I have thought of this. Probably the most commonly repeated unique words on Holla Forums other than kek are cuck and kike.
Holla Forums actually started getting popular because of a cuck scandal. Moot getting cucked. 4chan got called cuckchan. The cuck meme really started taking off. Cuckservative got coverage in mainstream articles.
Kike comes from the Yiddish kikel which means circle. It started being used because Jewish immigrants drew a circle rather than an X to sign things.
Ku Klux Klan comes from the Greek kyklos which again means circle. They also wear white like Wojak.
The word church or kirk may have a similar etymology, although most sources hide this. The churches used to gather in a circle. Circus is another related word.
If you know anything about magic, you know magic circles are very important.
Now think about Hotwheels. WHEELS. Circles. Hotwheels = a circle of fire. He was also given the nicknames cripplecuck and cripplekike. Broken circle. He also used the cock.li e-mail server. Cock, cuck and kike are all seen as vulgar terms in mainstream society, and all liberally thrown around here. Jim is a freemason, and the Ku Klux Klan was may have been started by a freemason, Albert Pike.
Another commonly used word is fag. Which comes from fagot which means a bundle of sticks. Heretics used to be burned in these bundles of wood. Today we have flamewars where we call each other faggots. The Ku Klux Klan burns crosses.
Fagot comes from fascis, bundle of wood, which is the origin of fascism. The fasces is a bundle of sticks held together to become stronger than they would separately. The undifferentiated whole is stronger than the individual pieces. We are all fags, whether christfags or fedorafags or newfags or oldfags. We are all anonymous. Anonymous identifies as Legion. Legion is a demon from the Bible. He told Jesus we are legion, for we are many. The common anonymous image is Guy Fawkes, again white like Wojak.
Kek started out as something to do with Orcs in Warcraft. Orcs are green like Pepe. We are aritten off as trolls which are related to orcs.
So.. a lot to unpack here. What I would say is there are two forces at work, as in yin and yang like OP showed. The receptive, submissive, feminine which is related to Wojak (even though he's usually depicted as male). And the projecting, dominant, masculine which is Pepe.
Remember Kek has two sides, male and female. Kek and Keket. In the mythology the feminine was a snake, I haven't really seen that come up in the memes, but regardless. When we say cuck we appear to be invoking the feminine side. Cucks are regarded as not being masculine. Kek is the frog, the masculine side. He comes from a tadpole (sperm). Cock would again be the masculine side. The penetrative organ. Remember the Trump logo penetrating the Pence logo. In the occult there is the chalice, representing the feminine, and the phallic wand or sword, representing the masculine. Related to the circular egg and the sperm. The cross, or swastika is four lines each representing the masculine. The celtic cross is the masculine lines within the feminine circle representing union/sex. The star of David is also said to be a representation of sex with the upper triangle penetrating and joining with the lower. You could argue when the Jews chose to sign with a circle rather than a cross they were choosing the feminine victim role. In Israel they won't even use plus signs in math. Today we call them kikes again reinforcing the victim/circle/hole/receptive role.
Even the name Holla Forums. If you pronounce it pole, it represents a phallus. Holla Forums enjoys fucking people over and seeing their shit get pushed in.