She even nags you
just like the real thing!
She even nags you
just like the real thing!
If her English is as good as this image, she's sure to be a blast.
Don't think this prototype even speaks Engrish yet user.
they'll need to hire another actress after they earn enough in pre-orders
Isn't whole point of waifubot to avoid toxic behaviour of 3Ds?
Probably. But the Jap devs are probably complete cucks and think it's expected by their customers. But let them receive >100K orders from the US, and with millions of dollars to work on the projects not only will they receive worldwide attention from other entrepreneurs, but they will also cater to US males who hate that shit with a passion.
The idea of a virtual maid with bad english actually sounds like a cute idea.
I wouldn't call that nagging, that actually sounds like behavior that should be encouraged. That thing is rather limited in features, its best for it to at least care for ya even when you are not home.
I'm not interested in anything like this no matter how sophisticated it may get.
Different people like different characters.
More like waifu botnet if you ask me.
Fuck no I hope they never do either. English women can NOT into voice acting at all. You better learn Japanese for your waifu user.
Literally the death of a nation
Now that's just not true, we have tons of good voice actors, and they're certainly no worse than the whale hunters
oh no
I hate to sound like a weeb here but Jap women can actually sound cute, American women cannot. The English language doesn't sound all that great tbh, and it's my native language. Maybe if she texted me in English that'd be fine, but at home, keep it Nipponese. It's a much simpler language.
I just think it all depends on the context of the character so to say. There are certain archtypes that only Western or Eastern VAs can only do. Give a type that either one isn't too adept at and then yeah it's going to sound fucked up as shit.
If the waifu bottle was more open and scriptable I would jump on it. But historically Japanese tech has been very closed. You use what you are given. That kind of destroys my interest.
I have no interest in a digital waifu who comes out with the same lines all the time. That will get very noticeable after a month with it. But if I could script it with say lisp or ruby so it grows with my program. That would be awesome.
Western Archetypes?
Make it.
they're only making 300 to start.
it's going to be a mechanical turk.
still don't know why someone hasn't made a text based "waifubot" using basically aliases. we need an open source AI fast before the botnet takes the market
Is it F(L)OSS???
Nope, not a pathetic permavirgin
It's a chance to be a part of AR waifu history.
For all sad words, of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: Holla Forums was right again.
The waifu wars are beginning.
This is actually something I've been thinking about for a long time, but what would you want in an AI waifu? When you break it down it usually comes down to a pda with a good skin.
Fair enough. We need an open-sauce alternative stat.
Heh what cucked language. You can be this asshat is a) a flaming cocksucker or b) a self-loathing white SJW.
They've started their initial production run and are already looking for new employees Holla Forums. Here's you're golden opportunity to be the IRL Otaku living the dream in Nihon!
I want this. Shouldn't even be too hard.
That's just not true, and on top of that, the fucking girl from the video sounds awful.
from left to right, top to bottom:
Well...what is she supposed to do anyways? Looks like the japs just made a calendar type thing for VR and slapped on a cute anime girl? That's all there is to it?
Wait how does she message you? Is there a sim card installed in her to send SMS messages or does she route messages through a specific app of hers?
Why the fuck does no one now days seem to know about email to SMS bridges?
what's that lol
Pretty sure everyone will use it, but the real question is, who will be cucked enough to program it?
Remember that experiment with the computer designed to act like a Psychologist by essentially repeating/rephrasing questions back to the user? The result being people talking to it for hours, because it presented a blank slate with no personality that just made them feel good about themselves and let them talk? What you want is essentially a shallower version of this, at least the thing I refer to can be seen as a tool for thinking about the way you view things. You basically just want a comfort blanket that pretends to be your friend/girlfriend. Either Stoically decide not to waste time with women and pursue self-improvement and perhaps a platonic relationship, or shed the "hurr 3d is ebil" meme perpetuated by weeb sub-humans and autistic stormfags and try to find a woman who isn't a cunt.
You simultaneously eschew real women yet are somehow satisfied or at least pretend to be satisfied with a hollow imitation of one. You're only one step below faggots who retreat into MMOs because "life sucks" and "everyone is a meanie ;(". Jesus fucking christ.
Autists. There should be enough between here and other shitty places to make companion script. I don't see what's hard about it, that being said, I also don't know anything about programming.
It doesn't even have to be AI. Just have it look for keywords like "search for" and "find" in user input and then open the preferred browser or file manager back. Obviously it'd be harder than that, but I don't think we need something huge. I was experimenting with something similar in python, but I don't know shit.
Because it's going to happen anyway. Either let proprietary options take over, or make an alternative so people don't get as cucked as they want to be. I'm fairly successful with women and hate the "muh 3d is disgusting" mentality, and I wouldn't mind a cute little companion like thing to cheer me up on shitty days.
Already on it tbh.
That was kind of the very first test hurdle user. Get cracking if it really matters to you.
>>>Holla Forums11441740
Why are you here again gramps?
oh wait, it's all clear now...
Hello purplehair
>>>/tumblr/ is that way
What the fuck Holla Forums? I'd expect this from /a/utism but not you guys...
I'd rather have a hooker
Why would it to be just like the real thing. Also it's a redflag when it literally collects all voice information.
This is mildly arousing.
How did Holla Forums respond to waifu bots? Knowing Holla Forums, I wouldn't be surprised that they saw it as kikes trying to exterminate whites by discouraging breeding or something like that.
one sumomo please
This. Sumomo a perfect VR appliance waifu.
The second of the two threads is still up. The first one literally hit the 750 limit. It was remarkably balanced for pro/con tbh.
>>>Holla Forums8527608
Wow, they seem totally on board with replacing women with breedable gynoids today. Or at least with using that possibility to get them to shape up or go extinct.
Only shit-tier women have anything to fear from waifubots, after all.
Some of us are, I suppose. The prime motivaor for eliciting any support for it--if at all--is the fact that a) if they ever arise and work perfectly, then artificial wombs will at least help ensure the genetic existence of whites if not a healthy culture at large, and b) the pressure they (and RoboWaifus) would create on the incredibly self-absorbed and childlike mentality of stronk, indepyndynt womyn that this pozzed culture has molded them into.
However, the prime motivation of most NEETs to just find some level of companionship after a fashion isn't something we would support, no.
I'll take little bossy butt.
Nice proprietary waifu faggot
Why is this a demotivational poster format, of all things?
Also, babbies greatly benefit from the germs and stress of being pushed through a vagina.
While that is true, a baby does receive its first microbiota during vaginal birth, it would be just as easy to douse it in cunt juice artificially.
That's 99% of women, though.
And 100% of women without makeup
I'd tell you to stop creating ugly children if I thought you were likely to breed in the first place
Oops. Guess we're going to undergo a little cleansing. I can't wait for the whining, that gets louder and louder, and then suddenly becomes total obedience within a generation.
I plan on building an actual robo waifu. I'm going to buy a 3d printer for it, any recommendations for a good 3d printer?
the one we have at college costs a hundred grand already and it takes days to print out even a simple statuette. I don't believe you will be able to use it for more than replacement parts
Virtual botnet tbh
peachy printer, because clearly you have some money to give away
your college is massively behind the times
Please keep up God's work user
Furnace made from a bucket, crucible, an anvil and hammer.
You'll save time and money, and get gainz to impress your robo waifu with.