Can you spot the difference?
Can you spot the difference?
Has this aired yet?
Zed is going to die after a season at absolute most, then be completely forgotten.
SU is going to last 17 season until in completely poisons all of society, and you can do nothing to stop it.
Has what aired?
I meant a difference in the shows themselves, not a difference in how the shows were marketed.
Zed id blunt and blatant in its message, meaning that more people are willing to reject it from the get go. Only devoted SJW would ever touch it.
SU is "subtle" enough, hiding the agenda under humor and plot, meaning that people are more willing to give it a chance, not realizing that they are being indoctrinated until it's too late.
Yeah, if you spell it with neon strobe lights and explosions.
I'm pretty sure it's not even being made anymore.
So how does SU, a product nearly identical in all but name and characters, continue to be made?
I know memeing about SU is funny, but come the fuck on.
About what?
That means SU is arguably worse than GZ. At least GZ admits that it is Social Justice porn. SU has subliminal messages in it.
If I had kids, I'd never allow them to watch SU. It's the cartoon equivalent of Bella and the Bulldogs.
Again, only if you spell it with strobe lights and explosions.
Maybe if you post that same thing 7 more times, somebody will find you hilarious. Don't give up, user.
Why would they find it hilarious?
We get it user, you just came here to say "loool, SU is like, complete shit, right my fellow anonymmouse? XD". You heard on reddit that people on "those chans" are really fun, they hate thing, and you are trying to fit in.
But listen: We know. We know su shit. At the very least come up with other jokes than "loool sjws"
I'm not saying "lol sjws" as much as I'm asking how one get's rightfully lambasted and the other, while functionally the same as the first, actually has fans who aren't communists.
Outside of kiwifarms did anyone ever really care about Gen Zed? Its primary target audience tumblr lambasted it and it became a minor youtube meme but that's it.
They are totally different shows with totally different premises and elements.
Is this that webcomic's animated series?
Steven Universe at least has competent animation while the Gen Zen trailer is horrible train wreck of animation errors.
Smh go back to your containment board
I said functionally the same. I rate the two on how much a blight on humanity they are, the rest is details.
Sure, but in terms of exactly what they are, they're pretty much the same thing.
How did you read my posts and conclude that I'm a fan?
Have you considered, for a moment, that those "details" are the deciding factor here?
How would it make a difference?
have you ever heard the phrase "the devil is in the details"? It's the idea that failure of a structure can exist in small, overlooked elements.
The details that separate the shows may not matter to you, but they're why SU and GZ received such different responses from their supposed target audiences.
But why? What proverbial Satan is hiding in the details that gives these shows completely different reputations?
They are different shows with different plots and premises and elements
Hey, OP, did you make this post?
Again, that's all details. Plan 9 From Outer Space and "Manos: The Hands of Fate" are different films with different plots, premises and elements, but you look at them both the same way. The distinction here is that those films' problems are from lack of budget and lack of skill from the filmmakers, while SU's and GZ's problems are made to be their selling point.
What kind of reverse-strawman is this?
Steven Universe at least knows what the boundary box is for. Gen Zed would have characters in front of it.
Well, at least you're not denying you're from reddit. That's a step.
Is this another comment on "subtlety"? Because again, you'd have to spell the word in an incredibly un-subtle way for that to make sense.
Yes, you described the lineup for one of the shows. Now, tell me how it's different from this other show that people actually seem to like.
I'm wholeheartedly convinced that OP is just baiting all of us
The artist fucked up and drew her cock too beautiful.
I think most trannies have deformed dicks, except for Blaire White. I'm sure hers is magnificent.
None of the characters in that image are humans and the show (from what I've seen) actually has action in it unlike Gen Zed which is a "progressive" slice of life cartoon.
What is it with redeaded cartoon characters and trannies lately? Why do those degenerates have to ruin one of the best things, AGAIN?
Once again, that's all just details. You could argue all day about which piece of communist propaganda is technically "better," but that doesn't change a damn thing about what they are.
It's a comment on that black border around the screen presented to the viewer being violated by Gen Zed, with the characters in front of it instead of being matted by it. Stop being that reddit faggot in every thread looking for an excuse to start shit.
Is there a Gem Tranny? Are the personality archetypes similar?
Forgive me, I'm not exactly savvy with animation theory.
Who cares about what's in the shows? What matters is what the shows are, and both of them are equally deplorable pieces of propaganda that need to be purged.
McDonald's Big Mac and microtransactions in mobile games are LITERALLY THE SAME THING.
How can you people be so blind? I mean, sure, one is a food made in a restaurant, and the other thing is virtual points in entertainment software, but those are all just unimportant DETAILS!
In reality, both of those things are THINGS PEOPLE MAKE TO EARN MONEY!
So why did you even make the thread and asked what makes them different?
