Can we settle this? Where the fuck did whites come from?
Multiple ancestors? Tl;dr this shit.
What's the real story versus the (((real))) story?
Can we settle this? Where the fuck did whites come from?
Multiple ancestors? Tl;dr this shit.
What's the real story versus the (((real))) story?
Other urls found in this thread:
we came from the stars user.
aldebaran colony
the shitskins idk
We evolved as a race that had to overcome harsher conditions, via technology, than the negroid, creating a mentally superior being.
Whites: Bergensis/Neanderthal
Asians: Bergensis/Neanderthal/Denisova
Blacks: Bergensis/Erectus
Fucking knew Patrick Ewing was a throwback. Nobody listened to me. Thank god for the internets.
The prevailing idea atm is that a branch of sapiens moved into Europe during one of the historic warm periods 50-70k years ago.
The primary differences between nigs and euros (including intelligence) are primarily cold weather adaptations.
Changes to fat distribution, skin tone, size of the nose, hair type, length/thickness of the distal limbs, and the ability to plan for the future were primary selectors for humans in europe.
Negroids have retained more similarities to earlier hominids because of the relative stability of the environment in africa.
Notice how humans came "out" of africa, but not "in" to africa.
We're the species called "Human". lurk more
you see OP
long ago there was a little NEET named Christopher Poole who was banned from every anime forum because he would spam CP and gore
and then accidentally he stumbled upon a site from the land of the rising sun: 2channel
wanting to create a clone of this site but without the nipspeak, he and his fellow NEET friends started their own site: 4chan
the site was visited by NEETs from all across the globe, from America to Canada to Britain to Russia
then in 2006 a group of Holla Forumstards got together and raided a shitty little MMO called habbo, using avatars of niggers with giant 'fros and closing down the pools
between 2006 and 2014 the site was relatively unknown to the average normalfag, or known as "THE INTERNET HATE MACHINE" or "HACKERS ON STEROIDS"
then in 2014 a cancer came to the imageboard world: GamerGate
in late 2014 Christopher "m00t" Poole decided to cuck himself and ban any and all discussions related to gamergate, causing a mass exodus of 4channers to a promised land: Holla Forums
and so as his former username left, Moot decided to cuck himself even more by quitting ownership of the site and giving it to datamining japs
and that's the story of us, Holla Forums
Bullshit. They were race mixing with Homo Erectus
do it again then include the part when Holla Forums became a thing. I knew about 4chan in 2006 but there wasn't anything like Holla Forums
None of this is an argument against what I said.
Could you please explain? Fat people all look the same to me aside from gender.
here you go lad
You see long ago on the internet hate machine there was a little board called /n/, which was the proto-board of Holla Forums, then moot decided to be gay as fuck and delete the board, only for it to return under a new name in October of 2011, simply entitled Holla Forums
This was a board where Natsocs would gather and talk of the jews, the holohoax, the history of europe, and other such things
For one thing, ignore all the Holla Forums retards who say the "Out Of Africa" theory was ever "disproven". Whether humans came out of Africa 10k or 100k or 500k years ago is irrelevant, the fact is no one who isn't retarded believes that 2 different branches of the homo genus evolved parallel in completely separate parts of the globes until the first branch migrated out of Africa and came into contact with the first. We did come out of Africa and only idiots have a problem with that.
Also Neanderthals aren't Jews. That's just another nonsensical meme. Semites are just desert nomadic caucasoids who have mixed to a certain extent with negroids.
Soul transfer from mars after we nuked ourselves.
Past a certain point it all looks more or less the same from the outside.
White people naturally carry more fat centrally and are less likely to carry it as VAT (insulin resistant; part of the reason gibs get 'beetus so often).
VAT has also been linked to increased risks of certain cancers and heart disease even when balanced against other fatties.
The idea being that the central disposition keeps you warmer than the more general layout nigs typically have.
Just like the Inuit goy,
So how do you explain the discrepancy between genes of an European and Africans? If we truly come from the same source, there should be no major differences in genes. Meanwhile, Africans have a portion of genes that Europeans don't and vice versa. Going further, if we come from the same ancestor as niggers, how do you explain significant bone structure and muscle structure differences between chinks, whites and niggers? I guess you could go for an early estimate of separation in our hypothetical early ancestor, but then you have to explain the gene discrepancies. The idea here is that European population did not descend from African A and B haplogroups. You are free to google "russians disprove out of africa theory" and see what they have to say. If you find some mirror of scihub, you might even get a peek at their paper.
That second pic has a lot of problems with asians and denisovans…
Fucking neanderthals and their jungle fever.
I heard it was probably Homo Sapiens (niggers) +Neanderthals = Cromagnolian man -> Homo Sapien Sapiens (us).
Tl;dr this shit
~15,000 years ago an Ice Age ended, aka Noah's flood. Sea level rose wiped out most civilization. Whites were that civilization, a Atlantic Oceanic Sea fearing peoples.
