Win and Mac Hate Thread

Its time once again to explain to the normies why nobody should use a Windows or Mac operating system.

Other urls found in this thread:,_extend_and_extinguish

First, Macs users are much more homosexual than Windows users, but Windows users are still gay.

GNU/Linux makes you a better user. Windows just makes life suck.

GNU/Linux users enjoy more satisfying religious experiences.

GNU/Linux makes automating your shitposts a breeze.

Most GNU/Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed. Microsoft doesn't do that for you!

One side effect of using GNU/Linux is that you will become an intolerant bigot. This is a result of becoming "redpilled". Just accept it.

I feel embarrassed for you.

GNU/Linux users make their dreams come true though, its very liberating.



I'm dispensing knowledge, you are free to post as well.


If you buy into Windows or Macs, use Facebook or normie shit, you are enslaving yourself. Don't listen to them!

With GNU/Linux you will become a better programmer, a better wife or husband, and a better person. People from all over the world will get to understand a little more how life should be lived thanks to Free as in Freedom software.

Now, Steve Jobs was a massive piece of shit. I'll leave it to other anons to explain why.

Well, I guess we could just get it straight from that cancer-ridden turd directly in pic related.

I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone. -RMS


GNU/Linux gives you a love for computing unlike Windows/Mac.


That's enough truth for now, I have other tasks to attend to.

wow, you showed me.

Glad to help


I've never been on Reddit but I understand that cancer spreads



Kek. It always surprises me how quickly a fresh windows install boots, because an installation that's been in use for awhile crawls.

Macs are great.

Linux is shit. You just downloaded an OS and now you have to tinker with it so your internet works. Once you fix that, your speakers are dead so now you have to fix that. Good luck gaming with Linux. You're better off buying a console. At least it won't break down.

Windows was good besides all the viruses. Very straightforward. Windows 10 and telemetry is garbage.

Feels good using Apple.

This right here fucking Pajeet loving faggots.

You realize that "normie" comes from wizardchan, right? Fucking gnewfags.


If you have to use the command line for even one simple thing, normies won't use it. You don't understand this? No wonder linux cucks are out of touch. Even Windows 10 is more secure than Linux.

kek, this namefag probably sits home 24/7 watching anime on his win7 and plays with a broken ubuntu thinkpad.



Guys redpill! Guys give me attention please! Normies!

Haters gonna hate

Its time for today's Redpill:

Windows 10 is not secure. It records everything you type and sends it back to headquarters. It takes screenshots and sends them, and all your clicks, all the pages you visit, everything. It scans all your file's MD5sums looking for wrong-think. It even scans other partions, so if you dual-boot on a separate partion you aren't secure from Windows malware. Anything you do and say can be used against you.

This concludes today's lesson.

that was fuckin lame/cringy

stal pls i know this place is shit but pls stop making it totally unbearable
it's all we have left

some internal window service using all my bandwidth, can't do anything... turning it off will just start it again

FUCK YOU BILL GATES... if you simply did not exist, the world would have been a better place.

Odd how mine is not doing that. Click the dropdown and see what it is.

I had the same exact problem, it's fucking update downloading

It doesn't matter. They know everything you're doing on Linux even with your shitty VPN. You're also a priority target. Walk into any hacker shit conference with a linux laptop and it will be pozzed in the first two minutes. All the macfags will then laugh at you.

It does not do it 24/7, it happens from time to time. Whenever it wishes to exercise its power over me.

Will uninstall this bullshit OS and install something else soon

kek, macfags at a hacking conference. That's some imagination you have there.

Well I followed the guides MS and DoD put out to disable telemetry and windows updates when I did my install.

I'll let it go for once.

It's DRMed to the core you have to absolutely use apple software and hardware for everything to work.

The quality of the hardware is garbage you can't even change the ram or the hard drive nowadays, plus the hardware is also DRMed.
Plus you can also have some surprise like apple having the courage to remove the jack connector or battery indicator.

The software of the mac is non-free/libre so it does not give the for freedoms to the users.

It has imposed itself has a pseudo standard in digital art a long time ago because schools teaches via adobe and rumors said that it was better on a mac witch is ultimately false.

Why speudo-standart ?
Because when teaching digital arts you don't explain how to use a software but the techniques that you can use.

