What's happening? So many CN shows are going to end.. Gumbal,, Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa, Mixels and now Adventure Time too :( The channel needs to create a lot of new shows that can fill the place for these shows.
What's happening? So many CN shows are going to end.. Gumbal,, Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa...
Miss me yet?
You're that tumblr sperg aren't you?
Enjoy your live action drivel, commie.
Wait a fucking minute. TAWOG is ending?!
went full retard but that wasn't meant to be like that
was meant to be retarded
was meant to be retarded but was entertaining
was meant to be retarded and was made by retarded but was entertaining
yep it's the last season.
God everything I love is ending. Except for Uncle Grampa
All we need now is Clarence and We Bare Bears to kick the bucket and Cartoon Network will officially be dead to the 18 and over demographic.
I agree, Adventure Time should at least be renewed for another 300 hundred episodes and a theatrical release.
It's the only show that hasn't dipped in quality whatsoever.
Why is Asian kids laughing so funny?
Come on more Teen Titans go to spin offs.
Am I the only one who finds this show entertaining
I'm pretty sure a lot of literal 7 years old share your tastes
It has it's moments, but for a lot of us it's nowhere near enough to even begin to cancel out the way it shits all over the original and reminds everyone that we haven't had a decent action cartoon get traction in a long time.
What about Steven Universe?
fuck you nigger, gumball has been consistently good aside from a low point in s2
that's the only redeemable show from the list though.
regular time and adventure show started strong but were lain low by the same things in s2, relationship bullshit which turned into a cancer infecting both shows and making them unlikeable
those shows should have died a long time ago.
Clarence is ugly unlikable shit and wbb is tumblr incarnate
cn has been dead to the non shit taste demographic fora long time
Maybe it's time to look for outside talent for once?
Gumball is only good because everything else is shit so it looks better than it is. Give it 5 years and you're not going to remember it fondly.
What pisses me off is that they're dragging out this series for TWO more seasons! The show is already beyond dead at this point, continuing till 2018 is just gonna destroy any interest in the finale.
Granted only five fucking people still watch AT now so really nothing of value was really lost.
I wish more people liked Clarence. It's a relaly comfy, goofy show
I think it's decently funny. I'm still annoyed the original series never got a proper end
I know! Isn't it amazing?!
People are realizing these shows are shit?
Wait, is it only the cartoon, or LEGO Mixels line is discontinued as well, which means no more cheap ball joints and other useful shit for MOCs?
Fuck off, autist.
Genuine, gentle autists make me really sad for some reason
It's about time.
I wasn't a fan of the shows, but as many have said, it is the 'end of an era'. A lot of these cartoons existed well past their prime, but still.
Unfortunately I don't think CN is prepared for what's coming next. I imagine the next few years are going to be a big lull until the next hit cartoon comes out.
You first, loser
Pretty well dreading what's going to come next with this whole era of the network being defined by bland programming or falls from grace.
Maybe they'll suck it up and go completely digital, withdrawing from television entirely. They know well enough to never touch live-action ever again, even if its replacement was equally-thoughtless 2D.
How would you call this era ? Because AT and RS started airing before the Calarts grining potato came in full effect
It's going to be a period of stagnancy from now on, trying to figure out how to pull out a show that has the same amount of success that AT got with it's earlier seasons, and I don't believe they will learn from all of this, hell, they might take all the wrong lessons from this period and fuck it up even more with the next one
I honestly believe that Nickelodeon will Run the game from now on, considering the considerable amount of success that The Loud House and Miraculous Ladybug are getting, maybe they'll pull out/import better shows now
Dark Times are ahead of us, indeed
With TLH and ML doing quite well and not preaching any stupidity or otherwise being run by Calarts drop-outs CN might be forced to suck it up and hire on some talent for the first time in quite some time. That and learn that letting a show drag on into mediocrity and shit just results in Adventure Time's later seasons (I mean Christ, the show was Pendleton Ward's baby that he pitched to a great many places with no success and then dumped it as soon as it got popular, the man's a retard).
Here's a thought. And keep in mind it's a long shot, buut… What if CN introduced anime to its daily lineup?
Anime may not be Holla Forums material, but they're certainly cartoons. Thing is though, most cable packages don't have a dedicated anime channel anymore, and despite current trends, fans of the medium still watch TV. They wouldn't even need to do any of the legwork, just run the upcoming dub of One Punch Man and reruns of shows like FMA Brotherhood; instant viewership.
That'd necessitate CN swallowing its pride and reinstating Toonami on daytime. It'd be hilariously easy money and viewer counts, so they won't do it.
Plus they'd have to take TOM kicking and screaming from Adult Swim.