After the mini-cataclysm we settled down & survived mostly in Europe/Mediterranean North Africa. Then slowly and surely the race-mixing has crept northward.
Aren't the Ainu more directly descended from the Denisovans?
Homo sapien = Cro magnon vs Neanderkike rapists.
So were the Neanderthals built and fit as fuck and raped all the migrants, or were they cucks with little dicks who got raped by migrants
This. Or something like that. I dont think you could just take a group of niggers, put them in harsh conditions, and 1 million years later you get Sweden. That just spumds a little far fetched, even moreso than ayylmao intervention.
Now, the reason I dont think nigger evolution is possible, how dumb and almost comically useless your average nigger is. They wouldnt be able to survive those kinds of conditions for even a generation.
Even if they could, (they cant) how the fuck do you get literal comic book-tier mutations/changes from the fucking weather?
They were primitive jews. Short, stocky, hairy bastards that did a lot of raping.
It means they mated with outside groups
you don't understand how long a million years is.
or what evolution is.
Cromagnons did the raping. Neanderthals got their shit thoroughly fucked up,(humorously enough its speculated that the dreaded "empathy" gene that currently bogs down people of European descent came from neanderthals) and then their women disapeared into Euro genetics.
The average swede really isn't very different from an African
You could probably GMO a new race just by reshuffling prexisting alleles
Evolution is small changes, mutations from gills to lungs, fins to feet, that sort of thing. Those take more than a million years. I will always be sceptical that niggers turned into white people in what is basically the geological equivalent of a blink of the eye.
toppest of keks
The Inuit having to survive harsh conditions is interesting…I think it was a change in climate as in: seasons that made the white race what it is. One has to plan ahead for seasons, thus natural selection brought out a race that could.
yea dude those really aren't very different in perspective.
also all the artist renditions of ancient hominids are fucking retarded. they give them apish soft tissue for no reason and random tufts of hair
That sounds fascinating.
Eugenics is a great field. I believe we can use it to make the human race something so great.
Fucking kikes pushing disgenic miscegenation…encouraging the stupid to breed. Eugenics needs to be heavily examined by future governments. China already has a head start in that department.
Which looks more like a European (or even Asian), and which looks more like a jew. Compare the Qafzehl skull to neanderthal and cro magnon; it looks like a hybrid.
I don't think the very European looking skull (cro magnon) did the raping but jews still have a history of nabbing women.
Yeah duded they are. It shows what happens when you nigger mix and how many kinds of nigger there are. So when you say "nigger" you're talking about many kind of ancient ape men.
Compared to brain chemistry, bone density, bone structure, skin composition, vocal cords, and all that other shit changing ALL within one million years? Yea thats pretty big compared to a single gradual change over tens of millions of years.
yea man going from gills to lungs is massive more complicated than any of the changes you listed. in fact, the former dwarfs all of your examples combined. they aren't even comparable.
all those traits could change substantially in a thousand years with enough pressure
Chinese are way, way more advanced in the field of epigenetics. They're already moving to human applications, specifically identifying genes related to intelligence. They've partnered up with some Nordic cucks. To give you an idea the nords might clone two or three pigs in a busy year, the chinese are doing hundreds in a year. in their current partnership the chinks are steaming ahead with research and the nords are playing the tortoise and fact checking everything slowly
of course the chinks are just stealing all the european methods and knowledge though
The Ainu may be Cro-Magnon.
How is weather down there in fucking Tel Aviv, JIDF? No nukes raining yet?
M-michelle? G-great speech last night!
Whites were created by God, niggers are beasts of the field, jews are the synagogue of satan
We? Just who is "we"?
The homo genus? Erectus? Heidelbergensis? Neanderthalensis?
Anatomically modern humans? Africans? Pygmies? Bushmen? Australian Aborigines?
Behaviorally modern humans? Northeast Asians and Europeans?
Indo-Europeans? Those White prime movers of the great flowering of the ancient civilizations in Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe?
Hajnal line Europeans?
Whatever. In any case, every race (human subspecies) recognizably White came from Central Asia.
Blacks are devolved primitive humans who interbred with homo erectus.
Aliens. Not even joking. There are 4 different white races. We are hybrids that were originally meant to be a slave race. Question our nature user. Why is it that we have Shitty instincts when you compare to every animal? Why do we see all this alien shit in ancient civilizations? Search up blue planet project pdf or something like that and related files. Also search up Smersh alien races. Evolution definitely exists but it's still called the theory of evolution because we can't find the link between us and our presumed ancient ancestors. We've literally found connections between all the other skeletons but us. Search some more and you find skeletons of different beings too, etc.
