What affects will cheap, widespread, semi-autonomous sexbots have on society? Do you think they will significantly change the sexual value females currently enjoy? And if so, how will this impact society?
Do you think feminists will try and outlaw or otherwise restrict sexbots? Which countries will lead the sexbot industry?
Oliver Edwards
Japan, obviously
David Rodriguez
Xavier Ward
a lot of ethical things. depending on how much autonomy we give them. what if they want to vote, or hold office, or start businesses, or start religions? they're not human, and we use them exclusively to satisfy our lusts with minimal consequence, which is no different from today's world
nothing changes, just a new game of pussy has been added
Juan Rodriguez
improved sex dolls will have very little impact on anyone other than the men that already have a fetish for them
prostitutes will remain less expensive
Juan Mitchell
pic related also sauce on that pic op
Ayden Brooks
No idea m8. Some gook that gets posted on occasion which someone then made a shoop of.
Wyatt Cox
Russia. Their women are fleeing west like it's the national sport. (Now watch butthurt ivans pretend this isn't a thing)
Nathaniel Ortiz
You can only give something rights if it can feel pain. As long as you don't make the robots human on a mental level, they won't need rights.
Gabriel Bailey
Massive amount of butthert will happen. The top 10% of men getting laid will have to now take care of all the women instead of throwing them off to a beta cuck. The men who could not get 3DPD will have an active sexual life and be much more productive thus allowing a new super market to grow around Robo Wifus. Instead of normal men focusing on women and what the fuck they even want they can now put all their energy into expanding mankind. 10% of the men still enslaved to the biocunts will be considered as a loss and biocunts will be given a living wage but will not be allowed to reproduce unless it is selected for uterus transplant into AI Wifus.