Liberal Cuck Encounter Stories

Have any of you guys ever met a lib cuck or saw a friend of yours delve into cuck mentality? I personally have and it's fairly disappointing to say the least especially if you knew someone for so fucking long.

I have another story about how he made a rap track about me threatening to beat me up on the street because of my own personal right wing viewpoints i'll tell it if this thread doesn't die. But i'm kind of interested in seeing if you guys have stories that are similar to mine.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Game


You are the liberal

No, user, you are the Reddit.

And then user was a faggot.

Well said

Well I had once a friend who turned from a metalhead to a transgender cuck. You wouldn't believe the stories I could tell you about this guy. The pictures are numbered in the order of his moral decay.
I feel like a father seeing his son turning to shit because he didn't enough. I should have slowly red-pilled him. That happens to you if you spend your time with anime & video games and when you're raised by a weak woman.

is that hairstyle a uniform thing for these fucking freaks?



I don't know, your typical SJW game dev has the same haircut.
He was a
1.Metalhead (whichs was okay)
turned then to a
2. Weeb.
3. Fedora atheist weeb.
4. Goth
5. Transgender liberal cuck.

So he never had any sense of identity as a kid and drifted from fad to fad as an adult?

Bump because gonna post a story later.


Nah at first he was your typical user. Much into vyida and animu. He went to trade school to become an electrician and we both had to go the military recrutitment center where he befriended some weird guy. This guy I call him, let's call him Chaim, fucked up his life totally. I still cant fathom to this point how a single person can shit up your life that much. He turned from a shy and nice guy to a total fucking loudmouthed arrogant cunt.

1.This kid was straight edge
2. became really uptight and kind of defensive
3.Started making music and kind of a dick
4. Fedora
5. Started learning spanish and taking it as a major, making music in spanish (this is when he started being a libcuck t>>6918175
6. Made the mixtape about me which i'll link later on with lyrics and all.
7. removed me on everything and avoids contact with me.

I don't know what he does now, my girlfriend still has him added on facebook, and she hates him because he talks about hating pitbulls and promotes leftist propoganda.

I can believe it. I think it was his brother that fucked my friend up because they were both into the same "straight edge" mindset.

I have some very good stories to tell too. Just too lazy to tell them now. I'll wait until this thread becomes more relevant.

A girl I was in concert band with was dating a metal head. Dude was very quiet but we'd all go to concerts together and have a good time.

I move out of state and come back home for holidays to visit. I go visit her and her bf, he's still at work, so we're talking and catching up.

Then she grows serious, "user, before metalhead gets home, I need to tell you something. About a year ago he came to me that he was a woman and that he was going to start hormones. He's been on hormones for 9 months now and goes by "Jessica" or w/e, i forget the fags tranny name

Tranny comes home. Dude is your stereotypical flamboyant fag. "OMG user! It's so good to see you!" limp wristed and all. Entirely different person. It felt like an act.

This was in a time when I was a lolbertarian and thought I was ahead of the curve for knowing what a tranny was before this moment thanks (((pornography!)))

Similar time frame, I found myself in a polyamorous relationship, thinking that dating and sleeping with 3 women at the same time was just the coolest thing ever. And having threesomes and all manner of other social degeneracy.

Body positive movements were starting up around this time, and poking fun at the obese, the queer or having any desire for a family was looked upon with great scorn and sometimes admonishment especially in the latter two cases

In hindsight, all of these light-weight encounters with living social degenerates slowly pushed me to where I am today.

How did traditionalism become the counter culture?

It was never a counter culture user. It is the CULTURE.

My high school friends all stayed in our Midwestern hometown for school, while I traveled out of state. We grew apart over the four years, but still remained friends more or less. I had a heavy workload and barely came home for the holidays/summer, so I didn't see them until I came back home for a few months after graduation.

Dear god.

Whenever you guys feel like it, no rush at all. i'll tell the story about the "hate speech" mix tape.

He made 2 tracks about me and my political beliefs when he found out i wasn't kidding.
Here are the lyrics:

So you wanna be a Nazi?
Be a Nazi, then!
Oh you want some friends,
well you can go and join the fucking clan!
Fuck the first amendment,
Let's you speak your rotten mind
fuck the second amendment
That'll put a gun right in your hand

But I'm not scared I'll tell you straight up
"Fuck your free speech!"
You better hope that we don't meet
Cause if I see you in my streets then your ass getting beat
So stay behind the computer screen
Keep your ass in solitary
Cause there's no Nazis on my streets
By Any Means Necessary!


And the link to the actual fucking track:

pick one

I used to know this guy in high school who went from being really beta to a full on cuck.

I've got one

now she's helping to raise some divorced beta's kids, ensuring her genetic line doesn't continue, and I'm happier than I ever was when I was juggling her mental issues

I wasn't gunna do any posting today but this made me fill out the captcha just to say…


This happened to my former best friend of many years.

I'm not even bitter, only slightly mournful. She's now the soulless, shabbos goy pushing Shlomo's agenda.


What's wrong with tabletop RPGs?
t. someone who has never played d&d

Not what the thread is about. Ignore and move on.

I want to post a story but I'm still kind of pissed/upset over it. I may post here in a bit if I'm up for it.

It's called the Faggot Flip.

Almost definitely one of my cousin's invites, hopefully she can guide him away from the corruption.

My sides, Nice one user

I'd be willing to at least not mock these people so long as they could actually dress themselves and not look like complete clowns.

pic unrelated

I thought that one was done off bridges?

haha what a loser. even i've made ~30 bucks off the music i made and put on my bandcamp and all of mine is name-your-price. clearly nobody is paying attention to this fag and he's just begging for it.

>including you fam
Regularly scheduled greentext:

Seriously starting to think the west could be saved by people just going to the gym and lifting the autism away.


My coworkers is a vegan bleeding heart libcuck that is in love with a woman half his age.

In order to get closer to her, he ended up renting out half his house to her…and her husband.

You're a good friend and a good man, user.

That's fucking awesome user keep it up. This really just proves it's a mental illness and takes friends and some kind of treatment to get over, not pushing for fucking body mutilation. Proud of you man.

IIRC there was a study dont in Australia where people who wanted to be trannies were given hormones (men got T women got E) and a lot of them went back to normal.

I have one that still makes me kinda sad.

"Donald Trump is literally Hitler!"
"That show is disrespectful of women." - (In reference to JoJo)
"Cops are racist, user."
"If Trump gets elected, I'm moving to Canada. I have the funds and the means to do it."

Suffice to say I didn't stop it and now I'm paying for it. He spouts progressivist rhetoric left and right, and to top it all off, he's projecting his insecurities and idiocy onto anyone (myself included). He doesn't even realize he's doing it because he has his head so far up his ass. The only thing he's missing is a fedora. I'm not shitting you. He is a recolor of the fedora beta male reaction image, sans fedora.

I've been distancing myself slowly but surely because holy fuck, that shit is just too much to deal with.

Capped for posterity

Good job fam.

It's true and his voice. ultra kek

Got more stories?

I have one for you of the guy you saw in the pictures.

It doesn't stop here. I'll write more later.

Bullet fucking evaded, user


Your beta friend actually kind of reminds me of myself except i still have no social life

At least i'm not cucked so that's a plus

Before diving into this a little context.

One weekend while I was in college these two liberal girls invited to drive me to see our mutual friend's band preform.
Before the show we went swimming at a quarry right at the edge of the town.

While we were at the quarry one of the girls starts talking to this overweight ginger dude with dreads. Apparently she was impressed with his "ideas" or some shit so she invited him to join us for dinner and the show.

This is seriously the degenerate cuck sack of shit I've even encountered in my life so buckle up yall.

I had drive for 14 hours earlier in the day and was so exhausted that I literally didn't have the energy to mock this guy properly. I did tell him to fuck off several times especially when he started bragging about how he has family in Alabama that makes the best soul food. Everytime I told him to leave though one of the girls would say something along the lines of "you should be nicer user he's just trying to tell us about his unique experiences". At this point I would have just left but they drove me so I was stuck with this faggot for the next few hours.

After dinner -

After this interaction the kid went on and on about how it isn't right to ask someone to pay for a mixtape like a shivering dog with his tail between his legs.

After this whole ordeal I firmly believe that people of this caliber do not deserve to live.

How the fuck is jojo disrespectful to women? There are barely even any in it.

Can't say if he was a lib or a cuck, but he was definitely a fag.

More, faggot thank you, I love you

The women that are in it also beat the shit out of everybody just like the mans

You know what, after witnessing dreaded urban hobos in Austin dig half finished cigarettes out of metro ashtrays, I believe this story 100%.

English is not your mother language isn't it?

I'll try later again. 8CH is giving me fucking server errors


Prepare it in a txt file brah.

All of the above events occurred in Ithaca, NY which I understand has a similar reputation.

Niggers aren't good at english

How can you know if he is a nigger?

That's got to be red rocks, right? Fucking hippies and transplants ruined that place.

Holy shit, that sounds like a ton of fun.

Lad, you should record a fight between you and a drunkman in order to post it here and have some keks.

I don't it's just common "urban" slang

Quit already. If I'd worked any longer, I'd have hit a pay limit for students and would have had to pay back some percentage of my earnings.

Scandiavian socialism, yay. Free education but don't you dare fucking work too hard while you're at it, fucboi.

It really was. Though there's a lot of down time though, even worse than the military.

Suck his feminine penis, op. That's what this is about. You both want it.p

You failed the emoticon Holla Forums.

You'll never know that feel when your dad calls you a racist for saying All Lives Matter, and screams white privilege 24/7. And he's trans…. kill me guys, please.

Ok here's the rest of the story of

Since then I never saw him again but I found out that he moved in with his real father and that his father kicked him out too. According to his FB he lives now with the other guy and is a "she".
He's making a fursuit atm since he and his friend are furries.

Tell us more.
Maybe we will give you some cyanide if you do.

That's some serious projecting and this guys sounds like a major faggot.

Sorry you lost your friend that way… It's for the best though.

I have a story about a teacher in my high school who secretly represented iron wolf group that's in Lithuania. He had a nsdap pin pinned in his shirt pocket and the iron wolf pinned on his work bag.

I blocked his name out for obvious reasons,and the green is from some faggot who wrote on the book. I have another story about the niggers that invaded the school and about a girl who i was friends with and got fondled and still sided with the coons.

You should kill yourself.

Tell us your story, user.

It wasn't like he was a tranny when we met, we were in elementary school. Any tranny now I reject and dislike they're all pretty fucking awful. I regret still trying to be friends with him now since he's trying to shame/guilt me publicly on face kike.


Why isn't he open enough to understand your girlfriends perspective? She doesn't need his mansplaining.

gf here. Thanks user

You should be ashamed for even trying to be friends with a tranny in the first place.
You can still fix this by driving him to suicide.

Trannies really like killing themselves, it shouldn't take much other than a little psychological push here and there.

you shouldnt make him kill himself
besides, he'd likely get put in prison for it, and even if he didnt kill himself, for all you know that tranny could sick the sjw mafia on him if he angers him and get him fired from his job for not being a liberal

That's one story, but here's the fondling one

What does it take for these girls to realize that niggers are not good to have around and aren't safe i should have seen it coming since 9 times out of 10 her friends were coal burners but i didn't think about it until after the fact.

Thanks user, and it's not like i'm not ashamed in the first place, but if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have the song he created so we can all get a good laugh at how retarded they all are.

This is something I never understood.

If there is a hormonal imbalance that makes a person feel compelled to transition, why not just pump them with more of T/E into those men/women respectively and if it works, leave it at that?

But no, that would be transphobic or something.

Frankly I am quite certain most of this 'hormonal' imbalancing is not the result of a genetic thing (aside from intersex cases), but a result in how there is estrogen in fucking everything.

This is truly cringy tranny autism. Reminds me of petpriest.
I pray for the day you get in a fight with him and record it, make the best OC and then casrifice said OC to Kek.

Where do you live ?

Fug :-DDD

Dude, some of the most masculine looking men with testosterone for blood that I've seen are becoming trannies.

Remember that beefy motherfucker that became a "trans little girl"?

By beefy you mean fat fuck?

I live in Massachusetts

He lives maybe a mile away from me and walks everyday and i see him when i drive through my town, so it wouldn't surprise me if i happened to walk through instead of drive that i'd find him. He delivers papers as well and i know his route in which he delivers them.

If dubs, you must ask him face to face why does he destroy his mind and body and record it on video.

Try again, i will deliver if you do it


Moving on one year later

Moving on some two years more

City's, not even once. I lost a friend and will never get him back.

Mariah shooting bolts like a breast-cannon is apparently problematic…



If anything i'll make a new thread tomorrow with it, I don't think he'd be out this late in the day.

It doesn't matter, I must get the dubs.

Keep rolling then faggot, i honestly want to know why as well.

You said that it would only happen if dubs.
Therefore, I must obtain the dubs.

Where do you find all these people? I live in Sweden and never in my life have met an actual tranny. And maybe 1-2 who i think were faggots.

The only ones i ever knew turned out to be assholes who stabbed me in the back for the sake of popularity and women.


Off by four.

But basically that, yes. And he is not the only one who has announced that he has a kosherbook account.

It's like e-mailing your personal information directly to Tel Aviv. You guys are not that dense, are you?


Oh shit I got me some nice hitler dubs.

You better deliver nigger.

Or when that freight train threatened to beat up manlet (((Shapiro))).

It's funny because trannies want to be feminine and jews have napoleon complex since manletism is so prevalent among them. Double the lulz.

Absolutely, i've been wondering for a long time now, about a month. I guess We'll find out. Wish me luck anons

I know a cuck, a real one, online.

Soulseek user: dachderain
Chat room: Ambient

-absolutely NUTTHUGS the jew, despite being exposed to advanced redpill
-was in the navy
-about 60 years old/childless
-had a wife/still friends with her and her partner

1. download the official Soulseek client or a variant (QT or nicotine)
2. join Ambient chat room
3. meet dachderain
4. ???
5. KEK

Never reveal where you came from. You don't know me. You never saw this. There are a few of us over there. We never mention 8; only 4.


We wish you luck lad.

lol soulseek - I didn't know that too many other people still used this.

The story of Bob:


Additional details about dachderain:

-hillary shill all the way… yeah, one of THOSE types
-lolicore collection
-likes to call people "cherryboys"
-abuses logical fallacies like no tomorrow
-saul alinsky aficionado
-claims Irish and creek injun lineage
-fought the communists/says so
-literally is one
-is literally what Bezmenov warned us about

There are several other actual jews there, in ambient and indie chat. You'll spot them.

I feel bad that my glasses are the exact same kind as his.
I went through every single men's pair of glasses besides the autist no-break sports glasses, and none of them had frames that could be adjusted to be wide enough for my head.
My vision is too poor to use contacts, apparently, so that's out of the question, too.
At least it somewhat works as a college faggot nu-male disguise, and I can use it to shitpost profusely to trigger commies in real life.

To keep on topic, the only person I've known who has gone full cuck since I met them is a nigger in art school, and I wasn't surprised at all. Your typical BLM socialist, dropped him like a ton of bricks the moment he called me privileged.

Oh, it's a party. brother. Come on over!

At least your dad has beliefs.
Mine is some MK Ultra'd faggot who will cuck out for any position you throw at him if you feed him drugs and drink

did he make a really shitty video game and try and become Jesus ever?

That's a different and more unpleasant Bob.

There is nothing wrong with trying to show someone else a path that you think is better for them. Fuck off with your suicide pushing, that's mean girls tier bullshit.

tbh lads I dont even have any liberals in my friend groups
my closest friends are either irl nationalists, non-political or at worst an ancap/libertarian
as for women though boy i could tell you some stories about how all the women i knew all turned into bong blasted cum buckets

I wouldn't be surprised if he cut his cock off like Chris Chan did too. Feminism is ruining the lives of tards.

wait wut
i thought he was just fat, supremely autistic and getting rammed in the ass by a nigger in prison for macing a gamestop employee
hes also a tranny?

