Who is the retard that keeps coming up with this bullshit, and who are the retards who actually subscribe to this mentality?
I've seen many people seemingly unironically support the idea that Superman/etc are evil because things get destroyed as collateral damage, or because they didn't stop that one truck while they were protecting the entire rest of the Earth, or because they didn't prioritize traveling miles away from people and risk it all going wrong instead of just taking down the bad guy ASAP.
Dominic Baker
It isn't about causing collateral damage, it's about doing nothing to try and minimize it.
Christopher Morgan
So he's a monster because he didn't save your life with a silky enough gloves?
Eli Price
where do you think you are
Grayson Flores
No..he could've saved the world without turning the city into a mass grave. There's still civilians there, remember?
Matthew Jackson
There was also the alien threat which was turning that city into that mass grave, and would have repeated the process in the rest of the world hadn't Superman intervened.
Dominic Stewart
I shiggy diggy
Ryder Turner
This thread is dumb. You're dumb.
Ethan Phillips
I diggied your shiggy last night.
Nathan Flores
Wonderful, more fucking cuck/co/ retards coming in.
The reason we blame Superman for the distruction of metropolis in Man of Steel and why that's given weight over him saving the world is 1. Metropolis is where most of the characters lived, 2. It's destruction was shown in graphic detail, and 3. Both the narrative and the visuals do nothing to justify why it was allowed to be destroyed.
We as viewers of the movie know there are people in Metropolis, people the movie has introduced us to and we're supposed to care about. This is why the rampant destruction of Metropolis is incredibly concerning because here we have those same characters nearly getting killed and Superman, the hero of the story, doing nothing to save them. While in real-life, prioritizing the world over friends might make sense, but in a work of fiction, where you can do anything, it makes the character seem callous.
However, all of that would be forgiven if the hero of the story was just struggling to hold his own in the fight, which Superman clearly isn't. Superman doesn't get his ass handed to him, he suffers no wounds, and hasn't even worked up a sweat fighting Zod. There's no tension, no real stakes. Their bodies and clothing are as pristine and undamaged as when they started. This is a failure of both visuals and narrative, as the lack of strife between them makes it seem that Superman really wasn't trying to save people. Combined with the previous, this leaves the viewer feeling as if Superman really didn't give a fuck.
So, in conclusion, fuck you and fuck your shit movie.
William Peterson
Ethan Williams
You need to be pretty asshurt about the movie to take defense of superman as a defense of the movie.
James Stewart
The Plutonian was right.
Elijah Sanchez
Chase Russell
A lot of people don't like utilitarians. The idea sacrifices and compromises must be made is more realistic and compelling, but it isn't very uplifting. I just watched 2 animu. The first was Prisma Illya 3rei and the other was parts 1-3 of Digimon Adventure Tri. In Illya she was given the choice to save an alternate earth full of billions of people or save her friend and simply believed somehow she would going to save both. or some shit. She stopped the guy who was trying to sacrifice her friend and then did a bunch of moe pedoshit. She doesn't save the alternate earth. That will most likely be in the 4th season, perhaps some kind of world merging will happen. Regardless I still liked Illya quite a bit. In Digimon it was a lot of Tai worrying about collateral damage and hurting bystanders so much that he just sat on his ass a bunch while monsters wreaked more havoc. Matt jumps his shit for being a limpdicked faggot but nobody really just tells Tai >But the big corrupted monsters we are fighting will definitely steps on a bunch of people and cause more property damage They both came off as a bad attempt to make compelling stories because ironically the target markets of both are older people. Illya is for Fate/Stay pedos and Tri is for the people old enough to remember Digimon 01 and 02.
Elijah Turner
Luis Garcia
But superman wasn't in thar movie.
That was Hopeman.
Parker Clark
I like critisims, but mindlessly repeating plebbit arguments like you're doing is the complete opposite of it.
Joshua Nguyen
Thinking that movie was any more than a pile of steaming shit IS a pants on head retarded opinion.
The whole knocking down buildings with people presumably still inside thing is but a drop in the sea of diarrhea that is that movie.
Caleb James
This is provably false. Quite a lot was destroyed by the world engine but there was much still standing and still inhabited and Superman didn't seem to make any effort to minimize the damage being done, even when it didn't really seem like the fight was too much more him to handle.
Neither you or have actually countered the points in that post as well, you've basically just set up several strawman to "argue" against.
Zachary Myers
No, he's a monster for making out with Lois Lane literally in the crater while people were dying around him.
That's the point, Clark literally did not give a fuck about the wreckage and the movie didn't give a fuck about making him give a fuck. Superman saves people, point blank. It's what he does, above even fighting villains. It's the clearest way to prove he's a good person.
It would have been fine if they spent the next few minutes afterwards showing Superman helping with recovery, but they didn't. He broke down crying for killing the guy who just committed an act of genocide then we cut to an unknown amount of time later an unknown amount of miles away. When he comes back he can just walk right up to a building right in the middle of the blast radius and people are walking around like nothing happened.
It was a shitty, shoddily crafted film featuring shitty, shoddily crafted characters.
Wyatt Rivera
If he'd just appointed himself the benevolent ruler of earth from day 1 everyone would've been better off
Wyatt Thomas
Here are some fine points that most people ignore when complaining about the destruction in MOS:
If it helps, there this video.