The list is long very long

But we can resume this like that

The software of windows is non-free/libre so it does not give the for freedoms to the users.

-Spying (microphone, webcam, keystrokes,screenshots and more)

-Absolutely no transparency on what the OS does.
Did it really stopped doing the thing that I told it do stop doing ?
Maybe, maybe not, maybe it will reactivate at the next update or via some backdoors like the ones that where discovered in 1999.


-Going slowly to the cloud.
This will make the users loose the control over their data and computing

-Most features are made by some students at redmond camp.

-Due to it's design it's an absolute security menace.

-Windows has absolute awful design from the beginning.
You can see that in way you have backwards compatibility with old software.

Their is much to tell on MS too much actually so I won't waist more of my time on explaining something that can be found by others.

Install a gnu/linux distribution you'll have control over your computing thus tools the only inconvenience is that you need to read a lot.


Yes and no it depends.
Myself I worked for more than then years on microsoft software before migrating to gnu/linux and seeing the possibilities of such tools.

But even on windows platform the problems are the same.

Nowadays I just refuse to install non-free/libre software because if I do it's a lost cause.

And I try and try but people seem to be so fucking retarded.
Why ?
Why the fuck can they not understand just a fucking "man" ?
Why do I have to repeatedly say the same thing over and over again ?
It's their fucking tools, it's their fucking hammer and I have to pick it up for them time to time.

I understand the first time or second one but after that I think people just don't care about computer and just want them to work.
I got a better solution now.
you don't want to invest time learning how to use the tools that you use for work ?
Even tho it will make your life easier ?

Don't use them or don't ask for help and stay in the miserable shit that you ask to be in.

This is a summary of the entire thread.

Free software means software that respects the user's freedom.

There are four essential freedoms that the user of software should always have:

Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program however you wish.
Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change it to make the program do as you wish.
Freedom 2 is the freedom to distribute copies of the program to others when you wish. This includes republication of the program.
Freedom 3 is the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others when you wish. This includes republication.

If you have all four of these essential freedoms, then the program is free software, which means that the social system of the distribution of the program is an ethical system that respects the freedom and community of the users.

If one of these freedoms is missing, then the program is proprietary software, meaning that it keeps the users divided and helpless, and gives the developer power over the users. This is an injustice. Proprietary software should not exist and should not be used.

If you want to have freedom, the only way you can have it while using computers is by rejecting proprietary software.

Windows and OS X are literally malware.

Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":

Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:

Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:

Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:

Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
even after related settings are turned off:

Micrcrosoft automatically downloads Windows 10 on PCs running
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (between 3.5GB and 6GB), even if
users have not opted-in:

Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:

Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:


You created the users? Are you god?


I mean the program, dummy, how should software be controlled differently from literally everything else in real world?

Do you seriously and honestly expect any important software development team to say "oh well if it's for the users let's just let them get access to our source code and let them do whatever they want with our program :)"? Be realistic user, just because microsoft and apple are cancer doesn't mean ownership of your own software is bad.

Why does it have to be this way?



Ownership of your software is not bad. Encouraging other people to adopt your proprietary software and binding them to rules of injustice is an injustice. If you want to own your software, then you should not distribute it to anybody.

It doesn't. Free software is unfinished because you're not willing to finish it to your standards. If you haven't hired people to work on your free software, nobody has any obligation to work to your standard.

bill gates actually didn't have anything to do with windows 10, he's retired. he just collects million dollar checks every 30 second.

Its funny how Freetards use all kinds of confirmation bias and arguments by assertions to validate their own shitty opinions.

GNU/Linux is no better/worse than NT/Windows or XNU/OSX. As a matter of fact, all 3 of them have a fairly high level of UNIX/Linux compatibility now with Windows Subsystems for Linux. So software compatibility is no longer a factor. Now its a matter of choosing between hardware support and source code availability. But that doesn't make anyone better or worse than the other.

Are you fucking retarded, the fact that your Windows is a resource hog botnet operating system makes it no worse than gnu/linux?

holy shit kys.

What do GNUtards mean by this?

Just a meme.

I see you misunderstood "GNUtards". It is not that we have to fix issues, we get to fix issues. There is a big difference. You can't fix Windows without access to the source code. You are instead at the mercy of Microsoft and hope that they will allocate enough pajeets to fix your problem.