A tranny with an abscess on his gooch, which he thinks is his labia.

Looking for him

I'm sorry for doing this


Many Keks lads, Many Keks are being had this minute
so which prison did they put the poor retard and waste of zygotic material
womens prison? mens prison? or just go straight pass go and into the state crematorium

He got off the hook, thanks to being mentally incompetent.

fuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck thisfuck this

well tbh theres not a jury in the world that wouldn't believe that plea

Heading back home I don't think he's out. I'll try again tomorrow.

There was a huge tard in my high school that got some wires crossed regarding The Nutcracker and the birth of Jesus Christ.
When ever he saw a nutcracker(all the time here near christmas) he would no joke get all stuff and wouldn't break eye contact with the damn things.
You could get him into full on pentacostal holy roller mode by bringing more than one around him and circling him.
We never understood what was up until our friend group was with the tards at the time of the Christmas play and he asked "why jesus didn't have the right mouth" and then drawing puppet-lines on the dude playing Christ, we all fucking lost it. Then we got that he thought nutcrackers were representations of christ and the real fun began.

I remember when I was growing up.

>All my friends were skaters, listened to punk rock, and went to ska shows white kids being white

I remember feeling free around people and even liking them. Where did all my friends go

I remember the turning point. It was when Soulja Goy put out "Crank Dat"

These are the things we must do fellow Holla Forumsacks to help our people.
Good on you user.

The problem is it's being filled with cringey normalfags like gaymergate, we need to keep pushing until perfect National Socialism for whites is the true counter culture that wins through amongst everyone, until then, we cannot rest. Get as many kike-right fags over to our side as possible, it's a lot easier to grab from that crowd than taking a completely regular person.

Meant for

"humans need to fly, lets destroy all airplanes and jump of a building, I know people who jumped of a building before fell and died but real flight has never been tried"

That sounds like the absolute worst, living as a fedora being cucked by a fat tranny and being suicidal about it instead of ignorantly gleeful like your average cuck.

Don't judge me too harshly Holla Forums, I had never had much experience with girls and got out of control when I found out that I was actually able to seduce them
Looking back it was probably because I was the only guy there that could be considered attractive and normal
Fast forward a few weeks
His face was the face of a broken guy. He was crushed, but he obviously didn't want to say that he had a problem with it so he just stood there like a retard
At the time I was freaked out because I was underestimating how cucked he was and was worried about getting shot

That is the story of my first, and only, interaction with a genuine cuck. Sorry if it's written poorly, this is the first time I've written about it and didn't want to waste time editing it. So ask me about anything that's unclear

Man, I didn't think cuck fantasies were real outside of (((porn)))

I got so many theories.

women are really having a field day with this poly bullshit
they can land the beta cuck and use his shit, steal his money, food and have all his financial security while she goes out and becomes a cum dumpster for chads and niggers on a weekly basis
not even budgies yeah the little birds stand for this type of shit

oh they are
i hooked up with what i thought was this single mom once at her place while her kids were at daycare and it wasn't until after i realised that her 'husband' had actually been in the garden shed the whole time doing god knows what probably wanking
Turned out the whole arrangement had been egged on by her literal cuck husband

Not even being an edgelord when I say it should be legal to hit women.

Like, you shouldn't be able to wreck thier shit so bad they end up hospitalized or anything, but a quick, strong openhanded smack to the face would correct a lot of this out of control cunt behavior that's been unraveling our society like an old sweater the past fucking century.

LOL cuck sheds are real?


What the fuck is that guy doing in the corner?


What the hell is the context of that pic?

I'll upload a pic of her if i can find one

thats what spankings for lad

These digits confirm cuck sheds to be the standard income housing of your average white male by Current Year +20 if Hillary is elected.

Oh god damnit

And then you beat the shit out of them, right? Or at least stole all the money you could find from them?

No i sneak out the front door and block her number?

This guy should be the new embodiment of the guy in the corner of the party meme

The book of genesis

Not a christfag myself, but the parable rings true tbh.

In fairness to the cuck I encountered, he seemed very upset that his gf was with another guy and didn't seem the least bit aroused

I like to think that the situation made him rethink his life choices since it made me rethink mine

The worst part is that my friend is now in the position of being the beta cuck. He was orbiting this degenerate slut for like a year while she fucked everyone except him (although they did sleep together a few times, like literally shared the bed but no sex or oral or anything). After she got dumped by a couple chads in a row she settled for my friend. They now live together and it's fucking depressing

Spankings are a fun sensual activity to be enjoyed by monogamous couples.

Women love that shit, it's to be used as a reward. No way in hell will it ever deter shitty behavior.

A girl comes up to you asking for a "Poly" relationship, you should have license to loosen her teeth. End of story.

It should be extremely painful.

Maybe it'll redpill him, who knows

I wouldn't want a waifu with an ugly ass like that, you're just permanently ruining her behind. You might as well give her a fucking black eye and a broken nose.

That wasn't *JUSTICE* enough, user. You really should burn their house down when you get the chance.

When President Obama declares martial law on the Day of the Hope and lynches you right-wing nutjobs, anti-trans scumshits like you will be the FIRST to swing.

You have literally just killed a strong, independent womyn - murdered hyr before she could make the aliyah into physical womynhood - with your meathead mantras and syxyst bigotry.

Shit like this is why I hate all manpigs. Fuck all of you.

We've all seen it, but I'm posting it anyway and you can't stop me.

What said.

I'm not going to ruin the best part of her.

More humane to just clock her one and get it over with imo.

That's a pretty funny shitpost lad, you should make more.

poor blokes got the leftovers, the significantly sloppy seconds

they'll end up pozzed or infertile anyway m8 no point going to mens prison for misogyny

Women don't give a shit about body type or if you are 'attractive' or not. I've known total scumbags with no job, in and out of prison who've scored gorgeous women. Why is that? Women love bad boys and total scumbags, they have this notion they can somehow turn a badboy into their little play thing.

The other reason women are attracted to criminal scum is because most of those scumbags including the women are drug addicts and only know how to be in a co-dependent relationship with other junkies. It is really sickening to the level white folks in general have devolved to.

Your only option really is to become a christcuck and attend church if you are still in your early 20's could have a chance at finding a waifu christcuck where you and her can teach your children how great god's chosen are and how god created all races as equal.

It's so sickening, saw potential waifu material the other day fawn over some gorilla's little niglet. It literally made my stomach turn knowing this is what you'd have to put up with. The flipside to all of this is that understanding the current situation has hardened my heart which is what will be required for the coming day of reckoning.

Spanking is normal. A little sting but no real pain.

If a girl wants to be caned then something is wrong with her

Hence my argument to legalize mild, corrective 'domestic abuse'

We should have a right to nip that poz behavior in the bud for the sake of the future of our civilization.

Cane marks aren't permanent.

I was talking about using domestic discipline on your wife, not for pleasure.

What kind of theories?



heres the cucks wife lads
removed face because shes got kids

You're a real bro

I think we can agree that the nature of the punishment shall be at the husband's discretion.

Cane, hand, 48 chained to a wall upside down in the basement with no food, doesn't really matter as long as it drills the notion into her head that that kind of hyperpoz bullshit has no place in a functioning household.

arent you a cuck now for sharing her nudes?

As a lysbyyn who is friends with a number of (unfortunately) straight womyn, you're full of shit. You have no idea of how many times a day I check my Facebook feed to find it spammed to death with "omg check his abs" or "should i let [pic] date me" posts.

You fucked that?

Shit barely even looks like a woman

Not pretty enough to be bold enough to cheat tbh.

Sad times we live in to empower such a creature in such a way.

I don't know you but I know you can do better

That's not how it works lad.

I'm not exactly a chad myself lad



I only banged her twice and the second time was when her hubby was in the garden/cuck shed lad

Ah yes, I remember that good ol' parable from the Book of Genesis.

I'm only responding to let you know you've been filtered because you got double dubs, learning code, you dumpy, baggy eyed faggot.

Praise be unto kek.

Something about that really made me laugh

Thanks friend

Story cont….

Nothing wrong with being and staying /fit/ but the modern day gym is just another den for all sorts of degeneracy, faggotry and perversion.

You should have told him to go to Mexico, if he hates white racists and white countries with institutional racism in them so much.

not even lads
its in their nature to be whores
the best examples of mirrored human behaviour and relationships in the animal kingdom is in monogamous bird species
females pick the alpha male and form a pair bond but sometimes the females will fly off and m8 with another male after forming a pair bond
if her pair bonded mate figures it out the females become super submissive and docile and the male will peck/scratch and ignore feeding/warming her eggs because he got cucked
but the female needs a male to help defend the nest so they compensate by being so submissive

I dunno user. Part of growing up is learning to accept reality and push past it, so uncensoring her face would probably be more beneficial to her kids than keeping it censored. By uncensoring the image, it will quickly redpill her kids about such degeneracy from an early age.

if her pair bonded mate figures it out the females become super submissive and docile and the male will peck/scratch and ignore feeding/warming her eggs because he got cucked

Something about picturing a bird cracking the shit out of the eggs in his nest in a fit of rage while his mate sits there submissively in full wojack mode made me laugh so hard it gave me fucking hiccups.

yeah right you'd have her address and birth certificate in an hour if i did that lad
and hell degenerate deviant families tend to produce more of our kind anyway, nothing redpills a lad better like having feminists and socialists for parents
i can only imagine how fast they'll go 14/88 when their dads a literal cuck and their moms a cum bucket

Sad to say, but it's what happened to me.

At least my dad got a whole garage full of cool shit to hide in? Better than a shed I guess?

Either way, the salt I got from skipping their funerals was pretty neat.

Kek yeah i had to do a study on them in my biology course
that type of behaviours observed best in these mucho kawaii little shits
just picture one savagely ripping the feathers out of the other ones back because he got cucked and the female just sits there head down whining

Well sure, but if you decensor her face, that allows that to happen quicker, so why not do so?

Last year i joined this International high school and took my 12th grade. It was me and a class with 15 other students, where ten where from U.S and Canada, One german, one swiss girl and two mexicans. I'm from a nordic country.

In one year this is what i observed:

Is this how kids are these days? Everybody was acting like they had the mentality of a ten year old, is it what they eat, the group mentality? I'm scared for the future

Kek wills it.

All sluts must be shamed.

the Cuckarage, comes with free periscope and kleenex for your tears/semen
but yeah you are living evidence
a fucked up reality produces realists and they swing right not left

That dumb motherfucker probably got redpilled by that nigger reaction, you did the smart thing which is to assertively tell them no and they leave but he went out of his way to try to "coo with the nigguh" and he got what was coming to him for attempting to treat a subhuman with the respect reserved for white people.


These aren't just high schoolers grown adults in their 40's and even 50's behave like this.

The 4 horsemen couldn't come soon enough.

well Kek wills it

I'm living proof sad to say. Gas the kikes Race war now, all that jazz.

Maximum kek

We salute you.

Feels pretty good to be on the right side of history, doesn't it?

You absolute madman, you've done it now.

Reek the punishment, anons.

Why do you have her picture?

Was she seriously okay with some guy taking a nude pic of her even though he might post it online and her kids might see it?

Low quality person. She deserves anything she gets tbh fam

Man, they're like the cuck embodiment of their countries now, this could be like one of those country blob comics

Also, I can confirm that most kids act fucking retarded these days, sometimes on purpose consciously

t. millenial

Here comes the JUSTICE!

I wish I could call you a lying faggot but I know you're telling the truth

Thank you, Thank you very much



>what I assume is some faggy dreamcatcher or angel wing shit on her side.

Somebody put a ring on this?

I guess it really would take a guy who LITERALLY OWNS A FUCKING CUCK SHED.

What a fucking time to be alive.

Trips confirm, everyone I know is way into this degenerate shit, /mu/ would btfo them if they ever dared to share their tastes there.

Kek has blessed you, and he wants you to know that it won't always be this way.

What is common urban slang?

Way to go man, seriously. That's awesome.

This is exactly why we can't isolate ourselves from those of different viewpoints like liberals LOVE to do. Often, they need us.

Dubs confirm

We are a light unto the world.

We must not shirk our duties.

yeah im pretty sure it was an angel wing
they were pretty much your standard middle class white suburbian family being bored to death to the point where they're doing cuck shit to stop their marriage from falling apart completely
at least thats what i assume

my dad is a cuck too, tho not so much as yours. You have my sympathy user

Kinda regret not snapping a photo of the guys shed now I could of shown you guys

Who else wants to dox this cunt and ruin her life?

Maybe it's just because I'm a massive poorfag, but I'll never understand this.

How the fuck can you be bored with all that extra income to burn? Pick up a hobby! Go on a vacation! If the sex is getting boring, buy some toys or some cosplay or some shit.

Are these people really THAT soft, sheltered and jaded that they dive straight into hell the second ennui sets in?

It is seriously an alien mindset to me.

user, you have to go back there for that picture, do it for the memes, you have to go back

I too admit I am curious to see an actual, real life, honest to Kek cuck shed.

Its one of those memes you always take for granted as a joke until some irresponsible sorcerer shitposts it up into reality.

I've been watching the dissent of my mother into hard bluepilling for awhile now and honestly it's a bit sad.

I asked her if King Nigger is really looking out for her, why has he been unable to improve the quality of life in America at all in the last 8 years, and in fact it has went down and nothing that King Nigger promised has actually happened.

Her response? The President is a powerless figurehead and can't do anything with a majority Republican Congress.

So I asked her why King Nigger can't do anything when we have a majority DEMOCRAT Congress. Her response? Because the Republicans filibuster and prolong things until they hold the majority again.

To which I asked her, if all of that was true, why should she fear a Donald Trump presidency, and why can't the democrats in congress stop him from doing anything, so he should be just as powerless as King Nigger.

She can't give me a response to that one.

Some context i used to be a liberal degenerate. and am seasoned in their shit.
Alright lets get to the meat of it
pic related

Ok this isnt the exact shed but it looked quite similar
just a little more breadth and a darker green colour

As for their culture, it is the group mentality of the generation. They have no belonging to any folk culture, which is currently non-existing in the U.S and Germany. They have no sense of cultural belonging except what is feed through television and the internet, they adopt the popular culture.

thats the modern liberal world fam
no dont spice up the sex between yourselves no thats boring encourage your wife to cheat on you that'll spice things up for sure

user, we must JUSTICE further. You must burn down the shed and show us the remains. And get /baphomet/ involved, etc. Ammit, Kek, Ebola, and Sobek all probably want you to do so.

You should've established dominance and done it.

see any resemblance?


Sometimes we need to just be thankful for the memes, we should have a meme thanksgiving at some point, might channel some top level gets.

I know a guy who has a shed just like that
Should I be concerned?

Not quite. That's a lot more rectangular, like a hallway that's also a single room. Now c'mon, go save the kiddos from degeneracy by burning down the cuck shed. Just make sure the fire doesn't spread to the house.

I really don't get it.

I mean goddamn, I'm fucking THRILLED when I can afford to eat out at a nice restaurant or go an a trip. Were talking a sense of elation that lasts all day if not longer.

Shit, seeing my gf in a new fucking dress is enough to set me on fire like it's the first time I've ever seen her.

These people are like a different species to me.

What's the word for depressing and hilarious at the same time?

Ur a witty little cunt I'll give u that m8

I like it, be sure to remind us come November. We can post pictures of slaughtered indians and have a jolly old time.

