Gender is a spook

Gender is a spook

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But biological sex is not, so you're still a raging homo. Also not leftist politics



Maybe gender is a spook:
But mtf and ftm can both impregnate women and become pregnant, respectively
Perhaps they don't want to though
Their burdens are their own and I cannot say that they are necessarily wrong to try and reconcile

It may be unnatural, but the thought of being able to bring more people into the world makes me feel defective, not the reverse.

You're right.

You should rid yourself of this notion that nature and nurture is the ultimate dichotomy of human freedom and rights.
Wanting to wear another's appearance isn't wrong or right necessarily, it ONLY implies that one can identify with a spectrum of femininity and masculinity.

I know, that's my point, that whether something is natural doesn't determine how we should view it.

While I agree, I think it's rather disingenuous to say that…
an mtf wanting to wear heels
or a ftm wanting to not wear heels
Is "unnatural". If anything, it is the heels themselves which are artificial and codified in the archeologies of gender. Then again, I must stress how important it is not to say heels are immaterial, but rather their being a form, for Platonic discourse, helps us shape and define ourselves through discipline.

Stay religious, Holla Forums



Gender roles are highly arbitrary and are often contradictory across time and geography. Whether something is for men or women often boils down to personal feelings about gender, not any objective sense of duality.

Abolish gender now.

Aww, thank you~ ❤

This is a good thread

I love how the chan-sphere, which is commonly considered by normies to be among the most reactionary, sexist etc, places on the net, is actually developing what might be the first solid "third gender" in European (and westernised) culture.

You mean petite young guys dressing as girls.

I think they're referring to girls with cocks.

It's not gay if the prostates don't touch.


They are just crossdressing twinks, Futa only applys to 2d. Basing your whole being around your gender (Wich is a biological quallity of your sensual being just like your skin color) indeed is spooky as fuck but how can you even manifest the idea? Is femininity and masculinity some kind of exclusive quallity for gender or something? Are you the perfect female if you are so feminine as possible?

What? It's pretty universal that in times of war, males, being stronger, are the ones to fill the army. Likewise, I have yet to see any credible sources involving men shitting babies out their ass.

Right, but the entire rhetoric around them makes it a bit more difficult.


Modern day endocrinology, in the most materialist sense of the word medicine I am entitled to use. However, this does not mean that intersexism doesn't operate outside of the cold, methodical labs of biology/psychology.
In a sense, being is both everything and nothing. Gender, by extension, is merely an identification, or perhaps confrontation, with this paradox. It is therefore senseless to think of complaining about this or that mode of being since nothing foreign has decided what we feel, what we live, or what we are.
So you're saying that…skirts carry with them an inherent teleology? What is this property of skirts that renders unmetaphysical the choice for a male to wear either a skirt or slacks?
Not necessarily. Some would rather intend that gender is not two polar opposites, but rather an axis, or axes, on which we relate ourselves to the commodities around us. This is to say that even to run from our ideology is merely to return back to it, to paraphrase Zizek:
Perfection is a spook, but a useful one nonetheless. Personally, I prefer to oppose many private law scholars that strive to divine broad unified normative theories of property, contracts, torts, and restitution, and therefore take a pluralist stance.



Pretty mutch.

Where did i ever mention skirts? the femininity or gender defined appearance that skirts may represent is based upon the idea that wearing skirts is somehow gender related. Its a social construct that people agree upon, therefore gender falls in the rhealm of ideas and is spooky as fuck.

Fine by me, then we could finally put this 50 gorillion gender meme to rest.


You didn't. I'm positing the popular argument ("Do you think women are all born with skirts?") in an obscurantist way in order that you might choose to examine your own ideology.
I suppose what I'm getting at is this: Do you think all material relations are biological, supposedly like a gender? Probably not. Biology in itself presupposes some ideological/metaphysical niceties, some which enable people to paint Charles Darwin as a eugenicist and which advocate against life, "anti-biology".
Exactly, but even what we distinguish as property is socially contracted. I can say this is my land, blah blah blah, define borders…but we must also acknowledge that these measures of nation-state are just that: measures. Units, like nation, often change with time—people in the UK don't even use the Imperial system of length. C'mon guys, it's the [current year].