Loud House keeps itself as an actual kids show, that's why it's doing well in ratings, because it doesn't have that "it's a kids show but we're actually pandering to 20-something audiences that like to feel smart and superior for watching a kids show that "intelligent" and "deep", so fuck the little shits" attitude that SU and AT have
MLB was being hyped for a while, so it had some following before it debuted, it's not a bad show, it has potential to be great, but it needs to go beyond just general cocktease/shippingtease between the 2 main characters to achieve a bigger success
Other than that, the frenchies can rub on Sugar's kike face the fact that they made a better Magical Girl show than her
Overall I'm glad that AT will finally BITE THE DUST, if it had ended earlier it could have saved some dignity, but no, it had to go on as a shell of it's former self, as a zombie
That could be CN's last chance to keep itself alive
Either import european shows like Nickelodeon did with Miraculous Ladybug or air Toonami in on an airslot that isn't completely inhumane
God answered my prayers.
Only reason Stephen Universe is not mentioned is because they will probably just cancel it.
Autism time and regular show started around 2010/2011 that means they have been going for more than half a decade now so it was about fucking time.
honestly im kinda going to miss gumball ,godspeed you magnificent eurofags.
For me, It's like this:
When it hits, it really hits and it gets a legitimate chuckle out of me(i.e., Burger vs.Burrito, Road Trip, 40% 40% 20% etc.).
When it misses, it REALLY misses and makes me die a little inside.(i.e., Waffles, Mouth Hole, Cats Fancy etc.)
I imagine the big caveat there is the issue of content. One could argue that most of the current stuff really isn't suitable for daytime broadcasting, and I doubt that CN would go expend the effort and money necessary to license anime that could be shown with minimal editing.
You also need to remember that a LOT of anime is schlock seriously, most of the reason it has such a high reputation is that only the good stuff gets exported or not well suited to a western audience.
Honestly, I think it's most likely Cartoon Network will be shut down in the next half decade. I mean, its key demographics are moving online- how do you keep making profits when the only people with cable are over 60?
I think it's felt like so long because CN hasn't put out anything decent sense then.
Kinda funny that the networks that popularised anime in the West also drove off those fans through butchered dubs and mistreatment of shows.
Cable in general is dying fast, being obsoleted by internet service and giving people every possible incentive to find alternatives between horrendous customer service, blatant gouging and an overall sadistic business model.
it's still a better deal since they make hundreds of new anime each year which amounts to pretty good amount of very good shows and many niche shows you can pick and choose from, and the west makes each year like two, three new shitty calarts numale shows aside of obligatory simpsons and family guy episodes
Last I checked, anime producers are actually more cautious of Western localisation, since they utterly fucked up One Piece which could have been the next Dragon Ball Z and consigned it to niche status in the West.
Is that a thing. I thought only guaranteed hits like Death Note, DBZ or One Punch Man have ever been told to be west friendly.
Time slots are super competitive in Nipland, but the market isn't as much of a gamble, it's sort of guaranteed if you have a good product.
Shows in the past weren't suitable for American channels either… not without editing and missing episodes. In Japan those shows were for children though.
This is heard from people who either do not watch anime or think that because anime does not conform to their personal sensibilities it therefore must be bad. Or they constructed some anime blueprint out of Cowboy Bebop and Akira and think anything that doesn't conform to it must be bad. Or any combination of the three.
Anime actually does not have a high reputation at all, it's mostly viewed negatively. Which is exactly why people who don't watch it keep complaining about how bad it is. It's treated as a matter of common sense that everyone knows.
Uh, dude, I think you completely missed the point; Sturgeon's Law, 90% of ANYTHING is schlock, and anime is no exception, no matter what your tastes are.
If you're asking what I'd call this 'era', I don't really have labels for that stuff. I tend to mark 'eras' by the big cartoons that showed up. For example, the Ninja Turtles in the late 80s for 80s kids. This era was the '2010s' to me, as boring as that sounds. I'd even say Steven Universe is the new 'big' thing that people are into, so that's like the '2015s' to me. It sounds stupid because it is.
When AT and RS came along, they revitalized interest in CN and gave kids, like them or not, cartoons to call their own, like late 90s kids with Dexter's Lab or Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy. It was seriously a good five years or so after the mid-2000s where CN was either resting on their laurels with older shows or creating mediocre crap.
I definitely remember feeling empty when EEnE ended with a movie, like it was my childhood coming to an end, in a way. That and Billy and Mandy, when that ended with that really… eugh special Underfist That's what I mean by 'end of an era', being cartoons that really appealed to and attracted a new generation of kids to cartoons. The next spate of new cartoons that captures the public's interest will define a new 'era', for me, when they come around.
This show is great with it's meta episodes, and the thinly veiled fuck you to the fans. Like, Finally a Lesson where you have a lesson about property investment, or the Slade episode, where the entire episode was a metaphor for nostalgic adults trying to relive the nostalgia, only to distort the actual cartoon. It was a giant fuck you to anyone who wanted muh Teen Titans back, but doesn't actually remember the show was shit and has aged like milk. Thank you user, you aren't alone.
It should be renamed Sturgeon's Meme because that's all it's good for. It isn't a law except among people with such a mental disability that they think everything is either 10/10 GOAT or an irredeemable pile of shit.
Truly a wonderful sight, isn't it ?