Sounds like you went on 4/pol/ my man

It's so tiny

Nice OC
That's the way they like it

c'mon lad thats arson and i really dont wanna go back thee

start suspecting every shed lad and you'll be seeing demons everywhere

of course they are
they're deviants fam

schadenfreude? possibly, closest one i can think of lad

tight cramped space, hot as balls in the summer when the sun hits the plastic, thinking of your wife being pounded by a stranger in your own bed
It sounds a bit like emotional masochism really doesnt it

Livin' the fuckin' dream, user.

Okay, the print out like a billion copies of her picture and spread them all over the neighborhood, or at least directly give us her address.

It's far too late to stop this and you know it user.

gotta admit, this got a chuckle out of me

You have nothing to be proud of.

I mean me and the woman get up to some weird shit I'd never brag about here. I'm no saint. But this shit is beyond the scope of reasoning.

Trying to understand behavior so far beyond the pale, ill-dignified and emotionally masochistic feels like trying to read a book in a foreign alphabet.

I feel like I must look like a confused dog tilting his head to the side when I think to hard about it.

On TV Tropes-

While it's a weeaboo paradise, I see it as bringing forth common literary tool sets to be used in constructing a story; it does announce weaknesses in stories I would have otherwise missed after the first viewing. Anime aside, is there a serious mod problem with the site, or is it just the view that it is the Ency. Brit. of millennial pop culture?


Oh I am not fam 10/10's are out my range anyway

its contrary to the whole basis of reproduction fam thats why it doesnt make sense
because it shouldnt make sense

I live under a rock, linkara?

I found the vid to be a normie friendly shit on jew propaganda.

I'm a scrwany weeb who's nabbed a few 8's and 9's in my time. Let me let you in on a little secret not even the cute ones have and self esteem, worthwhile values or a functional emotional core. There is no such thing as 'out of your league because 99% of women have absolutely no reliable standards whatsoever

Tl; dr - not with that attitude, faggot.

Heretics gonna heresy, I guess.

Nice dubs, though.

also guessing you're living in america where the girls are easy lays anyway
im living in a socialist paradise where every obese landwhale with a face like someones just mashed a walrus with a hammer thinks shes jessica alba
plus their dads/uncles all touched them when they were 6 and now they're allergic to dick it seems

Guilty of being awesome as charged, fam.

You can always come immigrate legally after the Trumpreich rises to power, if you're white and employable. I'll buy you a burger.

user pls give the address already

That's definitely not what he wanted you do to him, silly user.

You fell for the perfect gay troll.

My dad's gf's daughter was a lesbian, but now she claims to want to be a man.
Very disgusting.

I stopped by /marxistcuckmuhfeefeesheadinsandELLGEEBEETEEQUEplusplusEXWHYZEDpol/ yesterday
The end.

c'mon lad have a heart
They were fucking degenerate but its a white family and they had three young white kids, 2 boys and a girl
Reserve the life wrecking for non-breeding coal burners, tranny paedo's and jews

nah im good fam, ive spent too long in this socialist shithole tbh and i wanna go home next year at least

You got the original of that?
I'll trade you some better pics if you do

Lack of attraction can do weird things to people, I was a virgin and discovered /fit/ and started lifting. Got ottermode so I was always getting hit on by fags and the n-no homo jokes started to get to me so I got bicurious and ended up getting head from some fag. It was gross and I couldn't get past half mast. It was several years ago before I found Holla Forums and only my gf and that guy knows. Now I'm buff and don't get hit on by dudes, only mired.

Confirmed for never having set foot inside a gym. It's not a porno, nobody talks to each other they just grunt in isolation. A workout is a sacred time for personal introspection not gossip hour.

Don't say I never did anything for you, motherfucker.

You got it m80. Good luck making (wherever the hell you are) great again.

thanks lad just a nice little collage to finish it off

what's a disguise that doesn't make me look like a cuck?
mausoleum is a little too dark for my tastes tbh.

This is why I hate those stupid fucking Cali-farm hats. They have that train conductor bullshit tip thing that makes people with a long face look absolutely fuck-ass retarded wearing them.
Keeping mine nice until Trump's on the same level as Lincoln/Jackson in terms of fame then selling the red one because black looks better on me and cashing out on alt-right cuckbux


Do it faggotron.

Chisel the words 'here lies western civilization' on the front.

That's because he most likely had low-t. I was on drugs for a few years, lost weight, quit, then sat on my ass depressed for almost 3 years. I was gonna kill myself, had the gun and all. Then I said I'd give it a month just to be sure. I started doing 10 push-ups right before a 45min-1hour walk, then 10 push-ups after the walk. when it came time to kill myself I felt a little better. I waited 1 more month and upped the push-ups to 15 before and after and changed the walk to a bike ride and added curls with a 10lb weight to the push-ups. felt a little better again and gave it one more month upped it to 20 push-ups and 15lb curls, the bike ride was at about 15mi now to. noticed I was feeling great and looked better as well. kepth the gun but didn't shoot myself. kept working out and i'm actually happy again.

Stories like this make me real glad I got out of hedonism a long fucking time ago.

The worst part for me was that the only chick in my old group who called out the degeneracy was A Jewess.

We're all gonna make it bruh

Tell us user, this seems an interesting story nonetheless.

that's true poetry user, saved

Closest I ever got to degeneracy was of course university but even that wasn't so bad being in mormonville means that everyone is mostly peddling their religion rather than liberal propaganda.

Actually looking back I now realize he was the only proffessor I can 100% confirm was Jewish Jesus Christ
I dropped out of college after only a month into term because I realized I had no direction and life and didn't want to waste money pursuing it, but the amount of liberal bullshit I had gotten in one class was enough to turn me off.

Luckily I am now engaged to a qt who works from home at a call center and was a virgin when we first met, only had to do a little amount of brainwashing to undo Mormon bullshit stuck in her head

Every time.

Not really much of a story, she just thought most of these people were being completely worthless smoking weed to the point of wasting it all and fucking any slag that came along. She wasn't necessarily opposed to a good time, but did insist on having some damn standards. I was mainly there to escape having to process a death in the family that affected me more than it probably should have.I will say that she was a nice lover, all things considered.

top fucking kek, might do this tbh.

Some self-hate here, I've become a completely different person ideologically in the past year.

What are these alleged "symptoms"?


Good, one less faggot swimming in the gene pool.

Pretty much. High anxiety/depression combined with thoughts of being the other gender. It's pretty fucking broad, like a tranny's shoulders

That's like a reverse Mr garrison!

This is the worst piece of music I've ever heard. Holy shit, even the songs that are 90% screaming are better than this.

Why don't more people say this to people who fake being depressed or pull the suicide card in an argument?

You're a real human bean, user. Hitler approves of your actions.


That pic is a lot funnier than it seems at first glance.

You know it brother, still going to do what>>6922193 said since he rolled dubs, gonna try and find him again later today

More testosterone can mean more estrogen because it's a direct conversion in fat cells, so if you add to that all the environmental estrogen…

That shitskin probably smuggled himself all the way from the ass end of Africa for some worn out, pozzed to hell pussy. It's pretty funny. If he had stayed in his country, he could probably have had himself a shitskin virgin of his own. The only thing he has to look forward to at this point are STDs and being strung up on the Day of the Rope.

mfw I actually am magical and can kill liberals with my penis.

We're all meme wizards here, so she was actually right. Missing their chance to have Nazi wizard children was probably too much for these women to bear.

DnD is fun as fuck. I'm DMing right now and my players love it despite being liberal because it's humans v. everyone even though the reich is being corrupted by (((elves))) slowly but surely.



Glad you snapped out of it, lad. Shows how despicable the people who encourage this mental illness are

So liberals suffer from low confidence.

Behold! He who has the enchanted penis!

His dick is probably green, has a big mouth, and croaks when he cums.

when you get a song made about you, you know shitlord levels are over 1000 gud work.

It is a very strange time and thing are mixed up

Trannys have intense feelings of autogynephilia for genitals they don't even have, so a lot of them do just seem like people that had bad luck with women and in a deranged attempt to own some form of a woman will then try and become a woman themselves.

Being gay I can't really get my head around how anyone could just up and decide they ought to be fucked in the ass by a guy unless they had some innate attraction to men, but the way some of these special snowflakes talk about it they make it sound like they don't even always enjoy it and instead just think it's "what you do". Throw in how trannys taking estrogen won't be able to get erections (at least at all easily) and you get some very deranged individuals.

Everything about them seems forced as they're trying to fit into this role they imagined for themselves rather than do anything that came naturally for them.


So this is a rage thread?

nah, more like a funny greentext thread.

I love story-threads

Swedish bi-sexual metalhead who is fascinated by 'pirate states' in soviet union.

I politely pointed out that I am not interested living in Europe filled with 85 IQ nignogs. I was labeled as a ebil racist. Then I pointed out that diversity destroys social cohesion and how afrocentric and similiar beliefs overtake and exploit altruism in order to gain more power, status and recognition I was labeled as fear monger. Then I pointed out that successive generations of Muslims are more radicalized than the first and second generation immigrants and I pointed out that 25~ of UK muslims would hide and protect a terrorist from the authorities then I pointed out that such incidents happen everywhere else in EU.

As a final nail to our 'friendship' I posted Rape and crime statistics. He started crying how muslims were oppressed and commit crimes because they're 'forced' to live in ghettos.

And that 'hurr durr people with double citizenship and EU citizens count as foreign, so muslims don't commit the 75%~ of the rapes"

Panic attack and cognitive dissonance hit in after I posted 9000 > News articles and more stats.

"I'd appreciate to speak more fondly about our Muslim friends and avoid spouting racist slander"

That's but one of my many tales

The transdimentional hermaphrodite bards of Swedistan will sing of your horrors for eons. You are truly a monster, kek. KEEP YOUR ASS IN SOLITARY, NEONAZIS OFF MY STREETS.

So glad I wandered into this thread.


RPG's are pretty based

God have mercy on this poor soul.

Jesus Christ.

This is some of the finest autism I've seen for a while.


Being a fag isn't anything to be proud of, user.

jesus fucking christ this is bad

I think the equivalent to kikes would be either Kobolds or Goblins.

The Tumblr virus has spread through my Facebook friends list. It's been painful to watch.

The time around and after GamerGate was the beginning. They started talking about patriarchy way more often. Then they moved on to the Confederate flag and finally onto gay marriage. Now they're in the great SJW beyond.

It's every fucking day that I hear about how gender is a lie from the devil or some shit. Most of them no longer identify as heterosexual or cisgender. They all want to get as many oppression points as they can.

They're semi-conscious of the fact that they're destroying Western civilization. They appear to regard that as a good thing because of 'Eurocentrism'. The other day, I saw someone (a white person) literally say, "Fuck white people."

The experience has brought me here.

Faggots never had father figures growing up, I know I didn't. I'm a sperm donation baby, and not only is nonsanguinal Dad a cuck, he's a High T cuck, as he's the perfect goy: simple minded, spends free time watching WWE reality shows and niggerball and hockey, and is too simpleminded to have empathy for his children past buying supplies.

I'm not complaining about the guy, he keeps his promises and cares about me, but if anything wicked showed up from the muzzies or our cucked and pozzed local police, he'd try and side with them, thinking they're nice people since he's nice.

He's going to be so lost when the shit pile blows up, sadly.

Anyway Faggots never had actual fathers, just sperm donors and bill payers, we seek out older men to raise us and one thing leads to another and suddenly you have been the meat in an series of intergenerational sandwiches.

Boredom is a domain of stupid people and reveal mental poverty.
There is always something to do, and if you are bored, that means you are too dense to summon energy and willpower to think about anything other than your daily routine or the mass media gruel you shove into your brain every day.

is he in anonamoose too?

Here is a story about one tranny who tried to flip my life upside down.

The shit I do when I post drunk. The story is true however.

Maybe you should avoid posting while drunk as well, this is just rambling.

This was so autistic, one of my eyes is wandering off. That was Drool: The Post.

Drinking shouldn't turn you into a faggot fam, put the bottle down.

the end

Dwarves are hard working conservatives, stubborn and prefer to keep to themselves. They will always give high-quality goods because of their pride as a race and would die before admitting their beliefs wrong. They create master-pieces of art, long lasting buildings and have a strong sense of family.

I had a pretty nice childhood with my dad being present so can't really relate with you there.

In your case it sounds like you did have a dad, though I suppose more of a foster father in your mind since you're not blood related. I'm noticing this is a trend with most adopted children (which I suppose you're similar to) growing to hate their adoptive parents because they don't see them as real parents of theirs.

And in the end, no matter how much (((they))) try to tell us everything is relative, it all boils down to blood and lineage - people instinctually yearn to be with their own, otherwise they go wacko.
Same with men and women - if right hormones aren't there, brain goes haywire. I think all "trans" people should first try a course of hormonal supplementation and see if that doesn't cure their odd feelings.

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Told her she shouldn't take advantage of her status as the fragile sex. Next up:

The bf of the girl that slapped was a massive stoner but gave me nods of approval, still a drug pushing manlet tho


I'm too likeable to be hated, but they all know where I stand, and can't seem to defend themselves

soulseek has always been the best way to get music

You please the almighty KEK

The nigger that would show up at my work, five in the morning like clockwork, and freestyle to try and beg money from people was better than this.

Some heroes have swords that slay dragons. You have a penis that slays (lays?) liberals.

Oh pal, you know nothing.

It's just so nice seeing your players murder the one character you created and wanted to see die.

That song was hilariously bad.
Interesting how it mentioned By Any Means Necessary (BAMN).
Here is some inside knowledge about that organization.

My first steps towards red pill were a result of Dungeons and Dragons. A hobby that attracted outliers of society with their supposedly outlier thoughts. In my experience, Game Masters in particular are usually versed in history and tend to either lean hard-line right or full batshit bluepilled crazy.

Thankfully, the people I play with now are an assortment of national socialists and at most leaning libertarian.

On topic, though, I used to play with a guy who lived in the Midwest (online game). He was GMing, and he was moderately open-minded to right-wing ideas, but despised Holla Forums and "the radicals" in particular. Admittedly most of that group including myself did find "radicals" to be distasteful, although we could agree on IQ differences and talk about race and whatnot somewhat civilly.

However, the game fell through as he felt "crippling anxiety from running, my game isn't good enough and it's starting to affect my self esteem". He cut all contact for about a year and a half.

When he came back, dear god. It was like looking into bizarro world. He had moved from the small town he used to live in to some larger, bigger city. I figured I'd talk to him for a little bit, since I believed that we were still cool, that he wasn't too different.

He'd moved to the city, and his girlfriend left him. He discovered he was bisexual, and was part of the LGBT cult in his neighborhood. He played video games when he had the chance, but explicitly only played games developed by queer teams and indie developers. He found my calling him "nigga" to be marginalizing blacks, and when I told him he was being oversensitive I was "shaming" him.

I decided to drop the conversation there. It was my mistake for not blocking him, as later that evening he proceeded to get absolutely shitfaced and message me about how shitty things were and how much better life was now that he was sucking dick and "searching for meaning". At that point I just blocked him. It was pathetic, he went from a critical thinker to a complete fag.

So yeah, Dungeons and Dragons. If you play it, play a Human Paladin and smite the fuck out of everything not human. Alignment debates are for pussies, gods of righteous fury are where it's at.

You're doing god's work, user.

Thank you, my man.

Maybe because i don't go to degenerate faggot clubs like the rest of you.

You did a good thing but you didn't solve the problem, going to be completely honest, the reason you see those 40 year old men who suddenly decide they are little girls is even though for a bit they raised their testosterone to match, the moment they hit midlife crisis and his test falls he's going to fall right back into those thought patterns. Unless he can indefinitely keep his test higher than average you didn't fix the broken signal is brain puts out every time his test will get low from depression or growing old sadly.

Why are you bragging about being a degenerate who willingly participated in fucking a married woman?

God Damn a happy ending. I wasn't expecting that you glorious bastard.

I wonder how many people could be saved by calling them a faggot.

