Daily reminder to everyone here who defends "social justice" idpol

Daily reminder to everyone here who defends "social justice" idpol.

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Please tell me that this was made by some right-wing populist, because if that's the sort of people the anti-Idpol left is attracting at this early stage of our development, we're doomed. We'll be the new conspiracy theorists within 5 years.

Conspiracies exist. Some of them are easier to see than others (like DNC election fraud) however, we shouldn't dismiss something that's completely probable just because it could potentially be labeled as a "conspiracy".

That's the irony here, user. Governments fucking love tinfoil hats like Alex Jones because it makes people skeptical of the idea that state-sanctioned activity is ever illegal or explicitly against its own populace.

The Black Panthers are the reason the US started implementing gun control, while the frothing racialists at the Nation of Islam were untouched by the government on the sole basis that they were not socialists.

Correlation does not imply causation.
Nice appeal to emotion/race.


I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that modern outage politics were created by the FBI, but I certainly believe it's been pushed so much because it's a safer alternative to movements like OWS.

Now all they have to do is say the right word or phrase and the masses are instantly placated.

The point of being against idpol is to reinforce conclusions about one's own identity.

Not created, no. I'm pretty sure it has been heavily encouraged by groups like the FBI and NSA though. Undermining revolutionary movements by creating divisions within them is straight out of the NSA handbook, and they undoubtedly have access to the information necessary to work out how best to do it. The only question is whether they're skilled enough figure it out themselves.

That's why it's a theory.
I doubt that's really an appeal to either considering things like this were happening at OWS:
Any white guy would want to leave a group that is openly attacking him. I wouldn't be surprised of some even went the other direction and turned into Holla Forumsacks.

It is anecdotal and opinionated based on the very tenets of the sort of philosophizing the poster purports to be against. It's a farce and a misdirection.


Like I said, when you have people making race an issue at these events, (like in the video that I posted, assuming you even bothered to watch it.) the subject is going to come up.

Right. So to prevent idpol one must identify with the oppressed identities of SJWism aka anti-racism aka an­ti­-wh­itism?

He's not making a Holla Forums implication. White straight males are simply not viable targets for political brainwashing by the Tumblr Gestapo. The rest can be made afraid by convincing them that society is slowly trying to crush them for their identities.

I don't think you know what idpol means.

I'm just asking the question in the form of a irrational crescendo. The point here is not to convince you that all these things are necessarily equal, but the contrary.

Precisely this is why I am asking you why you think being white matters in this context if you're supposedly anti-idpol.

Chris Hedges has firsthand proof of the CIA and the FBI infiltrating Black Bloc during Occupy and instigating violence. I really would not put it past them to instigate psychic/epistemic violence against the movement in the form of cancerous idpol. COINTELPRO never ended, it just (presumably) has a different name now.

So all one troll?


this^ saved nice info graphic

This is disingenuous nonsense. Remarking on the attitudes and behaviours of the idpol gang does not in and of itself constitute idpol. If we're going to discuss the idpol types, some recognition and exposition of their concepts and categorization of human experience is inevitable, simply by necessity numbnuts.

That can basically sum up us foreign policy for the last hundred years. If you aren't socialists , you are our allies.

ISIS could literally be raping babies in public and we'd still support them if there was a socialist movement nearby.

Acknowledging that something even exists is not endorsing it.