That image is kinda good, ironically, but it's completely spastic, paranoid, and ignores complex concepts in general in order to misrepresent feminists as against material reality. I can't imagine that anyone would use "info-essentialism" seriously, especially when the concept [education essentialism] is derived from the accumulated knowledges of civilization which includes political science, literature and language, alongside economics and mathematics.

Are you seriously that chicken to be accused of mathsplaining? It seems to me unwarranted.


now is not the time, boner

and you retards wonder why leftardpol is seen as the down syndrome special class of Holla Forums

Actually Holla Forums is seen as normies.

How so?

I regularly fap to trap threads in Holla Forums.



In other words, a spook.

Yeah, so gender (behaviours) is not sex (biology).

A "prescribed set of behaviours" is not biological.

So in other words you lied when saying that gender was biological, and that calling gender a spook was denying biology.

pic related.

Working on it, fam

No, but being as gender is a natural function of biology (show me a culture without gender roles) there is clearly a biological component to how gender roles are enacted.

Nope. Cultures who used women in their armies would get their shit kicked in faster than ones who used men in their armies because women are the bottleneck in the babymaking process and are weaker than men.

It is truly astounding how retarded you are. I wear a form of hand covering when it's cold outside. I would not do that if I didn't have hands. Does that mean gloves aren't anatomical?


Bullshit historical conjecture.

Female deities, whose origins predate historical records, are present in most early cultures. Often enough they are portrayed as warriors, which signals a pervasive presence of women among such activities prior to and after a profound change in many human cultures after the adoption of agriculture as the typical sustenance and which enabled protracted warfare with large armies.

Their influences, the roles of women rulers, and those of significant women, were retained in many of these cultures so strongly that no layers of new legends, ideals, and myths were able to obscure them completely not even by invading empires/armies of men.

Illumination of a scene from the Skylitzes Chronicle, depicting a Thracesian woman killing a Varangian who tried to rape her, whereupon his comrades praised her and gave her his possessions.

Taking the glove off, can you grab things with it?

yeah, there are XX and XY chromosomes, everything else is interpretation and socially constructed.

Anycase, if we are to assume gloves take an "anatomical" position then can we also assume that everyone's hand is "anatomical" enough to fit it?

Communism and Marxism, obviously.

Please post more qts?


Just abolish gender. Causes trouble and spooks.

why does he wear the glove?

Some gloves like baseball mitts are to catch, but other gloves like condoms are made to prevent catching STDs or a pregnancy (which is basically an STD).



Aww, you know it's okay to cum, right, daddy?

pls stop, you're ruining the board quality


By this point I have fully accepted that I jack off to traps.

Its still spooky, but I stopped giving a shit about any of this nonsense.

You are just acting coy to get more pictures arnt you?

Nuh uhn.

No, worrying about all this shit is spooky.

Dude, most such statues are from said agricultural societies.

Okay, as someone who actually studies religion: this need not at all be the case - you have to remember "Ishtar" was a core part of Akkadian faith yet this culture also practised wife/retainer burial sacrifices. We must remember that transgressions of norms (outside of the magic area of the ritual) where a muh privilege exclusive to the gods.

The main warning of any study of ancient society is that we shouldn't draw too large conclusions from what we find.

No one denied this. Cf:
>>a pervasive presence of women among such activities prior to and after
"The Communists have no need to introduce a community of women; it has existed almost from time immemorial." — Marx, Engels

I agree, and my point is not to say that these cultures with deified women were progressive in themselves (sacred prostitution/dowries) but that the assumption and large myth that women warriors were quicker (the so-called "inherent" quality proposed by the user I was replying to) to be killed needs to be abolished. There are plenty of historical examples where this is not true.