At least she still responds to logical arguments.

I kinda wish I knew some people like that. None of my friends are at all into politics and don't keep up with current events. Their only real political position is being vaguely pro-gun.

Really, nobody I know keeps up with politics and world events, And not even the TV lite version, either. It's a bummer, I'd love to talk politics IRL even with a leftie.

I saw this guy in another thread. I forgot the context. Are you sure you're his friend?


I said a leftie, not an SJW or mainstream liberal. A proper lefty, like those folks on Holla Forums. It's no fun only ever talking to people that agree with you, or talking to people that accept your points too easily.

You want to meet people so autistic that they aren't even acceptable on Holla Forums? I do understand what you mean but these people are husks of men. They say lines that sound deep and philosophical but are really nothing but the insane pondering of a mad man. They take what you say and contort them to their own views, bend your image and create mistrust between you and your friends. Be happy that you have a sane community. If you want to see the horrors of modern man go to a city or something.

Nice insignificant personal drama, faggot.

I want to say something about this, but I don't even know where to start. I'm actually flabbergasted.

Love these stories guys! Had a great laugh so I must contribute…

So I'm listening to this story and I'm telling the guy … dude you NEED to save your cuck brother in law from his girlfriend

Then he drops the bomb on me.

I wonder what will happen this time.

This same dude tells me a story about one of his crazy ex girlfriends he dated while he was yonger…

If one of you out there is sad because you are a foreveralone neckbeard and think you won't ever have sex… well, just go to a warcraft con and wait for the crazy bitch who will fuck you and your team while her husband is at home… in another fucking country

I hope so much that this is not BS.

The day user saved a dick from the choping block.

You mean the famous 4chan hacker fan club ?

It's really pathetic talking to these people, they're just so mentally fragile. Presented with anything that points out how incoherent their worldview is, they get anxious and angry because they don't know how to answer your questions. So they call names and seek a consensus instead of actually mentally engaging with the content of the argument.


I was his friend. I sometimes post pics of him on Holla Forums and /k/.

My story is also peripherally related to D&D and other autistic nerd shit.

I eventually got the full story out of a mutual friend. Nigga got into Tumblr leftism over the course of a year. Decided he was gay, then "queer" then a tranny while accumulating half a dozen self-diagnosed mental conditions along the way. Dropped out of school, got his parents to pay for tranny pills, then had his name legally changed to "Shonda Barta"

TL;DR: don't racemix. It'll turn you into a tranny.

top fucking Kek

I'm so sick of guys treating their women like people with rights. Do they honestly believe women are capable of making their own choices without ruining everything for everyone? wew

Had to go last night, if you're still around here are the pics

I actually forgot the most cringeworthy part. According to my friend, it was the name of his mary sue trannywizard character in their old Dragonquest game.

Holy shit, user good for you if this is true. I think your friend will never truly know how much he owes you for saving him from a life of depression, self-loathing and eventual tranny degeneracy/suicide. Keep him on the straight and narrow path, and make those sick gains.

you are out of your mind if you think that is a 5.

because the scale ups on a club, everyone knows that.

normally /fit/ is full of faggots

Nigger you ever even tried to /tg/?
Go fuck yourself.

That's some really clear milk.

OP here i didn't even know it was an organization that makes me feel a bit less safe knowing that this queer could possibly call a hit squad to come fucking get me or some shit. Oh well, i have weapons in the house that would even make /k/ proud. It doesn't surprise me that "friend" would be in a group like this since he is a fucking moron to begin with.

Good point
Do you want more?

Not the gnomes
The gnomes funds war
The gnomes provoke war

If hes the one sleeping around then he's not a cuck. Otherwise both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump would be cucks. Also I'm pretty sure he was trying to cuck your girlfriend.

Dragonquest is one of the old nip RPG's on the famicom right?
so their new name is literally just japs stringing the latin alphabet into syllables as a nonsense name

I've always felt that
going by Tolkiens standards I always imagined the elves as celts, dwarves as slavs and the kingdoms of men as either rome or germans
but gnomes?

I was explaining to my girlfriend how Islam is not a peaceful religion and that Trump's position on Muslim blocking is probably his best policy.

Her response is:

Liberal brainwashing got to her hard from middle class white liberals in college and websites like buzzfeed. It's gonna be a long road for at least moderate red pilling, but I have high hopes, she's got a close family, doesn't buy the pansexual apache helicopter shit, and was a virgin when we started dating.

You forgot
Gets an int bonus but usually are mad
And let's not forget kender who are written into old version of the game as thieving but get away with it because of being childlike as a rule

My sides now lie somewhere on the moon.

Don't argue, fat neckbeards love to believe that dwarves are big and manly just like then and that Tolkeins Aryan's are actually jews.


generally yeah/
gnomes are such kikes tbh

Add in the guy's first post with the story

Good idea give me a second

Nah, this Dragonquest. It's an obscure AD&Dish TSR game. The tranny's name was just pure gibberish. The whole thing is oddly appropriate since he's now basically LARPing in a fantasy world where he's an attractive woman and not a grotesque mentally-ill eunuch.


It's kind of sad the the only unpredictable thing about this story was whether he shot, hung, poisoned or gassed himself at the end.


Gas yourself sodomite.

i'm not a sodomite.

I feel bad for Sweden, your country is the ultimate liberal cuck story.

Why does the negros pants change color when he drops them?

I do

This thread reminds me how many times red pilling saved my ass, future and sanity.

>Throws another rage fit DO YOU WANT ME TO DISOWN YOU?

I wouldn't be surprised that he is a schizophrenic and narcissistic on top of his obvious alzheimer's disease.

I became a red pill and became more successful than him. I started to despise shitlibs and inconsistent narcissists and autists because of that fat fuck. I'm more resourceful and capable than him.

When you begin to internalise the idea that none of your problems would exist if you were the other gender (the grass is greener fallacy).

In men, it's having to take responsibility. "If I were a woman, people would take care of me and no one would judge me for being a useless shit that doesn't contribute anything to society."

In women, it's the age-old chip in their shoulder. "No one takes me seriously. If I were a man, everyone would consider my opinion to be worthwhile and listen to every retarded thing I say."

Mix this shit in with some depression, fetishism and a "community" sickeningly eager to get you to embrace degeneracy, and it's easy to see why the tranny phenomenon has blown up in the past few years.

… yeah, friendship over. Sucks.

Their parents uprooted them from their homeland to go live in some bland town (not sure where you're from but I'm guessing b.f., U.S./ U.K.) so the parents could go & pursue their careers with giant multinational firms. Probably when the company suggested relocating them to the U.S. they didn't consult their family but just said okay, "Pack your bags," and now the kids never see the parents who are working their asses off in order to ensure that the decision to relocate was financially prudent while hemorrhaging cash out the rear for international student tuition (which is sometimes higher than domestic) and for daycare, nannies, etc to stem the tide of mutiny from their kids or whatever other members of their households. Whatever thin bonds the kids may have managed to develop to their native culture are virtually severed, meanwhile they are suffering abandonment & shit.

what happens to a female who doesn't cuck her mate and is super submissive and docile all the time? would she get picked by the alphaest male?

Does he go on the internet by the name of Ghost?

no if a female doesnt cuck her mate her pair bonded male is far less aggressive towards her and actively engages in warming the eggs and feeding the young as well as violently defending the nest from any would be intruders
the cucked males dont and act like they couldnt give a toss if the eggs/chicks are eaten

I'm from Poland and I never met a SJW or other cucks. If it wasn't for #GG I wouldn't know such people exist.

No. In fact I trolled him off Internet by getting on his nerves IRL and sic'd few bored trolls I knew personally.

He's too demented to use internet proper these days anyway. Nowadays he repeat the cycle of breaking and 'fixing' his old windows vista shitbox by installing and re-installing various browsers. PC scanners and 'PC boosters'

Let's just say I'm not going to attend his cremation. I have better things to do like shitposting on Holla Forums for example.

Can confirm, having a loving committed submissive housewife makes the test swell up and my need to defend incredibly high. Especially from antifa fucks the one time we tried to see Trump in town


It depends on the generation and the country. Don't forget POZ comes in many guises. Whenever it's special snowflake mentality, hollywood indoctrination or good old fashioned social marxism (Like in my case)

We have the entitled and oversensitive generation Z who are grown in their safe spaces, spoon fed bullshit and indoctrinated to some backwards ideology.

Basically my old man encouraged bashing on tradition, church and the establishment without thinking about the consequences. It's AOK to abandon working traditions in favor of zog poison and leftist propaganda. Some may share my fate.

Now we have those pampered middle-high class types who embrace materialism and waste their time and money on things like nigger bling, gangsta culture or alternatively plastic crap and weeb shit. Their parents don't give a shit, so they just throw money at the problem.

Then we get to last form of cancer self radicalized and programmed eager goys of the left or pisslam. Parents who genuinely don't give a shit about they kids, really breed and enable really fucking stupid cucks. Stereotypical nignogs or white socialist-liberals

Unsurprisingly these people tend to live off welfare or government benefits

Well if your t-levels are below a certain level you can get a prescription.

you wouldnt happen to currently be in a coma living in a dream state of your imagining lad?
territoriality increases the test m8 we are naught but civilized beasts of the earth

Well probably the biggest thing that happens is I prefer to sleep with the door between her and the wall, our current bedroom doesn't allow this Not to mention summer is a living hell where I am so cuddling at night is fucking impossible that way if anyone were to break in I would be a barrier for her, it's the little things like that. During winter wrapping myself around her and pressing her into a wall is something we both find comforting, feeling safe and dominant respectively.

Territory is important but it's more like, the mere existence of a female being around and being my female makes my t-levels higher, I am happier, have more energy and more proactive with her around.

When you're old, your test drops, completely natural, however the brain is already wired to accept a drop in test in one way, you'll be accused of juicing if you try to persuade your doctor to give you test supplement because "you're getting older"

k-kono penisuh

Yeah I was raised partly on the liberal church of cultural marxism. It turns out (as I figured out the hard way) that pathological altruism isn't an effective substitute to life skills and proven traditions.

Red pilling is the only way to prevent complete cuckery. Ironically doing the exact opposite turned out to be more beneficial. Most of the 'altruists' I grew up with were shameless materialists and were laughably inconsistent. It was either extreme for me. It was either deluded blue pill idealists or narcissitic baby boomers. Now I'm back to old tradition, education and gathering life experience. More or less I am excommunicated from my family for the most part. Nothing of value was lost so to speak.

altruism is only positive if you are providing for people who will also provide you with some long term benefit
its also only logical when you have more than enough goods for yourself and your own kin
this globalist altruism we have these days is harmful to everyone since its goods being tossed to the rabid dogs of mankind
they forget about it as soon as they've eaten it and they always want more

tbh that's pretty minor. comfy, but i was hoping for cute stuff about how submissive she is and how you tell her what to do to keep her feeling subby and safe.

and you mean with yourself between her and the door, right?

Well yeah, you guys BTFO your leftists and jews. I don't know what the actual demographics are, but I've heard other Poles have to really try to find leftists.
pic related

If you realize that, it's not really altruism anymore. This is probably why a lot of Island of 120 IQ Whites become liberals. They're smart enough to realize being altruistic towards their countrymen isn't actually altruistic, but they're not smart enough to realize this is the point of in-group altruism. The best action for them to take purely for the benefits of others is to give their countries away to the unwashed hordes of the global south, and our (((governments))) enable this.

We are living in the age entitlement, various globalists are hell bent urging people to become some substitute to welfare. That and the fact 'good' people WILL get exploited and stomped on. That is a damn inevitability. Only beta-nu males tolerate that faggotry.

the meme that its all for the benefit of the economy has to be thoroughly debunked and soon
its the only pillar the dumb fucks stand on, if you point out that these third world parasites are going to do fuck all but peddle drugs, rape women/children and suck on the welfare teat their attitudes should change if theres any shred of sense left in them

the human cattle must be fed and the economy must limp on in whatever form it can in their eyes

Ah damn it yes, sorry, was busy shitposting and being productive at the same time scrwed up my syntax.
Hmmmmm, the biggest thing is that she does have some anxiety and depression issues, when she gets really bad, like crazy anxious, a good slap to the face calms her right down. She also gets incredibly embarrassed by talking about lewd things, like, she unironically starts to stutter if I ask her to describe in detail what she wants me to do to her. Probably the most satisfying thing is that look of hot flushed embarrassment and arousal at the fact she's so turned on but doesn't want to admit it. Puts her right in her place of being a nice sub and hole to fuck.
I'm not going to go into kinky shit, this thread isn't for it and I don't feel any need to go further than that.

with a titchy thong like that why even bother pulling it down? it's not going to protect her from the cane.

to the face? not spanking? that's more comfy and cute.

maybe anxiety and depression are why she likes being a submissive housewife.

>I'm not going to go into kinky shit, this thread isn't for it and I don't feel any need to go further than that.

She gets spanked if she forgets to do some little things that bother me, like for instance if after taking a shower she forgets to hit the tab that makes it switch between tub and showerhead, resulting in me getting a blast of cold water on the head. I'll grab her and put her on the edge of the couch and spank her a couple times, but she doesn't do that much anymore. Sometimes instead of spanking a much more affective method is to just pin her. She finds it incredibly hard to believe how much weaker she is than me so we also wrestle (and I hold back just to make it fun) but if she starts playing dirty she gets overwhelmed in seconds and punished.

I would say it's a large part of it, family history of depression and anxiety so it's something she's working on.

I simply don't have anything I can mention off the top of my head, I've been so busy working full time and starting a company I only have time for quickies. I guess the lewdest thing I would be willing to admit is training her to cum from multiple parts of her body (breasts, tailbone, armpit, feet, legs and stomach if you're long enough, she cums the hardest if I pet her head and rub her ass at the same time) just by being rubbed by me.


hot and comfy.

punished by spanking?

how do you help her? besides the slaps.

>training her to cum from multiple parts of her body
>just by being rubbed by me.
that's really amazing.

she's really really lucky and i hope you get time for more sex with her and that your company goes well.

I know that feel

Meditation some spiritual experiences, she does believe heavily in her ancestry and family and we're pagans. As well as having her read lots of books and explaining my own struggles with depression when my mother died. She was about to go off the deep end into the cock carousel before I met her.


how else?

how did you meet? and how did she change from that to a submissive housewife?

and how do you train her to cum from being rubbed and patted?

As I said pinning is the only other thing, she never earns any serious punishment and she would probably be traumatic, she's submissive not masochistic.

Online when she moved to a nearby city, we talked over email and hit it off and decided to try a date, and hit it off. And we did, she admitted latter she went to me to just get her virginity broken and thought she would move on to someone else, too bad, her virgin self didn't stand a chance. Gave her modest dates and established dominance and always had something to talk about, we were clear what we wanted out of the relationship and I gave like I have all my others, exerted dominance and confidence and she got very attached to me for an emotional anchor. Just kept fucking her and talking her through her problems and she genuinely listened because she didn't interact with anyone else having just moved to the city area.

Yeah but is she white?

Of course, mostly slavic like me

I've been at 4/5 stage, finding Holla Forums saved me from crossing the event horizon. I still have one of those edgy matrix jackets to remind me of my sins. What a miracle can good redpill do, lads.

I don't have a reaction image strong enough, but this will have to do.


sounds to me like she doesn't know what a tomboy is, which we've always had

unless she was fat of course

I want you guys to know, I laughed

This has all the classical signs of a brainwashing cult, or as I sum it up, they Bind, Blind + Deafen, and Stress.

They start by finding out what the potiential inductee wants and needs and they use that as bait, then they bind him to a location and to their every word and order, to the point he can't even visit friends without a yes.

Then they blind and deafen him to outside info by sectioning him off from family and friends, and removing his access via lies and theft. They enforce this with increasingly physical punishments.

