Jew-hater are mostly jews trolling the goy

I really get the feeling that the majority of all jew-haters today, are really just jews pretending to hate jews for the sake of false flagging the goy.

So apparently there is an evil group of Jews that have a lot of power and consider non-jews to be like animals they can kill and it's no big deal.

But they cover up this truth by spreading all these fake Jew-haters who cause mob sympathy for Jews and make anyone fighting against these people seem like Jew-haters too… when really they just hate these particular jews and not all jews. Until finally, you can't even DISCUSS the topic with anybody without being labeled a nazi jew hater bitch.

Other urls found in this thread:

Learn to write, OP. You didn't say WHY you 'feel' that way. But then, had you thought about it, you would have realized that, nobody cares what you think or feel.

What jew haters? Mudslimes? Skinheads? KKK? Us? There has been a few recent cases of kikes getting caught shoahing themselves for pity. Is that what you're referring to?

I guess you're making the prfag argument. Good luck trying to sell anyone here on that. They aren't even real jews. The whole thing is a lie. If someone identifies as a kike, they should enter the showers in an orderly fashion.

Saging because this is day 1 Holla Forums shit, and you should know better.

Attacking jews is defending jews, defending jews is attacking jews. This is some advanced kikery here.


Everyone detest kikes , Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries for fucking sake, Now i personally believe that we should hate all semitics fuckers equally , All Abrahamic religion from Ancient near east are cancer to the Western world.

We gas the kikes , then we cleanse all Semitism so no new chosen ones can appear and Voilà the world is saved from moloch.

JIDF trying to confuse you. Please ignore.

Legitimate opposition responses

I guess that could contribute. But the strongest part of it is through the fake jew haters. People don't generally hate people for no reason, nor is the majority intelligent enough to comprehend the reasonings, and so I do not believe it that all these jew haters i come across are real. Isn't this typical dishonorable fighting techniques that we have to be aware of?

So you're saying anybody who hates the jews too much is secretly a kike trying to garner sympathy, and therefore the answer is to be more moderate towards jew amirite? :^)

Someone explain to me the PR argument? I don't surf jew hating boards that often.


how do you do fellow polsters?
say the fourteen words eighty eight times!

I'm a kike?

Please see


have you ever met a jew?

If you are not a jew , then you underestimate how easy is to spot a cryptokike , The whole reason you dont believe they hate you or jews in general is because of Political Corectness,Marxist Indoctrination and Christian Turning the other cheek Philosophy contribuiting to the decadence of the West
all of them have semitic influence but that just another(((Coincidence))).

I'm not here to convince people not to hate jews. For myself I take everybody as individuals when judging them but I'm not here to spread that message. What i want to talk about are the solutions to fighting against this tactic.

I mean, you could fight fire with fire; have the goy pretend to be jews and commit crimes on other goy and get it into the media somehow.

Preaching against jew hate will stop nothing, because these jews wll simply increase the number of fake jew haters to compensate whatever converts.

I suppose the only way to fight back is fire with fire. But that would be like stooping to their level, and killing your own people. I mean, if we false flagged a shoah of jews killing goy in a goy-halocaust… but who the hell would kill their own people. Certainly not anyone I would make an alliance with.

Sure believe that no one hates them and everyone judge other people as you do, The day when we we are getting you and them to the ovens will be the day you realize how useless Muh PR is.

I really get the feeling that I'm going to sage this thread

Judaism is used as an oath similar to what the Freemasons use.

Infact I suspect people become """jewish""" in order to gain immunity from criticism (to use the term "anti-semitism")

They also exploit the fact Jews lie in Israel now, because this fulfilled the revelation prophecy. The prophecy calls anyone who attacks Israel the anti-christ. I bet Jews use this to protect themselves as people avoid fulfilling that prophecy.

Do you know about DOTR? we dont have problems killing our own if they are degenerates and traitors, do you still think we would care about muh pr

It isn't working, you fucking hook-nosed subhuman. I can't express how much I hate you. You deserve much more than what uncle Hitler did to you.

That is retarded.

Yeah, but traitors won't purposely false flag in order to help their people. Else they wouldn't be traitors to begin with.

I mean, there could be volunteers, people willing to die in a fake goy-halocaust. I mean, what would be more effective? Fighting an open war and dying there? Or creating a fake goy-halocaust and dying there…. which reaps bigger effect?

But still, I'm not down for killing our own people even in a false flag.