And both of them are crap!
Hardy har, best strawman since Wizard of Oz.
My question is why one gets hate, while the other actually has fans, and some of them aren't insane or retarded.
Because Gen Zed doesn't look colorful or interesting. It's bland as fuck and too on the nose when it comes to agenda pushing to a point it's as informative as one those anti-smoking skits. SU look interesting at the very least with some charm to it's agenda pushing. This is the true difference, SU is funnier to look at then Gen Zed.
So, SU fans are just illogical.
But it doesn't matter how it looks, deep down it's the same thing
The question was why do people like B instead of A. The answer is that B looks better then A. What part of that do you not understand and why do I have to care to not care?
People who actually watch the shows. They care about what it is in the show.
You have this two shows that have different elements, look different, sound different, are targeted to different kind of people, are produced in different ways.
And you are asking why they don't have the same reaction from the public?
Yeah, you are baiting or retarded.
Cartoon redheads are hot. They want to be seen as hot.
The fist is fresh diarrhea shit.
The second is old and dry dog shit.
You guys should open a gardening shop, you're great at making scarecrows.
You forget that I said some of the fans aren't insane or retarded
Yeah, like one's a slice-of-life animated sitcom for cultural Marxists and has fighting, and the other is slice-of-life animated sitcom for cultural Marxists that doesn't have fighting. Putting it like that, I can't see how I confused the two! /s
Shit that doesn't matter.
One's made for the part of Tumblr that thinks women should never see or hear about any sort of violence, while the other is made for the part of Tumblr that thinks women fighting is "pwogwethiff." At the end of the day, it's still made for Tumblr.
Receiving funds from different types of communists doesn't count as "different production."
If the public was logical, as I had once assumed, they'd see both shows as the same. It's like mercury fulminate and mercury thiocyanate, if you'll excuse my nerd showing: sure, they look different, are made in different ways, and one is more destructive than the other, but they're both poisonous and shouldn't be consumed by anyone.
One is competant propaganda. The other is incompetant.
You are further proving that you are an upper-teenaged fedora-wearer from reddit.
Let me guess: You wear Minecraft shirts and are an anarcho-capitalist or an anarcho-communist?
All that because I'm a chem geek with a penchant against political correctness.
I really want to play these people like a fiddle when I make a show, by having the tranny redhead be a male who was born female and arrest SJWs as their job
But that's still a redhead tranny. It's part of the problem.
And it would be no better than Gen Zed or Steven Universe.
What if they're not a tranny, just a drag queen who acknowledges they're a dude?
Both are marxist garbage.
So why is one more positively received than the other?
Figured the thread would be OP asking "but how are they different" over and over again and was not disappointed
Because no-one has explained how they're different in a significant way.
Note: Plot, characters, personalities, development, setting and premise are not significant.
See the bottom line of
youre autistic, stupid, and wrong
Mercury example used is pretty accurate given the staunch refusal to accept that two things that are similar at the absolute tiniest level are not identical, your autism is akin to claiming squares and octagons are one and the same because they both have flat sides.
Oh wow, i was actually writing a chemistry comparison, so your "chem nerd xD" brain could understand, but then i actally read the "mercury argument" (thanks user ) and I realized how you're dumb beyond saving.
If this thread is one giant bait, and you intended to play a retard from minute zero, then I applaud you.
Otherwise, I pity your miserable existence.
They're the same where it counts. One of them may be more entertaining than the other, but it doesn't change the fact that they're both poison.
I'd love to read that, honestly. Give me something to dismissively chuckle at.
Saying it enough times doesn't make it true, user.
How is it not true?
Prove it's true at an absolute core level instead of fishing for explanations as to how it isn't, because you've already been given a shit-lot of reasons as to why it's not and you've dismissed them all because of some tenuous invisible thread that somehow binds the two despite messages, animation, plot, writing, and staff being different.
I get you're baiting but it's not good bait.
These are the same, why would one be more popular? they're essentially the same thing
getting to your real question, why do people like one propaganda and not the other?
despite how much you don't want to believe it, detail and quality matter to people
Well, to borrow from another user (maybe you, hard to tell), saying it enough times doesn't make it true.
They're both pretty much the same quality, by virtue of being propaganda. Not your image, mind you.
Okay, then explain how they're different. Quit whining about propaganda and explain how it is propaganda. No stepping around it, start explaining how it's different.
you're being autistic again, they may be the same to you, but as far as animation/art style goes, su clearly has much better quality, it's already won in the looks department, which is the first thing people see when looking for a show to watch
that's a reason why it'd be more popular and well received
Nobody cares how a show looks, unless you're a toddler or retarded. People who pay money for shows care about what a show is, and both shows are shameless propaganda pieces on the exact same level as the Eastern German cartoon SandmƤnnchen. Both shows could have only been made by and for cultural Marxist's, and both shows' writings hinge entirely on social justice thought, down to having the characters and plots written around it. The only arguable difference you can draw between their politics would be how one actually has women fighting and risking more than a paper cut, while the other seems to believe that no "protected group" should face any form of conflict, but that's all semantics.