Then they stress and pain him until he breaks under all this accumulated pressure and they rebuild him into a programmed robot that does what they want.

In essence, Monarch (MKULTRA) Programming. Hell, it's possible to do a crash course version of this in BDSM. It's called Slave Breaking and the difference in what they say to normies and what is actually done is completely nuts.

I'll share it if anyone's interested, I was trained in it by a Fucking Jew named (((David Jacobs))).

What is it with your town? I thought flyover states had good values. A lot of the people I know from midwestern states are down-home American types, healthy looking, free of major social/behavioral defects, etc. I know there are exceptions such as Milwaukee, WI / Bloomington, IN / pretty much any college town. Just curious why your town produced so many dysfunctional people.

that's true though. your pic about the ftm shows how women get it easy.

Sure, but even if every assumption was true, a guy feeling that way isn't going to become a woman; he's going to become a tranny.

Praise Kek

it is true. and it's why trannies want to be women. they just can't be.



I hope his eventual suicide is as notable an event as the fucktarded shit he gets up to in his everyday life.

'my labia area' - I'd laugh but it's just so deeply concerning that he actually exists.


even the few /fit/ shit liberal retards get pretty conservative sounding when it comes to women

meh. never post on mine anymore

Dat awful hair
Dem terrible tatts
Dem meh tits
Dat pear body
Dat C section scar/fat overhang

Bruised low hanging fruit on the turn.

You've seen the people over 12 out playing Polemon Go, yes?

You've seen the men in their 40+s walking the streets in MARVEL t-shirts.

It's hardly a surprise their kids are all faggots.

I have an easy but poorly paid job slinging booze to morons, I am (((entitled))) to gubbmint money but by the same principle I'd never again stoop to taking it. I'd rather open my veins.

I never want the state supporting me, it should be a mark of shame for anyone laying claim to it.

I got one.

First green text so please forgive this user.

Had a group of friends in school, I drifted apart from most of them after we went to college. Most are normal enough, a bit degenerate, always partying. Normies.

When we were younger we'd make gay jokes and one guy was an outspoken racist, but covered it in enough humour that he wouldn't get in trouble. Now they all support gay marriage and are anti-racist. More than anything else, I blame Facebook for it.

There are 3 out of our gang of around 12 friends that are almost case studies though.

1. He was really funny and sarcastic but I didn't know him that well (went to a different school, knew my friends through out of school activities). He's a full on Communist. Like, worships Che Guevara, active in the youth wing of our country's most left wing political party, rants about the evils of private property when he's drunk. I think he might be gay too, and another friend agrees.

2. He was my best friend from 13-15. He's not really leftist actively, but his head is fucking rotted on account of his DUDE WEED and strident atheism He started smoking weed regularly around 16, and hanging around with weirdo metalheads. I think he was a Satanist at one point. Into Ouija boards and way stranger stuff. Started on-off dating some girl who was really hot, but an emotional trainwreck, who wanted to control his life. Recently got /fit/, and has cut back on the herbal Jew after 7 years of it ruining his life. Still living at home though. He's more interesting in terms of showing a degenerate lifestyle can fuck you up, even without the degenerate ideology to go along with it.

3. This one takes the cake. He started dating some hyper-aggressive turbo feminist. Didn't see him for a while, he started doing hard drugs, became a more aggressive leftist than 1. Loves Stalin, wants to get a quote of his tattooed on himself. Hangs around with a posse of weirdos, a fucking rainbow of progressives. A gay, a dyke, a gender queer, one of them talked about her tumblr a lot. Last time I met him he was living in a bizarre house with no lock on the front door, a bunch of renters who don't know each other and a family of Pajeets living in the garden shed.

you lucky bastard

Meh.. not available in my country..

Being Polish is great

Actually today my friend who I've known for around 3-4 years commented on a status I made cracking a joke towards BLM. He freaked the fuck out on me over it and fucking blocked me. I was in awe. I always see him posting his shitty nowthis videos but I keep my mouth shut over his posts so it actually bugged me.

that's definitely red rocks. I recognize the lot.

Sorry for being a shitty transplant invading your glorious state, fam.

for all you know thatd be a legally dangerous thing to say to her

Definitely user, tell us what you know, i could possibly use it against them if it really comes down to it.

i hope you unfriended him

good for you man
now just make sure she stays with you and doesn't become a mormon
if theres anything she can do that would only irrevocably damn her according to the mormon cult and not according to any other cult nor according to any religion, make her do it



Speak for yourself. Creating new traditions (that aren't shit) is as important is holding onto old ones (that aren't shit).

Underrated post.

solid kek

Well done.


Ok this is fucked shit, but heres what I know.

Version I was taught involves getting the subject passout drunk and nair'd from head to toe, then immobilized standing to a post in a windowless cell with a drain in the floor. He is Blindfolded with heavy padded straps and Deafened with noise cancelling Earphones, all heavily secured with electrical tape.And every three hours you apply ten minutes of pain. It is recomended that you be Imaginative.

Subject wakes up immobilized blind and deaf, removed from his senses, he can't even hear his own voice and sometimes he is hit by something or cut by something and cries out and can't hear that either.

The breaker uses the water hand squirted into the subject's mouth to hydrate him and also bond. Little cues like smells and touch and pain also imprint onto the subject and bond him to the breaker.

After two days without food, and a week of hand feeding without other stimuli, the mind is plastic and filled with internal stimuli (hallucinations) and can be reformed.

The headphones are removed and orders are given and obedience is rewarded with little bits of food, usually fruits like pineapple, or watermelon. Meaninless orders at first; move your left hand, good boy, move your right foot, good boy.

This is where paths diverge. Jews start doing sexual things here like shoving dildos up the subject and ordering them to slacken their sphincter, good boy, have a treat.

Some folks (((David))) knew into the human puppy shit start the dog training shit here, training them to bark and do doglike shit here, and sexual things with Bestiality overtones and words.

Some sick fucks choose this as the time to castrate and tattoo their new property, strip it of all identity except for bitch, and destroy it's mind except for following orders.
Sometimes they even take the dick too, and embalm them for display on the mantlepiece. (I'm not fucking joking; see

The breaking of a slave's will is a very personal matter, and must be done by it's handler, because if done right, it's an extension of the Handler's brain, the Perfect Goy.

Forgive my autism, but you better inform law enforcement in advance of BAMN and their possible slandering of you, just to nullify their efforts to D&C.

Sounds like a MKULTRA/MONARCH protocol.

Whoops, forget it. Didn't read the parent post.

Wew lad, do lefties even carry bro? lol biggest cuck i've seen tonight, best bait

Jesus, I've been following this thread to laugh at pseudo trannies and that one user's story about the IRL cuckshead, and now I'm once again neck deep in illuminati monarch torture porn horror stories.

Just another day on Holla Forums I guess.

>they used to all be sickly, unclean and unkept, weak, now they're all good human beings except for the fact that they're not white
Feels good man. Now if I could just abandon all of them and get out of San Diego.

Found the elf.

Never played, but pic related is one of my favorite copypastas.

I would like for you to tell us more, specifically about who these people are.

Who is this (((David Jacobs))) who "trained" you? What do you mean by that?

What public organizations that you know of employ this sick shit?

And why did you reference BME?

Help your fellow RWDS members in marking these scum.

Indeed. A site I can recommend for MKULTRA- and MONARCH related topics is

It's very readable and doesn't badger you with too-crazy stuff. For those who can sense and see, but don't have a framework yet. Scary shit.

You're absolutely right user, but the one thing women are attracted to is cocky mastery, and lack of self confidence over a shit body and low t is the death of attractiveness for women.

Also, women will claim otherwise, but as anyone who frequents this board knows, they always say one thing and do the opposite


There are reasons why lesbians are inevitably so fucking fat and ugly.

sounds like every fucked up doujin I've come across, plus more.
scary shit.

if you know of any good reading material on this I'd like to read it.

what about electroshock?

Didn't mention how the pain would be done, innit?

Sounds like an altogether good catch user, as long as she's white (or the same race as you). Keep redpilling her, just keep it one topic at a time and don't give in a bit. A stern hand is what's needed.


I'm the user from the Dallas threads, (lots of potatoposting an weird shilling) that lived for a year with a certain kike, and saw, did and helped with fucked up shit.

(((David Montefiore Jacobs))) died back in july of a second stroke, to my irritation, but at least he's in the lake of fire. That's some consolation at least for such a gruesome mockery of human relationships.

He's the sort of Jew that likes his goys to be bluecollar, white, naked, muscled, smalldicked, and damaged. One guy had no sense of smell from an industrial accident, guess who was chosen ass wiping and bathing duty?

Looking back on it now, that was one of the nadirs of my mortal existance.

Anons, I highly suspect that BDSM is actually a cover for human trafficking, and this method of breaking makes for willing sacrifices, especially since after three weeks of sensory deprivation you can program anything you want in there if you're depraved as fuck like the Marquis-De-Sade, (who pioneered all this shit)

I suspect the RCMP and Mormons to be doing stuff like this due to the very telltale signs of this sort of programming visible in the robotic stare, movements and one track, one trap circular conversations they have with others.

First is always trying to get you to incriminate yourself to justify an arrest by constantly baiting you into saying something sketchy, even if you asked for directions, or the time. and pulling the same, stupid, intimidation tricks

Second is always trying to convert you and will always try to steer the conversaion towards you converting,

look for: empty, soulless eyes, complete lack of perception of surroundings, inability to "get" idioms, turns of phrase of even slang common to subject's class,nationality or even profession. slack limp face that snaps to sudden, tight alertness at sudden related cues to fufill core programming.

Any more questions?

so what kind of greasy person are you to keep company like that?

Im like the shadiest fucker I know, and the worst things Ive done in life arent even within radar of that shit

Morbid curiosity, and super bluepilled raised by feminist boomer mom and simple cuck dad.

this was back in 2011, I'm not the same person I was then. Holy shit have I changed.

so you were one of these guys butt boys?

Yes. I was a good goyim. To my regret. Look at me now, wanting to gas kikes with helium and tan their hides for leather wallets.

u wan som fuck?


Lad, if you ever feel like killing yourself, take revenge first.


You must do it, in memory of that one mexican kid this one user knew, and shared stories about on Holla Forums

I can't remember his name but it was funny

How you holding up user?


It seems like Islam is the only hope.

I've got a few.

Tell him to stay the fuck out of Canada. We don't want their ass here. Let him know that Sweden is taking fucked up retards. Or go enjoy the privilege of living in Venezuela.

Fuck off Mehmet

doing productive shit in my life and really getting into russian cooking and winemaking. Got a batch of watermelon and chili pepper wine brewing up now, turns out Kompot and wine share beginning steps, so I got plenty of that.


Boris is one of the few youtubers I actually like

Of all the folks in Fallout:NV I wanted as a follower, I wanted Vulpes Inculta the quiet intellectual badass. Too bad he didn't do much after fucking up an entire town of degenerates.

I will have my revenge on the Jews. One Jew, a Dr. Gerald Korn, Artificial insemination doc, AI'd my mother with a half-jew's sperm and told her it was pure german and russian.

Another convinced her to have me circumsised, leading to a gimped sex life of faggotry due to lack of dick sensitivity. Then we have David. I was slow to hate, but the fire burning inside me will consume them all and leave only ashes and dust in it's wake.

Here, have some rare Vulpes Fan art, use it next time you troll furries.


Mate I'm pretty sure you're not trolling them with that image, that kind of thing is actually their fetish. This is what they fap to, this is literally how fucked up in the head they actually are.

Then use it to meme death squads against furries.

Secondly, you should checkout FilthyRobot, especially his Darkest Dungeon stuff,
other Twitchies are often numale cucks all with the same moronic voices content with hordes of infantile fools, Not Filthy's.

that looks really fucking good.

Kill yourself faggot. You're no better than furfags.

I'll never understand this kind of degenerate signaling and why faggots like you are so proud of not being in charge.

This used to be one of my best friends.

'nuff said.

Tell us more about the faggot.

i felt really bad for him
i hope he is happy

I'll make it brief
(His Dad is Military….)



The funniest thing is when you see the moment they understand it all. The epiphany is delicious, even more so when some go through the mental gymnastics olympic to refuse to see the obvious parallels.

This is why we need eugenism.

I've also noticed this. Why do you think this is user?

One of my exes was like that, to it was the most adorable and cute thing she would do.

She died in a car accident a week before I was planning to propose to her, I never got over it.

Good luck user. I hope you get pics of beating this dude for us.

I banged my former best friend's gf in front of him then beat him up after he got all bitchy and weird.

Just felt terrible afterwards though. One of the worst things I ever did.

Wait a minute, that tattoo. I am 95% certain that it says 美

For you monolingual burgers, it means beauty in Jap


Requesting picture of the couple on the beach with the black baby and the dog looking at the guy like what a fucking cuck.

>pretty much my only friend since was bullied throughout my school life

really puts your life into perspective.

Holla Forums

what a fucking faggot




hopefully he killed himself

After you read all the posts, you will understand. Islam can purge them. It's not a choice, it's a punishment for the sins.

Thank you

honestly I hope so too.

I probably would have taken pictures of him if I wasn't so horrified. I'm serious when I say he looked like a subterranean mutant. He looks like the end product of a teenage mutant ninja turtle raping a cantaloupe.

But you really think he did it for you?

He said he did it because he always felt like a woman and wanted to be with me. It freaks me out to think that he would actually go and do something like that. It freaks me out more that he passed all the mental screening shit and got someone to sign off on that fucking operation.

that is so so messed up


islam is beyond heresy, to call it that would be an understatement

and actually ill just leave it at that; i was tempted to bait you into getting mad, but i dont wanna derail this thread

wtf am I listening to?

if nothing else:
At least you're not Anthony Burch

That man's eyes are in incredible pain.

I bet he started crying right after the picture was taken. He's holding back his tears.

Her husband cuck probably has 僕 tattooed to match.

ww, means servant in moonrune

I'm glad you are already posting the reaction image that people would post in reply to you, less work for us

If I were not such a bitter asshole I might consider talking to her again. Just goes to show people can change I guess.

Damn son, I did some screencapping and summing up of this story


under rated post

I hope he notices the irony of his song text and the things he says. Scared you will shoot people. Doesn't want dangerous people like you with a gun. Basicaly afraid that you are violent. Then tells you he is going to be violent and beat the shit out of nazis.

Wait, RCMP?

What do the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have to do with any of this?

Guess who he is voting for?

Eventually I went through that noisy, uneducated post-redpill state and the group broke up, although most of us kept contact individually. It's recently reformed and hopefully things go well this time.

>that fucking webm


Very funny when people who have never had a relationship say shit like that.

The story of Fred, the realest cuck I've ever known:

He's not a cuck if he broke up with her. He's just what seems to be a misguided and gentle fool, which is fine.


as i understand it, the cia n friends use electroshocks because of how it affects the brain – not specifically for pain

Im pretty sure he was never in a relationship with the girl, just "working his way up" by getting to know her better.

They have been showing signs of the same brainwashing in the past four years, everyone I know comments on how inhuman they act now, the uncanny valley effect is strong in them.

I think it's either breaking and reprogramming, or having to participate in poz and look away from nigger attacks and white genocide and cuckening of our once proud nation just to feed clothe and house their children.

My hunch is They'd help murder the entire white race via the legal system and replace us with sandnigger filth if there was a (((promise))) their children would be safe and well fed, and they were well educated and looked after; too dim to know once the last of us is gone they're next.

Something to do with the way programmed memories are stored, this type of flesh robot has cyclical lists of instructions with cues (words, actions, specific objects) that jump to other lists of instructions.
That makes them able to react quick within the bounds of their programming, but when something new shows up like a figure of speech, they have to process it but can't and look at you as crazy and try and drag you to the psych ward.

