A good user from 4chan uploaded all the episodes with english subtitles and i thought I should share this here too.
Just started watching this. Its nice.
A good user from 4chan uploaded all the episodes with english subtitles and i thought I should share this here too.
Just started watching this. Its nice.
Other urls found in this thread:
Wait it's animated? I only remember this in live action.
Shit I knew I wasn't crazy.
isnt she just brazilian ruby gloom? would fuck her
too bad this show has very sparse fanarts and r34 . but thats reasonable tbh.
Cute designs OP but you have to post the episodes. Sunny Ruby Gloom from Brazil could have fans, but I feel barely any of us knows the show.
Good lewds out there?
That name sounds comfy user.
Oh look that pony thinks its human.
So I wonder if the episodes can be posted on YT.
kisscartoon nigger.
But I wanna post 'em in YT for more exposure and fantastic times for all.
may watch this when I get back home
Can't download. What am I doing wrong?
Better link to the episodes if the link in OPs post didn't work.
That site slows down my toaster.
kisscartoon is fucking garbage.
in every fucking episode of every fucking series they have they add their shitty intro and watermark, so that you are forever reminded of one shitty website that will probably be gone in 10 years or so.
i'd rather not watch a show than watch it in a video downloaded from kuckcartoon, they insult those who look for the optimal quality in the shows they download by adding all that garbage and not providing a markless download alternative, they're pirates that leave their mark in everything they touch so you know they're doing it for the traffic money and not for the sake of sharing shows. fuck them.
If you managed to get a torrent with all the episodes of this show in high quality, watermarkless, I promise to seed it 'til the end of time.
I don't even know what this show is, nor do I care. I just want to preserve quality copies of stuff
yeah, I'm pretty much just going "hold on, there's a cartoon of this?" now
an user posted a mega, download the things and make the torrent, its not hard
why are the season 3 episodes [temp]?
I need more of this character in my life. as in r34
Indeed. Doll lolis are rare.
You could
fap to Ruby Gloom and pretend she's Emilia
By image order
brazilians sure love their playstations
Does Emilia have some good smugs?
daaamn, i know brazilians are liberal about clothing but
Dunno. Someone drew these a while back,
I liked them.
I have one left to post.
Boop. Last one.
where can i buy one of these
for huh… quality control
Huh. They must sell them someplace.
Now this is pure quality.
I rate 10/10.
Why would a doll need a condom?
It isn't for her, dude.
There is another pic that explains it, basically, in the show Emilia is always trying to get money, I dont know why, anyway, she is saying that the condom is for the brown haired girl, and that you can use her instead without condom but she charges way more…
Never seen bathing suits before?
All of four seconds…
That first pic makes me think about actual dolls based on the character. Have they been modded already like those ponies with penetrable holes?
I wanna see their cunny and then do things to their cunnies. Sex things.
i'd buy one of her, and another three of ruby, iris, and misery
the girls are too white to be brazilian
This re hood cripple dindo appears in all huezilian animation?
What the hell is this?
Sir, this is bait, and you are retard. But I will bite.
This is a small example of Brazilian TV.
And by the way, you might search a woman name Gisele Bündchen.
I'm not even white, but this shows how little people know about Brazil.
sage for off topic
There were many live actions of this, and people always looked more at clown-girl doll.
don't you dare die on me thread
Of course he doesn't know.
You already should have known that half of the world thinks we live in a fucking jungle, we don't wear anything and speak spanish.
Of course he doesn't know.
You already should have known that half of the world thinks we live in a fucking jungle, we don't wear anything and speak spanish.
Brazilians don't speak Spanish???
this waste of a get hurts my very soul
No, it's Portuguese. I remember because Blanca from Street Fighter 2 should really be called Branco.
They try, though.
Their monkeys of course they can't.
i-ll just leave this here
Might as well.
Any more stuff from Pixiv?
I adore the expressions in this show. How did this not make it to the US?
Can't have good things in the US under Obama administration.
Good thing I'm BRBRBRBRBRBR!!!!
our russian friend has returned.
I've never left the place to begin with.
For some reason I really like the idea of a cloth doll with all the nuisances that come with that.
safety bump
To be fair, half your country is a fucking Jungle and the few populated areas have a really high rate of crime, plus favelas and niggers.
You're still better than Venezuela, thoughGood luck with Venezuelan migrants
You don't even know how much I appreciate the button nipples.
i want to fuck that doll
dont know who the first one is but i'd fuck ruby
man this triggers my autism to no end.
why would you make some 720 and others 1080?
Would you prefer consistency even if it meant lower quality and resolution for all?
i'd prefer them all 1080p, like i prefer any shows.
the thing is, if you have some in 1080 and others in 720 it means that you can do them in 1080, so why make some 720?
since its a huehuehue cartoon, i dont know if they rip them from TV or from DVDs or what. im assuming they rip them from the TV, because if it was a DVD or bluray they would all be the same resolution.
I think you know you're autistic, but I'm sure you don't know just how autistic you are.
normalfag get out
we're jerking off to an animated living cartoon doll, two in fact if the theories about ruby are right.
where do you think we are?
We are jerking off to cartoon dolls?
We? Seriously? Who is this "we"?
I masturbate to real little girls, thank you very much. I only watch cartoons because I babysit a lot.
Well, I am masturbating to Emilia. So at least "We" includes 3 persons. I also masturbate to real girls and I work in a daycare.
just googled led stock ticker and got a bunch of results
Closest thing I've done to any of these was recreating the Getter 1 combination sequence in Flip note Studio frame by frame.
rip OP
Question, what episode is this scene from?
i want those
winters would never be cold again
How fix thank you.
thats because you are a low energy lowtest cuck
I'll always love tim no matter what
season 3 episode 8 is missing from the mega
Watch Bratz Babies.