Both shows wouldn't exist if it wasn't for social justice, and both are equally entrenched in their ideology. That makes them both irredeemable, and that's why they both deserve the same treatment.
then do you have a reason why one is more popular than the other, even though they're "the same thing"? just because you do or don't care about something, doesn't mean everyone or even a majority of people agree with you
it could be that people don't care about the politics of the show, if it's entertaining, so maybe su is entertaining
but oh I'm sure you don't like it, so it can't be the case other people find it entertaining, especially people you think are smart, what could possibly be tricking them into liking this show when they're so much against the other, it's truly a mystery
tell me as soon as you've found a way to wake up the sheeple
That's what I want to know!
I understand that, I'm just baffled by how it seems that much of the population suddenly got addicted to a drug that mimics the mental effects of Down's syndrome.
I remember myself admitting that some of the fans weren't, as in "were not," retarded.
and you still don't think it could be because it's more interesting and looks better?
You have clearly never watched either of the shows, nor have you ever read anything other than lectures by teenage redditors who pretend to read Ayn Rand and think that the hacker known as 4chan is going to bring freedom to the world.
See, the world works the exact opposite way than you think it works. You think that the shows are the same, because their message and propaganda content is similar. In reality, those are the things that matter the least.
Nobody, but only the most idiotic of internet pseudo-philosophers, watches animated cartoons primarily for their "deeper meaning" and "conveyed philosophy". People watch them for entertainment. They watch shows like this to see pretty imagery, engaging adventures, hear interesting dialogue and familiarize themselves with colorful, fictional characters. People watch them for fun, and this is exactly the reason that makes cartoons a good tool for propaganda - people passively adopt the philosophy given by the show while trying to take their mind off their everyday issues.
If all things with similar message were equal, like you assume, then there would be no need for shows like this to exist at all. There would merely be a single book, written in dry emotionless tone, telling people to do X and not Y, and everybody would mindlessly read this book over and over. Basically what people majoring in philosophy do.
But regular people don't care about that. Even religious texts are written in a form of a story. Presentation is far more important than any philosophy you want to convey.
On top of all of that, your logic is deeply flawed, because you make "social justice" into a magical philosophical axiom. You treat it separately from every other aspect of social mentality, saying that "both shows exist because of it, therefore they are both the same". Social justice, despite being functionally different, is the exact same type of societal construct as, for example, freedom of expression. By your logic, every book, movie or show ever made is "the same" because they propagate and would not exist without freedom of expression.
inb4 you say "nice strawman" again, as you clearly don't understand what it even is
hey, did you draw the first image?
No joke, considering that it's clearly a very fast doodle, I can say you're pretty decent drawfag.
still just as bad. I just want a redheaded girl who's actually a girl. Not some mentally ill guy, or some guy in drag.
yea, i frequent the drawthreads
Wow. I think I had reached a point where I completely blocked these two from my brain. But now they're back.
user, I want an apology.
Neither do I, but when a show promotes messages as abhorrent as those of Gen Zed or Steven Universe, how does your blood not reach it's boiling point?
These strawmans aren't even funny.
I should clarify, you're saying I'm upset because the shows present a social construct. It's really the specific construct that they present. I'd be fine if it was just a show that featured, say, one or two gay characters and didn't treat it like a big dealāyou wouldn't see someone walking around saying "I'm straight!" for exampleābut one of them has a main character who, as stated previously, is a walking, talking love letter between two lesbians.
new idea:
ITT: we dump SU porn.
This way, the thread won't be a complete waste of space.
You're still supporting the thing you hate the most.
I literally just got here.
You know when you get lung cancer from smoking, you don't keep smoking, right?
Currynigger time
I already got cancer, why not enjoy it?
You don't want to feed the cancer and make it worse.
Also, I'm reporting each of your posts that feature Steven and/or Connie.
To fucking whom?
"Autists against cartoon rape?"
here is a picture just for you.
there is outrageously little good /ss/ with steven on paheal
I guess I can dump the Funky Flow sketches.
I'm fairly certain that what you're doing is a global rule violation.
I wish I had more shota/loli stuff to trigger you further, but I'm out of the good stuff.
Nope. Drawn art isn't child porn, and you can go back to cuckchan if you want to argue otherwise.
Are you 70?
Porn is only good thing about SU
Nigger, I'm happy you are a chem nerd and not a mathematician or computing nerd, because you clearly know nothing about intersection theory.
N&B wuz gud game, dindu nuffin wrong!