Even for "Well a little birdie told me Justin Trudeau's real blood father is Mick Jagger." They look at you and ask about voices in your head.

It's not in their programming that you're passing along a message from an anonymous contact, instead you must have schizophrenia and they're low on their crazy quota.

That sounds funny and extremely satisfying to watch.

I'm fairly sure this is how 95%+ of all conversations with liberals go. They can't substantiate anything they,say,so the only avenue of thought they can consistently follow is that of
When they cannot win.
But you did kinda go a bit over the top, when dealing with him. Saying that
is a pretty good way to get most people to stop listening to you. You gotta ease into that shit,nigga.

Gave me the smuggest smile till now

You are probably right , going 1488 mph at first is kinda harsh

>Tell her to send her friends this article:

Seriously, fuck these people. They literally cannot admit that niggers can do anything wrong. I later got my sister to stop talking to those cunts, she's happier now with some new friends she made.

If you're sick of dealing with leftist's shit,start lifting.
Nothing terrifies them more than a straight, white,/fit/ male with confidence in himself and his convictions.

Of course I lift, don't want to be a scrawny little faggot when the DOTR comes.

I don't have access to a gym for about a month. Sorry for off topic but any decent routines for that period ? Should i visit /fit/ ?

Need to keep in shape after all

If you don't have access to a gym I'd just do calisthenics and some cardio. As far as specific routines go there are plenty out there, just find out what works the best for you.

Didn't mean to reply to your post,but yeah.
The importance of physical fitness is incredibly important. The fact that your typical commie cuck doesn't have the slightest desire to improve themselves makes improving yourself an amazing way to show that you're an alpha male.

/fit/,despite the fact that everyone who posts there is gay, is a pretty good resource for workout routines.

That's how i got banned from faceberg

I also knew this one sexually frustrated liberal cuck who couldn't even get in the pants of drunk grills, played chess and was skinny as fuck. He couldn't even fuck that one slut who fucked all her ex bfs when drunk and would offer everyone else a bj

Don't say anything, just walk away and never speak to her again. And if she tries to force a conversation with you act like she doesn't exist at all, just fucking dead zone that shit.

By the way, this almost always means they already cheated on you.

One of the best ways to redpill folks is to have a reformed, penitant heretic like me talk about the depravity and absolutely fucked shit he saw and did before he took the redpill.

I sincerely regret all the shit I did in my social signalling days, like sexual relationships with niggerfaggots, and unlike Milo I'm not going back. If I wanted that sorta sex again I'd build a fucking machine, more control, less stink. They are as snap violent, stupid, greasy and worthlessly lazy as Holla Forumslacks have said for years.

Every time some cuck starts on about nigger lives matter and he a grrd buy he dindo nuttfin, I tell the story of my nigger bf roommate and how he once prostituted himself to a blond-haired blue-eyed nymphomaniac supermarket cashier for stolen packages of $5 ground beef, in public.

She'd steal the beef before the lunch break, meet his nig ass in the back parking lot and fuck in her car cowgirl style (woman sitting on top)

He'd finish in her mouth, and leave with the food.

They were caught by her boss (after doing this six times) after inventory counts didn't line up, but the sikh woman waited for the deep thrust to hilt before pounding on the window, so the whore was pinned by big black shit dick in the backseat, stolen beef on the front seat.

She gets fired, he gets ugly looks from then on.

Bonus, it was only after he spent all our food money on booze smokes and weed that he started doing this bonobo monkey shit.

Bigger Bonus! I had to get him drunk first to loosen his tongue.

Ackshually that pic is all backwards. Thats the female budgie talking to the male budgie

color of the cere


Good work. Always take care of your little brothers and sisters, don't let them get sucked up by SJW bullshit. It's a fucking cult.

Holy smokes
I think I remember this story from /new/ or the early days of 4pol

They were only friends with her to recruit her, their hostile rejection was intended to starve her of her emotional fix in order to make her eager to please them. Dread Game.

You interuppted that, you saved her.

Remember this:

Thank you user, I saved them

OP here, That is truly horrifying and kinda leaving me on edge. I'm sure i'll be fine, I don't think "friend" is that far gone, but who knows. He has cut contact with more people since yesterday which is troubling to me and some of my friends. Save me Holla Forums

I think deep down alot of people know, they're just afraid to say anything to people that aren't open about it themselves.

Kek I remember that shit's_Game

Tell us a woman story then

Alright since we say all stories fuck it i will say another one.

This made me sad. Legitimately mad but also sad at the same time. We are going to retake your sister from the claws of the cultural marxist devil user, and i would love to purge those responsible at your side.

Also a salute to your father and mother for putting up with the modernist brainwashing.

Fuck, that hurt.


There's only one way to fix that user. Make her live like a dog. You're a wolfkin eh? Then you will eat and shit like one. Make her lie in the bed she made. And in a week's time she will be ashamed she ever acted like that.

Tried lot of shit but not this one yet. I guess i will give it a try, it's so crazy it might actually work.


I know that feel. I lost my sister and a woman i loved to jew propaganda too.

And i have absolutely no idea how to help. Me and my sister where never that close and ive gotten pretty autistic the last few years so i cant just talk to her.

And the girl fucked a handful of rando dicks, so theres no going back with her.

Soon, we might not be able to get them back but we will make the jews pay.

She is lost

But the pain in your heart will forge you in fire, and agony will slowly cool imto stoic resolve.

Be grateful for your coming strength, you will need it before long.

I hope i meet some of you anons someday. there arent many that know our specific kind of pain.

To know that the world is lie
To know that the man the call the devil was a hero
To live in a world that actively seeks your destruction
To see the ones you care about fall so far

Soon we will show the world our rage.
Soon the world will know

Prepare yourselves anons. Strengthen your body, callus your mind.

The coming brutality will decide if your people will live or die

Petplay. Petplay is awesome shit as a dom, I once trained this twinky guy to bark on command and beg for treats with puppy eyes and paw hands. We went way back, I was there as a helper for his cherry popping via piss enema.

He was so fucking adorable and slutty, then he got into cocaine and the Shitty Molly and meth found in gay clubs around here and did actual bestiality and now he's a Tumblrite with pronouns like all the rest.

Anyway, dog dishes, leash and collar, paw mitts that disable the hands, and rules backed by physical punishment, and training her to do tricks.

She'll quit, or she'll love it and want more. Either way, have fun


What the fuck.
Tell us about your degeneracy so we can purify you.


>>>Holla Forums

Kill yourself you blithering degenerate. Please try to explain why you are like this though, so your obituary can shame your existence.

I've lived in Oregon for about 20 years. I've encountered this type of person thousands of times.

Please tell me you just made this up.

I just don't want to believe that there is actually somebody with a cuck shed.

Keep reading, my son.

Your story is similar to mine user. I had a friend too and he went from cool dude to super libfag and you can see it in his transition. We met in college and we were both pretty conservative. I only pretended to agree with lefties in order to fuck those college sluts but he fell in love with a major feminist. After she brainwashed him with consent and all that shit, she dumped him because he wasn't the man she fell in love with. He gained weight and now preaches about consent and the glory of feminism. His last picture says a lot about himself.

Good mind gone to waste. What a shame :/


I remember you from a different thread. Please inform.

Hope it works out. If someone says stupid shit hold them to it. If she takes to it she's a goner, if not you have your sister back But whatever you do don't say " oh she'll grow out of it" and leave her on her own.

Ive got a friend who,one one hand supports trump (only after me and some other red pilled friends convinced him), but on the othe hand has a tranny gf (no hormones) and thinks hes bisexual becaus he is dating a """"man"""".

There is still hope for him yet

See here: and here

David was also a fucking fatass because his goyim cooked him food served it to him, made his bed, and did all work not involving him leaving his bed or computer chair. If he had the full 30,000 slaves the Talmud says each Kike recieves after the jewmessiah comes, he'd be carried on a litter everywhere, and even hand fed and jerked off by his slaves.

Imagine a world like that. A world of human tumors that consider manipulating their own eating utensils and administering their own drugs and pleasuring themselves too much work, best let the goy hordes do it to them for them.


fucking petpriest. Anyone still have the chat logs between him and beefstacks? That shit was hilarious

Castration Sacrifice? As in bits fed to the flames?


I don't have a reaction image strong enough to channel my disgust at that

Excuse the sloppiness of this but I don't know where to begin and am still boggled by this.
>a few days ago his bitch (its actually vice-versa considering she takes her kindness and wanting to be a good wife as a MOMMY FETISH) sends me message about how he's bitching at her because she has a shitty sleep pattern and that she's ignoring her

nice blogpost

nice blogpost

You say you only know these people over the internet? Cut all contact with them immediately. They have nothing of value to contribute to you and your life, and if you think for an instant that is not true, you have been sorely subverted.

You'll thank yourself in a few months.

I would but I have no friends to speak-of, I'm /r9k/-tier, I don't have a secure job, no car, only exercise equipment is a pull-up bar and my legs, no gun, whatever money I have for doing occasional jobs goes to video games which I'm a slave to (plan on selling a lot tomorrow to a little shop I know of and I'm very excited to do so that is if they get me the right money), I even quit Jewbook for 2 months. I don't know where to begin with leaving all of this, internet friends were different from real friends for me now its the only interaction I got aside from a bleeding-hear liberal IQ 95 family.
No fucking objections, I don't know what food has estrogen in it that makes me care for this petty shit but I'm fighting masturbation. If you have any advice lay it on me but I feel like I still have a chance before I decide to commit suicide.

Word of advice from a guy that had 'friends' worse than this: sunder communications. You can't do fuck shit, and you don't wanna see where this goes.

At least yours wasn't a 30 year old mentally 13 virgin furry into watersports and cockmilking, and you didn't not seperate communications before his whore mother took pity on him. Hint fucking Hint

Does this mean what I think it means?

you have to give her drugs OP. what's happening is a brain malfunction that can often only be solved via chemical intervention. you can whine about the pharmaceutical jew all you want, but remember you're actually of sound mind. she isn't. they invent these drugs for a reason. they're just massively over prescribed.

you have two options:

you either have to sneak her them (which means you'll have to get an idea of where to get the right drugs from which will be no small feat but easily within your reach if you're committed).

or you have to take her to a psych ward and tell them she's threatening to hurt herself. your whole family has to. they'll get the wolfkin thing out of her and start giving her anti-psychotics. there's a significant chance those could snap her out of her delusions for long enough for her to realize there's a problem in the first place.

idk why i said OP but you get the idea


What do you mean, there are many scenarios. She killed him, she encouraged, she took part in it and is one now, what do you mean.

Frankly user, I know it seems like being without them is worse, but believe me when I say its not. They are wasting your time, your effort, and your sanity.

The best thing you can do? Get off the computer. As much as possible. Even if you think you might miss an ebin Holla Forums thread or have to wait for dank jewtube videos, stop staring at a fucking sheet of plastic for hours at a time. Go outside.

Can you let us know a little about yourself? Weight, Height, Age, Skin condition, etc. Pictures are good. I don't want to give you advice that will just hurt you if you are an atrocious fatfuck acnefag.

She sucked him to full mast and rode his dick bareback til finish, opened MSN messanger and told me all about it. That's when I sundered communications.

Seriously, imagine a 65 year old dominatrix furry whore 'dragonkin' having sex with her 30 year old mentally retarded furfag son, and then giving a blow by blow description to one of his online friends.

Furries are fucked up, full stop.

>age is 17 (not an epic dankcock 4chan memer :^) but you can't judge yourself), I got homeschooled for punching an emo girl square in the nose for slapping me on the back of the head hard as fuck roughly 2 years ago which got me cuffed and fined, all she got was Saturday detention which is only 3 hours
>had acne since 6th grade because soda but quit that shit and is clearing up on my face but have horrible fucking backne now and I don't know why assuming its not this radiated screen

I would ask why she's so weak-willed to even do that but to let him get that fucked in the first place means she was a shitty parent from the start, fuck both of them to hell, $5 says he didn't have a father.

His father was a Government Functionary in Ottawa, hence a total fucking cuck. You have to, to work at that level with all those dried up cunts with power over you.

Is it possible that such subversive materials require a certain mentality in order to be effective in indoctrination?

Sounds like you aren't out of hope yet then user. In fact, as young as you are, you've got a lot of opportunity still wide open. One of the best things you can do is go and visit your local library. It seems like such a simple thing, but even just making sure to go once a week, pick up an interesting book, and finishing it by your next visit can make a huge difference. You feel so anxious and unwilling to make change because you aren't improving.

When you are picking books, try to avoid fiction best you can. Its almost entirely garbage these days, and you want to learn things. Pick nonfiction, with a focus on something readable front to back. That means not a chemistry reference book, but an introductory guide to chemistry. A book that you can finish. Don't pick up a fucking textbook.

As for topic, opt for some interesting science, or philosophy, or a trade like woodworking. Learn new terms, and new ideas. Try to comprehend how the world works or how you can make it better for yourself.

Set aside 2 hours everyday. Spend the first 90 minutes reading. Then spend the next /immediate/ 30 writing about what you just read. Ideas, terms, methods, anything. Write it out. It doesn't matter if you will never read it again, put it on paper.

And whatever you do, don't let anything stop you from your reading time. Make yourself do it. Make yourself turn off the computer. Don't leave it running, even having the sounds of the fan running can mess with you, force yourself, no matter what, pick up the book and read it. Under no circumstances will you skip a day.

And if you really must read fiction, read something non-cucked, like Hemingway or Salinger.

I've bought Revolt Against the Modern World and Roadside Picnic which I couldn't get into ad are collecting dust but intend to read once I find the drive to read and that drive was Fight Club which I got after watching the movie. Its one of those occasions where the movie is better but its the first thing I've read since 8th grade. I'm on chapter 12 of I'll finish it and reread with the note-taking.

I don't know how long you've been out of school but I learned more from this place in 2 years than I did in school, this place made my intellect jump. The activities in school from kindergarten to high school are fucking monotonous.
What happens to these teachers when they go to teaching school, they surely must be smart or have some higher thinking but they're just pseudo-intellectuals with more "I'm an elder I know more" than babyboomers.

That's great that you are already reading. Try to follow the 90-30 guideline, if you don't already read that much. I sort of assumed that you hadn't read a book in years (which was almost the case).

The next step is to start spending time outdoors. Get out from your room, its real stuffy in there. If you don't know what to do, or you live in a very urban area and can't go for a walk safely, sit outside and read or write. Add this as extra bonus time to your 90-30, and make sure to spend at least 45 minutes outside everyday to start. Making sure you have enough vitamin-D and establishing a set thinking/observing time will do wonders for you socially.

It may seem pointless at first to just sit outside, but you'll find that time will pass quickly and the rest of your day will be that much better because of it.

Also, start writing a bunch of things down. Any idea, significant thought, or plan that comes into your head, write that down too. Or any quote, idea, or explanation that you read or hear on Holla Forums or elsewhere, write that down. If you hear a word that you don't know, write it down. Hear a song you want to listen to again later? Write it down. You won't believe how easy it is to make a marked improvement on your mental organization.

And in case it wasn't obvious, stop jacking off and eating loads of sugary/oily foods. It doesn't help. At all. It can only hurt you.

Click on my ID and read my posts in this thread on Cult Recruitment tactics starting here:

Tumblr is proof that Mental Illness is trans-missible, if not virally then Radioactively. It's like religious pressure in Civ 5, the more tumblrites you surround yourself with, the more likely it is you'll convert every day, and the worse the damage.

You have to remove her from that enviroment and remove her old friends. It's the only way.

Cheers, looks like an interesting read, I'm not the same poster though, I actually asked about it because I too have a younger sister who was exposed to that stuff a couple of years ago when she was 15, but she came to her own conclusion that SJW's and Feminism is retarded.