The genetic differences between Europeans and Africans are much smaller than the differences between Africans and Australian Aborigines. Yet you would probably say the African looks closer to the Abbo than the European. All the differences in any case comes down to a matter of time, environment and isolation, there is no need to make it more complicated a matter. The genetic distance is not that great as you are making it out to be, and a relatively few number of changes in genes can create the physical differences that we observe between the races.
Perhaps, but he got there from the first place from Africa. I don't see many apes we could have evolved from there, after all.
Weathers bretty gud my memeing friend ::DDDD
Of course be skeptical and do your research but it really is not a farfetched idea at all
Please OP, I've already fapped today.
Who is we? Are you talking about all humans and subhumans like blacks and moslems on Earth?
Is there anything niggers can do right? I'm honestly starting to buy into Lloyd Pye's intervention hypothesis now, as there is no way in hell this species could evolve naturally.
That might be cause for concern if the chinese weren't notably corrupt failures in science and pretty much everything else. None of the clickbait headlines ever pass peer review for a reason.
Not a chance. Have you seen what people with heavy Denisovan admixture look like? Melanesians, Papuans, and Abbos.
Into the Africa it is.
Durin the ice age, proto humans from Central Asia went into the Africa and interbred with Erectus, who was ape like hominid. First negro was born.
Negroes are nothing more, nothing less, then Erectus hybride species.
This thread is shit. It is reaction for the "Iceman inherintance" thread and promote Out of Africa bullshit hoax. Damage control. Clearly shows, how kikes are scared from the truth about neanderthal admixture in jews is comming out.
OP is clearly some JIDF tier kike.
Between 14000 and 16000 years ago, the ancestors of most of the white races had held out in the region northeast of khoton as the world wen through yet another seres of cataclysmic events.
Others were survivors from a western empire, that in the end, could not sustain it's self as water evels rose with the melting of the ice.
You have a nigger-tier understanding of evolution. 1 million years, that's 50,000 generations (assuming ~20 years per generation). If niggers had an average increase of .0006 IQ points per generation then that would account for the 30 point average difference between whites and nigs. An increase of .0006 IQ points per generation is basically imperceptible and would be the same with any other genetic change.
Whites (Northern Europeans) have existed in their current form for about 5000 years.
They are a 3 way mix of 3 source populations:
- the Western Hunter gatherers (blue in the bttom row in attached image), who had dark skin and hair, but blue eyes, populated Europe after the last glacial maximum
- Early European farmers (orange in bottom row in pic), who had light skin but dark hair and eyes, who pushed into europe from anatolia after the development of farming starting about 10k years ago, mostly displacing the WNGs but interbreeding with them a bit
- Ancestral North Eurasians (teal in bottom row in pic), a presently not very well understood population from Siberia who probably are the source of the light hair genes, and who also contributed ancestry to the people who settled the Americas
The WHGS settled europe as the ice sheets receded, then The EEFs displaced and partly interbred with the WHGs. Before 5k years ago most of europe was mostly EEF ancestry with a bit of WHG. Then the Indo-Europeans, who has the full suite of light skin, light eyes and light hair, and were made up of a 50/50 mix of ANE and WHG ancestry, steamrolled northern europe, killing off most of the locals but interbreeding with their young women.
Most nborthern euros get about 50% of their ancestry from the Indo-Europeans, the rest from the EEFs (including a bit more WHG ancestry from the EEF-WHG mixing). Finns and Estonians have extra Indo-European.
Southern Euros have less IE ancestry, as the farmers were better established in the south and didn't get so thoroughly BTFO. That is one of the reasons those guys are darker.
The red in the bottom row is a mongolian-like population, so yes russians are mongolized, but not very much
And yes, modern turks are basically a mix of greeks, slavs, armenians and mutts with no coherent genetic identity.
Sage for slide thread but here is it in as short as possible.
No, my nigger shitposter.
Caucasians and Mongolians are of different species.
Caucasians and Negro, Abos and other are not even of same genera.
Niggers, Abos and like are not in the Human family.
Of course, you are a kike.
Forgot about Jews. They are Neanderthal/Negro/Caucasian hybrid specie.
There isn't a major difference in our genes, if we are considering the entire genome. The number of genes that separate whites from blacks is very small. It's enough to make me not a nigger though.
Bone and muscle structure? God damn, you might as well be a nigger, you are just as stupid as them.
Imagine a vidya game is 50GB. Upon release it is broken, buggy, and basically unplayable. Crashes and freezes constantly. Frame rate is painfully low. Controls are inexact and unpredictable. Graphics are shit and the sound is distorted. Programmers investigate and find out all these problems are due to a relatively small amount of coding errors. They release a 2MB patch and all of a sudden the game goes from an ugly, broken mess into a flawless 10/10 GOTY masterpiece.
Yes, I am exaggerating things here. It's just an analogy. Don't get all autistic on me and say, "a 2 MB patch would never fix all the problems with a game that broken, blah, blah".