It's bait, notice the staunch refusal to actually talk about any fine details of either show and his entire bit hinging on vague allusions to propaganda and messages that're totally there, man.
Fuck, I was working on tweening that pic sometime ago. My laptop bricked when I was in the animating phase of things.
I don't follow
You mean like one show features and entire race of lesbians? Seriously, they're both the same.
I gotta give respect to OP.
Somehow, his boundless stupidity managed to unite all of Holla Forums in agreeing that as far as shitty, cheap leftist propaganda goes, SU still has some merit.
That's a problem with you guys, not me.
I don't recall agreeing to that.
So basically SU is the next simpsons with a bit of adventure time?
That would imply it's revolutionary. Or that it says things that go against the status quo. Or that it was ever good to people who aren't morons.
You know, besides that huge point that a straight coupling between a gem and a human resulted in Steven who isn't bound by a gem's various neurosis and drone-like behavior, and Steven has probably the highest potential of flat-out any gem, but keep screaming about lesbians and propaganda.
See: "If I say it enough times it must be true!"
And functionally the death of that gem.
Because he was born from some sort of god-gem, basically making him invincible once he discovers all of his powers, most of which are pulled from the blue anyway. Also, he's constantly being doted on by his harem of neurotic dykes and his only male role model is a freeloader who lives in a van and smokes heroin.
Only because the show's inconsistent about how shapeshifting works for gems, the official explanation is that Rose's 9-month transformation was too much stress to maintain without dying even though that makes no sense with other radical transformations over decent periods happening in the show.
Rose seems to be about as much of a god-gem as any other Quartz with most of her exertable power coming from artifacts like her sword or from underlings. Steven's powers being pulled from the blue is the fault of the writing staff actively refusing to go in-depth on any of it at any point, there's the sneaking suspicion that the entire point of the CGs is they're neurotic dykes who think they're right because Rose said they are, and Greg's a better role model than anybody else in their middle-class California suburb.
Then what's the real explanation if you know better?
I will tell you, if you give me even the most questionable "source" for your "official explanation" bullshit.
So, any other quartz can control plants, float, and heal other gems with bodily fluids.
That alone should tell you why this deserves to be seen as equal to Gen Zed.
Sex with steven would be extremely painful. Everytime he came the hymen would regenerate.
Honestly, I'm happy that the UK stuck by their guns when importing the show.
There is a difference. One sparks shitposting, circlejerking from all sides, and autistic spazzing. And can populate entire threads attempting and failing to discuss it.
The other is universally reviled, causes only a couple of silly memes, and was promptly forgotten within the week it was first introduced beyond realizing everyone involved with it are scummy pieces of shit.
The only thing that holds the two together is faggotry and an incredibly obnoxious fanbase/Anti-fanbase.
Different reactions from outside the shows aren't differences between the shows themselves.
And the French
The French version did cut anything out in that clip.
It's a figure of speech.
I find it funny (read: telling) that the only ways anyone has responded so far is to mock me, or point out differences in the shows' reputations over differences in the shows themselves.
You are delusional.
I'm completely fine with people kissing other people of the same sex. My problem is when people make a big deal of it, like making one of your main characters a walking love letter between a couple of dykes, or writing entire episodes about one dyke's crush on a millenial who reminds her of her dead girlfriend.
How so?
no no, he's not delusional, he's waterboilingly assmad at this point, and is just saying "he-he he he-he, look, all those people refuting my arguments, t-they are not really refuting anything! they dumb!"
Or maybe you're really not refuting anything.
Well SUs flaws are many and plentiful, and the only show I watch as a mental masochist.
All the shows characters are awful. No Exceptions. They are lazy, stupid, self-centered slobs, or power hungry assholes. Just never framed that way. Because they are lesbians, the show not only gives them a pass for their awful actions, but in fact promotes them as examples of optimum human beings.
The show also sucks on a dramatic level or any level because the Humans are separated from the Gemstory, making them all retarded morons that will cry over a power outage but will ignore alien invasions because Rebecca sugar is an idiot that doesn't understand drama.
Its also very dull. Its a show that has about 30 seconds of action on a good day.
The animation is awful, with characters shifting proportions depending on the episode (In this episode everybody is TALL, so Steven looks taller. This episode only has short people in it so Stevens more of a midget them before).
Like its a show that's so rotten and ugly, every single micro-aspect of the show is just a massive failure. I say with no hyperbole that its the worst thing I have ever watched. There are worse turds out there, but SU manages just enough competence to fail much more miserably.
Are you just saying what you think I want to hear, orā¦?
What? My lifes not dependant on YOU annon. I just always love any excuse to shit on SU. I have been shitting on it for years now.
Hey Holla Forums,
Hijacking this thread for an actual question instead of just denying rebuttals without another argument.
