Advice for first time acid trip?

advice for first time acid trip?
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But hey, ill bite. Green popsicles and good music, don't forget that you're just high.

Not that I would EVER condone support or participate in illicit activity of anysort.

It's a lot less than it's hyped up to be, just don't do anything drastic.

Also this.

Do stimulants along with it

I had to read this twice. The first time it said "Green popsicles are good music"

Fucking acid….

my cat is about this fat and every time he gets into that position to lick himself he starts gagging like he's going to throw up
it really worries me because i love my cat and don't want him to be sick
Also check out the moon.

Just relax, go with the flow and don't think abut spiders

yeah. don't do it. Go to church and marry a virgin.
She will be your godly wife in your godly home where you all sit together at the dinner table.
You will have sex only for the purpose of procreation.
Then you will die and be numbered among the righteous.

Check out this site,

read Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, Carlos Castaneda etc beforehand,

make sure you have a safe space (house, room) and/or access to nature like in the mountains or forest or beach

That does not sound good. That does not sound good at all.

The Eight Basic Loser Scripts

I. The biosurvival loser:

"I don't know how to defend myself."

II. The emotional-territorial loser:

"They all intimidate me."

III. The semantic loser:

"I can't solve my problems."

IV. The sociosexual loser:

"Everything I like is illegal, immoral, or fattening."

V. The neurosomatic loser:

"I can't help the way I feel."

VI. The metaprogramming loser:

"Why do I have such lousy luck?"

VII. The neurogenetic loser:

"Evolution is blind and impersonal."

VIII. The neuroatomic loser:

"I'm not psychic, and I doubt that anyone is."

(R. A. Wilson, Illuminati Papers, pp. 71, 93.)

The Eight Basic Winner Scripts
I. The biosurvival winner:

"I will live forever, or die trying."

II. The emotional-territorial winner:

"I am free; you are free; we can have our separate trips or we can
have the same trip."

III. The semantic winner:

"I am learning more about everything, including how to learn

IV. The sociosexual winner:

"Love, and do what thou wilt."
(user. of Ibid)

V. The neurosomatic winner:

"How I feel depends on my neurological knowhow."

VI. The metaprogramming winner:

"I make my own coincidences, synchronities, luck, and Destiny."

VII. The neurogenetic winner:

"Future evolution depends on my decisions now."

VIII. The neuroatomic winner:

"In the province of the mind, what is believed true is true, or
becomes true within limits to be learned by experience and
experiment." (Dr. John Lilly)

Do this AND LSD

The 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness
More On The Eight Circuits of Nervous System by Scotto
(Adapted from "Exo-Psychology" by Timothy Leary, and "The Illuminati Papers" and "Cosmic Trigger" by Robert Anton Wilson)

I. THE TERRESTRIAL CIRCUITS (Circuits designed for life on Earth.)

1. The Biosurvival Circuit ("Consciousness") – imprinted in infancy. Concerned with sucking, nourishment, cuddling, biosecurity. The imprinting of this circuit sets up the basic attitude of trust or suspicion which will last for life. First activated when a human being is born, and programs perception onto an either-or grid, divided into nuturing-helpful and noxious-dangerous (approach/accept vs. fight/flee). To activate: the opiates.

2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit ("Ego") – imprinted in the toddling stage. Concerned with territorial demands, emotional power tactics, political domination-and-submission strategies. The first imprint on this circuit identifies the stimuli which will automatically trigger dominant, aggressive behavior or submissive, cooperative behavior. To activate: abundant quantities of alcohol.

3. The Time-Binding Semantic {Dexterity-Symbolism} Circuit ("Mind") – imprinted by human artifacts and symbol systems. Concerned with handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction, building a "map" of the universe. If the environment is stimulating to the third circuit, the child takes a "bright" imprint and becomes dextrous and articulate; if the environmentis made of stupid people, the child takes a "dumb" imprint, i.e., remains more or less at a 5-year-old stage of artifact clumsiness and symbol-blindness. To activate: caffeine, speed, cocaine, a high-protein diet.

4. The Sociosexual Circuit ("Adult Personality") – imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences and tribal "morals." Concerned with sexual pleasure, local definitions of "moral" and "immoral", reproduction, nurture of the young. The specific neurotransmitter for Circuit IV has not been synthesized yet, but it is generated by the glands after pubescence and flows volcanically through the bloodstreams of adolescents.

