Tfw fell for 16GiB RAM meme


Actually I wanted to buy another 8GiB stick but prices doubled



Are you literally me?

Me too and enjoying the hell out of every byte

I use 32GiB on my thinkpad

Why isn't 16 enough you gaming autist?

thw you run multiple vm labs and need the ram but are too poor to upgrade

Eric S. Raymond needs 32 GiB.

I recently bothered to check how much RAM I was using. With many tabs open and with a space simulator with planets smacking into each other and exploding I still didn't reach 8GB of RAM. Even with my largest map in Cities Skylines open I still hovered around 7.2gb and I have 16 in my PC... The only argument I can make for 16GB for gaming and multimedia use is "future proofing". Maybe a poorly optimized game like ARK might go above 8gb randomly?


I run (ran, mobo died) Qubes... I needed 256GB

If it makes you feel better I now use Duckduck Go at home and tried switching to Opera. My work uses certain programs so not really a choice there.

I have 16 and am content with it. The only time I needed it completely was when doing
parallel -j8 convert -filter LanczosSharp -distort Resize 1080x1440
on the big ass Berserk scans (just look at the size of this shit; and this is a jpg one).
Rest of the time, it's just a big ass tmpfs (Gentoo likes it).

It cost me like $40 for a pair of 4GiB DIMMs, and another pair came with my motherboard.
I'm not really cut up that I lost the price of a decent dinner 2 years ago and have more memory than I need.


I honestly don't even need 16GB for gaming. I don't know why so many people think you need it but I run a lot of newer games and I never felt like having more than 8gb has paid off.
I'm hoping to set up a VM to run my games in and split up the ram equally between both operating systems, I think that will put it to more use.


kill self

Haven't any of you consider a RAMdisk.

Holy shit. I've been trying to figure our how to use parallel and imagemagick together for hours now.

I like my 16 GiBs of RAM because I like to set swappiness to 0.

x-plane 10 + UHD scenery

Well it is useful for heavy storage use since ubuntu support zfs now.

suck it meme lord


4 GB is enough, if you need more then just download more RAM.

If I ran an imageboard I would filter shit like this, but other people feel that repetitive, unfunny shitposting like this is a vital part of "imageboard culture."

Come to /a/ friend, shitposting is not tolerated on our board.

Why would you ever need anything more then 8GB if you don't do shit like video rendering? What else are you trying to do, play a Bethesda game?

better safe than sorry

Is it safer to be sucking homeless chode on the street for cash after you spent the last of your monthly rent on getting 16GB instead of 8GB?

Never, EVER buy 16GB.

Memory is dirt cheap you assclown, it's like 40 more bucks for the other 8 GB.

500-40 doesn't make 500.

Are you destitute?

memcaching everything





marketing meme cancer in full swing I guess


Good point. You're welcome to come if you like to talk about anime though.

you're all idiots, the more ram the better. RAM will in the future replace Hard-drives and SSD.

/a/ is literal cancer.

I want another 16GiB but the price has nearly doubled. Waiting for it to get less retarded.


mmmm, feels goooood~

oh, and might i add, its dd4.


I either removed it or put it somewhere i cant remember, I dont go to a anymore.

How convenient for your narrative!

It's not about convenience, I just didn't bother to save it.

I once posted this image on a Re:zero thread about a sad topic and i was banned for posting Holla Forums memes.

the mods and board admin on /a/ needs to be purged. they would shadowban and even outright ban you from the site if they had the power to do so.

And having a clear line of "Holla Forumsedditors are not welcome here" isn't really a case of selectively banning you for something they don't like, it's part of why /a/ is so great to not have to deal with your kind.

Yeah, it's a great containment board for massive retards like you, How about you go there and stay there.

Looks like someone didn't even try to put in the minimal lurking to read a sticky.

What sticky are you a retard? Banning someone for not using correct capitalization isn't a bannable offense on this site, where the fuck do you think you are? Fuck off and stay the fuck off.

i hate pnig too



Also i'd like to add.


Do explain where global rules impose restrictions on user owned boards outside of illegal content.

I left halfchan because of the incredibly shitty userbase full of faggots who shitposted 24/7 and made every board a flavor of Holla Forums.

Kill me.

welcome to chans.


virtual machines.
I run Qubes on my ThinkPad and 8GB isn't nearly enough. If I want to have my good boy Firefox with moderate tabs and extensions open plus my shitposting Firefox open with roughly same number of tabs and extensions, but routed through the VPN, it will often run out of RAM.

Just use a normal hardened distribution with firejail.

Why are you simultaneously running multiple OSs on a laptop computer that isn't a luggable workstation?