I honestly don't get why would someone in $CURRENT_YEAR use Windows. Aside from botnet problems, it is just inconvinient to use it. Waiting for updates to install before shuting down your computer? On GNU/Linux I can install gigabytes of updates in less time than it takes to boot up Windows and I don't have to restart afterwards. Windows still uses NTFS. Disk defragmenting? What is this? 1993? Also see pic related.

The main problem why users do not want to switch to GNU/Linux or BSD systems is that they would have to learn new concepts. Unfortunately we live in time where reading software manual is considered to be an arcane art that only those who posess wizard abilities could practice.

Microshit would not exist without him... anything that makes that company disappear so we can set tech free again.

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Mac OS X, is in fact, BSD/OS X, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Mac plus BSD. Mac OS X is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning BSD system made useful by the BSD corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the BSD system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of BSD which is widely used today is often called “OS X”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the BSD system, developed by the BSD Project.

There really is a Mac OS X, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Mac OS X is the UI: the program in the system that creates the pretty graphics. The UI is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Mac OS X is normally used in combination with the BSD operating system: the whole system is basically BSD with Mac OS X added, or BSD/OS X. All the so-called “Mac OS X” versions are really distributions of BSD/OS X.

i just want an OS that can play all the videogames. win7 does just that.

You've clearly never been to one. It's all macfags.

Most of the QNX came from mach and the BSD part forked very long ago only for the unix sticker.

Like having decisions over something you created and not wanting to see other programmers make any negative changes on it, how scary.
Why create software if you don't want others to use it? You can make helpful software without whoring out the entire recipe and let the users have the most control, you know.

Time was when showing up with an Apple logo on something would have gotten you laughed out of the hotel but haven't been in the scene since before the conferences went corporate. Is that what changed? Sad.
Also, Windows and Mac are closed source = full of backdoors.


i just want an OS that can play all the videogames
in that case buy a console that at least doesn't require a internet connection.

>>>Holla Forums

>requiring an internet connection
I see you like dick in your butt good sir.

Consoles got pretty shit for games recently though, PS4 doesn't even have backwards compatibility unless Sony decides so

Mac > Linux > Winlows

That GIF, more like

"Even Windoes 10 is more secure than Linux," said no sane person, ever.

Please go back to fucking reddit

That's cool and all, but I can't play Halo 6 on linux (no don't tell me to use wine I'm not some sort of programmer nerd).

Microsoft can even implement correctly their own standard.,_extend_and_extinguish

You're a faggot.
You still have control of what you do.
If people aren't okay with it and want ot make change they just have to fork it GPL was made so that you can do it.

And yes it's an injustice because a computer is a tool.
Every software is a tool.

Good thing it's every mainstream package manager and configuration editor has a simple gui frontend that anyone is free to use at any time then.

Building off of this though - I have been struggling to reinstall windows 8 on my computer. (See support thread.) Not because I want to, but because I have a large collection of steam games and the windows 8 machine is the only one I've got that's good enough to play them. I even bought a steam link during the thanksgiving sale.

I really have no use for windows except the games. I'd love to keep the machine strictly Linux. But as of yet I have been unable to get play on Linux or straight wine to work on my computer. I could play some simple games but anything that I actually wanted to play (none of which are super resource heavy or new) wouldn't work or respond to troubleshooting.

Just attempted again yesterday and steam is being ridiculous (password didn't work, reset, password didn't work/captcha error on loop despite cleared cookies) but I'm still not optimistic about my chances. What do?

inb4 buy new machine, in the future it's possible but not for a while

Get the fuck off Holla Forums, faggot. Nobody wants the ignorant normals here. Go fucking hang yourself.

This is why no one here likes normalfags. They can't take two fucking minutes to search something online. Wine is one of the easiest programs to use.


Please read the bible and don't come back to Holla Forums until you have repented for you sins and accepted Jesus as your personal savior.


Be careful with the meme magic

Normies won't use computers either, they're moving toward tablets and phones, the market is now filtering out waste.

is a peice of shit. when it works you'll be stuck with DX9 graphics, and the performance will be even shittier than running it on Windows. enjoy your 10 year old graphics and 15fps on a Titan X pascal

Gallium 9 says you're a faggot.

laughable. Their only offical benchmark is Portal 2, and it is so shitty they cant even list what settings or system they used to achive it. Here is one of your linux fanboi sites, Gallium is significantly slower than Windows on everything but WoT with shitty settings enabled - it doesnt even have AA.

more benchmarks from linux fanbois BTFOing gallium

How the fuck do you expect a software to work correctly when the software to test it (portal 2 or other windows only software) isn't designed to use the functions in it ?