Why would we do a fake holocaust , we do a real one with jews and traitors in it , then we glass israel.

the idea is that a fake halocaust of jews killing goy, would destroy the reputation of the jews and return our ability to talk shit about them without be grouped in with the average jew hater that the majority of people despise.

um, we did have a real halocaust with jews in it remember? how well did that work out for us? Basically was the golden key to give them a foothold in the holy land.

Nigger, I can't even discern the point of your thread or what you think Holla Forums should do.

First of all the holocaust didnt happen, is a hoax. Second,we dont need the reputation of the jews being destroyed , Muh PR doesnt work and they are hating enough anyways , When nationalism rise again , the semitic will be the natural pray for any nationalistic government . Is the natural order. I will not try to convince you of anything . One day you will know.

Even if you're a jew hater, you must admit that the majority of people ill never be able to be taught to hate someone beofre knowing them, just for being a jew. And every time ajew hater speaks, it strengthens the jewish alliance.

let's say it was a complete hoax, even tho I think it was half a hoax, but anyways, it doesnt matter if it's a hoax or not, it only matters what the common people majority think… because the whole purpose was to reap the political rewards associated with the belief in a jewish halocaust.

SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE FUCK THIS PR SHIT IS. Public relations I know, but what the fuck are you referring to?

How you present yourself, your image to the public, how you interact with the public, etc.

Im out if you still believe in the holohoax then you are mentally retarded or deeply ignorant .
If you still believe that the common people majority think matters then you are naive and if you dont think is not deeply influenced by jewish media manipulation then you are an idiot , As soon as their instituions falls . all of their influence is gone.

4 years of a nationalistic government showing the jewish lies like how they got a professor jailed for the truth and we will see how fast the public opinino swing. Without Institutions blocking the truth their castle of sand will fall.


I know what public relations mean. But what is this standard jew hater PR thread i keep being accused of creating?

I said half a hoax. I think a lot of Jews dressed up like nazi's and killed their own people, and made sure to let some escape to tell the story.

I MEANT, that controlling what the majority thinks is important… not that what they think is important. Of course they can be re-formed once the propaganda war is won, but even then, afterward, it is important for us to turn the zombie horde back to our favor…. this is what i meant by the majority is important.

DAMN ITS A FUCKING TOUGH DANCE to make when balancing between jew haters and non-jew haters. no matter what middle ground you hit, somebody is going to hate you.

I pretty much agree OP but uh… yeah I'm not getting in the middle f this shitstorm.

Are you retarded? hate doesnt do anything you fucking muh pr pussy . A nation first and first and foremost duty is to do what is right for its people its not about being loved or hated you fucking MUH PR faggot , Might makes right not the other way around. Jews are parasites and must be purged , Traitors are the same ,

Egalitairans views like the one you preach
Are proof that you are traitor than doesnt undertand your own racial duty ,



I bet you think Hellenism is semitic as well.
And the jews betrayed him, shattering the connection and making him fulfill the covenant. ie. Jews have nothing to do with God these days; they have been anti-God for a while now… At least Two millenia, but if we listen to Jesus, they have been murderers from the beginning, since Kain.
Compare EU (secular / jewish) to Poland (Catholic).

Doesnt matter all semitic religions come from Ancient Near East in the seat of Sin . If you want to believe in semitic fairy tales go ahead. they dont belong in Europe and promote race mixing.

Lets see the Countries where christianity is over 90% shall we ? Oh its Brazil, Mexico ,Phillipines and DR Congo. Lets compare them with any European country, surely they must be really good they are Christian right,Clearly European Greatness Is not about race but christian teachings.

Oh, jeb…
They don't promote race-mixing, sure, but Christianity certainly does belong in Europe. You low-class shills value Europe little, and it shows.

You see the Czar, yes? Was he Christian or Bolshevik?

1. Mediterraneans were greater than mainland Europeans for majority of written history. Includes semitic people like Assyrians.
2. Most of those nations are CIA'd or KGB'd to death
3. The other side is full of communists or socialists; ie. materialists.
4. No division on either the conduct (whether it follows the dogma and values) or the theology they follow; majority of shit-tier countries follow Liberation Theology; which preaches that earthly comes first. Apparently not.

Chrsticucks in full force, stop raiding, you have our won board in >>>/christian/ and stop using the same arguments from the same guide.
This board belongs to KEK == >>>/christian raid proof

Spot the newfag.