What's up with the ideological slant in cartoons? I dislike the left, but I don't like when the right uses (especially kids) entertainment media as a soapbox. I don't watch newer South Park because of this even though I really like the older stuff. It was always there but it became obvious that a cartoon about paper cutouts became a political statement.
Has it always been like this? And I just noticed it?
You're welcome.
South Park has always been pretty much just a bunch of guys using a cartoon as a medium to share their opinions on the timeless/current issues with the world. The story was secondary.
It just moved more to politics recently, since they are pretty much running out of the "timeless" stuff, so there is only topical commentary and politics left.
I think the difference between now and the past was that before South Park was also about being funny.
Like the 9/11 Conspiracy episode was a direct statement but outside of that it was REALLY funny.
Now its statements are muddled and confused, requiring several layers of interpretation, and the jokes are weak, getting a chuckle at most.
The earliest episodes were mostly just about goofy shit going on in the town.
Remeber 6 teens?
What does this have to do with this thread
I think he's >implying that 6Teen was the predecessor to Gen Zed. The Gen Zed of its time, if you will.
I know what I said.
Because the SJWs and feminists pumped out from universities now have media jobs and this was always pushed by the establishment.
I sincerely hope you're only pretending to be retarded.
You're a leftie, aren't ya? They've been real pissed since they started on PC Principal.
Even the people who would be agreeing with me are victim to our PC overlords.
Rule 34 of this, please.
Even in the figurative sense, the UK doesn't have any guns to stick by. They censor and ban because they're afraid of things they can't completely understand or control.
Also, they're all fucking kids.
Going by their vote on the Brexit, I doubt that's why.
Steven's a born showman and a costume's a costume
Are you certain? Are you absolutely certain you wish to see this?
paheal also has some 7000+ pics which may or may not have some. Happy sifting:
The UK people =/= the UK government.
Hell, the Brexit vote demonstrates that; the Prime Minister set up the referendum expecting it to fail, hence why he resigned after it succeeded.
Not to writers and animators, it ain't.
Well, in that case, I guess a broken clock is right twice a day.
that's true where writers are concerned but the majority of animators would just look at it as an exercise in cloth dynamics on an atypical frame oh who am I kidding? That generation of animators can't get work anymore
No Im a right/ libertarian leaning. I mean that they are not hitting hard enough.
Compare The 9/11 Conspiracy Episode too The first episode of the current season. They hit hard on trump (Fair enough), but could only give the weakest and lightest scratches on Clinton (Sans making her look older) and devolve to nonspecifics almost instantly.
Yeah, and I'm Freddie Mercury.
Did I forget to mention that every opposite-sex relationship in Steven Universe so far has been platonic (Steven and Connie), bordering on loveless (Connie's parents), dysfunctional (Lars and Sadie), or deadly (Greg and Rose)?
Isn't SU by the cuntrag who did RPG World, then abandoned it right before the end because one fan hurt his butt?
Who cares?
Would you pay 30 dollars for this
where the hell are you getting this
just because we don't see them actually fuck on screen does not mean they don't love each other
With Clinton, much like the IRL GOP, they kinda run into the issue that nearly every angle of attack was run into the ground literally decades ago. Frankly, that they say literally only like 4 people are actually excited for her is harsh enough; basically nobody is actually looking forward to a Clinton presidency besides to fill a number.
Not like ANY relationships in that show are overly healthy, because drama. Pearl is basically a cucked lesbian widow whose rebound is based purely on a dye job, Garnet is a kind of codependent relationship (albiet one that kinda works entirely fine for her purposes, 'cause Gems aren't exactly like humans) and Lapis is still getting over a sadomasochistic hatefuck.
I like how White Boy's face is like "why the fuck am I here?"
Except all the modern exposures. Would it be too hard to just say "Well Im not voting douche sandwich because of the emails and Bengazi?". Trump is a loud mouthed moron without a Plan (Fair enough), but Hillary? "Uh..Ehā¦UHā¦ā¦ā¦.."
I just don't buy that South Park isn't making mention of Hillary's Transgressions because "they are too classy" or "Its too boring". It's because they are fucking scared. Maybe not because of direct political influence but of fan reactions or the like.
Like I can just see it: "We here at CNN are doing an interview with Trey Parker, who apparently says that Hillary is fecal matter, and untrustworthy"
I don't buy it because the South Park of 10 years ago was a much bolder show then of today.
All relationships in the show are awful because Rebecca Sugar is an awful writer.
At least SU doesn't look like a Kickstarter scam from a third world country
Oh joy, Reddit user's in this for anal.
Problem is the emails and Benghazi are literally nothing. Old person is bad with computers, also a bunch of people died to terrorists and Hilary was in the command chain somewhere, whoopee.
Has anyone bought these?
Never stopped them from throwing baseless accusations before, and let's not stop at just this. I KNOW, you know that the reason they go so soft on Clinton is because they fear something.