In fact, just yesterday she was having a giggle from watching Yuri Bezemenov after learning about Social Marxism.

Please be a shitpost. If not a shitpost why would this have any right to work. This will degrade her into degeneracy further you degenerate fuck.


I don't know about this lad… I surely don't wanna risk making her even worse. You have to give me specifics here , and examples in which that worked.

I am ready to go to the depths of hell to bring her back if i have to

See this post:

Well… if i have to… if things get to the point of no return… i guess it is a last resort, but i think for now things could be salvagable , at least she is still fit , she didnt buy into all that fat is good bullshit and she is still 18.

So what is the point of no return ?

specifically i would try and slip her anti-psychotics like i mentioned before. one of the easiest ones to get your hands on would be seroquel (quetiapine). any serotonergic-dopaminergic antagonist would have similar effects though.

another option though far riskier would be to give her certain hallucinogens. i know this sounds counterproductive but a friend of mine i've been friends with for a long time was transexual as a teenager and then he started doing psychedelic and dissociative hallucinogens and all of a sudden he just wasn't trans anymore. it was the strangest thing. like they made him realize that his body is what it is and that his identity was just a fictional quantity in his brain.

i can tell you one though though, they won't make this worse. drugs don't push people in any direction permanently outside of sustained use. most of what you hear about drugs driving people crazy is hyperbole–if they go crazy they were already crazy to begin with.

this might work too, but i'm a pharmacy grad student so i usually approach body issues with chemical treatments. maybe it's what she needs instead–only you know the full specifics.

i don't know if any of this will be helpful to you but it's just my 2 cents. you can obtain virtually anything useful for this purpose on the darknet for btc. even packaged pharmaceutical agents. i know i've seen seroquel on dream.

does she take any sort of medication now whatsoever? or is she totally clean and still off her rocker?


She is totally clean , not even smoking.

I'm living with one, it's fucking awful.

This has to be the worst advice I've ever read. You do NOT want to slip a degenerating crazy ANY type of drug. Fun anecdotes; I know a guy who was depressed for years but stable. Took antidepressants from his doctor for 3 days and walked in front of a bus (survived). I also knew another guy who took anti-psychotics and killed himself.
Yeah for good fucking reason. How can you be a pharmacy grad and not know that what you're saying is incredibly fucking retarded? How can you be on Holla Forums and not know. Lurk more. Type with proper punctuation too.

I can't offer anything really because it sounds like an advanced case but if at all possible I'd cut her off from whatever afflicted her this way as much as you can. Good luck, user.

Oh but you are, my fallow shiposting nazi meme magician.

Feels good to be among the initiated, doesn't it?

Also, I haven't laughed this hard at a suicide in at least a few months.

Good form.

who is this guy? I se him posted a lot


Osama bin hajeed

Dude if they were touched when they were 6 it means they're massive sluts now.
Seriously most of the sluts I've banged were abused as children, it opens them up early and fucks up their brain.

wow, thanks for posting, faggot!



is sam hoidl, bagel expert extronaire!

Are you big? I have similar experiences, they say men think with their dicks, but if you can please a woman you can get her to do anything.
If you can give them orgasms, they'll totally change as a person to keep them going.

Anxiety, insecurity, irritability, etc. can be construed as "gender dysphoria", when it is really just a general symptom of being unsatisfied with life and needing a positive change. Same with depression and other bullshit disorders, it is your brain telling you you aren't the man you are supposed to be and you need to get your shit together and improve but (((psychiatrists))) insist SSRIs and tranny pills are the real answer, fucking snakes.

The hairline got shorter and shorter
Just fuck my shit up



Sounds great to me. Natural selection. If you want a better ratio of saved people, pick another group and location. Of course the environment will have its effect. Of course only a minority will resist it effectively. Big deal. Pick your environment.



What part of Mass? Meet up today, user?

user, do you know what Triage is?

Your goal is to save as many folks as you can in this disaster, and you have limited time and resources. In order to save the most you'll have to write some people off. It is Inevitable.

The girls dating niggers can be saved, because all you have to do is make him look like a chump in public, and subtly entice him to chimp out. Do it in front of a large group, and make her lose social face because of it.

Girls date fucked up specimens for signalling purposes. Them causing her to lose face makes her likly to dump him.

No, actually, they cannot.

might be able to give advice here since i am the same age as you

First of all, you want to cut off some of that computer time to train muscle. It doesn't matter what kind of muscle as long as you physically tire yourself because it increases your energy, makes you feel better and gives you bigger muscles which is a plus for the ladies. If you can't afford to go to the gym, start running, jogging or look up some exercises for which gym apparatus are not needed. /fit/ can help with this

The thing that did me well was stop caring about what normies say because most of them are quite retarded, and this is coming from a guy who went to a prestigious highschool with bilingual courses. If you want to gain social status with nornies, you're gonna have to become a pseudo-normie which means you engage in the lesser degenerate activities but just a bit, such as not getting shitfaced drunk like a idiot but instead managing your alcohol consumption

Since you're homeschooled i presume you have little contact with other people your age so the topic of grills might be a bit far-fetched here but fugging a grill is a great way to increase confidence in yourself and get your ass off the computer chair. Girl groups generally consist of one cute leader figure and a bunch of domewhat lesser beauties which follow her. If you want to have a chance of a relationship with a girl you need to go for the insecure lesser girls in the group and not the narcissistic sluts that most dudes orbit. Those girls are generally kinder and also much better in bed because they feel they have to compensate for their supposed insecurities. I am in a relationship with a 6/10 thick girl who was rather thick and thus got little attention from orbiting betas but she legitimately turned into a 8/10 in bed because she was so enthusiastic.

Another thing to consider is eating less junk food, which is stuffed with useless fat and sugar and instead eat other tasty foods that don't give you a heart attack at 20

As another user said, reading books is great too because you read fashy stuff and drop internet time

t. Dutchfag



Better for us to kill them than Produce almost white babies huh shlomo? Best to let the niggers create more niglets with higher threat potential with them then?

Not surprising tbh considering she is a white south african

I dated a crazy bipolar girl who was getting a master in Mathematics at the university we attended at the time. She was attractive, mostly German heritage… We dated for about a year until she became too nuts for me to put up with (threatening suicide over stupid shit and just generally acting erratically). After we broke up, she moved to Chicago for a job. Fast forward 2 years and I get a text from her telling me that she's going to be in town where I am for Thanksgiving and said she booked a hotel for us. I was single so I figured why the hell shouldn't I just go meet her and fuck her all night. When I got there, everything seemed normal and we chatted for a while and fucked a few times in the hotel room. At this point, I noticed that she didn't have much stuff in the hotel room, so I asked her where all of her stuff was. She said it was in "the other room". And I was like wtf you have two rooms? After a lot of questioning I found out that her boyfriend was in the other room waiting to get sloppy seconds because he literally has a cuckold fetish. She then asked me if I would be willing to let him watch. I didn't want any part of that shit, so I told her no and left. It was really weird.

Ayy lmao

If you want to go scooping through leftovers with literal nigger dna in their brains I wont stop you, but don't ask the rest of us to throw their standards out the window when it comes time to pass on their bloodlines.

Actually, nevermind I read your post history

Clearly you are struggling with mental imbalance after being sodomized by jewish sociopaths.

I forgive you, but please do not ask the rest of us to consort with coalburners. It's just not going to happen.

He believes that he acquired that "labia" because of these musical hypnosis videos on youtube

Not making this up

you coulda saved her and had babies with her, user:) IKTF

fuck you faggot

loved it

eek. Those people make themselves flamethrower magnets.


I just read the links. Damn it, guess I'm tainted too. Thanks Mom for the Progressive Education.

You're going to have to kill them all then, or sterilize them and use them as attendants and wetnurses. (links were unclear on the topic of breastmilk).

The untainted lefties can be stockholmed, then put to work in breeding pits producing new pure women for more traditional relationships with men. Real wives, not halfway hookers always on the lookout for better richer handsomer dick to batter their tonsils with.

I'm not going to kill a white woman (who has not been involved in active political treason against our countries and race) on general fucking principle. I never brought up murder. I'm a realist, not a fucking savage.

Sterilization and re-education (or exile, depending on the circumstance) seems like the best option.

disgusting, isn't it?

The problem with exile is it always comes back to bite your asscrack, look at the fucking kikes, did exile fix them? No, they went elsewhere and then started fucking up there and came back a generation later.

You have to deal with the issue to prevent future issues.

I see your point, but these are washed up white women with a history of terrible decision making and nigger induced microchimerism we are talking about.

I wouldn't trust them to live long enough to learn how to harvest wild berries, let alone form some kind of tribal raiding society to take revenge on us.

But I gotta say, the idea of a gaggle of filthy, haggard landwhales with fading hair dye and rusty facial piercing attempting to raid our cities with sharpened sitcks and shit made me laugh so hard it gave me hiccups.

it can go both ways from what ive seen
exactly as you've described and the other ones become allergic to dick basically

well im no burger but im guessing its an Ironic tattoo then


Ice queen or community fucksponge.

Never, ever ever anywhere inbetween the two extremes.

Sad really. Murder would be kinder in some cases tbh.

I love when shitty musicians need literal inspiration to make anything

sorry lad i didnt

i dont know if it was a proper cuck shed or if he was just in their getting some tools, all i know is i come out of the bedroom with cum still sticky on the end of my dick to get a glass of water from the kitchen and he's popping out of the shed in a black ACDC tshirt and green cargo shorts

It was a legitimate cuckshed. She most likely texted him to get out and meet the man who just fucked her, it gives them an extra hard on so they can jack themselves off later as their wife sluts around.

I have extremely similar stories if you would like them.

by all means lad share
he didnt meet me by the way just sort of head down shuffled around the garden fucking around with a hose while i retreated back to the bedroom to ask who the guy in the shed was

im actually pretty surprised we know so many women that have been molested as kids
since the majority of Holla Forums users are working/middle class and white this doesn't spell well for us if so many of our femanons are molested

considering the high percentage of paedos in the babyboomers and gen x generations
white children being the holy grail of the child sex trafficking industry
the redefining of sexual abuse to include your biological parents washing your genitals after the age of 4

and the retrospective emotional head fuckery of the modern sexually liberated woman and girls in our class structure are probably pretty likely to get molested in our jew ruled degenerate society

we're about two steps away from being literal goy cattle now, they rule us with impunity and can make any incident go away by throwing money at someone

sorry about the poosts fucking servers acting up

It's the one of the real reason I hate that generation with so much vitriol,it makes that "lol just shake the manager's hand" rhetoric everyone always fumes about look like a charming quirk.

I've known so many girls my age who have been violently deflowered by boomer age relatives I don't even know how to process it.

That fucking hippie rhetoric they grew up with. Free love. Just do what feels good maaaaaaan. They leeched off their parents, and they peel what ever pieces off of their children they please, emotionally, financially and sexually.

It makes me see red.

No user, we are two steps away from something much more satisfying. Hold the fucking line.

its a fucked up situation lad
my own mum had to ask for my opinion on this story she heard from a friend who apparently knew this woman who sucked off her own son from childhood and instead of masturbating normally he just asks his mum to suck him off
my own mother had to ask for clarification from me on whether or not that was morally wrong
like i could see she thought it was wrong but wasnt fucking sure, the doubt that her own views on it you know, dont fucking give blowjobs to your relatives might possibly be wrong in this day and age

fucking cold war ZOG propaganda worked too well on them and created a generation of pleasure seeking sheep who can;t even be sure of their own thoughts and emotions without having someone tell them what to think

Fucking get a job doing landscaping

Sounds like your mom was opening up the possibility to suck your dick

c'mon lad dont be gross

I'm laughing outloud but my soul is withering inside.

I know millennials have a shitload of problems, but there will never be a generation in the history of mankind as ruinous and vile as these ZOGborn assholes.

But then again they were the children of the people who ground National Socialist Germany into the dust and raped the leftovers to death, so what the fuck kind of children did you think they were going to spawn, heroic nation builders?


like all degenerate sexual fantasies, incest is only "cool" when there are no stakes. that's why they have to remain fantasies.

no family ruining awkwardness, unplanned pregnancies with messed up offspring (and a million other downsides I can't even probably think of)

I remember Japan recently put out some kind of ban on all incest related content, that if incest was in the storyline it had to have some type of really sad ending and it couldn't glorify it, like porn should be some kind of morality tale (kek worthy but still)

this might only apply to works that are sold but I don't remember the specifics of it, (weebs around here might know more)

Why do so many Holla Forumsacks live in MA? Auburn here, fam. But I'm originally from the south.

I admit I developed an incest fetish for a bit when I was dating a girl who would call me big brother during sex. I don't have a sister so I thought, fuck it, no harm done if I brush her teeth every now and again.

Of course, I found out later that she sucked her brother off when she was 12.

Into the trash it goes, as they say.

Shotacon is fucking garbage, favoured by emasculated men that need to self insert as a little shrimp. There are worse things out there (yuri, futa on female) but shota is retarded, pic related.

I get that in stereo lad
they were raised by ZOGmedia tv and cold war propaganda and the only ones who have valid opinions are outliers
the internet opened our eyes and gave us access to the truth
The generation before the internet still buys into ZOGmedia and the left/right dichotomy while the generation after us is going to be raised on gender identity pushing cartoons and will have to hide behind 7 proxies just to find an unsolicited opinion of israel
its fuck my shit up fam

plus you have to remove the westermarck effect, which is only possible if you had no real contact with someone for the first five years of your life
if you were raised by your biological parents from birth good news! its impossible to become sexually attracted to them without fucking up your brain because your brain literally hardwires itself to not become attracted to them
its why consensual sibling/sibling incest with an age gap or cousins incest is much more common than parent/offspring unless daddy/mommy's an amoral paedo
theres a rare phenomenon where parents and offspring become separated shortly after birth then get reunited later on life after the childs reached sexual maturity and they've started having sex see
which in my opinion is what happens when this phenomenon doesnt take root

Is biologically even possible?
Teach me user.

Still want the sauce on the original pic… no one has ever delivered.

We will reforge the world in our own image. And it will be glorious.

You stupid fuck. Holy shit you stupid fuck. These drugs create lifelong dependencies and destroy peoples mental and physical faculties. Anyone recommending them is either a kike or someone who bought into kike lies.

LSD and Psilocibin are non-addictive, you cant get dependent on them and there is evidence that using either drug only once can cure clinical depression, anxiety and a host of other psychological conditions permanently
it would be interesting to see if their psychosis remains after being subjected to these mind altering drugs, some doctors are suggesting these hardcore hallucinogens may have a reboot effect like how electric shock therapy was supposed to work
by pushing the brain to limits when they come off it they've balanced out

I was 'friends' with autistic, unemployed, fat tranny. Apparently my insights were all welcome up until I started to point out the bullshit in his retarded emotionalism, arguments and new age horse shit. Not to forget his double standards and inconsistency. I stopped caring when he threw me under the bus to use as a scapegoat to calm another suicidal anti-GG (And personal asspal of Zoe Quinn) tranny down. The best part? I don't give a shit about GamerGays. I simply said that Anita and Zoey are lying sociopathic sacks of shit. That's all.

Basically someone I know personally triggered her point to complete autistic rage meltdown. Little they know I got their dox.

I really don't want to write a fucking thesis here, but basically LSD temporarily loosens or completely detaches the subjects mental conditioning and imprinting, which explains the sense of reality breaking down often described by users.

Used in a clinical setting, it can be used to delete undesirable habits and psychological damage and replace them with better, life-affirming states of mind (hence reports of "nirvana" and "seeing god" by some users)

Which is why it was promptly banned as a psychological medicine by the (((federal government)))

Used by unscrupulous kikes, you can break people down and reprogram to be what ever the fuck you want them to be (coughcoughMkUltracoughcough)

Used irresponsibly as a party drug, you often get a very confusing mixture of the two.