Note: None of these terrestrial drugs change basic biochemical imprints (i.e. Circuit I-IV imprints). The behaviors which they trigger are those which were wired into the nervous system during the first stages of imprint vulnerability.

II. THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL CIRCUITS (Circuits designed for life in Space.)

5. The Neurosomatic Circuit – concerned with neurological-somatic feedbacks, feeling high, somatic reprogramming (Christian Science, faith healing, etc.). Gestalts shift from linear visual space to all-encompassing sensory space. A hedonic turn-on occurs, a rapturous amusement, a detachment from the previously compulsive mechanism of the first four circuits. To activate: ecstatic experience via physiological of chemical yogas, such as cannabis, Tantra, hatha yoga; free-fall.

6. The Metaprogramming {Neuroelectric} Circuit – concerned with reimprinting and reprogramming all earlier circuits, relativity of "realities" perceived, cybernetic consciousness. The sixth circuit consists of the nervous system becoming aware of itself. To activate: mescaline, psilocybin, LSD, Crowleyan "magick" metaprograms, advanced rajah yogas.

7. The Neurogenetic {Morphogenetic} Circuit – concerned with evolutionary consciousness (past and future), DNA-RNA-brain feedbacks, Jung's "Collective Unconscious." The first to achieve this mutation spoke of "memories of past lives," "reincarnation," "immortality," etc. To activate: LSD, advanced rajah yogas. Mescaline and psilocybin produce some Circuit VII experiences also.

8. The Neuroatomic Circuit – concerned with quantum consciousness, non-local awareness (beyond spacetime), so-called "PSI" or "magick" powers, Illumination. "Out-of-body experiences," "astral projection," contact with alien "entities" or with a galactic Overmind, etc. Circuit VIII is infra, supra, and meta- physiological – a quantum mechanical communication system which does not require a biological container. To activate: shock or near-death experience will automatically activate this circuit; Ketamine; high doses of LSD also produce some Circuit VIII quantum awareness.

See also:
[Index] [A Lurker's Guide] [The Eight Basic Winner/Loser Scripts] [Galactic Archives] [John Lilly and Metaprogramming]

Holy CulMarx batman, I have heard this one before.
Other than that it's a decent list but everything you want to do being illegal is a legitimate hurdle to success if you care about retaining the freedom operating within the law grants.

If you are a 'winner' ie. strong mind/will it doesnt matter,

but if you are highly suggestible/immpressionable to negative influence then preparation does not hurt, and its beneficial to have access to a safe space if things get too intense

think of it as a shamanic state of altered consiousness, a trip into heightened awareness and a higher state of being

there is a reason many report spiritual experiences with psychedelics, and there is science to support (mainly magic mushrooms but its similar to acid) that it helps with depression and such even years after taking it

I used to masturbate onto birds at a local park. Not a thing that I'm particularly proud of but I became quite good at it. I was taking zinc supplements so I was shooting massive loads and it became something of a sport to me. For anyone interested here is your best strategy. first, you need to find an isolated spot so you don't become a sex offender. I found a short kind of channel area where I saw the pigeons would congregate. Next, you arouse yourself. I was usually content with envisioning the occasional jogging lady coming over and taking a shit on my chest and that was enough to fuel the fire but if you're not as sexually charged as me just take some porn on the go. After you're good an horny, you get some bread. My pigeons preferred white bread but healthier birds might have a taste for honey wheat or maybe even multigrain. Fat, unhealthy birds are slower and easier to hit so remember that. Once you are seated on the bench and ready to do the deed, whip your roosevelt out and scatter bread out within a few feet of you. use your judgement based on how far you know you can cum. I was a lonely and depraved soul who could hit targets the size of a thimble at distances up to 4 feet. You wait for the pigeons to begin eating and to get comfortable with your presence. At this point, you want to coo gently and talk sensually to them to gain their trust. Now you're finally ready to cum on your bird. This is a tough part because the rapid motion of masturbation is very frightening to the birds, so you have to be subtle. Once you master a technique, you simply wind it up and let it go, aiming depending on your past cumming experiences. I always came high so I would aim for the neck of the bird and catch it right in the face. It's an extremely satisfying and erotic feeling, seeing those birds reel around covered in cum and maybe even transporting it to other places in the city. Either way I haven't done it in years but every now and then I catch myself gazing wistfully at a flock of birds, cock throbbing and waiting for them to land close to me.