>I'll call him gay! That'll make everything he says invalid from now on!
Look, from the perspective of a non american, the attacks on Hilary are bafflingly weak and based on wishful thinking more than anything. And going on about being 'afraid' of Clinton is weird. We know what those kind of politicians look like, and she isn't it. At best, Clinton is literally Generic Politician but female, and her issue is a complete lack of real draw (see her supports' inability to come up with any slogans that don't sound how do you do fellow kids), which makes for a major contrast with an all-style-no-substance opponent who is basically a third party candidate that hijacked a major party because the American political system makes third parties all but unviable.
Hmm, I wonderā¦
Well Zed is canadian which is already a huge flaw.
The SU characters at least don't look like melting wax statues.
I have no idea why these uppity fureners think we care about their idiotic misconceptions about our politics and politicians they got from their crooked state media and jon oliver.
Payback for every American feeling it was their place to give their uninformed opinion on Brexit.
I hate that shit too
They really are not. She represents plutocracy MUCH MUCH more than just being some corrupt politician.
I thought you shitheads were all bout giving everyone a fair chance.
Fuck off back to reddit nigger.
What does something as trivial as the message board I supposedly frequent the most (it's not Reddit, by the way) have to do with what I'm saying, or the validity there of?
This thread
I mean more specifically Benghazi and the emails, which amounted to a whole lot of nothing. She's a goddamn plutocrat, for sure.
Hillary is about as corrupt as Nixon. Go stick your foreigner elitism up your fucking ass. No one gives a shit, and I'd rather be in the United States with my freedom of speech protections than whatever socialist shit hole you crawled out from.
Freedom to die in a gutter while the government bails out the bank that stole your last dime.
And then started Spacesomething and abandoned it again immediately?
Seriously, is nobody going to question this?
Critics don't bother with kids' cartoons at all. Like, the Emmys and Oscars rarely even watch the animated nominees, they just pick whoever their kids like or has the most name recognition.
(the last Emmy winner was Robot Chicken, to give perspective)
And yet, they have twelve pages dedicated to their numerous, possibly bootleg, iPhone games.
Pretty sure everything there but Attack the Light is bootleg.
ā¦wow, phone games are like those fucking weird mass-produced cartoon medical procedure games. Great Phone Game Crash when? It's worse than 1983 in there.
So why do they all have Metacritic pages, but the show itself doesn't?
Why does it matter?
Because it shows a crack in their ruse.
Because its a cartoon for children.
I get it. You can't come up with an answer that doesn't destroy your little safe space.
Hopefully never.
One outright states its tumblr faggotry. The other pretends to keep it hidden.
I've seen better "pretending" from preschool kids during Halloween.
Hence why I said pretend. Otherwise I would've just said hidden. The rock rape episode was just as blatant as anything in the Gen Zed promo. Speaking of, is that shit actually gonna get made?
And my point is, it doesn't even pretend. It "pretends" to hide its shit the same way politicians "pretend" to be Shetland ponies.
Steven Universe has actual merit
And that is?
competent soundtrack and storyboards
great backgrounds
world building
having actual grasp on how to write characters (does not matter whether you like them or not)
SUFags are all the same. You shit in their mouth and as long as theres a really shitty pair of breasts in there somewhere they will ask for more.
Whilst I will not argue with the soundtrack as thats subjective, storyboards have fuck all to be counted too the final merit of the product. Steven Universe can BARELY keep its character designs consistent. The characters shft wildly episode to episode, and thats excused (In a classic lazy millienial hipster way) as "Organic" from the development staff. I can have the best storyboards in the galaxy, but as long as THEY ARE NOT FOLLOWED it means jackall for the show.
Great backgrounds have FUCK ALL, to do with the animation quality of the show, which as I mentioned before: Is quite poor. The characters move very awkwardly, as if wearing depends, with slow lumpy movement. A great background is much easier to do then good animation quality. He Man for instance has amazing backgrounds, but nobody is gonna bring that up when its animation is 60% canned. Animation is KING in a show, and Steven Universes animation is worse then even a early 2000s show.
Bucket of lies and the most classic SU defense. Steven Universe doesn't HAVE some great world. What it has is a generic mid 90s anime world, just not explained fully for over 15 hours. ANYTHING is world building technically. Any show with even the slightest amount of continuity technically has world building. But the question is how well its executed. And Steven Universe is a classic botched case.
As I mentioned before, Steven Universe gives the illusion of some great depth because it just doesn't reveal its generic background for a massively long period of time, but when examining what we actually see Steven Universe is an abortion.
World building is easy. Just check all the logs for Say Final Fantasy 13 and see just logs and logs of pointless information. But the questin is world DEVELOPMENT. How "Real" is this built world.
