Three Warning Signs That Village Atheism Is Your New Religion

Why does idpolers insist on trying to co-opt atheism?

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New Atheism is shit though, it might as well be a new form of religion. And that article is right about the worship at the alter of scientism.

what this guy said, "new atheism" or rather bourgeoise atheism is just as much cancer as any other bourgeoise ideology

I smell a postmodernist psychotic

How can you co-opt atheism? Atheism doesn't mean anything at all. All it means is to not believe in any deity. Who the fuck cares? Besides, a lot of them are just egotistic, in-your-face, pretentious assholes.


By constantly bleating that to be an atheist you have to be X, Y and Z

Oh, I see. Well, you can be whatever you want. Being an atheist doesn't make you reasonable.


As opposed to idpolers insisting on trying to co-opt "theism"?

By advocating alongside for scientism and imperialism and presenting it as atheism. This is all common for Bill Nye, Dawkins, Harris, Pinker, le black science man, le asian science man; this and that they are a joke as far as their scientific work/credential goes.

Le fallacy face.



Yeah Dawkins is annoying, but he is a legit scientist. Just because you don't like an aspect or activity by someone, doesn't mean you have to write off all their work.

Atheism is so faux pas, anyway. New Atheism has ruined it for at least a generation. It's time to return to the one, true Church, comrades.

Well duh, but that doesn´t stop people from co-opting the movement/brand of atheism.

well, Kaku did a fairly decent book on the plausabiltiy of science fiction technologies.

pic related

Hahaha let's all convert to Catholics and attend mass regularly comrades!!! For Christian socialism!!!

He reduces evolution to genetics. That's shit tier science.

S.J. gould

Most people who are newly becoming atheists are doing so because they realized their previous religion is full of shit. These people have not yet rejected faith and religious thinking as a problem. This makes them vulnerable to dogmatic exploitation. They also tend to be mostly male and social outcasts. Idpol (feminism) can easily sell them on their bullshit because they get to be a white knight in a world full of ebul men.

Bourgie as fuck tbqh famalam.

Evolution IS reducible to genetics.

God: muh all loving, all knowing daddy in the sky that takes care of me and punishes my enemies. → Science: muh all beneficial, all knowing, Bill Nye in the interwebs that takes care of me and PWN'S muh new enemies.


Are you really going to shill for feudalism?

I left religion specifically because I began to see the fault in faith and worship, and started to look for it elsewhere in life.

Are you opposed to scientific progress?

No I'm mostly joking. But I can't shake my admiration of High Renaissance church architecture and religious art. :^(

way ahead of you m8

I refuse to suck any celebrity cock, but I'd take bill nye seriously over a priest any day.

I'm opposed to all forms of idiocy.



So fucking pilled!!! Teach me how to be like that comrade!!!

In that case you should cease respiration immediately

Are you a Satanist? → Are you a fundamentalist?

nigga pls

Bill Nye is literally not a scientist. His degree is in engineering.


his degree could be in poop manufacturing, and i'd still take him more seriously

And Dawkins is an ethologist by training. Harris has a BA in philosophy and thinks he's the next sliced bread in the field. Black science guy is black. Asian science guy is asian. Pinker is at the level of a teenager high on weed contemplating cognition:

bitch pls

But I wasn't arguing with you comrade. What gives?

Ethology is a branch of biology under zoology. It is science. All scientists specialize in branches because the fields are so immense. Harris is shit though

Dude don't call Harris shit. Shit was nutritious food once.

Ohhhhhh Fuck I forgot man!!!!!



yas. He's my profile picture on normiebook.

New Atheism may be shit, but can't we all agree that Carl is daddy as fuck?

Burgerlanders need to understand that the rest of the world is not fundamentalist and has proper science education. We are not that amazed by your popularizers, tbh. We are happy that you are trying to heal your self-induced infancy, just don't ask us to celebrate you.

Not to mention that 2/3 of our 12 years olds aren't functional illiterates (yet – thanks globalism!) and children here don't study with Disney movies in the first grades…

Kill yourself lad. We're in a post-religious age where religious questions matter so little that the people who still actually care about them - Atheists and Theists - are nutjobs that no sane person can take seriously.

Irreligion is the way to go.

The "philosopher's god" BTFOs all of you edgy nihilists, fundies, and noo atheist neckbeards, tbh.

The dichotomy between science and philosophy does, in fact, exist.

I seriously doubt you've even read Spinoza you fucking pleb.

I have. It's difficult, but I've been working at it for a few years. Don't project so hard, comrade.

I've read him, though it was about two years ago now, and while Spinoza is one of my favorite philosophers his conceptualization of a pantheistic God leaves a lot to be desired. It's unsurprising that he was accused of atheism considering that a pantheistic God would in no way resemble anything Christianity was capable of imagining, nor would it follow from such a conceptualization of God that the practices of Christianity would carry over.

If we're all modes of the one substance, then it only makes sense that we become that ultimate egoists since we are already in fact God. We are all God, and thus worshiping God is to worship ourselves and act in accordance with the conatus, our own self-interest.

I know that's not entirely what Spinoza says but that's what I think an honest account of pantheism and religion would come to, in a nutshell.

No, not really. Pantheism has been popularly conceived of as God being identical with extension. And obviously this interpretation would be incorrect with respect to Spinoza's metaphysical system.

Spinoza is more of a "panentheist." But most people are not interested in this distinction. However, I believe it's more precise and closer to Spinoza's intentions in The Ethics.

Friendly reminder that Spinoza's monism was BTFO by Kant and that only idiots like Deleuze take him seriously any longer.


Careful there

Read Schelling

Egoism in Spinoza is a socialism. Duentpmoir dependence on others for our own actualization of powers it is in our direct interest to surround ourselves with people who are friendly, genuinely care about us as people, and aren't ready to murder us for gain because they are in need.

Panenetheism doesn't end up meaning anything considering god is not a personal being as I understand it since I last tried to.give Spinoza a read. I do think he's very worth reading even for communist atheists, he offers some damn good arguments, dialectics be damned (apparently he does have a form.of determinate negation according to.some readings).