Compare what is comparable.

Oh hey lookie here, Deus Ex Mankind Divided one of the few AAA games to have a native Linux release not years after it came out. Wana guess what? It runs like shit on Linux too compared to Windows. Now stay BTFO

Ha yes you that game who is shorter than DE:HR by 50% with the same budget and it managed to make a gnu/linux port.
I wonder why it works like shit.

Again, it's the developers fault fault if it's not working properly don't blame the OS or dependencies.
The developers of DE:MD had everything available (manuals and source code) to them without restrictions to make it working properly on a gnu/linux platform.

Its like you're a jew, who blames everyone else for being exiled from every country they've ever been in.

Not relevant to the discussion and fallacious example.
Nothing more to say if you can't understand what was already said.


Civilization 5

Oh hey here is a benchmark for Civ Beyond Earth which is just basically an expansion pack for Civ V. Framerates are almost 50% lower on Linux on modern GPUs

This explains it easily. Windows boot BSOD error codes are as useless as the Windows message that notifies 'An error ocurred' with no further explanation.

And no. Unless it's a badly installed program or driver, safe mode will crash and BSOD just like normal mode. Had this happen just yesterday - no time for crap solutions so I just went nuclear and reinstalled it all. Good thing all data was on a separate partition, so it was just all about reinstalling programs and editing path variables later on. Easy as 1-2-3 but still fucking annoying, fuck you Microsoft

If you open up the minidump file you can often figure out what driver caused the fault

you dont know how to analyze memory dumps so you blame microsoft for shitty 3rd party drivers?

Well, it is.
When they make good use of opengl (and now Vulkan), games on Linux run just as fine.

Yeah, it can help... if it exists. It wasn't a full BSOD with the text up to 3/4ths of the screen. It was barely 4 lines of text, no dump message or anything.

It was not a driver problem. If it was safe mode would've worked. It was just windows breaking again. The shitload of filesystem errors in the partition must've broken critical system files, and chkdsk wasn't helping. Full partition format later and reinstalling made it snappy again, and chkdsk no longer finds issues, the disk is fine.

tl;dr NTFS is a shitty ass filesystem and there's no way around that.

Nuclear is the best way when windows decides to fuck up after 9999 broken windows update failures, ntfs errors up the ass and general sluggishness.

it's because the software is shit

imagine you build a house on a foundation overlooking the sea
then you knock out that foundation and put a new one in under the already built house and don't do a very good job either
the house floor is now uneven and sags in certain places and if you're not careful the house will break the foundation and fall off into the sea

the original foundation is DOS

Here's why you should use Windows Server: all the thousands of Dollars in cool apps you can pirate and run, and besides most GNU-land things compile in Windows under the POSIX subsystem (or Cygwin64).

Windows rot is a myth created by retards who don't know what defragging is

And yes, Linux/ext4/btrfs do also fragment, they just use shitty hacks to sweep fragmentation under the rug so to speak

What you're really saying with that meme is that you suck and don't know anything about Linux or computing.

You're a faggot.

They don't mean "fix." They mean that Linux is highly customizable and that you can make it do whatever you want.

This hasnt been true since the Win9X days.

So when not using Loonix, then how should I use

As much as I'd like to switch, there's just no way.

You hate macs because nobody likes your meme OS that is held together with duct tape and string. Why else would you be so mad?

beveling in benchmarks
Because a horde of retarded plebit gamers that don't know how to program software can correctly judges why the software can't work properly.
Graphically bloated expansion of civ 5 to be extact.

Listen user instead of shilling just try and stop being a fag.
I have played civ 5 on a lga755 dual core cpu with a old nvidia 9600gt with nouveau drivers and it worked correctly i didn't had everything to maximum but it was a playable experience.

Again if the games works like shit it's the developers/studios fault they have the money, they have free/libre manuals, they have free/libre drivers that they can studies to make their software work properly.