There is no real world DEVELOPMENT. Things don't really DEVELOP. The gem conflict itself is very flat. The shows Status Qou is in MASSIVE full effectt, and since that status qou is playing hipster music on a coach, no matter how lazy and unproactive the heroes are nothing goes wrong for them, ever. There is a real sense of tensionlessness and dulldrom, as the Human world is so thick that none of them ever question the monsters in their world. There is no escalation (Despite there being a logical nececity for it), as a result of that, so the world building is FAKE. Its easy to just toss out some mention of something that happened in the past ever 3 hours or so, and be satisfied. But how that development plays into the here or now is never done.
No. Lets establish something. The characters are supposed to be likable. Rebecca Sugar is a SJW , and SJWs have a tendency to write the most awful people that they think are excused for whatever reason. Unless Rebecca Sugar is the most legendary troll in all history, all the characters are written to be mostly likable but are mostly awful people.
First off the human world is null and void. Real Drama and development is tossed away in favor of dull, passive, tepid millenial hipster bullshit drama, and they are not allowed to develop truly because they are not allowed to reat to the events happening around them.
But the Gems themselves are also not excused. The show clearly cares more about them being Lesbians then any other aspect of their personalities, as the show often drops real drama in exchange too crying about feelings.
A great example is when Pearl attempts to abandon the Gems and plans to steal steven with him (And she at least has enough knowledge of human biology to know that Greg will be dead by the time of her planned return), because she never aperantly had any real interest or care in the earth whatsoever. This would be great conflict and drama because the characters would get a chance to react to a truly awful behaviour. But because its not lesbian sex this is dopped and never brought up again.
I get it
you are so terrified of SJWs you are seeing them everywhere and are lashing out at anything that seems even remotely liberal
You are beyond reasoning, and as such, I will leave you to your safe-space so you can continue your circlejerk in peace
No, is just that Anime is superior to any shit cartoon ever, even Avatar and of course SU, why watch a crappy imitation when you can get the true deal for free on the Internet?
All subjective shit.
So I make a massive argument, and you answer with nothing. And I'm the one who needs a safe space.
Piss off user, that wasn't my point either.
Steven Universe is a show about a fat boy being raised by three lesbians. Rebecca Sugar explicitly said she wants the show to "challenge" masculinity. And you want to pretend it isn't a social justice propaganda piece?
You also ignored most of what that user said, which was about SU's quality as a cartoon.
so none I guess
Glad to see everyone pretty much agrees now.
gee, someone broke your safe-space or something?
The only people whose safe-spaces were broken are those who tried to defend Steven Universe.
if you have not noticed, Holla Forums is a massive echo-chamber for anyone who hates modern cartoons
people defending SU on this site have bigger balls than the detractors, as those only fight within their own hugbox that is Holla Forums
But in every other aspect of life, they're massively sheltered SJW cocksnots.
SJW = #KillAllWhiteMen
no such sentiments were found in the show
they had a chance to do it with Kevin, but nope, they made him a sand nigger instead
they had a chance with Lars, but nope, everyone loves him unconditionally
yeah, not buying it
they probably aren't the only ones being sheltered here
Except in the way the show is written, the people they got to voice the show, the fact that every male except white-knight Steven is either a loser or a jerkā¦
you see what you wish to see
I only see what I'm being shown.
you mean everyone being super nice to each other?
I mean certain people being treated better than others because of their sex, skin color, and sexuality.
Buck Dewey is white and he's the coolest kid around.
Same applies to Sour Cream.
Mayor Dewey, is, despite being a standard comedic caricature of a politician, still the mayor. He's neither a failure nor a jerk.
Mr. Fryman is a well functioning, non-asshole family-business-owning guy.
he's not being employed there, he owns the place. Apparently it's doing well enough to be competition for an actual pizza restaurant.
In the meantime, black man Kofi is a borderline abusive parent and white woman Barb is channeling her own regrets onto her daughter and ruining her life.
I can agree that the show has pro-gayness agenda, but you won't convince me that it's explicitly anti-white or anti-men.
Save for Greg who's just a distant but still affable father and it's a mild point he gave up on his rock-star dreams to be with Rose and have a hand in raising Steven. Probably he'd actually be a father father if Sugar didn't have an autistic compulsion to pretend human civilization has had little to no influence from gem civilization despite long-standing structures, corrupt gems, and a handful of soldier/civilian gems on the planet's surface; Steven's in the custody of the Crystal Gems just because Sugar says so, really.
He is a father father.
He raised Steven from birth, and only recently gave him to the gems because of, you know, magic powers and alien queen legacy.
They still hang around together a lot and are very close.
Could've sworn that wasn't the case but it's been some time since I actually watched the show. Strange that Steven has the values he does when Greg actually works for a living and it's the Gems that're shit-lazy unless they can't afford to be.
it's shown in the extended OP.