The vast majority of our genome is just coding the basics. You think it takes a lot of genetic mutation to cause bone structure difference? It doesn't compared to how much genetic information it takes to code WHAT A FUCKING BONE IS AND HOW OUR BASIC SKELETAL SYSTEM IS LAID OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
fam niggers breeded with other hominids that europeans/asians never breeded with
Furthermore they are niggers and so the differences between european/asian and nigger subspecies is quite salient even the untrained eye.
Stopped reading right there.
Listen kike. This is /po/, not some fucking NatGeo kike science site. So stop shilling, you are not even funny anymore.
Better visit some Tel Aviv brothel and fuck some negress…
The problem with trying to piece together out evolutionary history is that it's also based upon our anthropological history, which is completely wrong. (But it's getting better, slowly but surely)
Egypt, China, India, and Sumeria were not the first civilizations. In fact all of them, particularly Egypt, flat out say in their own texts and histories that they weren't. If you could go back in time and ask the Egyptians how they built the sphinx, they'd say "Fuck if I know, we didn't build it".
Around 11-13 thousand years ago, there was an impact in the glacial region of North America. The amount of water released from the glaciers was so much that it's hard to visualize. So much so that any evidence of even an Iron Age level civilization would have been completely scrubbed away in North America.
There's also the fact that this would have taken weight off of that section of the crust, which would cause it to rise up, meaning the crust on other parts of the planet would sink. This, combined with all the released glacial water, means that coastal civilizations go under.
Now I'm not going to go and say that this ancient civiliation(s) had ancient alien levels of technology or were more advanced than us. More likely probably on par with the Romans, more or less, with some innovative specialized technologies for navigation and food preservation (Given that the South Pole landmass under the ice was apparently mapped with extreme accuracy). You also have to keep in mind that this is still pretty early on in the history of anatomically modern humans, so it's very reasonable to imagine that the coasts were "civilized" while the inner, harsher lands (Remember that this was during an ice age) were the frontier populated by stone age level people. It was a little similar to our own bronze age. Most people still used stone tools and shit, even though we knew about and made bronze. These civs also likely didn't use bronze, but a much more degradable metal. (The discovery of bronze is pretty miraculous, since it was an accidental alloy. We're lucky as fuck that it happened in the first place)
There's also the known extinction events like the Toba Eruption that had a huge impact on human biodiversity. So given what we do know based on discovered remains, it seems likely that "advanced" hominids were pretty abundant in our history and we existed at the same time, and possibly competed with/traded with/went to war with. The hominids we know of (Blacks, Neanderthal, Cro Magnon, etc.) were not the first "people". They were survivors living in a post apocalypse. And even all of them, with the exception of Neanderthal, seem to be the result of the mixing of different populations (There are so many unknown hominids in African DNA it isn't even funny)
So given that wall of autism I just posted, it's hard to say what our evolutionary roots are. Maybe blond haired blue eyed whites have always been top dog around the world. Maybe we're the descendants of the top tier coming together and forming groups. It's all really interesting shit. It's a shame such a monumentally difficult task of putting it all together has been fucked up so hard by Jewish Academia.
So you are basically saying "We wuz atlantis"?
To an extent. It likely wasn't "we", but one of our ancestor groups. Or the whites/populations that would become whites were the stone age savages from the internal frontier that survived because we weren't on the coast.
Who knows.
Great post.
Also, acording to Solon via Plato, ancient people on the southern Black see shore fought with Atlanteans, 11500 years ago. Maybe these proto Greeks were earlier colonists from Atlantic.
I think the whole Atlantean thing should be treated much more as allegorical than specific history.
There's no doubt in my mind that it's a story based on actual events, but I think "Atlantis" is just a literary representation of the civilization(s) that existed before the flood (The impact also explains the global flood myth found in almost every culture).
Of course, the inland tribals would naturaly blame hubris and upsetting the gods for the annihilation of the "Civilized city folk". Since they would be the least affected, their narrative would be the strongest one to be passed on, even amongst the survivors that would now be forced to live like they do.
That's the problem. Evolution is just a story.
One thing I've always wondered, of the extant non-Homo great apes, two (Pan and Gorilla) live in Africa, then these orangutan lives way the fuck out in SE Asia and none live anywhere else. Like, wtf is that guy doing way out there?
Are you trying to rumble my jimbos m8?
Allegorical? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. Would be 9000 years old memory when Plato wrote it down. But still, great flood was even older.
What interests me, is R1b haplogroup distribution. Looks like comming from Atlantic shores and radiating invards. Any idea?
gods fucked savages and made white men.
You fucking faggot.
The skull on the left is a false reconstruction.
And pic related is, what Paleo Atlantid looks like. It is of Cro-magnon stock, btw.
No, it is not. It is literary you, kike.
these are interesting macros, but unfortunately have no citation whatsoever and therefore I cannot save nor spread them.
wanna help me out with that?