Lie, refer to image
Only if he is European..
It is and it can be measured. Christian Europe conquered the whole world. Pagan Europe..? Not so much, although Alexander got far. However, Hellenism is semitic thanks to him, right? Oh, and germanic pagans have no touch of hellenism, either.
Lie. Europeans would live in conditions similar to current day Yugoslavia, with lower technology level.

Claims to be a Jew hater, but quotes from the rotocols of the learned elders of Zion! CLASSSSSSIC.


Listen up. These words go out to the evil Jews, not the good ones, I love good jews. But these evil ones, I speak to you now.

I know you fear me. You now realize slowly that I am not a trifle to deal with, and it would have been better for you to destroy me while you had the chance, but you underestimated me. But you will now slowly realize that not only am I not a trifle, but that you are at my mercy as my intellect reigns in power; and the innocent at heart learn again to trust a new master who loves them sincerely.

You will live in lands starting from Armenia, extending to the land between the two rivers Tigris & Euphrates, up to , but not including Basrah. I leave it unto the freedom of your other family members to decide what to do with you. These terms are subject to change, as I understand truth history more. I highly doubt I will interpret history as to give you Jerusalem, and the rest of the Persian Empire. But it is possible, I do what is right by God as I understand it. But do not contend with me any longer. I am your loyal friend, but a fierce enemy. Hate me in your homeland, and I will love you from my homeland. Until the Lord Eeshoo finally reaches to your hearts.

I wonder if some monkies love the act of fighting. So that even a fighting loss is still good in their eyes. So that by declaring their certain defeat only brings them to want to fight me more. Perhaps what the Lord our God cried about on the night before you crucified him; was not for his own coming death; but he was grieving because he was not able to save you; but that he rathered your destruction, than for you to succeed in the destruction of the rest of us.

The Jews killed God. God is just in breaking his covenant with him. This is the new covenent. This is the repromised land. Promised by God to us, the non-Jewish peoples of the world! Heil Hitler. God save the king. Amen.

CORRECTION: Promised by God to us, the good people of the world.

Kill yourself op.

Actually just by twitter alone and shit that happened at the DNC, most people on both sides are more or less tired of kikes. I simply do not see a future for judaism.

Matthew 9:12: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."

I just want them to leave us alone. They wanted Israel as a homeland…if only they'd just go there. Can't they do that and we'll call it even? Good fences make good neighbors.

this is now a Yeshu thread.

archive. engage.
command x-319
secret agents standing by to execute the final arrests. Prepare for a HHHABBBBBPPPENINGGGGGG

I understand, you're one of those who feel uncomfortable with the facts that jews are our enemy.

It's completely understandable emotional response due to the brainwashing you received throughout your early life.

Don't worry though, nobody is going to harm you by reading up on and discussing certain topics. Just think for yourself, isn't this fear of this subject, completely ridiculous?

The Czar's Christianity was simultaneously a reason for his being and also his undoing. He had all the leading Bolsheviks in Siberia at some point or another (even Stalin), and either exiled them or let them go, when he could have just put bullets in their heads. This is even after he was witness to Alexander II's assassination and the brutal violence that the Bolsheviks were committing all over the country.

Hmm. I'm still not seeing the similarities.

I meant >Christian
also forgot to sage.

A few years ago, I would have been uncomfortable with genociding jews. Not anymore. Evil has to be put down.

I'm saying his Christian tolerance, forgiveness, and the whole Russian Orthodoxy's idea that prisoners could be reformed and made anew was a fucking retarded idea in the face of such beasts, a complete slap in the face to survival mechanisms.

This thread is dildoes.

Looking back now at what this fake Jew hating jew fca721 was saying. Wow, I hit the nail on the head right? So it looks like these fake Jew hating Jews have the agenda to tear down CHRISTIANITY as part of their psy-op.

Wow. How obvious is it that they LITERALLY CRUCIFIED THE INCARNATION OF GOD HIMSELF. They are still fighting it all these years later, lol. And Yeshu didn't even write a book, or conquer any lands like a king. his 12 disciples abandoned him, except for john the day he died. i mean, how much more victory can the Lord have on his enemies without much having to lift his finger, but just to speak for a few years around the middle east. It amazes me every day how some people are not converted more quickly than they are.

newfag fuck off back to reddit

Hi Alex Jonestein.

Bye Alex Jonestein.

Against jews, certainly. France had a similar end since their king was too benevolent as well, prior to their revolution. Just shows the power of lies, I guess. Besides, Lenin and other key actors got in through multiple foreign states, be it UK, USA, Germany, Finland (which was full of separatists at the time).

Australia used to be a penal colony, and I imagine much of Siberia as well. There was a new, unprecedented threat that loomed over Russia.