I don't know about any of that, but weren't a lot of Freud's theories kind of thought to be him kind of projecting his own weird Jewish angst on to everything?

I had a cute older (Half) sister (four years difference) and we would sometimes get kind of playful with each other, mostly roughhousing and fun sibling ribbing. but as we got older and passed puberty things got a little sexual I must admit, ( giving each other surprise back rubs and other dumb stuff) I probably could've taken it pretty far if I had wanted to, but even back then being a semi-liberal cuck I knew it would only lead to pointless hedonism, so many downsides ( having to constantly hide any kind of relationship and pregnancy being a definite hell no)

so I made sure to put the brakes on everything before it went any further, I had to get a bit stern with her and told her to cut it out, and she noticed me becoming a bit distant towards her. eventually she moved on and started pursuing other men (unfortunately all of them were garbage)

then she went off to college and I pursued a career (and became red-pilled), didn't see her for a while until she came back from college and lo and behold she became blue haired tumblr feminist.

she's completely insufferable now, and I make sure to avoid her whenever possible at family gatherings. the few times we've talked have been pretty disappointing mostly because of her freaking out when I disagree with her liberal brainwashed garbage, no matter how eloquent I make my arguments I just get so tired of her reacting like a child when she can't back anything up ( always ends up resorting to ad hominem attacks). extremely sad, but I've almost become completely numb to it.

thinking back on it now I probably dodged more of a bullet then I realized by refusing her advances, she probably would've twisted it as some kind of example of rape/ sexual abuse or whatever ( most of her college friends have made up weird fake rape stories that make no sense).

Christ, if I had a dollar for every time I've read a post like this.

Women should not be allowed in universities. End of story.

No, our universities just shouldn't be kike run propaganda machines. Lots of young men go and become hipsters and other assorted filth. It all depends on how malleable they are, and what they get exposed to. Most people don't harden up until they're in their 30s, which is why within a year or two of going to college most people will be happy adherents to the SJW cult.


I guess, I've never really understood the purpose in psychoanalyzing porn, people just want to get off to something raunchy/naughty. but sure it makes sense that every weird fetish probably has some kind of messed up childhood trauma origin.

from what I've read most of the shit Japan pumps out is made by people that don't even share those particular fetishes, just just scattershot attempting to see what sticks or what's on trend to make an extra yen or two.

your visual analogy makes sense I guess but, I would assume people that have size differences are probably going to end up doing oral sex (if were talking about realism), and even when it's penetrative sex-related none of the mechanics or anatomy ever makes sense in those hentai things, hence why it's just a fantasy. I'd like to believe that most people can have fantasies and be intelligent enough to know they should never act on them ( but I've always had way too much faith in humanity, and thanks to this place I lose more and more of that every day)

oh definitely, you can get well-adjusted humbled human beings or blowouts who fell off the deep end

the Westermarck effect was developed to counter-act Freuds theories on incest
remember Freud was attracted to his mother and used that to justify his theory that all people are attracted to their relatives while Westermarck pointed to Freud that he only became attracted to his mother because Freud was raised by a wet nurse and never had that early childhood intimacy with his mother needed to reverse sexually imprint him against his mother

probably would have ended up more sane if you fucked her tbh lad

interesting, I didn't know that. it's been a while since I've read psychology research papers.

I highly doubt that, especially with how petty and resentful she's become.

I remember overhearing her and somebody having a conversation about Game of Thrones. and she remarked that it's a terrible show because it promotes "rape culture" and "incest"

might have just been me imagining things, but I couldn't help but feel when I looked over at her after that, her angry and disgusted tone was probably more directed at me then the show. (even though she was almost always the aggressor when it came to any of that teenage sexual stuff).

but like a classic feminist, she believes women are never at fault and that men are always responsible for anything negative ( even when it's a woman taking a negative action of her own free will).

she's completely brainwashed and all of her thoughts are beyond Orwell style doublethink. I can't even properly describe how backwards her thought processes.

Links to sad panda bro. Maybe intentional???

Kek we get it user
we've all met them irl
Logos is absent in them instead they are entirely ruled by overcompensating with Ethos and Pathos
she might end up a lesbian or a transmale at that rate for sure
coalburner or her molesting another woman in a bar and getting sentenced is the low end of what you can expect in her future
Kek Westermarck was alive when Freud was I'm pretty sure and was bold enough to challenge him in Freuds heyday

look up exhentai bypass app on firefox, install and use that

eh, she was always kind of "bisexual" from what I remember growing up. I was always a little more computer savvy than her, so I would sometimes look into her computer browsing history and would always find weird porn, especially lots of lesbian shit.

and yeah I think she mentioned something about having a girlfriend or something last time I saw her, I really wasn't trying to pay too much attention. (I get physically ill if I look at her for too long).

I always thought it had something to do with how shitty all of her boyfriends ended up, either they were liars and cheaters or complete cucks that worshiped the ground she walked on. never any middle ground normal guys.

probably another reason she gets pissed off at me, because I don't shower her with attention like most men. meh

kek indeed, only time I ever remember anybody challenging Freud was Carl Jung, I liked some of his books on symbolism and dreams. but I figured most of that was probably debunked years ago. ( once again I haven't done too much research lately)

I'm going to start capping and saving stories like this to look at when I lose hope. There's too much negativity on this board looking into the abyss does that to you about the present and future state of things.

probably best to make a new thread about it, if there isn't already one. we need examples of the common user working change at his own level, not just the god-emperor.

it turns out in the psych world that all of Freuds theories are false
never mind the effect that 2 generations of degenerates and nutbags that were warped by Freud's perversions has caused
whereas many of Jung's theories checked out after studies were conducted

how weird?
seeing into the mind and perversion of the SJW/tumblr feminist is always beneficial to the cause
Know your enemy

so like all women she fucks a chad and then when chad bounces to crush more puss she finds a beta to lean on

Not the guy, I'm

But I saw that Ex's browser history once.

It was mostly tranny's getting railed and dudes performing autofellatio.

Women are dirty as fuck tbh.

I have one too

If it wasn't for that girl I would probably never have been here

I see what that shit does to good people

The problem is some groups out there without our need for cleanblood still want reproducting bitches and these girls will know a lot about the cities they used to live in and the folks that threw them out. That's a security risk.

top Kek m8

ah, that's excellent news (I knew I liked that guy for some reason).

my memory is a little hazy on the details, I guess I remember thinking it was weird and gross at the time, but I'm not entirely sure on the specifics. besides the lesbian porn I remember some anal clips, quite a few solo masturbation clips. and some interracial stuff. it might have all been fairly normal stuff ( by today's standards)

I probably thought it was weird and gross because of my upbringing, our mother was kind of a religious nut and was very negative when it came to the subject of sex (to this day she still can't fathom how any woman can enjoy anything as "disgusting" as sex).

that coupled with the popular wisdom of the time, (where I grew up at least) that women didn't really like sex and really only used it to get things from men. ( not really that far from the truth when you think about it).

so looking back it was probably a mixture of shock (why would any woman look at such things? let alone my sister?) and also being told that sex (especially outside of procreation) is disgusting and sinful (drilled into all of us from a very young age by our mother).

as I said she was older than me, so she was probably just curious about sex in general ( more so than I was). around the same time I remember waking up late in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, but I ended up catching her masturbating in front of the bathroom mirror ( she was wearing black elbow length gloves and using what I now assume was an electric toothbrush that she had repurposed into a vibrator)

thank goodness she was too into… (herself I guess?) to notice me and I was able to sneak away to the back door outside to take a whiz ( after my boner calm down) kind of wanted to kill myself after that horror.

that was probably the pattern, at least four high school anyway. not really sure what her dating life was like in college. probably awful when she became a feminist.

and of course she's a terrible hypocrite, because she condemns anything sexual in media as patriarchal and demeaning/ objectifying monstrosities that are only designed to hurt women. ( pretty funny coming from somebody who masturbated to a bunch of porn)

eh, I still think the whole women love sex thing is really just them trying to signal their peer groups

because the media tells them women like sex and it's cool and hip and all that other trendy garbage. from what I've read recently the vast majority of women seem to "think" everybody is having tons of sex (except them) and they have to act like they are or that they think it's super greater or whatever, but the reality is that most women aren't really having that much sex, and they don't really miss it either ( unlike men who feel kind of crappy when that particular biological itch isn't being scratched, last time I was in a long-term relationship I would've given anything to have had a female style sex drive, nothing feels lamer than asking for sex)

I always thought that was anatomically impossible, then again I guess circus performers are pretty limber…. gross

once you've seen a man get fucked by a horse everything seems fairly tame
thank goodness she was too into… (herself I guess?)
narcissistic and using the mirror as a substitute
might be some epigenetic imprinting on her from your father making her a little too bicurious
sexual repressions bad in any sense these days it just doesnt prepare us for the fucked up horrors of the modern world

then goes straight to pornhub and flicks the bean to facialabuse vids
leftists can be such hypocrites, its hard to be a moral crusader when internally they're all fucking degenerates

contortionists fam

My fucking sides

oh yeah, I remember a news story not too long ago about a guy that willingly got fucked to death by a horse. took me a while to process that kind of degeneracy.

has anything actually come from the study of epigenetics? I remember as of a year ago it was all pretty useless and extremely theoretical.

when I was a younger guy I remember my early experiences with Chan culture, and being extremely resistant to most of the genres of porn that seemed popular. ( especially loli) eventually I thought I'd check out everything to see if there was anything that struck my fancy. but I never developed a fetish of any kind (sort of disappointing) now nothing really shocks or disgusts me anymore. and I'm actually kind of thankful for that. this world is no place for a sensitive heart or mind.

tell me about it, almost every single liberal I've encountered is either a complete outward degenerate or a closet one.

another fun anecdote about sister blue-hair of the immaculate cuck, I was having a conversation with one of my female cousins. she helped my sister move not too long ago, while they were packing up, a box of DVDs fell off the shelf and it was of nothing but hundreds of hard-core pornographic titles. sister of course played it off as some kind of feminist research project, my cousin and I had a pretty good kek on that note.

that's the word I couldn't think of, thanks.

damn, for a minute there I thought that was going to be a happy story.

well at least it worked out for the best anyway.

they've found pretty strong evidence to support the theory that DNA methylation occurring in the genes associated with sexual behaviour is causing/can be attributed to induce homosexuality and homosexual behaviour

perhaps trawl through the darker parts of the internet, your sister may be trying to organise an interracial gangbang/quickly developing into rape, murder and robbery in her apartment with herself as the cumbucket
then she can use the experience to blab/write about more rape fantasies, if she survives of course

most interesting, I'll have to remind myself to check out some of that new research ( hopefully it's from a well vetted source, as I've been hearing that the scientific community is becoming increasingly distraught over how messed up provability and reproducibility is now… probably thanks to greedy jews trying to publish whatever they can for a quick buck)

depressingly that's probably not too far off from the truth, as she's become increasingly more " intersectional" with her feminist spiel. which basically translates into straight white males are a cancer that must be stamped out and every black person was probably better than Jesus, if only institutionalized racism hadn't "forced" them to become criminals.

as I said, just when I thought she had reached the final level of nauseating bullshit. she somehow finds more to disgust me. it's depressing that we share DNA.

especially since she's actually rather attractive and probably would've made a decent mother before being indoctrinated into the "cult". all of that is of course going away now that she's destroying her body with smoking, tattoos, hair dye and probably pozing herself by eating diseased liberal carpets

somewhat related to a current annoyance of mine, as we've had strange influx of annoying rainbow haired sluts and multicultural types near my work.

I'm hoping to transfer out of this godforsaken city soon, it's truly become an unfathomable hellhole.

most of the faked research and non-reproducable data is published for psych and the social sciences
heres one of the papers on how epigenetics may be where the biological explanation for homos can be found

the rabbit hole goes ever deeper
which city you in lad?

Easy enough to do if you're limber enough to do so and have a reasonably long penis.
In my teenage years I tried doing it once, nearly succeeded, I had a gut at the time that was probably the only thing that prevented me from succeeding

holy fucking shit. thanks for summing this up user, I honestly didn't believe it when I was actually reading that
what the fuck

Jeus fucking cihrst

Theyre brainwashed into thinking self defense is evil.

Cradle of American liberty baby! It all started with Otis.

Probably because the right leaning views are entirely oppressed in this corrupt as hell state that basically serves as an HQ for the Dems, so they go online. However, just outside of the liberal ivy towers of Boston are some surprisingly high numbers of right wing minded people. I know this from living among them.

The anger generated by the recent deplorable actions of our tyrannically minded AG is a testament to this.

We just need ruthless purges for the disgusting heroin problem manifesting here in recent years.

Perhaps this is true in some cases, but trust me lad, some girls are just horny perverts. They're out there.

Girls can fake an orgasm. They can't fake being face-flushed and dripping wet at the drop of the hat.

Oh my sweet summer child.

My dad is the same way. He's got three different women right now, a wife, a girlfriend, and the third he calls a friend but he's fucked her and kisses her in front of his wife. When he complains about how stressful it is dealing with all of them, I tell him to choose one and he just tells me to not worry about it and it's not my business. It's disgusting.


sounds like you're the son of a chad

He also leeches off of all three of them for money. Like when his wife can't give him some he will go to one of the others and beg for money and I'm absolutely positive that as soon as one of them can't give him anymore cause he's sucked her dry he's gonna get rid of her and find a new one. He wonders why I never come over, but who would willingly go back to a cancerous environment like that.

I have a story or two about him that I'd be willing to tell if you guys want.

That's what the thread is for lad.

Might want to make a new thread where you open with your story, this one is almost at the limit.

I guess I'll tell it if a second thread for this is made. I think there will be, so keep an eye out for a second one

New thread here:

Cool, see you guys in the other thread

I met a guy on Xbox live named Fong Wu and he was so easily triggered it was pathetic. When I started messing with him and telling him all muslims kill faggots he began crying. He angrily yelled out at me to "watch out with that paint brush I'm using". I told him to watch out for the niggers she's undoubtedly getting a womb busting from. Apparently calling him a faggot was the last straw so he disconnected and we all had lulz that day.


thanks for the six pack.

Me too

maybe you shouldn't do that anyway, wigger faggot.

Sauce on song?

I don't know what song it is but that's Sabaton. Literally the only metal song I like is Carolus Rex.


I'm curious how it becomes methylated in the body. To me, methyl groups are what happens when you fuck up the ethanol production at the moonshine sure

Dubs get

Set up your camera to face the sidewalk and wait for him. Then shit talk him until he's pissed and knock him out.

tbh methyl groups are the simplest form of organic chemistry
DNA is an organic molecule and is held together through hydrogen bonds so if a free CH3 atomic molecule gets attached to one of these hydrogen bonds during DNA replication you have a methylated strand of DNA and that affects the whole molecule, therefore the genes and the chromosome

A fellow EU4 player? I only do it heavily modded, though - MEOIU and Taxes. Gives me a history and geography boner.

dude, the jews aren't even allied with Middle Earth, retard

You know what you must do.

So it's that saying the methyl group is generated internally or could it be introduced externally

where it comes from is irrelevant theres methyl groups present in all living organisms in varying quantities because its the simplest organic molecule
its just it has been found to cause problems, mutations and affect gene expression when it interferes with DNA replication

So a crap shoot as the occurrence is understood so far

made a new thread guys

I fucked up, here's the link

This happened to one of my libcuck friends, except that the chick was actually on camera with him(It's a fucking shame, because as much of a jackass as he can be, he's also a really good guy, and if you need help he will fucking make time for you). He told me what was going on and I told him, multiple times, that he'd be better off owning up to it, because she was clearly planning to extort more money after he paid up.

He paid up, and sure enough, she wanted more money.

Now you know why Britain is the way it is.