Kikedemia and kikescience said "common ancestor" is "Eve" who lived 50KY ago in Africa. Black as a coal. Pic related.
and btw, I am not stormfronter, just foud collection there
dude, you're fucking retarded. I really don't know what else to say. I'm really at a loss
They know damn well the 50k yrs ago is not true for everyone considering that homo neaderthalis and denisovians, as well as cro magnon left Africa (if that is what happened) more that 50k yrs ago. So I'm skeptical of that.
Ainu/Jomon are proto-Caucasian. More "Aryan".
Jews are not the ones with the most Neanderthal DNA - Europeans are. Basque Europeans to be specific.
The only reason Jews have any Neanderthal DNA to begin with is because they raped little White girls throughout the centuries.
How The Neanderthals Became The Basque -
Do you seriously believe the (((official narrative))) that depicts the Neanderthals as having weak chins, protruding noses, and sloped foreheads?
These traits would get them killed by Ice Age Europe.
and then said I am retarded, lel
I newere said, niggers are different species. What I said is, Caucasians and Mongols are of different species. Niggers, Abos and few others are of diferent GENERA.
Race (bread, subspecies) exists in for example, Caucasian specie. Then you have Alpine race, mediteranian race, Nordid race, etcetra…
I know you are now in state of seizure, but cant help. That is the beauty of Holla Forums, I can write down the truth whitch kikes dont like.
You are wellcome.
hominins evolved somewhere faggot, and science says that somewhere was Africa. Quit playing games you mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging troglodyte
You're screaming "dark skin NO NO NO" like a retard. No amount of hair-splitting or backtracking or filling in the gaps is going to cover up that stupidity.
The Out-Of-Africa Theory has long been debunked by the same science you refer to.
Kill yourself.
No. We allready prooved that is nonsense:
Why are you copypaste that kike propaganda shit?
Kikes are whitewashing Neanderthals since modern genetics science began to realise, they are 20% neanderthal on the average.
Kek confirms - We did not come from Apefrica.
Paabo is a lying Jew.
Usurpous rats want you to think they are descended from the first Europeans. They did not.
Show me what you think a Neanderthal looked like. It's bullshit.
Why does mainstream science say they looked like Semites if they're supposedly "Whitewashing" them?
Get fucked faggot, read my link.
Basques are the modern descendants of Neanderthals - NOT Jews.
Yes, yes. Newer ever try to win kike in debate. They have up to 150 verbal IQ… lel, "mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging troglodyte", thats new, newer heard yet. You are jewel for real, kike.
So tell me your story, then. Black skin faded away in some snow mountains? Really? Then why Eskimos are still dark?
What about those skulls? Just why niggers and gorila looks almost the same?
I am all ears.
"Out of Africa Theory"
Please do explain the "out of africa theory" and in what way it was debunked. I'm not sure anything I said actually supported "The Out of Africa Theory" as you call it. All I said was that niggers and caucasians have a common ancestor at some point and that ancestor however long ago that was seems to have been in Africa. That is not "The Out of Africa Theory," in my understanding. "The Out of Africa Theory" has a lot more details and specific claims than the simple truth that I mentioned.
Perhaps if you weren't so stupid, or understood the subject matter a little better, you'd understand nuance.
you have a common ancestor with niggers, retard, and that ancestor probably lived in Africa. Don't start with this "white people are actually annunaki from planet nibiru" bullshit with me.
it was debunked when they found out you were the missing link
You actually think the common ancestor lived in Africa?
Is it too hard to think that maybe the Niggers diverged from us and went into Africa to stagnate?
Because "mainstream science" is all about kikes and few white cucked idiots, who are too scared to tell the truth.
Btw, all those fact were prooven long ago, by pre war anthropologysts (Coon, for example).
I read your fucked ling few days ago. It is some kikes fucked stupid blog, with tons of fucken kike names on the top. (David xy…).
Basques are of Paleo Atlantid Cro-magnon stock.
This is close.
What happened is, during the Ice age, some HSS outcast went INTO the Africa and fucked Homo Erectus creatures. Niggers were born.
Care to try that Out-Of-Africa Theory again?
you can start arguing any time now
For sure, we all shar some common ancestor. But with niggers, that would be some mouselike creature, who lived few MILLIONS years ago. Not 50 or 100 or even 500KY ago.
See that difference?
"Cro Magnon" refers to Neanderthal-Sapien hybrids.
Try again, this time refute my link's sources without citing the author's FIRST name.
Get real, faggot.
Neanderthals, by the very nature of the fact that they lived in ICE AGE EUROPE, would not, could not, and did not possess Semitic features - such traits can only exist in the Middle East and would have gotten the Neanderthals killed by hypothermia.
how fucking retarded are you? that doesn't refute anything I said? There is nothing about Europeans being fully anatomically modern humans 30k yrs ago that refutes my assertion that there was a common ancestor 300k-500k years ago in Africa. How fucking dumb are you?
