Dear Holla Forums
You've made me addicted to Princess Marco porn
I cant find enough of it
Princess marco thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
Specifically princess Marco is kind of hard to find, but I found some art that sort of fits the bill. Seconding the request for more lewd Princess Marco.
I find it funny that you usually just need to take the male lead in a show, flip their gender, and suddenly you have best girl. It's true like ninety percent of the time.
nice. We need more. I haven't seen the show how is marco as a character?
Daron Nefcy posted this. Looks like Marco is going to have to do some gay shit in the next episode.
Where did she posted it?
She might be a troll as big as Hirsch.
Probably because most of the stereotypical female personalities are one-note, obnoxious or otherwise unattractive.
Who's the artist of the last two pics?
The guy who's making the star fuck comic made some observations.
wait until he sees how they draw his dick
Speaking of that poster, who the fuck is Mackie Handel?
i expect dirty jokes.
Maybe tom is the kinkiest demon in the underworld.
Why image boards in general are trying to make me gay?
trap marco ruined Star vs threads
you were always gay user, we just helped you realize it.
that's a strange way to spell improved.
also, star vs threads were always shit, they had nowhere to go but up.
But I don't like dudes, just cute little butts and girls.
no, you like girly boys with girly butts.
it's gay no matter how you slice it, accept it.
but don;t embrace it, then you're a faggot.
Who's Simon?
Got a link to his blog or something?
Simon is really hard to pin down.
I would say that Incognitymous could be the only one capable of challenging Simon especially staying in model but the august can only make the same characters.
You're truly a newfag, so here's a lesson.
You guys and Holla Forums really need to be one once again to recover the balance.
I'm not saying nothing against your opinion, trapfags might be literal fags and autists.
But you're in Holla Forums, you belong to the same cockroach pit as everyone else in here and you're here because you wouldn't be accepted anywhere else like anyone you'll find here so don't pretend to have any moral high ground.
I've seen real Holla Forums, they would have their discussions on Holla Forums and spew out their word in other boards and no matter how outlandish, weird or mentally gymnastic they would always have an argument. But never, ever would they go all tumblrina and send people to
just because they got rustled jimmies.
Lurk moar faggot.
>But never, ever would they go all tumblrina and send people to >>>/oven/
Oh and just in case you're referring to literal cancer just let me remind you that a couple months ago Holla Forums was derailing nearly every thread in all boards into politics, it was like a bizarro version of Holla Forums.
All Holla Forums was unbearable, Holla Forums almost got nuked and Holla Forums hasn't got any productive discussion since.
This site is even known as rightist by the mainstream media instead as how it was known anytime before, subversive and counter culture.
Now faggots get into 8ch with that idea on mind and enter newfags right into Holla Forumsinstead of Holla Forums.
I'm not a Holla Forumslack and have never been but even I know they would be ashamed of you.
Holla Forums are sjws with a different coat of paint.
This has been obvious for more than a year and now people still need to have this explained to them?
So which episode caused the whole Princess Marco thing to come about?
Is just that I remember balance, back before election years 2015-2016.
Holla Forums was always fucking crazy but was never this annoying.
They even knew the difference between black guy and nigger.
What happened. I want to believe it started either in.
It was the creation of Holla Forums and ImKampfy being a fuckhead banning people for stupid reasons and the like. He banned one of the only namefags I liked because he had differing views than the BO on this one youtube chick that was pretty much spouting Holla Forums shit.
t. a Holla Forumsack
Can someone post the full image of the first pic? Looks like it was cropped.
What specifically makes a butt girly? Particularly a boy's butt?
Pretty sure men and women have discernible asses.
Yes, I agree Holla Forums should stay in Holla Forums and politics outside should be kept to a minimum but anyone with vaguely left wing views gets called a tumblrite and vice versa with the right wing and Holla Forums.
Both Holla Forums boards should be combined so actual discussion can be had.
Yeah men and women do, but do boys and girls?
muh evalon
you fucking faggot
Marco and Star are 15.
Pretty sure puberty already started.
Mewberty just kicked in for Star.
The 'Butterfly' in her name seems apt, though she and her mom in game face mode seem more like moths.
that's the name for the life of me I couldn't remember. I didn't really care about her tbh and generally stayed out of those threads since I'm not big into e-celeb threads.
That's because everyone with a brain learned there is no difference.
Even the good black guys turned traitor and start crying Hitler when white people start defending themselves.
Nah, thread ruined by pol. I'm out, peace.
Go back to cuckchan
See this shit is why you cunts will never blend in here
Put in some effort
As if we needed any more proof that tumblrshits were trying to corrupt this Holla Forums as well
yeah nah you fucking cunt. Never comeback
he doesn't really have a blog, but this is his board. there's a thread for almost every cartoon with a cute cartoon girl you can immediately think of.
That a terrible AND stupid idea.
first of all, Holla Forums itself is very Holla Forums dominated. Just compare the number of average posters in Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Holla Forums has much more people, so recovering the balance at the first place is impossible unless half of Holla Forums just die out or something.
And even if the numbers were similar, since you can make your own boards in Holla Forums, they'll eventually split again.
He was literally saying that Holla Forums knew the difference between black people and niggers. That wasn't his argument. Kill yourself Dyslexia faggot.
