New Board!

Are you tired of?
Then it's time to fucking move!

looks like shit


Wait and see, Faggot Cuck…I think you are going to be in for quite a shock. Your reign of tyranny is coming to an end…Soon.

lol. What are you going to do? Follow in Holla Forums's footsteps and market yourselves on Reddit? You lost before you started.

depends on how autistic the mods are. in my experience, constantly jumping boards just dilutes discussion more and limits the amount of fun. if you cant out post or ignore shitposters running wont save you from them.

gitgud faggot.

Nice try Faggot Cuck.

If they were actually interested in talking about movies, they would've gone to /film/. /television/ only exists because of Margaretcucks.

Faggot Cuck, pls.

all me

t. rulecucked nigger shill