No seriously, do it.
why isn't there more porn of this?
oh god no, not this shit again. curse this rogue AI making these horrible abominations and marketing them as "games"
the [temp] episodes are shittier quality versions, the guy who owns the mega is probably working on getting the 720/1080p up. i hope.
i mean i'm all for sexualization of children but this is just stupid.
look at this shit, she has her hair bleached, a fake tan, lipstick, slut clothes, slut shoes, fake eyelashes, and she's how old in the movie?
pic related is a game from that insane AI that makes such girl-gaming masterpieces as "pull Elsas fucking teeth out" and "chop Dora's feet calluses until she gets gangrene"
but i think i've gone way offtopic
…Actually, I had a thread a while back, on a couple of boards, asking who in the name of everloving fuck actually commissions and makes these insane, creepy-ass Flash games with pregnant Elisa and Twilight Sparkle.
Is it a Chinese thing? Is there some sweatshop in bumfuck PRC where little Oompa-Loompas in jumpsuits are forced at gunpoint to make inane, pointless, unauthorised but professional-looking Tamagotchi and clickers about American toys in weird, slightly inappropriate situations?
23 million views on youtube
"Sisi games" lol
But it's always under some bullshit name like that, "girls4games" or "funkidstv", something that could have been burped up by a bot.
Has anyone investigated this phenomenon? Are they the Flash equivalent of clickbait? How does it make a profit?
And do girls really play this creepy-ass baby factory shit?
I found an article, but the author couldn't find shit. The comments are stumped, too. This article is just conjecture.
Damn, usually Vice or Encyclopedia Dramatica or somebody somewhere knows something about everything, but nobody knows nothing about this here thing.
The page 404'd
But what if we took the Occam Razor approach? What if it is that innocence? I mean sure we can say some creepy dude or duddetes made them but what if it was all conceived from a someone who's busy replacing diaper to their baby and thought "Hey, why not making this into a game?"
Whoops, it had a post ID stuck on the end.
There's too many of them. Just do a Google for "games for girls" or something like that, there HUNDREDS of these things, more than even Newgrounds was making at it's peak. Someone is churning these out to semiprofessional, or at least noticeably commercially slick standards. Which takes a lot of Flash programmers and a lot of artists a lot of man hours, somewhere, and always with the Disney princesses and the My Little Ponies.
Oh wow. I can understand baby care and operating stuff. But the rescue one doesn't make sense. To be fair for some people that's considered normal. Normal as in "Shirley fell from a tree! She's pregnant so we need to check her up to hospital! Oh wait we can make a game from this!" kind of normal.
I'm going with "adults get tired of making baby games and see what they can sneak under the radar"
what do?
Call Zone.
Ask for episode number and time stamp in the hopes of getting a webm made.
Emilia's puffy doll loli cunny
she's tiny enough to use as a fleshlight
Season 1 Episode 16 The Spell of Visconde
Thank you. Now, I wonder if someone listening in this thread knows how to do the webms…
yeah just give me 10 minutes
i dont know how to use a tool to make wbms, the tool i use only makes mkvs and mp4s.
feel free to convert it
Neat. Went ahead and made a no sound version too.
I used CloudConvert.
why would you want to silence her heavenly sexy voice?
in case someone wants to post it on cuckchan for lewd purposes.
lol cuck
tfw i commissioned this
button nipples suits her better than human nipples
Those are good, you won a bump.
thats Hoshime, he's one of the master cunnyseurs like Simon
hah. this show needs more sfw stuff. lewds are fine too.
I didn't knew this guy had a crush on the doll!
Yeah. Lewds are okay, but sfw makes the lewds better.
Too bad they didn't use the realistic original designs from the books.
That's the newer version, aired from 01 to 07. Everyone's forgotten that shit now.
← This is the classic version, aired from 77 to 86.
Gib mor lewds faggerts
This was so fucking shit it's not even funny.
The cartoon is surprisingly entertaining though.
Hey Holla Forums
i want newfags to leave
Looks like someone's sperging level just exploded.
where would i even buy things like this
If you have money theres some people with good sewing skill that willing to make one for you. I think you can find one from the MLP folks.
like how much
Not sure. I'm not into that kind of depravity and I was part of the "no porn for ponies please" team. But I heard they ask a lot of money, maybe around $500
i bet you feel really silly now
anyone got the latest mega from the user that was uploading them? i remember the season 3 episodes were all [temp] and i guessed it just meant he wasn't done reencoding them
Not really. We fought till bitter end.
should have figured that it was inevitable. after all cute is the new sexy, and those damn horses were too cute for their own good.
he has a massive tiki boner, like the ancients hawaiians used to say "its time for a dicking"
The button nipples in most of the lewd art make me happier than you'd think.
but she has regular eyes, not button eyes.
That Torso doesn't look right, any drawfags that could try and fix it?
whose torso? also im not seeing the problem not a drawfag btw, just curious as to what is it that you see wrong, could you outline it?
I am neither a drawfag but, It seems the hips are way to high and way to streamlined. I dont know how to explain it, is like the hips had fused with the belly and the legs and you cant see were one ends and were the other beggins.
it still looks fine to me, those are some hungry child-bearing hips
Question before I download: will actual children like it?
I wanna show it to my kids.
children will like fucking anything user, specially girls. fuck them right in the cunny
Heeeeeey! That's pretty good!
At least they have films, kinos, and cartoons I can't find,
I could not find the Shrek films I remember of until I find that site.
I need to post some reaction shots from this show.
she makes some fuckable faces, got more reactions?
Those are some awesome faces. I'll use them.
Bratz Babyz