Ran by a Jew Pro-Israel,Anti-Communist/Socialist and (possibly) Libertarian. It's similar to Rand Paul's ideology I think. Remember that we once were supporters of Rand Paul anyway.
I'm honestly very convinced by the arguments (they make a lot of sense), but I'm troubled by the fact that their founder is a literal Jew.
I'm pretty sure PragerU has been discussed in the past, but I missed those threads.
Julian Lewis
Prager, Horowitz, you never know where you stand with these supposedly "based" conservative Jews. Take everything they say with a tablespoon of salt.
Cooper Diaz
National-Socialism is free market German Socialism is distinctly different from the other Socialisms in that nationalism and pride is used to tap into altruism of the European people to then derive socialism and care for one another without the mechanisms of central planning.
Also National-Socialism is aware of the Jews that subvert every other ideology, no matter how good they may seem.
Nationalism and pride in your people, history, accomplishments, nation, and progress is the key. That Nationalism is gained through the natural hierarchical structure without the classes, but with worth and achievement.
Having an actual pride and respect for those who provide the most benefit to the people and its nation is unheard of today, because those people give us hardly any benefit but material and wish only to destroy us.
Christian Smith
I find Prager's videos to be very true but simplistic and kind of condescending, they are terrible if the goal is to convert lefties.
i get the feeling he doesn't get how a socialist thinks so no matter how correct the argument is it will fall on deaf ears.
Luke Barnes
Maybe someone can help me on a dilemma here; I believe on free market, but not on their conception of education.
I believe education is a duty, not a right. How can I compromise that with Capitalism? I really don't like public schools because of their quality (I've been in one) and private schools because of their spread of dangerous ideology (I was in one that promoted socialist ideology).
Gabriel Gonzalez
They made that video claiming Israel was the world's most moral army. That's enough to throw it into the trashbin.
Aiden James
A lot of them are -steins, there are even rabbis on the shows, but the thing is they are the opposite of modern Jewish behaviour (unless they are D&C).
No they aren't. Stop viewing "jew" as a synonym for "leftist, both the left and the right are thoroughly jew'd. They'll tell the truth on a handful of issues that really don't matter as long as they can convince people to back Israel.
Jordan Williams
So can I generally trust them on the irrelevant issues while still filtering the pro-Israel stuff?
Camden King
Just make a shill account and follow. Big numbers on entry-level redpills will trigger the dedicated left, and make centrists be willing to at least take a look. Once they've stepped down the rabbit hole, we can entice them further in.
Nicholas Edwards
is this a thread about youtube channels?
Hunter Brooks
More like kosher candy, goy
Henry Clark
Speak for yourself, lolberg vermin.
Take your autistic Jewish liberalism and fuck off.
Nathaniel Hall
Watch the one about why the IDF is the most humane army ever. (thats literally the title)
It'll make you fucking puke.
If theres a kike involved in it, don't trust it, but you can use some of the anti-mudslime shit as ammo of course!
Benjamin Edwards
I was subscribed a while. Some subjects I knew nothing about seemed very convincing. Then I watched some on stuff I did know something about. "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit."
I fear how many good people have let these sophists make their opinion for them, believing them good and well sourced in truth.
Jacob Murphy
Slightly unrelated webm
Alexander Russell
As an LA commuter I listen to Prager pretty frequently on the radio. He seems pretty strait-up IMO. He is incredibly Jewy and trumpets pro-israel shit all the timeā¦ but I honestly don't think he's being subversive or manipulative.
Better than Rush most of the time.
Nicholas Bell
If one of their videos has nothing to do with Israel or jews, it's most likely a good video.
Kayden Davis
But if it has anything to do with Israel or the jews, it will be pure zionist propaganda.
Hudson Robinson
There will always be alternatives, there are also homeschooling programs, like the Ron Paul homeschooling program which you can access through the Tom Woods site for free extra stuff. Now that I earned my daily sheckel A free market will always provide alternatives, I believe that with no state intervention a lot of social and useless classes will cease to exist, such as African drumming or Feminist studies and all that crap, plus a lot of these courses are state sponsored. Think of it this way, What does someone need to learn in order to become an engineer? Obviously some math, physics and depending on what type of engineer it could be chemistry, electronics, programming and so on, but not so much social studies. You want to make your own university and you see that your competition has those programs but also a lot of mandatory social studies programs, so you decide to offer an alternative that only has the math+physics+specialization and no social studies. You as a student might be tempted with this offer, since it requires fewer hours and it's overall cheaper(you don't have to pay part of the salary of the social studies teacher). Of course, I am oversimplifying since it's very hard to make a new university, you need top tear teachers, sponsors, computers, recognition and all that stuff, but think about this. The universities that we have today were built at some point in time, and not all universities were built at the same time, so there has always been that new kid in the block university that is now in the top 100.
Benjamin Parker
Jake Rap, eh?
You guys think this is an actor trying to juxtapose the name "Jake" with being an emasculated cuck?
Samuel Diaz
Lucas Foster
Like, a real life literal strawman?
Isaac Brooks
Gabriel Bailey
Jews are the enemy because of their nature as internationalist merchants. However that doesnt mean that you should disregard something because one jew happens to be involved.
My point is, most subvertive elements are jews, and most jews are subvertive, but not all subvertive elements are jews, and not all jews are subvertive.
Jayden Cooper
Some Jews aren't as Jewy. Is Brother Nathaniel still a thing?
Isaac Barnes
There is no functional difference between communism and libertarianism. One seeks to accumulate all the world's property in jewish hands by leading proletariat revolutions and inserting themselves into the ensuing state apparatus. The other seeks to accumulate all the world's property in jewish hands by privatizing all national assets.
In both cases the nation isn't looked at as a desirable or even useful entity.
Dylan Foster
They believe in anthropogenic global warming, so who gives a fuck about a kikeschool.