Thread triggered a jew.
Let me tell you something logical. If the group {good jews} = {0}, letting all the good jews survive means letting {0} jews survive.

Apparently a brief history lesson is in order:
-The pharisees' ancestors are the jews who openly plotted to kill Moses and began to worship the demon Baal after Moses left to get the Ten Commandments. Moses had thousands of them put to death and then mistakenly assumed the remainder would repent.
-The pharisees are the ones who tortured Jesus to death, because he openly denounced them on multiple occasions.
-After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD, actual jews (as normalfags think of them) stopped being able to exist. Some jews became Christians, but most became pharisees and killed off the Christian jews. Any modern "jew" is a pharisee.

LOL. I'm not sure how it works with this archive thread thing. But someone needs to do that for this thread and show it to the >christian board. This is the most legit evidence of the truth of the fake-Jew-hating Jew agents which must be SWARMING THIS ENTIRE BOARD.

I say we require all boards to post pro-yeshu propaganda if only because it is the ONLY way to get these evil jews off the board. So, even non-christians should support this.

excellent post. deserves quads.

This is a great post. When you try to convert someone, no matter what the topic is, you should do so calmly and understanding like this guy here.

I'm not trying to give Jew haters advice on how to better spread their Jew hate, but if you're going to spread it; then do it like this guy here.

This is also further evidence that these fake jew hating jews complete their false flag by VERY POORLY convincing other people to hate Jews… it's because they don't want to convince anybody, they just want to make all the goy look bad by assoication.

Jew Haters need to do more to reel in the anti-jew rhetoric on the board… not all of it, but just the obvious shit fakers need to be exposed in every thread. send that message to the jew hater clubs. but damn, ya'll need more Yeshu in yourlife ffor real.

Of course everybody dislikes kikes here. OP is an outsider, obviously, but the full on agitators are more often than not, kikes. Why? They want to have more of us go an hero, and to use it to push integration of EU, gun laws etc.


What's with all the fucking slide threads today? What have I missed?

Well, Democrats are going down meaning

Then there is the case of Snowden2.0, which is a

Kill yourself op.

OP here: goto if you want more truth info. That website inspires me a lot.


Reminds me of that Jew on Holla Forums who said he purposefully made Ben Garrison edits to make him look over the top rather than hinting at Jewish influence.

It's probably true and I think the explanation reveals alot about how a typical Jew is programmed. They're designed to D&C and right now the best way of doing it is make anyone with ideas that challenge the banking system synonymous with a full on Hollywood depiction of a Nazi. This way they are unable to gain much traction due to the brainwashed nature of the Western population and with people who would open to the ideas of ending the way we do our currency and moving towards something that actually works for a country's people but are not open to the idea of listening to someone who is literally Hitler. Whether such Jews actually get paid to do it, I really can't tell.

However what's not seen is this collective Jewish mass getting redpilled on the upper echelon of their own kind. What's seen as "the Jews", as in every Jew being a equal threat, to an average skinhead, these Jews are seeing "those Jews", as in those Jews who have much more power and influence over them.

From here it's easy to predict a schism in Judaism forming. With those in power right now and their underlings versus "new money" Jews who don't like how things have been shaking up recently and with them these Jews shitposting online about "those Jews".

Judaism has the same problem that Keynesian economics ran into. Infinite growth isn't possible and there aren't enough people on the planet to D&C without becoming a cannibal.

I'll just leave this here.

and this.

get the fuck out of here, you don't belong.

Isn't there a theory that Hitler was Jewish and hated his own people? LOL, I mean, what do you do with a Jew who hates Jews more than you do? lol. they were asking if there were any cases of a jew standing up against the jewish mafia. I'm sure there has got to be a lot… they're just not famous obviously because the media is controlled.

Shlomo put more effort to your shit.



What about the sadduccees? Weren't they even worse than the pharisees? Surey they must still be lurking around somewhere too. Is that the civil war that leads to the Jewish Mafia downfall?

Not all jews are bad

In fact most jews are based

Jews are whiter than most Europeans

Jews are based

Israel is basically a white ethnostate


Top kek Shlomo, is (((the Holocaust))) losing steam or something?


Yes, it is. This is why the guilt tripping and lying gets more egregorious by the year. For the younger generations the HC is just one of hundreds historical mass killings, it just isn't something special any more. Even if they still believe in its truth, the emotio-political impact gets steadily weaker with every generation.

No Kike, I honestly hate jews.