This is why no one like you stormfags. You are fucking low-IQ dipshits
Ive owned artwork 3000 years older than that you fucking imbecile
the modern haplogroups range in gaps from as much as 70000 years from each other
No but the fact that there is no GENETIC commonality between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans does.
yes, I understand the difference, but there's no evidence to back that up. In fact, the evidence is very much to the contrary. please try engaging your brain before you post, if you have one.
Why does it matter? This is way way off the original topic. It literally matters to me fucking zero whether some fucking ape 500,000 years ago (or whenever, maybe more recently) lived in the ME or Africa or what.
Personally, I think they all lived in what is now the Mediterranean Sea, but I have no proof for that, so I have to with the scientists when they claim they think the earliest common ancestor was in Africa.
Also, if you look at DNA maps, its pretty clear that there were movements of populations out of Africa, multiple migrations, that pushed the earlier inhabitants to the NW and into the mountains. At least that would be my first guess looking at the data.
I think Moder Europeans as we know them are that old - not Humanity in general.
See the difference?
[citation needed]
one more preposterous claim without evidence and you are filtered, stormfag. Actually, I don't even think you are a stormfag, bc even they are not this dumb. I actually think you are JIDF pulling a d&c shill trying to act like a stormfag so everyone will hate you.
cut it out shlomo
Cognitive Dissonance
Then why, just why, kikes tryed to assasinate Bradley (stabed him on the podium)?
He's not supporting the Out of Africa theory you mongoloid. The Out of Africa theory is specific, it doesn't mean "Out of Africa" in general. It tries to imply that something close enough to resemble anatomically modern humans left Africa to populate the planet.
The debunking you're talking about just says that we are not descended from Africans, but that we share a common ancestor. Nothing in that states that our common ancestor didn't come from Africa, which current archeology does still support given the fossil record.
good one, Chaim
saying that there is a common ancestor a half million years ago is not the same as supporting "The Out of Africa Theory." The first is a very simple irrefutable claim, the other is a whole 500k years long narrative with lots of specificity. We've already gone through this
filtered and reported for shitposting and retardation
were older than that, most estimates are in th 35kbce range
Here's the thing - any theory that suggests humanity hailed from Africa is to be regarded as trash equal to the ever 'specific' Out-Of-Africa Theory.
Kill yourself.
you idiots are literally arguing over where the goal posts are in the middle of the stadium parking lot
A common ancestor probably existed.
Did they live in Africa like you say?
Who is Bradley, when was this assassination, and why haven't you filtered that mongoloid yet? He's either a troll or so fucking dense that he's not worth replying to
Try to explain that to the niggers, who, thanks to the jews, beleive, there were some black Eve there and cracka is from us niggas.
And even that, what you said, is not true. The original african inhabitants hunreds of thousant years ago were of A and B haplogroup. And there is NO A and B haplogoup outside Africa. NONE!
The fact that Africans don't have any Neanderthal or Denisovan heritage implies something like that. It doesn't necessitate that, as there can be multiple origins - especially if there was an ancient civilization pre/during Ice age. I have nothing concrete, but plenty of myths include Atlantis / Flood and hard reset(s) on civilization.
I'm open to other alternatives as well.
However, black DNA has the potential to produce a 190 IQ individual, albeit rarely. It is fairly close to all measured top IQs, so the reason for niggers nogging is in their values / lack of healthy mate promotion and societal development.
No, that one faggot is trolling, derailing or simply being a retard. I never wanted to talk about "Out of Africa" – that wasn't where the conversation began. That user just keeps pulling out barely related tropes and acting like they are arguments.
Please, don't add to the derailing
Filtering is for spammers, not those you disagree with.
This user is an intellectual coward.
Bradley is the author of "Iceman inheritance" and "Chosen people from Caucasus" and few other books, where he prooved, semites have at least 20% neanderthal genome, while other Northern Europe has close to 0%, acordin to 2010 Paabo research. he was quickly shoahed and almost killed because of that.
This guy is JIDF, therefore I have special honor to fuck him into the kikebrain.
No, we're trying to educate this retard that doesn't know what the Out of Africa theory actually means.
No shit retard. Nobody is disputing this. This is what disproves "Out of Africa". It means that this haplogroup developed in Africa and stayed there. Not developed outside and moved in, either. Which means that, given the fossil record, the hominid that developed into Africans was in Africa before that happened. And, given the fossil record, it's highly likely that either that early pre-nigger hominid or one of its more ancient ancestors originated in Africa and at some point split off and left the continent.
Neanderthal DNA can be found in Northern Europeans.
This is a fact.
Jews stole their negligible Neanderthal DNA from the White girls they raped throughout the centuries.
In fact, the only 'people' on Earth who don't have Neanderthal DNA are sub-Saharan Africans.