The fact that they have all of this and still can't make a software work properly is another proof of the decadence and fall of the gaming industry.

keep being a butthurt poorfag blaming everyone else for why they cant play vidya user

a modest proposal >>>/poltech/66
at least until you're not shit with linux enough to set up something better

I work in IT for a college and one of our biggest problems is that Windows 7 will often fail to dump after a BSOD, leaving us with no information whatsoever regarding what causes it (we just kind of have to guess based on what drivers load successfully in safe mode). We nearly always end up having to rebuild the machine.

Maybe Windows 10 will be better it almost certainly won't be.

your page file needs to be at least as large as the amount of physical ram in the system and on the boot drive to get a memory dump

I work in IT and windows 10 is worse in every way
If only someone will listen to my cries to update everyone to GNU/Linux

That's shitposting on Holla Forums, not using Linux.

The Windows kernel is still based on DOS.


Why not just re-image ?

The funny thing is it never stood for anything.

New Technology you tard. It was a rewrite of their OS to remove it from DOS

I don't know the details of the build (still very much a grunt who isn't involved in the build process), all I know is it's the same image on every computer and it will sometimes dump, sometimes not. I guess it just depends on the computer's mood. It's very frustrating from the perspective of diagnostics.

The majority of the world uses Windows, for better or for worse. In the case of a 16-18 college, it wouldn't be useful to try to get everyone using a system they will likely never use in the majority of professions. They struggle enough with basic stuff like saving work properly a lot of the time. Only me and the head of the systems team use Linux (Slackware and Fedora respectively).

"Rebuild" is just how we say "re-image". Don't ask me why.

Windows > GNU > Mac.

Hey, Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, with Windows 10 Enterprise domain-joined, are pretty hard to beat for home use. With the open soars KMS emulator vlmcsd, anything which can be KMS-activated will be. I deploy a Hyper-V machine with only 32 MB RAM and point it to the floppy disk image that comes with vlmcsd. I've mounted the floppy image to change some configuration, but otherwise vlmcsd is the least distinguishable KMS emulator. I also make sure to have as SRV record for so every KMS client can find it.

Easy: deploy Windows Server 2016 Datacenter domain controller, and its members, all while OFFLINE. Make sure the router for your network is online but otherwise pull the router's uplink connection. Get a domain set up. When you can finally go into Group Policy Management, make a new GPO at the root of the domain, right click it and set it to Enforced, and then right click it and click Edit.

Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 Telemetry Busting GPO Settings:

Computer Configuration > Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Internet Communication Management\
"Restrict Internet Communication" to Enabled (Do this first, sets everything in next folder to Enabled. We're going to undo this restriction selectively next).

Computer Configuration > Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Internet Communication Management\Internet Communication settings\
"Turn off Windows Update device driver searching" to Disabled (so you can get drivers still via WU. Ignore if not desired).
"Turn off access to all Windows Update Features" to Disabled (so you can update. Alternatives are: a) run WSUS Role and manually install updates from the repository [or direct WU to it with a GPO], or b) go without updates [dumbass move]).

Computer Configuration > Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Data Collection and Preview Builds\
"Toggle user control over Insider builds" to Disabled (Your brothers/sisters/friends/daughters[' boyfriends]/sons[' girlfriends]/etc should not be installing pre-release software via Windows Update).
"Allow Telemetry" to Enabled and set to "0 - Security [Enterprise Only]" (This minimizes any and all data sent to Microsoft [basically operating system crashes], assuming it disobeys the Crash Reporter communication restriction implemented above).
"Configure the Commercial ID" to Disabled (Because duh).
"Disable pre-release features or settings" to Enabled (Because your systems are not Microsoft's Petri dishes).
"Configure Connected User Experiences and Telemetry" to Disabled.
"Do not show feedback notifications" to Enabled (Because fuck you Micro$hit).

Computer Configuration > Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Software Protection Platform\
"Control Device Reactivation for Retail devices" to Enabled.
"Turn off KMS Client Online AVS Validation" to Enabled (Because, frankly, Micro$hit shouldn't get a notice each time your client successfully activates with the KMS emulator. Can you fucking believe this shit? Fuck you Micro$hit!).

Computer Configuration > Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Error Reporting\
"Disable Windows Error Reporting" to Enabled (Less data for the beast).