You people disgust me, there will be a special kind of gulag for faggotd like you


this picture is truth

So this is /leftypo/, huh?

well if you insist

pretty much

I am pretty sure that me running around doing parkour with a bunch of other boys and daring each other to do crazy shit that often lead to injuries had anything to do with prescribed notions of gender behavior. The same can be said of how neither I nor my friends were in the habit of stabbing each other in the back over the most trivial shit like the girls I knew were constantly doing.


That's not how it works, retard.

Or maybe the absolute lack of evidence of the ineffectiveness of stay at home fathers is just in my head.

Communism and Marxism are fucking spooks, but that doesnt make them wrong it just means that those ideas can become fixed and possess you to the point you are dogmatic. The point is to utilize the ideas for yourself not to serve the idea for the sake of the idea.

Gender is a spook.
Spooks are useful for society to function.

Can we get on with it now?

Also, use lewds with caution cause this is a SFW broad and not all spooks have yet been abolished.

(Cause capitalism needs to create artificial shortages to sell. Lewds need to be hidden or else the comodity value would drop.)

Do you even understand Stirner?

Do you even know what a Union of Egoists is?

Are you just full of memes?

I've read Ego and His Ownb and have a note at each 2/4 pages and i am digitalizing the notes right now. Typed down 11,328 words of notes from page 1 to 260. 104 pages to go.

Seems more like you are full of memes, Stirner dedicated a full chapther towards criticising communism/socialism. (Uthopian)

What does this have to do with gender?

Males go to war, cause females are more important for the survival of the species and so on.

Meanwhile, if Capitalism and Patriarhy (as defined by Engels) are not present, (French Revolution, Kekalonia, Rojava, USSR) both males and females fight for their freedom and so on.

Also, babies are biology. Soon will be done in vats anyway.

So what? Biological sex is not that important.

It is in sexual preference. I like guys, girly or not. though my fetishes aren't natty in any sense

Though trad-tard at doesn't seem to realize that old history was so comparatively primitive and superstitious that your physical strength was a substantial part of your societal worth. This is no longer the case to a large degree.

And in the future there will essentially be no difference: technology will make natural human strength and birth-giving obsolete. Combat will go from Call of Duty 4 to that new one that's pretty shitty but has the cool exo suit things.

i don't care if gender is a spook or not because it's a tired old argument but i do really enjoy futanari



I'm glad that third image was censored or I might have been offended.

have to leave something to the imagination


This is now a futa thread.


I prefer this to talking BS about spooks that shouldn't even matter, tbh.

WHAT!!?? HOW COULD YOU!?!?!? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop fapping while thinking of children, you damn pedo loli pervert scum!

Shit!!!! You fucking hacker!!!!! FUCK YOU NSA, FUCK YOU!!!! BRING ON THE PARTY VAN BITCHES!!!

What are you saying? Pure ideology.

This is not what I am saying at all, comr8…
However, even Žižek calls communism a form of ideology. Why? Because he's a Lacanian Marxist who doesn't ever say ideology is necessarily evil or good.

Read Žižek, fool.


No, you retard.

If a transgender person had never seen the opposite sex, would they still believe they are the opposite sex?

is this dick version of ayyluna?

also pls more pictures, i need this to focus on my theory education regarding gender issues

yes, why you asking?

at what point does a form transition from natural to unnatural? Humans, like some few other creatures, use bits of our environment as tools. unlike other species, ours are more frequently composites of our environment, but our environment none the less. ants and birds build dwellings, some primates dig bugs out of mounds with sticks. what makes my computer more unnatural than the ant hill, or the bird nest?

because it's a question I often ask myself.
What indication would they have that they were the opposite sex if none is given?

At least you can talk, who are you?

it's not a thing that they see women and their role in society and think "that's neat, i want in" but being unable to relate to their assigned gender role through a varity of complex possible reasons afaik. if you were able to take a transgender and isolate it into a group of their biological sex they should just end up confused and only find themself relating to the opposite sex when introduced to it.