IIRC correctly they have European sequences in their genes. It's possible that Aryans set up on the island and then got bred out of existence. There's still living pockets of Aryan-like people in East Asia such as the Uyghur.
abbos dont
No. This "enviroment keeps nigs down" was disprooved experimental, many many times.
It is not just weight and cranium capacity. Niggers have different developed brains. Neocortex is much simpler, than in HSS brains. Nigger brains resemble that of the gorila.
So, not enought genome coding for IQ190, but enought for maybe IQ90. That would be a "Supernigger".
you sure that wasnt black guy in the US
niggers have been here since 13 years after the mayflower
theres a lot of jungle fever between then and now
No. Acording to Paabo 2010 research, Northern Europe is close to 0% Neanderthal. Semites have on the average and up to 50% neanderthal genome. In some Caucasus valleys, there are peaks with up to 70% neanderthal. There were last neanderthal refugee resorts.
Paabo research 2010 proved Europeans and Asians have traces of Neanderthal DNA.
You contradict yourself more and more, and this Bradley guy sounds like a revisionist Kike.
Here's some links regarding the distortion of the truth about the Neanderthals that you yourself buy into:
We already said this in the other thread
"the paabo research" is not a fucking citation
They actually do, but that's another story.
Show me specifically where Paabo's research proves that.
Yes, it was Philip Emeagwali from Nigeria. An engineer who helped build a supercomputer.
Paabo is a reliable source regarding Neanderthal DNA.
His research proves all Europeans have Neanderthal DNA, which disproves this user's claim that Northern Europeans don't.
Check 'em.
That sounds like the Yakub shit that the nigger jews are always going on about
Natural selection (plus neanderthal admixture).
okay, but seriously can you give me some tl'dr on these books or link me to it? I'm not interested in hearing some random asshole ramble on for an hour and a half about how maybe jews are from neaderthals. That's not how this works.
I want an abstract and an intro so I can see if its even worth reading in the first place.
Would make for a good apocalyptic book.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
My quads show that Kek supports my claim that Neanderthal DNA is European and that Jews try to usurp our position of being Neanderthal descendants with such trite as is found in
Kill all kikes, kick out criminals: race problem solved.
Wew, sliding is in full effect.
Are you sure you know, how haplogrops are working? Unchanged for millions years, only some mutation here and there on the statistical predicable rate?
Now, A and B are millions of years old, smarty. (btw, there is no "start point" for real. There is only a point mutation, what we call "beggining of A lineage"). And if A and B are niggers great-great monkeyfathers haplos, and if A and B mutations are absent from our great fathers genome, that there is fucken logic, there is no common ancestor after the time, A and B are derived because of mutation. And that is at least million years.
What they found in Africa (fossils), are some nigger like half hominid, half primates.
What they found in Europe, is fully developed man, unchanged for 40 000 years, called Cro-magnon. Developed in Europe and still live in Europe.
Haha. You have a vivid imagination to believe this bullshit.
Cant help anymore, kike.
A forced, false "meme"
It was forced, it can never be a true Meme.
stopped reading there. kys
Try find yourself under "Armenid" and "Arabid" type (pic related). Add some nigger and Neanderthal.
It is you, kike!
already did, again:
Sure. JIDF will say to the Holla Forums, what is meme and what is not. For sure…
You forget this pic
An abstract is one paragraph long. This is pages and pages of poorly formatted ramblings of a possible madman
please provide an abstract/summary.
oh wow great pics. I particularly love how they are based on real science and have detailed citations
You do know there are niggers smarter than you right?
Sure, my mistake. I was talking about Y chromosome is unchanged for millions of years, not fucking haplogroups.
all the niggers who dont adapt die off
the handful that do survive and breed
do i need to sit down with you and explain it more?
I think they might have some special books on amazon for people with certain needs like you, they even have pop-up images, you'll love them
For sure some smart niggers exists. Because of white admixture. But pure African Negro have IQ limmited to 75. Maybe there exists two or three pure unmixed African nigger with IQ85, these are African Newtons. But this is extremly rare.
Ok there is two kinds of Berberid : North & South
Happy now ?
who is this semen demon?
Is that you on that pic with fish mouth from the youth? Are you some fucking SJW?
That material is actualy based on pre WW2 real science. At least 200 years of anthropology, books and books, plates, measures. Before kikes burn down our academia with Boasian Frankfurt bullshit hoax science. Google for Coon "Races of Europe", for example.
Also, this is Holla Forums, not some fucked kikedemia. Find those science and citation for yourself, like i had to do, fucken lazy kike.
Nice catch, user. Left one is Moamar El Gadafi tier.
I know also that Isabelle Adjani's father is from Kabylia too.