User Configuration > Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Internet Communication Management\
"Restrict Internet Communication" to Enabled (Nothing I can think of in the daughter folder to switch to Disabled, unless you want something in there that you wanted in the Computer Configuration instance of the daughter above).

User Configuration > Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Data Collection and Preview Builds\
"Allow Telemetry" to Enabled and set to "0 - Security [Enterprise Only]" (Yes, there's a second place. Unsure if one supersedes the other. Set to 0 also, in the event M$ were dicks and made the higher setting supersede the lower setting.).


After this, open PowerShell on the domain controller and input:
gpupdate /force

After that completes, put in:
shutdown /r /t 0

The domain controller will restart. When it is online, domain-join the member systems. They will all individually restart after the process. At this point, it is safe to reconnect the uplink connection to the network. (Uplink severing was for preventing the KMS activation signal flare from being sent. Microsoft doesn't spend $200,000+ go after small fish they can only milk for $10,000. This is only for the data and surveillance purist.)

Bring your KMS emulator Hyper-V machine online on a Windows Server 2016 Datacenter host acting as a member system (I.E., don't put Hyper-V on your domain controller. Your domain controller can be a virtual system on your Hyper-V system, so consider this option.) and configure the _vlmcs._tcp SRV record as stated above. If the VM isn't getting a DNS listing automatically (it probably won't), give it a listing. Use DHCP service on the Domain Controller (or another VM if the DC is a Hyper-V VM) to assign a static IP to the KMS emulator VM's MAC. Once the KMS Emulator VM is available to clients via looking up, getting its proper DNS hostname, and the hostname actually resolving to its proper IP addresses, all KMS client systems will activate over the next six-hour [or so] period.

After successful configuration of the KMS emulator, activation can be forced with inputting into the Run boxes of each system:
slmgr /ato

Congratulations. You now have an Enterprise-grade Windows Domain, with all the trappings which come with it: centralized user authentication and control, granular control of system settings according to user and computer. You have every ability afforded to any Enterprise in Active Directory, including the ability to delegate control of parts of the Active Directory tree (preferably, freshly-made Organizational Units) and their policy objects to other users without having to elevate them to Administrator level.

Now that you have an Active Directory domain on Windows systems which don't snitch on you anymore, you should get to know Group Policy very well. How it is applied to objects in Active Directory and in what order. Learn about GPO filtering. Group Policy is THE TRUE CONTROL PANEL to Windows. What you see when you click the gear icon is the lipstick put on the front of the pig. Group Policy is the tail and ears. It is where you can set Windows settings, set security settings, set registry values, deploy MSI installers for applications, set up scripts for execution on startup/logon/logoff/shutdown, set up firewall settings, and so much more.

Now tell me, what would it take to set up a GNU network with the same central-login feature using Kerberos, centralized policy management and granular application, granular permission control, central application rollout, etc?

GNU is great if you're philosophical/ideological. Proprietary is pragmatic.

Tox me for hand-holding at

(It's over Tor, so don't bother hunting me down Mr. BSA-man. *Finger wag*)

You clearly dont know what you're talking about, because Microsoft's guide is like 40 pages long.

tl;dr you're a faggot

Mac is superior

Fuck off homOSeXual.

No it doesn't you massive faggot. Classic Wizardchan insults are "normalshit", "neurotypical", or "normalcattle." Normies is a wors used by fringe Redditors and /v9k/ shits that are failed normans. Shut the fuck up if you don;t know what you're talking about.

Ah, the replacement for the failed redditspacing meme has arrived.

That shit right there is exactly why I switched to Linux from Win10. Random fucking processes hogging my CPU and internet with no warning and no control, and told me I didn't have "permission" to close them. Fuck that, it's my goddamn computer, not Microsoft's.

Why does Steve Jobs trigger loonixfags so much?

He was charismatic, interesting, and a good businessman with a clear vision

In other words, the complete opposite of Richard Torvalds and Linus Stallman. He's the antagonist of the Linux user

Everybody who buys applel products are either homosexuals or have homosexual tendencies. According to Bible, it is sin. Thus, you should always use GNU/Linux.

That game runs in a wrapper not unlike Valves ToGL. Not the best thing to be using as an example.

Not only is it cringy as fuck, it's not even accurate. Mac OS is older than Windows by a year.