This is not my point. In fact, I'm trying to do away with this very notion:
Again, to reiterate, it is not necessarily unnatural to have an artificial object. Synthetic substances themselves are made to imitate, or perhaps represent, concepts found in nature, otherwise their existence wouldn't be. The argument is not in order of things exist and things do not, but that there are degrees of complexity through which we relate to the world.

Coffee without cream is not the same as coffee without milk, even if in the positive existence it appears the same.

a lot of loyalty for a hired hand

i'm not trying to contradict you, it's just a common thing for many people to say "x thing we use is unnatural" I was just prodding your brain.

also, i'm not

I'm just trying to show where my concerns are in regards to how Holla Forums interprets Marxist theory, not that I disagree with the sentiment but rather how the question was framed.

If I came off hostile I'm sorry, but I must admit I am a monster like us all.

cute catgirls makes all right in the world

I'll continue hoping so…

It's a dysphoric condition of their PHYSICAL bodies along with the social identity

nazis confirmed for trying to shut down 'degenerate art'. not going to let that happen, Hans.

why is this awful thread still up

i know why




Well gender is the roles the different sexes have. Of course social roles are spooks. So yes.

Communication and the abolition of gender

Gender is a spook by definition.
The claim you're looking for is
and naturally people who'd say shit like this are too stupid to actually say it correctly.

Anyone who speaks in the name of others is an impostor.
Literally no one is saying this. Read the thread.

Baitflag, please.

Bait or no bait; you are a slave to your own ideologies.

Yet another vague duh point which doesn't say what you think it says. But yeah, true.

Yeah, sure.

Cheongsam and traps are a great mix. Thanks comrade.


no problemo

Gender is a necessary part of western civilization. Men and women are not the same and therefore should have different roles.


Blacks and whites don't belong in the same country


Why are you even on Holla Forums?

I went to Holla Forums at first but they sperged out over the fact that I was a communist

>Capitalism is a necessary part of Western civilization. The proletariat and the bourgeoisie are not the same and therefore should have different roles.

I think you are confused, friend.

Socialist countries generally guard their borders more tightly than capitalist countries

First of all, socialism is not the same thing as communism.

Second, even if we take that as hypothetically true, it's in the case of maintaining control while against contesting capitalist powers, not anything to do with your spooks.

It is apparent that this was (and still is depending on the type of job you work in) part of your worth. How is that not the argument being made?

It certainly is. Many jobs require physical strength; mining/fishing/logging, in the military women are more injury-prone, even in some warehouse jobs you need to be strong enough to lift some heavy stuff.

And I hear that traditionalists are LARPers. You're talking about shit that doesn't even exist yet. This is just like that communism can only exist in a post-scarcity world argument.

I don't think you understand the difference between a relative and an absolute statement.
Machinery and power tools don't exist? And hell, it's even theoretically possible for men to gestate. Extremely risky and difficult right now, but medical science advances pretty fast.
Perfectly reasonable? Thanks, I guess.

I was talking about exo-wombs and your cheaply available robo-suits.

Where? In their butt? Not the best spot to put a developing fetus…

Based on unreasonable premises was what I was getting at. In the far future, I'm sure you'll be able to design some sort of hermaphroditic creature that is sapient and can give birth, but that creature won't be human. Humans, as they exist, are necessarily sexually dimorphic, and gender (which is to say the manner in which that dimorphism extends into organizations of humans) is the necessary consequence thereof.

So is consent, age, and maturity

It was an illustrative example, spergy. Real world technology is usually boring.
Fuck if I know, ask the medical nerds. They're the one saying it's technically possible.
Nature is not deterministic, even if it is limiting. Humans are also necessarily carbon-based organic constructs, but putting metal and plastic in people can be pretty damn useful; we are ultimately just physical objects, not specifically designed by some omnipotent force, and treating our bodies as such is simple pragmatism.
Hell, even nature has some accommodations. Males can breast feed in some cases, and it is not a mutation.

This makes me think that the First World Left is quick to argue that gender is a spook and 100% a social construction. In the process they will generally promote any sexual minority except for hebephiles,pedophiles and question any gender norm except age of consent–and these are some of the spookiest most culturally-relative and socially constructed gender mores and prohibitions in the world.