See this shit?
This is why anybody can derail and completely ruin threads simply by saying nigger or spic.
Someone said nigger/kike/spic/offensive slur, oh boo hoo guess that means I should run away and never post ITT ever again, instead of just saying "lolk" and continuing to post on topic replies.
Anons call each other and their interests some heinous shit, either learn to deal with it or piss off to some shitty hugbox forum, Jesus fucking Christ.
Before you start crying about muh Holla Forums like the SJW faggot you are, I don't even fucking go to Holla Forums or believe in the gas the kikes shit
Would you a mewberty Star? I would a mewberty Star.
Do they make Off! brand condoms?
I never said I was offended by your words, just annoyed.
Really really annoyed.
I don't care about kike or spic slur, fuck, once I organized a raid against an old child porn victim just for the keks of it so is not like I'm easily offended.
But I'm very, very annoyed that you people always come sagging threads and judgin people like if you were better than any of the anonymous users in the fucking site
And definitely I'm not mad that you use "kike" or "nigger" or "spic" as slurs.
I'm rustled that you use it as if it was an argument
That you send people to
Instead of showing your opinion, winning and send them to…
Do you even know what that is?
Is essential to stop being a newfag.
And when I said that /lefty/ and Holla Forums should combine to have discussions we meant /pols/ god knows that in the times I've been there I've only seen circlejerking.
And I don't care if you don't go to Holla Forums, you are the same kind of hypocrite, selectively deaf kind of faggot.
See what I did there, I used Holla Forums slur as characteristic, not character.
So you can kill her with your poison-lubricated member?
Projecting into what exactly?
into ur moms fat ass it's so big you could use it as a projector screen
Can someone please post the original version of OP's first pic? Or at least give me the artist name? Reverse search is giving me nothing.
They were the same board. Lefties (and more than a few libertarians) got so butthurt about constantly getting BTFO that they self-exiled and created their hugbox board.
And before some triggered "moderate" starts squealing about Holla Forums being a hugbox too, don't bother. Every blue moon some leftist will start a reasonably well-articulated, non-trollish thread on Holla Forums, and guess what - it will stay up. Do the same on Holla Forums and you'll get banned in half a day.
Stormfags hijacked the old 4chan Holla Forums and basically kicked out libtards and leftists.
Are you fucking serious? Have you not seen all those screencaps where people get banned for reasonable arguments?
Getting your ass kicked until you run away crying =/= getting banned.
I have indeed seen the pics waved around by butthurt leftist where all their shitposting has been edited out.
Meanwhile there's a thread on Holla Forums about positive view on Trump
Who are you quoting? Is your paranoid schizophrenia acting up again?
Ad Hominem
Here's the link btw
It really isn't, champ. Look it up.
Also, explain how leftists' views on Trump in any way counter what I said.
Yes? I reiterate: explain how leftists' views on Trump in any way counter what I said.
There is no difference between blacks and niggers retard
They are all niggers
There are no good niggers
Take your meds
Oh man did that leftyfag post his screencaps yet? That bit never gets old.
This thread needs more quality control. Ninety percent of these pics are terrible. Just sayin
You said in that post that different opinions in Holla Forums are accepted while Holla Forums tends to delete every different opinions, yet there's a thread supporting Trump that's still up.
Now stop, It's 2 AM, I have to sleep.
A) That's not what I said. Wipe your tears and reread.
B) If the OP of that paltry 10-reply thread was a Holla Forumsack arguing the Holla Forums perspective you might have had a point. He wasn't. You don't.
Thanks, guys.
What was the thread about?
So as you can see you're the one who brought up the topic about how Holla Forums supposedly has all these free speeches n shit while Holla Forums has hugbox moderation. So I brought up the thread about supporting Trump in Holla Forums that didn't got deleted.
B) If the OP of that paltry 10-reply thread was a Holla Forumsack arguing the Holla Forums perspective you might have had a point. He wasn't. You don't.
There were tons of Holla Forumstards who kindly visited Holla Forums and asked questions about leftism, shared their ideas, had many debated like civilised men. Their threads weren't deleted.
And then there's tons of fuckos who shitposts and trolls about "muh jews" and "haha Im gonna gas you" and shit popin up every day. Everyone got tired of them so of course the moderators delete those b8 threads. And then they complain about how they got opressed and Holla Forums is a hugbox.
Basically Mojo Jojo from that one PPG episode
Who cares?
So, to you, a couple of leftists circle jerking in one thread signifies a board-wide tolerance of Holla Forums talking points. top kek
tl;dr indeed. Show us on the doll where uncle Holla Forums banned you.
Projection is the sign of an unhealthy mind.
Oh shit, it's the PP autist.
Sorry to tell you, but that's the full picture.
God dammit
As long as they're polite and not trolling, yeah?
Oh no he's making a right point, he must be complaining cuz he got banned from /po/!
I'm not banned from Holla Forums. I haven't been there for a while.
>As long as they're polite and not trolling Holla Forums, yeah?
You weren't making a point though, just blatant projecting. Also, it's spelled "Holla Forums".
please dont bump this without something for me to jerk off to you, politics fags/shills/goons/whatever the fuck keep giving my dick hope and then crushing it.
Here ya go famlamborghini.
Well thanks for giving me some closure.