shit still learning how to apply make up.
nah, I used to have a dirty blog but after a few life changes I scrapped it. Now I just hang around here drawing and helping out anons till I can figure out what I want to do.
All I did was apply proper inking to your drawings and change the eyes. 90% of that was all you. You had some really nice shapes in your designs.
go for it. Changing their colors only adds to the design. As I said, I'd probably leave out either the pupil or that little shine. One or the other, but they would look good with a solid color in there or even as a solid color with no black outline. Of course, that's just my two cents, your designs, your call.
Also, I think your earlier design was definitely headed in the right direction. Design can be a fickle thing. One change can throw off the whole balance.
Glad you liked that.
You'd make a great design director methinks.
Yeah but even the inking is really good and the way you've altered their head shapes slightly, it just makes them look a lot more natural and that's something I stress over a lot.
Gave some eyes a shot. I was curious to see how the shine and pupil would look together would the new eye shape but I'm liking more what you are suggesting.
Yeah he's got a Jerry Only thing going on there.
Well, if you're the one who commented on
Then yeah, it's working already - brief bit of gesture drawing last night and everything's taking much better form with characters of my own design, rather than a re-draw of someone else's.
Very nice. You'll find that you can just about make a style out of gesture drawing itself, and there are a ton of different ways to do gesture drawing. Personally I combined the "Force" series' approach with Vilppu's. Once you get gesture down it opens up a whole new world of opportunity, especially if you can nail your own personal way of doing it. Add on top of that perspective and anatomy and you'll be in great shape to do just about anything… which isn't to say you should wait until you're "good" to start something. I'd continue making your comics as you go along.
Also, last bit of advice before I get some sleep. Make sure you don't mix work with your pleasure. You are making your comics because you enjoy them. Let what you've studied come out naturally when you draw them and save the "work" for your studies.
I can't remember if I read that in the Drawn to Life series or if it was in the Sponge Bob animator's notes, but it's something that I found helped me greatly when it came to doing creative projects alongside my studies.
Yeah, I plan on developing my style through another story to iron out the creases, before moving on to the main one.
It'll be semi-autobiographical so I don't need to think up too much story, but still worth doing.
But yes, it's difficult at first but definitely something I *want* to do.
It can be easy to get disheartened when what appears on the page doesn't exactly match what's in your head, but as with physical training you don't *start* lifting the heaviest weights or doing one-handed pushups!
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Did it come with pedigree papers? Then yes. If not, then no.
Ask outside your local mortuary
Over a flat earth? No, it's incredibly far fetched. Because, for example, there are hundreds of different governments. Most of them quite incompetent. And also many are in competition with each other. In order for it not to be far fetched they'd have to be working together, perfectly, for thousands of years. And also magic.
Probably why? What do they have to gain? IF they're flying great circle routes to only make it look like the earth were round, they'd be blowing billions of dollars every year in extra fuel.
Those are great circle routes. They are flying the shortest distance between their cities. They look curved because the earth is curved, but that's a flat map.
Not on the scale of the earth it doesn't
Flat earthers don't know how airplanes work. No surprise there. Also your explanation ignores gravity.
Neither of those show evidence of anything. NASA live feeds of the ISS cut out all the time, reason being the thing is travelling at 17,000 mph, and tracking is tricky. What conspiracy liars like secureteam doesn't tell its listeners is that the video cuts back in as often as it cuts out.
And yet somehow you're just as dumb.
why worry about this shit when 99% of the time it won't even come into effect? Just play the damn game, if it gives you so much of a disadvantage that you lose you probably deserved to lose anyway and should have picked a better team
Gay porn
Billions of development has gone up along the subway line, it just took some time. Ofc for planning it would be stupid to build it just for the sake of it but maybe the subway would have more ridership if it went somewhere relevant
You're better off drawing alone forever than being in a shitty art chat with nosecuck and his three imaginary/pretend concubines. Just let that chat die in peace.
Somehow I missed this thread before I posted, so I'll just link it instead.
This idea just came into my mind after Jasper asked Lapis to fuse with her again and I couldn't get it out of my head.
Gimp Jasper coming
Is that Arnold's dick from Hey Arnold? Why is he wearing panties?
Fucking beautiful.
Well I don't know how "personal" it can be seen as but I made edits for around three months of dumbing of age
I've also recently started a small site where for now an artist friend of mine draws political cartoons I write, but it's all in french and about france; should I share it still ?
Had a quick shot at toning down the anime look with another character. Critique is always welcome. Thanks cool user for the feedback last time.
I need to get back into art. It's been about a year since I last made any drawings and I deleted all of my old stuff because of how much I hated it all. I know once I get back into it I'll only be worse, but I need to try. Seeing all you guys' drawings is inspiring me to try again. It's too bad /loomis/ is dead, I used to use those prompts or idea threads to help me get going, so I might do stuff for drawthreads as a replacement.
That's sad user, I know it can be difficult to get back into drawing after you've neglected it for long. Maybe just take a break from drawing for others and just draw for you and enjoy the process.
Kids are made for fuckin'
Judaism is satanic
Rape is fun
Feminism is dumb
Racism is funny
Communists are Clocks
Capitalists are Locks
all others suck my cocks :3
She looks like a mantis, so color her green and rake in those monstergirl fans
Already done lol. There's a lot of monster/demon characters including a female chupacabra.