Lets not forget what happened to the last guy that thought he could beat Russia.

>>>Holla Forums9645523

Rand was our last chance. Why didn't we listen, Holla Forums?

I knew I saved this thing for a reason.

My body's ready let's do this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly all russia needs to do is nuke yellowstone and it's game over for everyone.
But the few weeks of survival afterwards will be fun assuming I'm still alive.
Hopefully beforehand I can move to like alaska so I'm not near nuke drop locations, then I can enjoy the government collapse without choking on irradiated air.

wow an edgy, self-loathing white kid wants the world to burn for being mean to him.

Good joke



beat me to it.

Nice try, /leftyfur/

Hillary would have done it on day one. Checkmake, the jews win again.

Doesn't label Ft Greely, the only thing worth Nuking in AK.

There's a Coast Guard base over there, Google Maps is shit.

On the other hand Hillary would have found out a way to do this with fewer future implications.

coast guard isn't likely to be targeted

2600 warheads.

so you can be a fuck idiot? Good job.

spread across the entirety of the united states
And that's implying they'll launch them all at once.
Also it totally makes sense to completely carpet bomb a mostly uninhabited landmass directly near your border with nuclear weapons. What is nuclear fallout?


Spread across the entirety of US military and industrial centers. Once you run above like 500 warheads you start to run out of serious targets.

A Canadian problem. The trade winds blow west to east over Alaska.

Russia was about to rape naziland anyways, Hitler real wrongdoing was turning allies into enemies and a lot of stupid shit like that, there is a reason why some goys thinks that he was a 'brit' spy.

Distance from Russia to US in miles is ==5,518 mi==
RS-28 Sarmat approx. ==6,200 mi==
Speed is 15,480 miles per hour (24,910 km/h) ==A mere 20 minutes to reach the US, undetectable on radar==

You need to fear Russia, they are crazy.

stop overreacting like a woman or white nationalist (both have their panties up their ass)



They have mountain bunkers for a reason.

what russia lacks in soldiers it makes up for in its missiles.
They can put a nuke in your left year fired from Krasnoyarsk 7500 miles away.

and then either side surrenders or collapese
Why would anyone waste resources and launch 5x the missles they need just because? plus, it only ruins the fucking land left over. The only thing I can see them doing is maybe sending 3 missles at one place for redundancy, I don't seem them distributing their missles to get as much area of impact as possible.

Fixed, this is how satan works.


Well let's do this shit

Oh, I didn't know ICBMs traveled underground.

Because it's the end of the fucking world and the missiles aren't doing anyone any good just sitting in the silo.

They aren't doing any good destroying what's left of a broken world.

Wut happened? What did i miss?

Yeah they are, they're killing your enemies.

Not that user, i was talking about rusky doctrine, full destroyed land, the coast will be wiped.

Trump plastered a government airbase in Syria with cruise missiles in retaliation for government forces allegedly gassing civilians. The airbase was warned ahead of time, there are few if any casualties, Trump deliberately didn't target surface to air missile installations to signal that this wasn't prep work for follow-up airstrikes, people are talking about things.

Anybody notice this. Prophecy straight from a damn movie.

Its not going to happen, user

whites winning while (((spics))) are whining!

implying you will survive the radiation.