Autistic animations on YouTube thread
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Autistic animations on YouTube thread
If we stretch the definition of "animation", this counts.
But honestly this is in no way animation. However, it is a comic. Anyway, check out this cancer, it's real and authentic and autistic.
The person behind this atrocity is being serious BTW. No irony here.
Also, he's dedicated as all fuck because has been doing this for like a decade with frequent updated, I think he really believes somebody cares.
anyone got the one where this guy is doing a narration of his comic for an animation class and the comic is his self insert character fucking some manic pixie dream girl and he's autistic as hell.
Fuck, that sounds like cringe extravaganza.
I want to see this autistic nonsense.
It is cringy I remember seeing it on Tumblr once. Sadly I forgot the name of the vid.
Also forgot to mention he's a furry.
Anything AnimatedJames
His content is shittier than the stuff he faps to
I used to watch him.
You know that's saying a lot
Fuck you for making me post this.
The first time I ever watched this was in a half/co/ thread when I was sick with a fever.
The colors and shitty character design, no fucking joke, have scarred me on an emotional level.
The fucking Kesha song from the video was stuck in my head, playing over and over and over thoughout my nightmarish fever dreams, and only made being sick THAT MUCH FUCKING WORSE.
Every time I look at even the thumbnail of this video, or any of this dumb cunt's artwork, I get a throbbing headache. I didn't think it was possible to get PTSD from how fucking terrible someone tumblr-tard's artwork was, but goddamn.
Let me take your mind off that user.
Do GMOD animations count?
A lot of those animations are very lazy. There are two or three guys in that whole video that actually put in effort.
I still can't figure out if this guy's a faggot or he's just taking advantage of the autism.
I actually kinda like it
Shit, wrong embed.
Taking advantage. He doesn't like the game at all. Which you could probably figure from the end of the video.
But I think he likes mlp which is the part that confuses me.
All autists are taking advantage of it to the point where they think it's a privilege to be retarded.
That would require us to play that shit. But who wants that but underage idiots?!
I won't say I figured that out on my own, but I will say I'm 0% surprised.
This is surprisingly well animated. Despite the neon rainbow colored furries this is surprisingly good. I'm surprised that this, the bronies and the alt right have put together really good stuff despite it focusing on their narrow stuff.
animation is less about creativity and more about obsession
huh, so that explains the whole blur between genius and insanity for artists.
If we're talking autism in general and not just cringeworthy shit you guys should look up Tamers12345, you won't regret it.
Just go through this entire channel.
The next 10 years are going to be fucked as well, isn't it
This. Creativity it's not really enough to carry you through as an artist. It's more important that you consistently deliver, being obsessed helps on that.
Guys I finally found the video. Here it is
here's a youtube vid of it for you guys.
This is the kind of shit I watched on newgrounds all day because I literally had nothing else better to do all those years ago.
Why does Newgrounds suck so much? What happened to all the young animators that were going to save the industry? Why weren't any of those series picked up?
ive found something worse than nutshack
They all fucked off to youtube and either stopped animating in favor of doing faggot LP shit, seldom put anything out, or just disappeared entirely after a little while.
Oh, and (iirc) in the case of Oney he was offered a show about Leo & Satan, but he would've had to give up the rights to the characters, so he said no.
well Ed from Eddsworld died young. So Tomska had to pick up the regins for the cartoon.
good for him. He can keep his own work.
Oney and Psychicpebbles finished their pilot, so its a matter of time until we see anything happen
Hellbenders got dropped in favor of Mr. Pickles when they first pitched it
Oh wow. It is all that I expected. Thanks.
I cringed and I have a tumour now.
your welcome, sorry about the tumor.
If not for the multicolored shit these would actually look decent.
You cheeky bastard
Sounds like an improvement.
I think Adult Swim made a mistake.
Will probably suck.
Newgrounds always sucked. But early on it was new and fresh which made it appealing.
It was exciting. Here we had animation by real people, like us, animation by fans, for fans, without big studios sticking their fingers up our asses or their dicks down our throats. As profane or non-PC as we wanted, didn't have to dumb it down for kids or sell toys…
Sure, there was a LOT of crap, but we had Bitey Of Brackenwood, Xombie, Necropolis, Fallen Angel, Tail Chasers, Arrogancy, Bounty Girl, Nippleman, Xiou Xiou… It really seemed like we were on the cusp of a renaissance of animation, and things were going to change in a big way.
Then reality ensued, the animators either grew up and got joe jobs, or went to work on shitty Nickelodeon cartoons, and now Newgrounds is wall to wall Foamy cartoons and bad Madness clones.
One guy can certainly bring out a labour of love with the help of Flash, but a series requires corporate backing, and executives will always pick their own trademarks over something creator-owned, and if they buy a property, will ruin it, dumb it down, just to show they own it, like a dog pissing all over something to mark its territory.
Mediocrity is as powerful a force in the universe as entropy, it's amazing to me that anything of worth is ever produced by anyone in any medium, and "net original" was always doomed.
Looking at the guy's DA, he is quitting.
It's a fucking curse
No one has posted this yet?
I think the old game dev author side of NG has fared better, in that some of them have done well for themselves, either making tons of cash on Steam or in the mobile market. The audio side used to have great stuff, but what with there being so many good alternatives to host your own music now, it wouldn't surprise me if that part of NG has gone to shit as well.