Mongolians were literally Caucasions before they pillaged and took over China and got 6 chink wives each, you dumb fuck.
pic related
pic related
pic related
one more retarded comment like this and you'll be reported and filtered for shitposting, bc no one is this stupid
Give ve me a break user
you are really, really fucking stupid
See now the results
practically the only intelligent post ITT
that's not how Bell Curves work, you fucking dimwit
The Inuit barely had seasons either. It would have taken superior planning to take advantage of their very short growing season. Instead they just clubbed seals year round. White European latitudes had seasons, the Far North was harsh but there was no planning for crops. At any rate their average IQ is still 20 points higher than SSA.
Neanderkikes are our prehistoric enemy. They still fear us and our symbols.
No. Cromagnon is unchanged for at least 40 000 years. No semitic features on the Cro-magnon skull exists. Pic related are some types of modern Cro-magnons.
educate yourself
lel. it is other way around. Semites have Neanderthal features. Also, Midlle East was the main inhabitant place of neanderthals. There are many Neanderthal sites in Israel. Main Neandertal refuge site was Caucasus and Thaurus mountain.
good post.
but on skin color, regardless of race, the higher ups will always be whiter, for the simple fact they will be much less hours per day working under sunlight.
this then gets hijacked by "everyone with less tan was 200% germanic aryan" and ruins the momentum.
Sure. Peak is on 60. Want a chart, or you can jewgle? And I am talking about smarter one, not Pygmey, Khoisan or Hotentot with peak at 50.
Who is dimwit now?
Holly jesus fuck! That is, what scisors are for!
Like races are social construction, we all bleed red, Abos are human, kikes are human…
You are not even a kike. You are SJW. Worse.
It's called median, and its approximately 70.
No, I can do the math in my head. With a standard deviation of 15, you'll see that about 2% of the African population has an IQ over 100. That's very different from your "no one over 75" assertion.
Africa has about a 1 billion (roughly) population. Since I can tell you are of lower than (white) median intelligence, that means there are 20 million niggers in Africa that are smarter than you.
You bc there are over 20 million niggers in Africa that are smarter than you. see above
filtered JIDF
you can start making an argument any time now. Start by showing me how those classifications match up precisely with changes in not morphological but genetic characteristics.
reported and filtered for severe retardation
being this assblasted about getting your ass handed to you here
Don't reply bc I've already filtered you. I'm just going to gloat and have some fun at your expense so that anyone who stumbles onto this thread can see how fucking stupid you are and laugh at you.
Yea well, up to you theory, 20 000 000 nigers with IQ100 and higher. I suppose then, about:
- 1 000 000 IQ120
- 500 000 IQ130
- 100 000 IQ 140
- 10 000 IQ 150
- 100 IQ 160
- 10 IQ 170
- 2 IQ 180
- 1 every 50 years IQ 190
- 1 every 100 years IQ 200
- etc
Well then.
please explain your math to me
go to hell, fucking Yid
It is same math than your 20 000 000 niggers in Africa with IQ higher than 100.
Look that's not the original point. You (or someone) said it's impossible that niggers could evolve into something decent.
If you took their top 1 % and bred them together for 500 years, and culled the rest… they most likely would be ok.
Everything about him is a lie. The jewmedia just loves to promote negro con men. He probably has an iq of around 110, which is enough the get along well with Jews and lie convincingly.
I deny that assertion. Perhaps you could walk me through your math, so I can have some fun mocking you for being ignorant of Gaussian Geometry and Statistical Science?
Luckily you replied before I actually filtered you. I think I can milk quite a few moar lulz out of you at this rate.
here, I'll give you a clue: pic related
Is your maths based on this?
No, you're just tremendously stupid.
also am i the only one that's noticed the neanderkike maymay is never pushed with any actual information, just namecalling and ad hom
define species
This one's actually super fucking easy: The average IQ whites can record, pass on, and replicate the process of the genius-level whites. The 20,000,000 niggers with iq100 have the capacity to be as successful as the guys that repair cars or that work in construction.
also your math is completely wrong pls look up how bell curves work, niggers with iq 115 (on par with gifted whites) are, what, three tenths of a percent of the african population?
pls no bully i never studied bell curves
oops forgot to give you your clue
Well, let's not make that argument. IQ isn't everything.
Look, don't even reply to that user. He's a retarded faggot. Just mock him for being stupid. It's fun.
less, see
if median is 70, then that 3 std deviations, or 0.15%
You ignore population growth. Africa was scarcely populated prior white man. Zulus gave headaches to even Brits.
If it follows the standard model. However, I presume it doesn't - don't know how it fails, but since their women are the opposite of ours IQ-wise…
That's because the average swede is from africa
Is that why there's so many in strongman competitions and MMA? I dunno about faster but stronger they are definitely not.
They have more reaction muscle and denser muscle fibers. They're meant to punch hard, once, then run.
Lloyd pye explains his theory of where mankind comes from, then he talks about the starchild skull.
Lloyd Pye - Everything You Know Is Wrong