On general queerdom and trans-sexuality when the right-wing asserts its all a lifestyle then suddenly its all hoom nature/biological and it can't be changed, so they'd better lay off the jesus and degeneracy. When it comes to other gender norms those are social constructions and have nothing to do biology.

When arguing for Trans rights the Left is all like "boy-brain girl-brain dey gotta boy brain in a girl body better switch da parts!" when it comes to men and women they adamantly maintain there's no such thing as a female brain.

Homosexuality is a condition your born with and cannot be controlled, but the idea that some people might have evolved to be attracted to predominately to young teens and children is supposedly ludicrous.

Kinda a weird idea that people going at it in the wild or in previous civilizations without age of consent laws were always stopping to do a check to make before they fucked. Gendered bathrooms? A relic of patriarchy. Age of consent laws themselves based around patriarchal conceptions of chastity and parental right? Keep those fam.

Honestly, the gender politics of the Left is a never-ending ride.

*hair check before

They where made because child prostitutes would earn more than those working in the textile and mining industry, and they had a lack of manpower. It's little to do with patriarchy. In fact, societies with a strong patriarchy often have a wide age gap between men and women when they marry, such as the age of consent in the Arabian peninsula.

Better luck next time fam.

Is it a straw-man? Because the biological determinism goes hard when it comes to arguing with the masses for gay, lesbian or trans rights.Maybe in private or among ourselves we might hear it said some of it is just lifestyle or a matter of self-identification, or maybe a rejection of an oppressive hetero-patriarchy whatever that even means in developed nations anymore

In the realm of women we reject it almost entirely and at least its theoretically consistent with goal of abolishing gender, but it almost seems that scientific study gets met with the objection that patriarchy is still trying to use science against women.

That's right lad, but it didn't entirely or even mostly have to do with a labor problem as you describe it but because of moral hysteria about prostitution, especially child prostitution and the literal human-trafficking and sex slavery of child prostitutes.

As Graeber astutely observed when prostitution expands in the social sphere men react to this form of sexual exploitation by trying to protect their wives and children from this ill, and more firmly entrenching patriarchal norms. He has a fairly cogent argument that this drove some of the patriarchal politics of the bible.

In the societies that you mention a woman could not have sex or even get married without her father's permission. Her conception of defending her honor was staying chaste and the parental role was to see that things stayed that way.

That's why I said age of consent is itself based around patriarchal conceptions of chastity and parental right. In many patriarchal societies of the past as long as the father agreed to the daughter's choice then the age of the man was not seen as quite as much of a moral issue.

The locus of power for enforcing this has passed from the father to the state. So that if you think of the patriarchy as a collective, it protects itself by keeping its sons and daughters as valuable property and punishes its members for competing for each of others children before the magic age line.

I'm not wholly satisfied with patriarchy theory in general but I'm saying that the issue is pretty obvious using that reading. There was a time in the 70s when the Left used to actually advocate for pedophile rights but that got scrubbed out and sanitized from Queer and Trans histories of activism.

….just came back to leftypol after a while.
This fucking thread lmfao
Daily reminder that there are two genders and not anymore
daily reminder that any other genders are mental disorders
daily reminder that you're gay if you look at little boys with massive cocks or some shit
What the hell happened to my favourite little bastion of manly rebellion against capitalism?

Fucking hell this is just a glorified futanari and trap thread isn't it?

There are 0 genders.
Believing anything else is a mental disorder.

pretty sure calling everything a spook is a spook in itself.

He's right tho

really bringing your a-game, huh?

I really can't be fucked to literally argue on a glorified Gay/Trap/Futa thread. i prefer to keep my anti-idpol agenda to threads that won't be deleted for copious amounts of porn, since i'm pretty sure last time i checked Holla Forums was safe for work, and definitely not a porn board.

The mods would just have you spoil porn. There are unspoiled, naked Alunyas in the sticky.



Thanks Max!




I agree, but the concept that sex is different than gender is also a spook.