Also, what values? He likes to play around because he's a kid, but he's not exceptionally lazy or work-hating. When he messed up Mr Smiley's stuff he did not bail, but fairly worked for him to make up for the lesses. He was happy to get a chance to work at Big Donut for a day. When he found himself owning a ton of weird-ass watermelons, he decided to make a business out of selling them.
Sorry. The rule of SU is that everybody becomes more pathetic with time. Being a looser replaces Entropy in that universe.
He was a OK dude before we found out more about him.
Now we know he gave up his hopes and dreams to be a Pathetic looser to rose and spend all his time following her around and bumming off his friend, and eating garbage, until he just last ditch moment he got a carwash job that went nowhere for 30 years.
Then when he became a millionaire, he went further into delusion and pretended that sleeping in a van in an area that can suffer snowstorms is in any way practical because that would mean he would have to acknowledge that he has been a loser for 30 years.
Its like Chronos from the JLU. The looser isn't on the outside. Its on the inside.
Yes, that's a thing I said. What about it?
Seriously, what?
Your points are terrible. Lol Sperg
Whooo, Non Argument!
Anyone know where this is from? I can't find the source or artist.
You know you're still supporting the show, right?
I don't care man I just want to fap.
I would fuck that Pearl
You can fap to literally anything else on the planet. By knowing and spreading the knowledge of Steven Universe, you are allowing a poison to flow through society's veins. Steven Universe is a poison, and forgetting about it is the only antidote.
Ya and I want to fap to that.
All these people getting frothingly, flailingly mad makes me enjoy Steven Universe more. It's like the good old days of My Little Pony.
Does kinda make it all worth it when you've got autists, baiters and shitposters going into a fucking frenzy over one cartoon, though SU doesn't have the sheer cringe potential that MLP did and does.
Said a human without eyes.
Get lost.
Yeah, that's totally how that works.
I wasn't arguing, I was telling you to get lost.
And before that, you mocked me by trying to make me sound like a two-year-old.
So we all agree; Steven Universe is just as bad as Gen Zed.
well, at least one has lesbians.
Also Canada was given a chance back in 1812 they missed and only when every last canuck is swinging from the trees will I be sated.
Holy shit Reed Richards even you can't make that stretch!
You can say that SU looks bad but as I said the characters at least don't look like the incredible melting pug nigger like in Gen Zed you asked for differences I listed some the quality of either show wasn't mentioned whatsoever.
SJWs, of course.
See, your Canadaphobia is showing, again. You're not being a good progressive, brother-brother.
It's not a stretch. Objectively, in terms of message and writing, both shows are equally terrible.
Okay but I'm not one
Fuck Canada
No the stretch was you assuming that my post was praise of SU rather than simply a short list of differences.
So why are you defending Steven Universe?
Half the characters on the left appear to be embarrassed or in pain.
I'm not?
Then what do you call it?
Well I'm starting to think you're retarded because I have already explained.
Okay I am almost positive that you are just fucking with me here but on the off chance you are just an idiot I will explain it to you carefully.
For your convenience I will use green text for when I quote you, red text for when I quote myself and black for meta.
This was the OP I'm assuming from context that you are the OP.
Well Zed is canadian which is already a huge flaw.
The SU characters at least don't look like melting wax statues.
SU has actually aired
This was my response to the question in the OP asking to "spot the differences"
So I listed three note:none of these are inherently praises of SU merely observations of differences between it and Gen Zed.
Then you posted
In which you automatically assumed that I am an SJW and a fan of SU based on nothing at all.
I then ask how you came to that conclusion and you continue to dig yourself deeper.
I think you are so overwhelmingly butthurt about a show that you don't like that you instinctively lash out against anyone who you perceive might be a fan based on the flimsiest of reasoning, either that or you are a SU fan yourself and this is some kind of ridiculous attempt to make a thread about it without being upfront.
That has to be one of the worst things anyone has ever said about me. You can call me retarded, it barely means anything anymore, but to call me something like that is sickening to me.
I think you doth protest to much.
How so?
So apparently Lauren Zuke is "non-binary" now. What do you think of this?
And now you see what you've been supporting.
What does this mean exactly?
It means she never grew out of the "making shit up" phase of childhood.
People that genuinely dislike shows don't make threads about them and tell everyone endlessly about how much they hate them and bring them up all the time.
You sound obsessed
Dude that is a legit half of 8/co/. There's more threads here about shit people hate than like. Why do you think we still keep getting Hellcat threads even though its universally agreed its shit? Its easier to hate something than like it.
That would imply most of this hate is a blind reaction. While I can't speak for others, I will say that mine is definitely not.
I would say there is a difference between making a sonichu thread to laugh about how terrible it is and making a thread just to bitch about the comic.
One is an invitation for people to collectively tear into something and the other is preaching to the choir.