I did here
Have some anti-cringe
The Story of Robotnikclaus:
I just watched that whole thing. Its hilarious. Good to see funny stuff on youtube alive in this day and age.
In a fucked up way it's sort of inspiring though. The guy believed in his autistic vision so much he got an entire voice cast together, wrote a script, animated the whole thing, and composed the music…
he also showed it off to his college class and parents.
jeez I wonder what happened to him afterwards.
He seems like a nice enough person, sadly he just didn't have the friends in his life to stop him from that horrible animation. I'd imagine he was probably fine… though I can't imagine being a student in that room having to watch that thing without the ability to pause in a recompose yourself.
wait do you know the guy?
talked with him a few times over youtube before he nuked everything.
He also had another cringey animation that is lost due to the nuking.
wow, so he was a sperg but a nice one?
pretty much.
What the fuck am I watching? He showed this to people? What's with the helmet? Why is it all so crudely drawn and animated?
it was a college project, don't know what for exactly but he managed to get an A. Also, it's a beanie with animal ears.
Church of the purple skunk titty.
I cannot believe that no one posted this yet.
wait, he got an A on it? How? I've never been to animation college before so can someone explain to me how this works?
I remember seeing this. This is one of those older furry cartoons from the early internet days.
I don't think he did it for an animation class, but if he did I really wouldn't be surprised with the grade. The liberal arts movement has pretty much destroyed and sense of objectivity in art. You can just fall back on "muh style" and you'll be in the clear. It's why we don't see many genuinely talented artists any more, the teachers simply don't teach… they just give you light nudges in the right direction, though sometimes you don't even get that.
OK, this isn't on Youtube, but I had to share.
I found this by accident years ago, and it fucking HAUNTS me.
He said autistic, though. This is just some good old fashioned cartoon slapstick, but with cheesecake. If the main squirrel was some rainbow-nightmare sparkledog then sure.
oy vey
goyim don't you know that pepe is a hate symbol?
Is this the new relatable adultswim(tm) carjewn?
It has nothing to do with adult swim. It was made by a furry in college.
I'm surprised someone made something that cute out of that autistic monstrosity.
No, this is EWS wanting to make animated yiff and using Tex Avery gags as an excuse.
just goes to show that if this guy can get a small following, anyone can. Just gotta finish that project you've been working on.
I love putting random words into yt and setting it to the last hour
Sounds like a fun thing to do.
This shit is beyond.
Bomb cal arts
Autistic or glorious? You decide.
I guess a lot of Animated Jame' stuff?
Sometimes. Sometimes, you'll find cringe, sometimes chinese bots spamming ads in russians, and rarely, porn. Haven't found any CP, though to be fair I'm not exactly looking for any either.
Lots of Indian guys wanking in public toilets and recording it with their phones.
What? How do you find that?
Shit was done by a troll, you can notice by his face gags.
3lame is a troll.
At any time, you can go to Youtube, type in "masturbation", set the filter to "videos" to exclude clickbait channels and playlists, and to organise the results by date posted. On any day there will be, within the last 24 hours, some Indian or Ghanian guy jacking his junk in a public toilet on a shitty phone.
I used to watch this as a freshman in highschool.
The results are better than expected. Thanks.
Are you fucking me
Edgy try hard "humor" at it's finest
This guy tries way too hard to emulate Ren & Stimpy, it's sad because he seems to have talent, the graphics are pretty and it's not tumblrcore, but all i'm seeing is Ren & Stimpy expressions and pacing only with Mario flavor.
Pick one.
Please stop posting this for once, it makes me really, REALLY angry for the same reasons.
That fucking character. That obvious furfaggotry. I bet the music is fucking awful, I only watched it once without sound to get references for porn. I hate that character. And EVERYTHING from that cunt is shit. It's a shameless attempt to get the D.
Nobody posted Tamers?
It's Ke$ha.
what in the fuck
They're parodies of autistic shit.
I don't think that's the point of this thread tbh fam
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I was told to store your bottle upside down, (water freezes from the top to bottom). And if it is really that cold, you just drink the water before it freezes.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
is it bad that I can do this?
fug, didn't see the link
Correlation =/= causation
i dont think any of the anime groups besides those are non-toxic/batshit crazy either
Halos and Gomapero
I wouldn't say she's popular, since her threads die so quickly
Someone should do a modular model for this
Maybe a little bit, but not as autistic as when I was younger and I wanted to save the video so I print screened every individual frame then put them all into M$ powerpoint and sped it up, if I wanted the music as well I would play it on media player
I remember watching this cartoon on youtube made by some chicks that is this parody of magical girl shows where each of the girls represent a specific fetish. And in the end they learn the person they have been fighting was their demonic mother and one of them goes on a killing spree. I forget the name of it but its so bizarre and funny.
I'm making fun of adult swim and faggots who pretend they have social anxiety/depression/are nihilistic
There's no way Perry is autistic.
OCD maybe, given the sheer volume of his output, but he's too good at facial expressions to be fucking face blind like Chris-Chan.
Sounds strangely enough like Kill La Kill.
I haven't seen Kill la Kill so I can't say. Still I'll probably check out Kill la Kill.
All this autism throughout the thread, Tamers makes them all his bitch.
Boy do I have a good one for you Holla Forums. Through really it's more the rest of this gentleman's channel over this, but it still counts.