Whats your job Holla Forums ?

whats your job Holla Forums ?(doing this)

I don't have one.

Was a international trade and marketing specialist / area sales manager.

Put I couldn't get my work visa and they didn't want to risk it anymore since they where a proper corporation.

But I can't get documented since the USA is trying to extrodite me I have to hide.

how do you live?

I'm a shill. I only come here to make literally every thread to datamine for the International Order Of Jews, who control everything thanks to the efforts of people like me.

You think I'm joking, of course. The fact that you're here reading this prove's we've won, you keep coming back despite the obvious. We control you, accept it.

datamining Holla Forums

live with my mom

does it pay well?

i moderate /b for free

Is datamining still effective if you lie constantly and make up slightly absurd but still believable bullshit whenever you see a "tell me bout urself bb" thread?


I work for ShareBlue. I manage a small team of astroturfers who spread anti-Trump stuff. Within 1 month there will be a new meme spread across the internet that Holla Forums will help with. While it may not be real Holla Forumslacks that still spread it we have enough resources to pose as them.

Save this.

I get more shekels in a month than you probably will in your entire life.

Moderating is good but it doesn't put hot pockets on the table unfortunately.

government job
i make $2,000 a month
but the sad part is im 30 and can't get any more promotions or raises since I don't have any type of college degrees

Obama fucked me over

so i'll be making $2,000 a month until I die or retire. whichever comes first. and i cant retire until I'm close to 70

Nigger you can go back to school part-time and study Human Resources. You will be immediately bumped up to HR then you can hire Holla Forumslacks and less minorities. These things really work. Make sure there are openings or strong needs for that position. Government hires a lot of IT people.


i design build industrial machines.

yes, alone.

i sell less than a dozen a year, but the margin is retardedly high because i have the monopole and my clients have money. i usually make between 400% and 1000% benefit on each one.

other than that, i trade Forex during my free time, can't say i'm successful at it but at least i didn't blow up my 3 year old account yet, so thats kind of a success by itself

IT Systems Administrator. I make 36K. When I'm not fixing network problems or computers I get to make applications that do menial tasks that I'm supposed to be doing like data entry or processing forms.

Professional Semen Donor

Is she a MILF?

fucking you

im too old to go back to school
no money and i'd finish by the time im like what? 40+?? fucking useless

i'm not good with computers. i can barely type

dickhead, stay poor

Not shit. I'm on disability right now after I went and got myself a TBI. Tried to go back to work, but they cut all my support when I did so I'm just looking for work I can do under the table for some spare cash. I'd like to get back to work steadily to make me feel less lazy. Not bitching though, I've got a pretty chill life.