Leo Martin
Criticisms of Man of Steel are the stupidest goddamn shit I have ever wasted my time reading. Some people really never outgrew fucking kindergarten.
Brayden Torres
Why are you saying lies while posting proof that its all bullshit?
Lets see. Clark, because I refuse to call this superman, has had these powers his whole life, fighting someone who has had partial powers for all of a day and only gets full powered the last half of the fight.
Clark literally floats there as Zod visibly loses control of his laser eyes, is stunned as he tries to turn them off and then runs away while he's still just floating there.
Zod starts charging up the side of the building in a blind rage to get to Clark. Do you A) Stay where you are and then use his momentum and your flight to take him out of the city or B) Smash into him and blow up the side of the building and probably cause it to fall?
I mean, holy shit. This is even worse than I remembered.
Clark, the guy with the x-ray vision, fucking loses sight of the guy.
They go into fucking space and it's ultimately Clark that shoves Zod into a crowded building. Not counting the most likely crowded building he face grind him through earlier in the fight.
Clark didn't just 'not save people well enough' he's guilty of reckless homicide.
Jack Garcia
quit samefagging satan. We all know you're OP
Jack Powell
Yet he's had plenty of time to get used to his powers. On the flipside, Zod has never had these powers before and was not accustomed to using them. That's not true at all you disingenuous fuck. Superman was punching him around the city and crashed him into a building from space for fuck sake. This never happened either. If fact, it was Zod moved the damn fight into space and Supes brought it back to the city.
You need to stop talking out of your ass.
Connor Moore
It's pretty unfair to compare Man-of-Steel guy to that corn-fed lummox of a reporter. Clark might be a big guy he's no neck-snapper. Always helps his neighbors out.
Have you met his family? Good family.
Jaxson James
Look, it's hard to make Hopeman look like the innocent party when a 50 foot atomic breathing dinosaur fighting 2 radiation eating moth mantis thing do less property damage than a human sized flying man fighting another human-sized flying man.
Cooper Brooks
Yeah, I tend to ignore those points, seeing as those points were already dealt with then THREE FUCKING YEARS AGO WHEN THE FILM WAS RELEASED.
None of that shit is in the movie. None of it. The movie doesn't take the time to establish that it's his first fucking day, or Zod dominates, or Superman even trying to take it out of the city. You're defending the movie with fucking fan-fiction.
Let that sink in for a moment. Your defense of Man of Steel relies on the same evidence used by Zutarians.
Camden Reed
You're also dumb for giving him a (You).
This also makes me dumb for the same reason.
Carter Powell
The movie show us that Superman had never fought in his life with two scenes: one when he was bullied when a teenager but didn't fought back and another when he tried to defend the girl at the bar but hold it in deciding to just wreck the guy's truck later.
The other thing is that despite Zod's lack of proficiency with the new super-powers, he was still a trained general, while Superman had never received any training, and RIGHT BEFORE FIGHTING ZOD SUPERMAN HAD SPEND ALL HIS ENERGIES TRYING TO DESTROY THE WORLD ENGINE. SUPERMAN WAS SPENT WHEN HE FACED ZOD.
It was Zod that shoved Superman back to Earth when he pushed the Wayne's satellite.
Asher Bailey
Yeah, but Zod had literally never flown before, wasn't used to super strength, didn't have his mommy moment to control his super vision, and should have been a fucking wreck who could barely move.
Jackson Thompson
If that were the case, Superman should've been beat the shit out of. However, considering he wasn't, your case is full of shit.
Do you see now that nearly every defense of that fight is contradictory crap? If it was Superman's first day, then he should've gotten kicked the crap out of. If it was because Zod wasn't used to his powers, then why didn't Superman just dominate him? If it was because Zod was a "general", then why didn't Zod just kick the crap out of Superman with his superior knowledge of tactics and shit?
We can do this shit for fucking days, and I would love every minute of it. I'm utterly fascinated by the complete failure that is Man of Steel. I've learned a lot about story-telling and narrative just through the film's absence of it.
Jacob Howard
The Kents? Oh, good family. Very good family. In fact I would wager that even if they didn't have a son that they'd adopt a small child just because it was the right thing to do.
Yeah, the Kents are good people. Always willing to help out others because it's the right thing to do and I'm sure that they worked hard to instill in their boy a moral code that will guide him through the rest of his life. And of course that code is to help out where he can and not just leave people to die or something.
I'm never going to get a Supes movie that focuses on him as Clark Kent who is able to find out exactly how crimes happen thanks to super powers and then have to work backwards from scratch as a reporter to find some way to 'legally' discover the crime and expose it am I?
Now Zod might not have had a lifetime of adapting to the powers he got, but he tried REALLY hard for 15 whole seconds.
A final fight against a spasming, screaming in agony Zod that was destroying the city would have been a far better thematic end to the movie than having to feel bad killing a person that promised to wipe out every living being on the planet because he was butt-mad.
Logan Nguyen
Oh man, I would enjoy the fuck out of that.
The funniest part is the fact that even in the 'commercials for the damn movies in tie-ins expressed the fact he's destructive.
Robert Anderson
Looked like Zod suicided by cop to me, not sure if that's what was intended though.